Critical Infrastructure

Applications of CPS technologies essential for the functioning of a society and economy.

Visible to the public Associate Professor in Modelling, Verification and Quantitative Analysis of Cyber Physical Systems (Telecom Paris)

Telecom Paris is recruiting an Associate Professor (tenured position -- "maitre de conferences") in Modelling, Verification and Quantitative Analysis of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS).

Please forward this offer to your colleagues looking for a position in this domain (Application deadline : March, 26th, 2020)



Visible to the public  GreenTech 2020 - Postponed
Apr 01, 2020 7:00 am - Apr 03, 2020 6:00 pm CDT

The CDC now is issuing a Level 2 travel advisory nationwide and recommending that all gatherings of 50 or more people be cancelled or postponed for the next eight weeks. Mayor Holt Oklahoma City came out with a similar statement Sunday for meetings held in the Downtown area where the Sheraton Hotel is located.


Visible to the public  WF-IoT 2020 - Postponed to 2021
Apr 05, 2020 7:00 am - Apr 09, 2020 6:00 pm EDT


We are sorry to announce that WFIoT2020, scheduled to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana will be postponed with a goal of rescheduling to 2021 in New Orleans. We will announce the new Conference dates and confirm the location as soon as we are able.


Visible to the public NYU Cluster hire of Tenure Track Faculty in Urban Science and Engineering

Dear CPS community,

The NYU Tandon school of engineering is glad to announce a search for a new cluster of tenure-track faculty in urban science and engineering -- See the announcement below.

If you are at the CPS PI meeting, and want to find out more, please come by and talk to me during the coffee break or at poster # 224.




(Apologies for cross posting, please redistribute)