
Visible to the public Foundations for Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems

The increasing set of functionalities, network interoperability, and system design complexity have introduced security vulnerabilities in cyber-physical systems (CPS). As recently demonstrated, a remote attacker can disrupt the operation of a car to either disable the vehicle or hijack it. High-profile security incidents in other CPS domains include a large-scale attack on Ukraine's power-grid and the StuxNet attack on an industrial system, while the RQ-170 Sentinel drone capture has shown that even safety-critical military CPS can be compromised.


Visible to the public Analysis of Intracellular Transport by Teams of Molecular Motors


Visible to the public Analysis of Steady State Dynamics of Molecular Motors


Visible to the public Steady state dynamics of molecular motors reveals load dependent cooperativity


Visible to the public Gleaning signals from noise for probing matter at the molecular scale


Visible to the public Vehicle routing problem with time windows: A deterministic annealing approach


Visible to the public Control on a molecular scale: A perspective