ISIS- Vanderbilt University


Visible to the public Diagnostics and Prognostics Using Temporal Causal Models for Cyber Physical Systems – A Case of Smart Electric Grid


Understanding failure in protection system using Temporal Causal Diagrams Situational awareness in large electrical systems and eventual fault source identification and possibly prognostics is a very challenging problem. State of the art relies on a network of protection devices that include relays to detect anomalies and engage circuit breakers to isolate the faulty component(s) in the system.


Visible to the public The Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization


The National Science Foundation established the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) program with the vision of developing a scientific and engineering foundation for routinely building cyber-enabled engineered systems in which cyber capability is deeply embedded at all scales, yet which remain safe, secure, and dependable -- "systems you can bet your life on." The CPS challenge spans essentially every engineering domain.


Visible to the public The CPS Virtual Organization

The Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization


presented at
Developing Dependable and Secure Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems from Components  
March 17-18, 2011
Troy, MI
Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Vanderbilt University