Networking, wired


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Small: Collaborative: Enhancing Anonymity Network Resilience against Pervasive Internet Attacks

Access to publicly available information can be disrupted by various techniques, and alternative disruptive techniques continue to be developed. Understanding these alternative disruption techniques and how they affect network anonymity, privacy, and performance is paramount not only to the successful design of future technologies, but also to the security of existing networks and systems.


Visible to the public TTP: Small: Collaborative: Defending Against Website Fingerprinting in Tor

The more people use the Internet, the more they risk sharing information they don't want other people to know. Tor is a technology that every day helps millions of people protect their privacy online. Tor users -- ranging from ordinary citizens to companies with valuable intellectual property -- gain protection for the content of their online messages and activities, as well as whom they interact with and when. For the most part, Tor is very secure. However, it has a known vulnerability to an attack called website fingerprinting.