

Visible to the public Unintentional Insider Threats A Review of Phishing and Malware Incidents by Economic Sector.pdf

CERT(r) Insider Threat Team


Visible to the public ACT 2015 Workshop Report_dated4 Apr 2015.pdf

Executive summary:

The Special Cyber Operations Research and Engineering (SCORE) Subcommittee sponsored the 2015 Adoption of Cybersecurity Technology (ACT) workshop at the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico from 3-5 March 2015. In order to illuminate systemic barriers to adoption of security measures while potentially mitigating specific threats, the workshop focused specifically on countering the phishing threat and its aftermath.


Visible to the public IAD’s Top 10 Information Assurance Mitigation Strategies

The National Security Agency's Information Assurance Directorate's Top Mitigation Strategies.

Source: National Security Agency Information Assurance Directorate Web Pages at -


Visible to the public Manageable Network Plan (full document)

Networks often become unmanageable and rapidly get out of control. An unmanageable network is insecure. The Manageable Network Plan is a series of milestones to take an unmanageable and insecure network and make it manageable, more defensible, and more secure. It provides overall direction, offers suggestions, calls out crucial security tips, and gives references to books, Web resources, and tools.

Source: National Security Agency Information Assurance Directorate Web Pages at -


Visible to the public Manageable Network Plan Teaser (overview)

Networks often become unmanageable and rapidly get out of control. An unmanageable network is insecure. The Manageable Network Plan is a series of milestones to take an unmanageable and insecure network and make it manageable, more defensible, and more secure. It provides overall direction, offers suggestions, calls out crucial security tips, and gives references to books, Web resources, and tools.

Source: National Security Agency Information Assurance Directorate Web Pages at -