Smart Grid

Modernized electrical grid automated to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity.

Visible to the public ROSELINE: Enabling Robust, Secure and Efficient Knowledge of Time Across the System Stack

Having a shared and accurate sense of time is critical to distributed Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
and the Internet of Things (IoT). Thanks to decades of research in clock technologies and
synchronization protocols, it is now possible to measure and synchronize time across distributed
systems with unprecedented accuracy. However, applications have not benefited to the same
extent due to limitations of the system services that help manage time, and hardware-OS and


Visible to the public Certifiable, Attack-resilient Submodular Control Framework for Smart Grid Stability

The smart grid is a large-scale, societal-level hybrid cyber-physical system with tight coupling between cyber and physical components. Ensuring availability and reliability of power requires maintaining stability of the power grid even as increasing demand and uncertain renewable power sources push the power system close to its operation limit. In addition, the cyber-enabled grid has multiple entry points, leaving it highly susceptible to cyber attacks by malicious adversaries.


Visible to the public The impact of QoT on feedback control systems Poster

It's common in controller design to assume that the controller reads the sensors and writes to the actuators at the same time instant. This assumption is often violated in practice because the controller executes its code sequentially on a microprocessor. If the microprocessor is "fast enough," often the controller will still work. However, if the sensing and control are done by two different devices that must communicate across a network, the resulting timing uncertainty due to network delays and clock offsets will often destabilize the controller.


Visible to the public NSF EAGER: Advanced peak demand forecast and battery dispatch algorithms to integrate storage-based demand response with BAS

Large scale applications of cyber physical systems (CPS) such as commercial buildings with Building Automation System (BAS)-based demand response (DR) can play a key role in alleviating demand peaks and associated grid stress, increased electricity unit cost, and carbon emissions. However, benefits of BAS alone are often limited because their demand peak reduction cannot be maintained long enough without unduly affecting occupant comfort. This project seeks to develop control algorithms to closely integrate battery storage-based DR with existing BAS capabilities.


Visible to the public Pulsar- Wireless Propagation-Aware Clock Synchronization

This poster presents the Pulsar platform, which can achieve better than 5 nanosecond clock synchronization in an indoor environment combining wireless ultra-wideband communication with a chip-scale atomic clock. We discuss the various challenges in synchronization at nanosecond scales then propose and evaluate a proof-of-concept protocol for the same.


Visible to the public Architecture for Future Distribution Systems Including Active Consumers with Rooftop Solar Generation

This project aims to create a Holonic Multiagent System (HMAS) architecture to support transactive energy market of "active consumers" engaged in buying and selling electricity (locally generated from resources such as rooftop solar photovoltaic) in response to real time electricity pricing. The architecture should require little change to the existing investment in power distribution systems while allowing for the dynamic, adaptive control required to integrate active consumers with current and future combinations of high-variability distributed power sources, such as PV generators a


Visible to the public Call for papers and tutorials at International Workshop on Agent-based Modeling and Applications with SARL


International Workshop on Agent-based Modeling and Applications with SARL (SARL-17)

Madeira, Portugal | May 16-19, 2017 |

In conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks, and Technologies (ANT 2017).

Important Dates