

Visible to the public SBE: Small: An optimization framework for prioritizing cyber-security mitigations for securing information technology infrastructure

Our nation's information technology (IT) infrastructure is vulnerable to numerous security risks, including security vulnerabilities within the IT supply chain. This research addresses the cyber-security risks and vulnerabilities that exist in the Federal IT infrastructure. It will provide new insights for prioritizing and deploying IT security mitigations in a budget-constrained environment. It will also develop tools that can be used by Federal decision-makers and other large organizations which make investments.


Visible to the public TWC: Large: Collaborative: Verifiable Hardware: Chips that Prove their Own Correctness

This project addresses how semiconductor designers can verify the correctness of ICs that they source from possibly untrusted fabricators. Existing solutions to this problem are either based on legal and contractual obligations, or use post-fabrication IC testing, both of which are unsatisfactory or unsound. As a sound alternative, this project designs and fabricates verifiable hardware: ICs that provide proofs of their correctness for every input-output computation they perform in the field.


Visible to the public CAREER: Finding Levers for Privacy and Security by Design in Mobile Development

Mobile data are one of the fastest emerging forms of personal data. Ensuring the privacy and security of these data are critical challenges for the mobile device ecosystem. Mobile applications are easy to build and distribute, and can collect a large variety of sensitive personal data. Current approaches to protecting this data rely on security and privacy by design: encouraging developers to proactively implement security and privacy features to protect sensitive data.


Visible to the public EAGER: Improving Incentives and Awareness, to Increase the Security Posture of Critical Infrastructures

The protection of cyber-physical critical infrastructures such as the power grid, water distribution networks, and transportation networks against computer attacks is a matter of national security, public safety, and economic stability; however, most of these critical assets are owned and operated by private companies with pressing operational requirements, tight security budgets, and aversion to regulatory oversight. As a result it is not clear that market incentives alone will create enough momentum to improve the security posture of these systems.


Visible to the public EAGER: Exploring the Use of Deception to Enhance Cyber Security

Our computing systems are constantly under attack, by everyone from pranksters to agents of hostile nations. Many of those systems and networks make the task of the adversary easier by responding to attacks with useful information. This is because software and protocols have been written for decades to provide informative feedback for error detection and correction. It is precisely this behavior that enhances the chances of success by attackers, by allowing them to map networks and determine system flaws.


Visible to the public Forum on Cyber Resilience

This project provides support for a National Academies Roundtable, the Forum on Cyber Resilience. The Forum will facilitate and enhance the exchange of ideas among scientists, practitioners, and policy makers concerned with the resilience of computing and communications systems, including the Internet, critical infrastructure, and other societally important systems.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Small: Building the human firewall: Developing organizational resistance to semantic security threats

Semantic attacks are efforts by others to steal valuable information by imitating electronic communications from a trustworthy source. A common example of a semantic attack is phishing where a phisher sends unsolicited messages to potential targets. When a targeted individual responds, the phisher then steals valuable information from the individual. Semantic attacks flow through established channels of communication (e.g., email, social media) and are difficult to distinguish from legitimate messages.


Visible to the public SaTC: STARSS: Combatting Integrated Circuit Counterfeiting Using Secure Chip Odometers

Electronics counterfeiting is a significant and growing problem for electronics manufacturers, system integrators, and end customers, with an estimated annual economic impact in billions of dollars. These counterfeit Integrated Circuits (ICs) can have degraded reliability, smaller operating ranges, or lower performance compared to the genuine article.


Visible to the public Breakthrough: Enhancing Privacy in Smart Buildings and Homes

The design of smart electric grids and buildings that automatically optimize their energy generation and consumption is critical to advancing important societal goals, including increasing energy-efficiency, improving the grid's reliability, and gaining energy independence. To enable such optimizations, smart grids and buildings increasingly rely on Internet-connected sensors in smart devices, including digital electric meters, web-enabled appliances and lighting, programmable outlets and switches, and intelligent HVAC systems.


Visible to the public  CRII: SaTC: Expanding the Frontiers of Cryptographic Technologies

As all our data moves to the cloud many new security and privacy concerns arise and traditional cryptographic primitives prove insufficient in such scenarios. A key focus of this research is to advance the state of the art on cryptographic techniques that address these new challenges.