Design, development and manufacture of motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds.
This research addresses the basic challenge of bringing high levels of reliability and integrity to other domains-domains that can afford neither the cost nor the extra power, weight, and size associated with physical redundancy. The main research focus is on the development of algorithms and computing architectures which enable the detection of fauls without relying on physical redundancy.
The objective of this research is to develop numerical techniques for solving Partial Differential Equations (PDE) that govern information flow in dense wireless networks.
The objective of this research is to develop truly intelligent, automated driving through a new paradigm that tightly integrates probabilistic perception and deterministic planning in a formal, verifiable framework.
The objective of this inter-disciplinary research is to develop new technologies that transform the streets of a city into a hybrid transportation/communication system, called the Intelligent Road (iRoad), where autonomous wireless devices are co-located with traffic signals, forming a wireless network that fuses real-time transportation data from all over the city to support a wide range of new applications.
This CPS research focuses on collaborative driving, specifically in convoy type applications, and testing of hybrid systems. Specfically, this research investigates the development of the computational issues and testing aspects of a newer, more tactical hybrid state autonomous controller for multi-robot exploration scenarios for DSTO Multi Autonomous Ground-robotic International Challenge (MAGIC 2010) and the evaluation of th eautomotive convoy-based scenarios of the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge (May 2011).
This research project addresses fundamental challenges in the verification and analysis of distributed hybrid systems. In particular, we are working to minimize the mismatch between the combinations of dynamics that occur in complex physical systems and the limited kinds of dynamics currently supported in analysis.
The principal objective of this project is the development of novel control architectures and computationally efficient controller design algorithms for distributed cyber-physical systems with decentralized information infrastructures and limited communication capabilities. Interest is in distributed cyber-physical systems where the system components are able to communicate with one another.