
Visible to the public CAREER: Principles of Design in Symmetric Cryptography

Over the past few decades, there has been great progress in cryptography towards provable security. Security properties for many cryptographic techniques are based, provably, on simple computational assumptions (such as the hardness of factoring), with strong proofs. Symmetric cryptography algorithms such as blockciphers and hash functions are typically designed without the benefit of strong proofs of security.


Visible to the public CAREER: THAWS--Towards Highly Available Wireless Services

With the continuing proliferation of wireless technology, a wide spectrum of emerging applications using this technology will be tightly interwoven into the fabric of our everyday lives: wireless sensor networks can monitor personal health or critical infrastructures. The viability and success of many of these applications critically hinges on the availability of the underlying wireless communication. As wireless networks become increasingly pervasive, the problem of radio interference and jamming will be inevitable, raising a serious threat to the availability of wireless services.


Visible to the public CAREER: An Integrated Approach For Efficient Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Analytics

Increasingly, different organizations need to securely share their private data to execute many critical tasks. Recently, several different approaches based on secure multi-party computation (SMC) and data sanitization techniques have emerged to enable privacy preserving distributed data analytics. Although SMC based privacy-preserving protocols allow the participating parties to learn only the final (accurate) result, they do not scale well for large amounts of data.


Visible to the public CAREER: Legitimacy through Cryptography

To assert their legitimacy, French kings were borne under witness, and awoke, bathed, and dressed in public. America's Congress implemented a Freedom of Information Act to create methods for citizens to audit their government. These examples show how traditionally, organizations establish their legitimacy through protocols for disclosure. But disclosure has its practical limits; even organizations need a modicum of privacy.


Visible to the public CAREER: Architectural Enhancement and Design Methodologies for Secure Processing in Embedded Systems

This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law III-5).


Visible to the public CAREER: A Framework for Preventing Web-based Attacks

The World Wide Web is a critical infrastructure that serves our society by facilitating information exchange, business and education. As it continues to evolve, the number of web-based attacks that target innocent web users keeps increasing. Examples of such attacks include Cross-site Scripting, SQL Injection and Cross-site Request Forgery. Recent attacks on end-users and online enterprises through these virulent attacks have resulted in widespread damage.


Visible to the public CAREER: User-Controlled Wireless Privacy via Client-Oriented De-Identification

This project addresses the challenge of strengthening control over location privacy for users of wireless devices such as smartphones. As these devices and their network services continuously monitor our environment, they enable many novel applications with tremendous societal benefits.


Visible to the public CAREER:Towards Effective Identification of Application Behaviors in Encrypted Traffic

Several fundamental security mechanisms for restricting access to network resources rely on the ability of a reference monitor to inspect the contents of traffic as it traverses the network. However, with the increasing popularity of cryptographic protocols the traditional means of inspecting packet contents to enforce security policies is no longer a viable approach as message contents are concealed by encryption.


Visible to the public CAREER: Practical Scheme Design for Supporting Secure and Resilient Resource-Constrained Wireless Networks

A wide range of resource-constrained wireless networks including wireless sensor networks have shown considerable promise in bringing many envisioned applications and services to reality, such as healthcare, search and rescue operations, watch-my-child/aging-parent, power grid control and operations, battlefield surveillance, etc. However, due to the nature of their resource-constrained design and ways of being deployed and used, they are vulnerable to attacks.


Visible to the public CAREER: Scalable, Robust and Secure Group-Oriented Services for Wireless Mesh Networks

Wireless mesh networks are emerging as a promising robust low-cost network architecture able to provide increased coverage and larger bandwidth, resulting in higher quality of service and information availability. Many distributed applications provided on wireless mesh networks enable collaborations and sharing of information. Such applications benefit from scalable, robust and secure group services such as one-to-many or many-to-many multicast and distributed data access.