
Software & systems engineering and their applications.

Visible to the public  ODES-11
Feb 15, 2014 8:00 am - Feb 16, 2014 6:00 pm EST

Optimizations are crucial to meet the performance, power and cost requirements that DSP and embedded systems have. The aim of the ODES workshop is to give the opportunity to researchers and practitioners working on this, to share their findings and get feedback.

Visible to the public Virtually Transparent Epidermal Imagery


In the process of developing a cyber-physical system capable of displaying the in vivo surgical area directly onto patients' skin, an important research challenge emerged. To generate virtual views from an arbitrary angle, 3D information of internal organ surfaces is crucial. The 3D reconstruction of internal organ surfaces for minimally invasive surgery (MIS) with stereo cameras is usually very difficult due to the challenges in correspondence matching, since there is very limited texture but significant specular reflection on or


Visible to the public Dynamical-Network Evaluation and Design Tools for Strategic-to-Tactical Air Traffic Flow Management


The objective of this research is to develop tools for comprehensive design and optimization of air traffic flow management capabilities at multiple spatial and temporal resolutions: at a national airspace-wide scale and one-day time horizon (strategic time-frame); and at a regional scale (of one or a few Centers) and a two-hour time horizon (tactical time-frame).Year 3 results are summarized in the following.


Visible to the public Science of Cyber-Physical System Integration


The tight integration of physical and information processes in CPS necessitates the development of a new systems science, which is simultaneously computational and physical. Dynamics, modeling, feedback, and control are central issues in CPS research. The unique challenges in CPS integration emerge from the heterogeneity of components and interactions.