

Visible to the public  3rd Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys'12)
Sep 13, 2012 5:00 pm - Sep 14, 2012 5:00 pm PDT

3rd Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys'12)

WEBSITE: http://necsys2012.engr.ucsb.edu/

DATES: 14-15 September, 2012

VENUE: Santa Barbara, California


. Papers submission deadline: April 20, 2012 . Notice of acceptance: June 14, 2012 . Final version due: July 15, 2012 . Early registration deadline: July 15, 2012


Visible to the public Video 2 of Quadrotor Test with Astec Controller - June 10, 2011

A second video showing REU Ryan Robe piloting the quadrotor UAV.


Visible to the public Video 1 of Quadrotor Test with Astec Controller - June 10, 2011

A brief video showing Zhenkai flying the quadrotor on Peabody campus at Vanderbilt. The quadrotor UAV was being controlled in GPS and height controlled mode.


Visible to the public Networked Control System Wind Tunnel (NCSWT)- An evaluation tool for networked multi-agent systems

Cyber-physical systems, such groups of unmanned aerial vehicles, are often monitored and controlled by networked control systems (NCS). NCS are deployed in many environments subject to realistic, complex network interactions, so evaluation of NCS is crucial to ensuring that NCS function as intended. Given the varied nature of NCS, it is appropriate to use a heterogenous simulation environment to capture the dynamics; however, the design and integration of heterogeneous simulation environments is a complex problem.


Visible to the public Distributed Sampling Rate Adaptation for Networked Control Systems

Authors: Jia Bai, Emeka P. Eyisi, Yuan Xue and Xenofon D. Koutsoukos Appeared in: The First International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Networking Systems (CPNS) in conjunction with INFOCOM, Shanghai, China, April 15 2011, pp. 6. Abstract: Building networked control systems is a promising direction that promotes the evolution of the traditional control systems. The ability of using different sampling rates in control systems provides the flexibility for adapting their resource needs based on the dynamic networking environment.


Visible to the public Dynamic Tuning Retransmission Limit of IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol for Networked Control Systems

Authors: Jia Bai, Emeka P. Eyisi, Yuan Xue, and Xenofon D. Koutsoukos Appeared In: Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 2010 IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on & Int'l Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) , vol., no., pp.666-671, 18-20 Dec.