Applications of CPS technologies used in the planning, functional design, operation and management of facilities for any mode of transportation in order to provide for the safe, efficient, rapid, comfortable, convenient, economical, and environmentally compatible movement of people and goods.
25/05/2018 - 26/05/2017 | Obuda University (1084. Budapest, Tavaszmezo u. 15-17.)
Organizer: Obuda University
Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Zilina
IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Homeland Security
Hungarian Association of Ph.D. and DLA Students (DOSZ)
25/05/2018 - 26/05/2017 | Obuda University (1084. Budapest, Tavaszmezo u. 15-17.)
Organizer: Obuda University
Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Zilina
IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Homeland Security
Hungarian Association of Ph.D. and DLA Students (DOSZ)
Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 10/03/2017 - 12:55pm
Smart, Sustainable and Safe Cities Conference (SSSCC 2018)
25/05/2018 - 26/05/2017 | Obuda University (1084. Budapest, Tavaszmezo u. 15-17.)
Organizer: Obuda University
Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Zilina
IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Homeland Security
Hungarian Association of Ph.D. and DLA Students (DOSZ)