
Design, development and manufacture of motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds.

Visible to the public  SelPhyS 2018
Apr 23, 2018 7:00 am - 6:00 pm BST

Third Workshop on Self-Awareness in Cyber-Physical Systemsp

The concept of self-awareness has become a hot research topic in a variety of disciplines such as robotics, artificial intelligence, control theory, networked systems, and so on. Its applicability has been explored in various application domains such as automotive, military, consumer electronics, industrial control, medical equipment, and so forth.


Visible to the public FHWA 2018 Exploratory Advanced Research Broad Agency Announcement (Presolicitation Notice)

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued a Presolicitation Notice for its 2018 Exploratory Advanced Research Program's Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). It is expected that the BAA will be released soon.