
Visible to the public Ionic Liquid and Amorphous Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Interactions: Towards a New Programmable Neuromorphic Platform

This project will design and implement a domain-specific language and compiler for microfluidic laboratory-on-a-chip (LoC) devices based on electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWoD) technology. The Lead PI's team has designed and implemented BioScript, a domain-specific programming language for programmable microfluidics. The BioScript syntax is programmer friendly, with the intention of being accessible to biologists and other researchers and practitioners in the life sciences.


Visible to the public Digital Microfluidics Based on Active Matrix Electrowetting Technology: Software-Programmable High-Density Pixel Arrays

In this poster, we overview a new enhanced neuromorphic computing concept by integrating ionic electrowetting with ionic liquid gating and demonstrate programmable fluidic transport, short term (STP) and long term potentiation (LTP), and de-potentiation of individual pixel elements. The platform consists of an integrated thin film transistor with an IGZO active layer whose transfer characteristics are modified when the IL is present (STP), and subsequent IL gating via the top-plate electrode enables electrochemical doping of the active layer for non-volatile LTP mimicry. While man


Visible to the public Ionic Liquid and Amorphous Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Interactions: Towards a New Programmable Neuromorphic Platform

Neuromorphic computing attempts to model neuro-biological architectures using analog electronic signals. One emerging concept for neuromorphic computing involves ionic-liquid gated oxide materials. In this poster we will overview our group's recent research investigating ionic liquid-amorphous metal oxide semiconductor interactions. Finally, we will overview a new large scale programmable neuromorphic computing concept, which combines ionic liquid electrowetting and ionic liquid control of a materials transport. We will show, that using a hydrated ionic liquid (BMIM-


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Cyber-physical digital microfluidics based on active matrix electrowetting technology

This project will design and implement a domain-specific language and compiler for microfluidic laboratory-on-a-chip (LoC) devices based on electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWoD) technology. The Lead PI's team has designed and implemented BioScript, a domain-specific programming language for programmable microfluidics. The BioScript syntax is programmer friendly, with the intention of being accessible to biologists and other researchers and practitioners in the life sciences.