University of Virginia


Visible to the public Occupant Protection and Rescue using Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems

The current trend in the automotive industry is the expanded use of embedded electronics connected to physical sensors and actuators in an effort to increase the functionality, robustness, and safety of new vehicles. Automotive safety, in an effort to prevent crashes and to protect the occupants in emergency situations, provides an ideal application for emerging innovations in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).


Visible to the public Final Report: 2008 Berkeley SoS Workshop

The NSF/IARPA/NSA Workshop on the Science of Security was held November 17-18, 2008 in Berkeley, CA.  This meeting brought together over 40 government and academic professionals from computer security and a wide variety of other relevant fields to consider the state of scientific research in computer security and to identify steps toward establishing a stronger scientific basis for computer system security.


Visible to the public Control Subject to Human Behavioral Disturbances: Anticipating Behavioral Influences in the Control of Diabetes

This project addresses the design of control systems where the principle disturbances are the result of routine human behavior, i.e.