CPS-PI Meeting 2017


Visible to the public CRII: CPS: Minimizing the Oracle Problem for Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-physical systems (CPS), particularly those within the safety-critical domain, must continually ensure that their requirements are being satisfied. To support online requirements satisfaction, a CPS can be modeled with self-adaptive characteristics (SA-CPS) to enable the system to self-reconfigure as uncertainty manifests in both the environment and the system itself. For instance, unexpected weather conditions, misunderstood requirements, or system hardware failures may lead to observed behavioral faults and/or requirements violations, thereby necessitating a change of sys


Visible to the public CPS: Medium: Cyber Attack-Defense Modeling, Risk and Contingency Analysis for the Power Grid using Game Theory

Modern electric power grid is a complex, interconnected cyber physical system (CPS) that forms the lifeline of our society. Reliable, secure, and efficient operation of the grid are of paramount importance to national security and economic well-being. Recent trends in security indicate the increasing threat of cyber-based attacks, both in numbers and sophistication, on energy and other critical infrastructure systems of our nation and the world in general.


Visible to the public CPS: Frontiers: Collaborative Research: Foundations of Resilient CybEr-Physical Systems (FORCES)

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are being increasingly deployed in critical infrastructures such as electric-power, water, transportation, and other networks. These deployments are facilitating real-time monitoring and closed-loop control by exploiting the advances in wireless sensor-actuator networks, the internet of "everything," data-driven analytics, and machine-to-machine interfaces. CPS operations depend on the synergy of computational and physical components.


Visible to the public Smart Calibration Through Deep Learning for High-Confidence and Interoperable Cyber-Physical Additive Manufacturing Systems

As an indispensable link of the life-cycle of AM, end-part quality control in Cyber-Physical Additive Manufacturing Systems (CPAMS) is made difficult by enormous differences in product designs/varieties. Statistical monitoring of additive manufacturing (AM) processes faces major challenge due to the nature of one-of-a-kind manufacturing. This posters puts forth a prescriptive SPC scheme to monitor shape deformation from shape to shape. Only a limited number of test shapes are required to establish control limits.


Visible to the public Model-based Specification Reconstruction

This poster surveys results in the area of specification reconstruction for system models obtained by teams from the University of Maryland and Fraunhofer Center as part of the NSF CPS Frontier program "CyberCardia". The specification-reconstruction problem is this: given a system model, and a template of a property describing a pattern of behavior, determine how to complete the template so that the resulting property holds for all behaviors of the system.


Visible to the public Collaborative Research: Support for Security and Safety of Programmable IoT Systems

This work examines how to get safety and security in Internet of Things (IoT) systems where multiple devices (things), each designed in isolation from others, are brought together to form a networked system, controlled via one or more software applications ("apps"). "Things" in an IoT environment can include simple devices such as switches, lightbulbs, smart locks, thermostats, and safety alarms as well as complex systems such as appliances, smartphones, and cars.


Visible to the public CRII: CPS: Information-Constrained Cyber-Physical Systems for Supermarket Refrigerator Energy and Inventory Management

Various critical decision-making and control problems associated with engineering and socio-technical systems are subject to uncertainties. Large-scale data collected from the Internet-of-Things and cyber-physical systems can provide information about the probability distribution of these uncertainties, such as product demand in supermarkets. Such distributional information can be used to dramatically improve the performance of closed-loop systems if they adopt appropriate controllers, which reduce the conservativeness of classical techniques, such as robust control.