Science Policy

An agreement for the management of knowledge sharing.

Visible to the public Report on the Impact of CPS on Transportation

The U.S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems Join Program Office published a report titled, "the Smart/Connected City and its Implications for Connected Trasnportation" (FHWA-JPO-14-148). This white paper outlines the potential for the emerging connected transportation system to interface with smart/connected cities. Its aim is to lay the foundation for defining steps that the U.S.


Visible to the public The Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization


The National Science Foundation established the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) program with the vision of developing a scientific and engineering foundation for routinely building cyber-enabled engineered systems in which cyber capability is deeply embedded at all scales, yet which remain safe, secure, and dependable -- "systems you can bet your life on." The CPS challenge spans essentially every engineering domain.