
Airplane and space systems.

Visible to the public Cyber Physical Systems – An Aerospace Industry Perspective

Don Winter, VP-Engineering & Information Technology, Boeing Research and Technology, keynote presentation at the CCC Workshop on New Forms of Industry Academy Collaboration


Visible to the public SoS_CPS-Large_Kickoff-Agenda.pdf

Science of Integration for Cyber Physical Systems

Vanderbilt University, University of Maryland, University of Notre Dame
in collaboration with
General Motors Corporation
Kickoff Meeting Agenda
Nov 29-30, 2010

Visible to the public New Developments in Model-Integrated Development of High-Confidence Software

Slides for NSF Kickoff Meeting: Science of Integration for CPS on 11/29/2010

by, Joe Porter, Graham Hemmingway, Nicholas Kottenstette, Harmon Nine, Chris vanBuskirk, Gabor Karsai and Janos Sztipanovits

Provides steps for:

1. Design of working control system for Quadrotor Aircraft using a Simulink Based Model

2. Software design using the ESMoL Modeling Language


Visible to the public Aviation

Cyber-physical issues in aviation.

Identify key challenges related to the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) and its successors.

Provide a logical path from the (safety-critical) problems faced by NextGen to a list of fundamental research topics


Visible to the public NASA Aviation Safety Program - V&V R&D

Dr. Doug Rohn, NASA Aviation Safety, presentation at the 1st National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 08/11/2010