

Visible to the public Contact Support

Maintainers of the Portal can be contacted to report a problem, make a suggestion, or to ask the portal manager to request setting up a group. If you would like to make a group request then please select "Group request" as the "Category" in your email.

To contact portal administration perform the steps below:

Step 1: Select the "Contact Support" link under the "Home" tab in the global menu at the top of the CPS-VO home page.


Visible to the public Contribute to Forum Discussions

Each group has a forum where active discussions can be started, commented on and viewed. A privilege of group membership is that forum discussions can be initiated. Group administrators may make discussions inactive. 


Visible to the public Activity Messaging

The Notification service allows you to subscribe to notifications of updates to items (such as Events, Files, etc.). For example, you will receive an email each time the author updates a document to which you have subscribed or when details about an event change.

Below are the steps demonstrating how manage subscriptions.