CPS-PI Meeting 2017


Visible to the public CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative: Internet of self-powered sensors-Towards a scalable long-term condition-based monitori

Abstract: This research is investigating a cyber-physical framework for scalable, long-term monitoring and condition- based maintenance of civil infrastructures. Civil infrastructure constitutes a network of interdependent sys- tems and utilities (e.g., highways, bridges, rail systems, buildings) that are necessary for supporting social and economic activities.


Visible to the public FDA SIR: Architecturally-Integrated Hazard Analyses for Medical Application Platforms

The objective of this research is to develop new forms of tool-supported safety analyses for next-generation integrated medical systems that are based on the concept of medical application platforms (MAP). A MAP is a safety- and security- critical real-time computing platform for (a) integrating heterogeneous devices, medical IT systems, and information displays via a communication infrastructure and (b) hosting application programs ("apps") that provide medical utility via the ability to both acquire information from and update/control integrated devices, IT systems, and displays.


Visible to the public CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Dependable Multi-Robot Cooperative Tasking in Uncertain and Dynamic Environme

This project aims at deriving a scalable, correct-by-construction formal design methodology for multi-robot systems that can guarantee the accomplishment of high-level team missions through automatic synthesis of local coordination mechanisms and control laws. The basic idea is to decompose the team mission into individual subtasks such that the design can be reduced to local synthesis problems for individual robots. Multidisciplinary approaches combining hybrid systems, supervisory control, regular inference and model checking are utilized to achieve this goal.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Cyber-Enabled Repetitive Motions in Rehabilitation

The project aims to advance both foundations and enabling technologies in the field of human-machine systems, with a focus on exercise and rehabilitation machines. A human interacting with an advanced (actively-controlled) exercise machine is the ultimate cyber-physical system due to the presence of multi-level loop closures, large-scale, coupled musculoskeletal dynamics, conflicting objectives between human vs. machine controllers, uncertain dynamics and limited sensing.


Visible to the public Adaptive Data Collection for Rapid Evaluation of New Plant Varieties

World population is projected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050, and yields of most staple crops are not increasing at a fast enough rate to meet the corresponding nutritional needs. The overall goal of this research is to create new CPS science and technology for adaptive data acquisition for high throughput plant phenotyping, which will accelerate breeding progress for high yield food crops. Currently, the primary bottleneck in identifying high-yielding crops is the limited number of plants a breeder can evaluate in a growing season.


Visible to the public Modal Logic and Bisimulation for Generalized Synchronization Trees

This poster surveys results obtained by the project team in the area of logical characterizations for bisimulation over a general mathematical model for cyber-physical systems (CPSs) called Generalized Synchronization Trees (GSTs). GSTs extend traditional models for discrete-event systems with capabilities for modeling non-discrete behavior, and are intended to serve as a vehicle for giving mathematically well-defined notions of compositions for CPSs. Bisimulation represents a notion of equivalence over GSTs that captures when two GSTs are indistinguishable to an outside observer.