University of Illinois


Visible to the public Collaborative Research: Support for Security and Safety of Programmable IoT Systems

This work examines how to get safety and security in Internet of Things (IoT) systems where multiple devices (things), each designed in isolation from others, are brought together to form a networked system, controlled via one or more software applications ("apps"). "Things" in an IoT environment can include simple devices such as switches, lightbulbs, smart locks, thermostats, and safety alarms as well as complex systems such as appliances, smartphones, and cars.


Visible to the public Executable Distributed Medical Best Practice Guidance System for Emergency Care from Rural to Regional Center Hospitals


The project is to develop an Executable Medical Best Practice Guidance (EMBG) system to assist the adherence of stroke patient care at a rural hospital to the best medical practice as if the patient care is at a regional hospital. The EMBG system is adaptive to the changing needs of stroke patients and physical resource availability, similar to a GPS-enabled navigation system that can adapt to driver's preference and accommodate road condition changes.


Visible to the public The Ektokernel Approach: A Composition Paradigm for Building Evolvable Safety-critical Systems from Unsafe Components


The goal of this project is to develop a tool-chain for composition of safety-critical cyber-physical systems from a small code base of verified components and a large code base of unverified commercial off-the- shelf components. Unlike tool-chains that aim to deliver end-to-end verified component code, starting from formal languages, specifications, or models, an explicit goal of this project is to accommodate large amounts of legacy code that is typically too complex to verify.


Visible to the public Timing-based Inference: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


Timing can provide a new degree of freedom for communication and causal inference, but it may also be exploited to learn or leak information by adversaries. We investigate the power of timing analysis in three scenarios. First, we quantify the amount of information leakage in timing side channels and provide some counter measures. Second, we present robust and transparent steganographic timing codes. Finally, we introduce efficient algorithms for causal inference in networks.