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Samuel Coogan, Murat Arcak", %keywords = "Monotonicity", %%keywords = "Transportation networks", %keywords = "Networked systems.  Submitted.  Stability of traffic flow networks with a polytree topology. Automatica. 66", %number = ":246-253.

We consider global stability of a flow network model for vehicular traffic. Standard approaches which rely on monotonicity of flow networks for stability analysis do not immediately apply to traffic networks with diverging junctions. In this paper, we show that the network model nonetheless exhibits a mixed monotonicity property. Mixed monotonicity allows us to prove global asymptotic stability by embedding the system in a larger system that is monotone.

S. Chen, J. Weimer, M. Rickels, A. Peleckis, I. Lee.  Submitted.  Physiology-Invariant Meal Detection for Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics", year 201.

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Welk, A., Zielinska, O., Tembe, R., Xe, G., Hong, K. W., Murphy-Hill, E., Mayhorn, C. B..  In Press.  Will the “Phisher-men” Reel you in? Assessing Individual Differences in a Phishing Detection Task International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology, and Learning. .

Phishing is an act of technology-based deception that targets individuals to obtain information. To minimize the number of phishing attacks, factors that influence the ability to identify phishing attempts must be examined. The present study aimed to determine how individual differences relate to performance on a phishing task. Undergraduate students completed a questionnaire designed to assess impulsivity, trust, personality characteristics, and Internet/security habits. Participants performed an email task where they had to discriminate between legitimate emails and phishing attempts. Researchers assessed performance in terms of correctly identifying all email types (overall accuracy) as well as accuracy in identifying phishing emails (phishing accuracy). Results indicated that overall and phishing accuracy each possessed unique trust, personality, and impulsivity predictors, but shared one significant behavioral predictor. These results present distinct predictors of phishing susceptibility that should be incorporated in the development of anti-phishing technology and training.

Mohammadpourfard, Mostafa, Weng, Yang, Genc, Istemihan, Kim, Taesic.  2022.  An Accurate False Data Injection Attack (FDIA) Detection in Renewable-Rich Power Grids. 2022 10th Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES). :1–5.
An accurate state estimation (SE) considering increased uncertainty by the high penetration of renewable energy systems (RESs) is more and more important to enhance situational awareness, and the optimal and resilient operation of the renewable-rich power grids. However, it is anticipated that adversaries who plan to manipulate the target power grid will generate attacks that inject inaccurate data to the SE using the vulnerabilities of the devices and networks. Among potential attack types, false data injection attack (FDIA) is gaining popularity since this can bypass bad data detection (BDD) methods implemented in the SE systems. Although numerous FDIA detection methods have been recently proposed, the uncertainty of system configuration that arises by the continuously increasing penetration of RESs has been been given less consideration in the FDIA algorithms. To address this issue, this paper proposes a new FDIA detection scheme that is applicable to renewable energy-rich power grids. A deep learning framework is developed in particular by synergistically constructing a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) with modern smart grid characteristics. The developed framework is evaluated on the IEEE 14-bus system integrating several RESs by using several attack scenarios. A comparison of the numerical results shows that the proposed FDIA detection mechanism outperforms the existing deep learning-based approaches in a renewable energy-rich grid environment.
Gombos, Gergő, Mouw, Maurice, Laki, Sándor, Papagianni, Chrysa, De Schepper, Koen.  2022.  Active Queue Management on the Tofino programmable switch: The (Dual)PI2 case. ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1685—1691.
The excess buffering of packets in network elements, also referred to as bufferbloat, results in high latency. Considering the requirements of traffic generated by video conferencing systems like Zoom, cloud rendered gaming platforms like Google Stadia, or even video streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and YouTube, timeliness of such traffic is important. Ensuring low latency to IP flows with a high throughput calls for the application of Active Queue Management (AQM) schemes. This introduces yet another problem as the co-existence of scalable and classic congestion controls leads to the starvation of classic TCP flows. Technologies such as Low Latency Low Loss Scalable Throughput (L4S) and the corresponding dual queue coupled AQM, DualPI2, provide a robust solution to these problems. However, their deployment on hardware targets such as programmable switches is quite challenging due to the complexity of algorithms and architectural constraints of switching ASICs. In this study, we provide proof of concept implementations of two AQMs that enable the co-existence of scalable and traditional TCP traffic, namely DualPI2 and the preceding single-queue PI2 AQM, on an Intel Tofino switching ASIC. Given the fixed operation of the switch’s traffic manager, we investigate to what extent it is possible to implement a fully RFC-compliant version of the two AQMs on the Tofino ASIC. The study shows that an appropriate split between control and data plane operations is required while we also exploit fixed functionality of the traffic manager to support such solutions.
Belmouhoub, Amina, Bouzid, Yasser, Medjmadj, Slimane, Derrouaoui, Saddam Hocine, Guiatni, Mohamed.  2022.  Advanced Backstepping Control: Application on a Foldable Quadrotor. 2022 19th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD). :609–615.
This paper deals with the implementation of robust control, based on the finite time Lyapunov stability theory, to solve the trajectory tracking problem of an unconventional quadrotor with rotating arms (also known as foldable drone). First, the model of this Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) taking into consideration the variation of the inertia, the Center of Gravity (CoG) and the control matrix is presented. The theoretical foundations of backstepping control enhanced by a Super-Twisting (ST) algorithm are then discussed. Numerical simulations are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. Finally, a qualitative and quantitative comparative study is made between the proposed controller and the classical backstepping controller. Overall, the results obtained show that the proposed control approach provides better performance in terms of accuracy and resilience.
ISSN: 2474-0446
Hata, Yuya, Hayashi, Naoki, Makino, Yusuke, Takada, Atsushi, Yamagoe, Kyoko.  2022.  Alarm Correlation Method Using Bayesian Network in Telecommunications Networks. 2022 23rd Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS). :1–4.
In the operation of information technology (IT) services, operators monitor the equipment-issued alarms, to locate the cause of a failure and take action. Alarms generate simultaneously from multiple devices with physical/logical connections. Therefore, if the time and location of the alarms are close to each other, it can be judged that the alarms are likely to be caused by the same event. In this paper, we propose a method that takes a novel approach by correlating alarms considering event units using a Bayesian network based on alarm generation time, generation place, and alarm type. The topology information becomes a critical decision element when doing the alarm correlation. However, errors may occur when topology information updates manually during failures or construction. Therefore, we show that event-by-event correlation with 100% accuracy is possible even if the topology information is 25% wrong by taking into location information other than topology information.
ISSN: 2576-8565
L, Gururaj H, C, Soundarya B, V, Janhavi, H, Lakshmi, MJ, Prassan Kumar.  2022.  Analysis of Cyber Security Attacks using Kali Linux. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE). :1—6.
In the prevailing situation, the sports like economic, industrial, cultural, social, and governmental activities are carried out in the online world. Today's international is particularly dependent on the wireless era and protective these statistics from cyber-assaults is a hard hassle. The reason for cyber-assaults is to damage thieve the credentials. In a few other cases, cyber-attacks ought to have a navy or political functions. The damages are PC viruses, facts break, DDS, and exceptional attack vectors. To this surrender, various companies use diverse answers to prevent harm because of cyberattacks. Cyber safety follows actual-time data at the modern-day-day IT data. So, far, numerous techniques have proposed with the resource of researchers around the area to prevent cyber-attacks or lessen the harm due to them. The cause of this has a look at is to survey and comprehensively evaluate the usual advances supplied around cyber safety and to analyse the traumatic situations, weaknesses, and strengths of the proposed techniques. Different sorts of attacks are taken into consideration in element. In addition, evaluation of various cyber-attacks had been finished through the platform called Kali Linux. It is predicted that the complete assessment has a have a study furnished for college students, teachers, IT, and cyber safety researchers might be beneficial.
Syed, Shameel, Khuhawar, Faheem, Talpur, Shahnawaz, Memon, Aftab Ahmed, Luque-Nieto, Miquel-Angel, Narejo, Sanam.  2022.  Analysis of Dynamic Host Control Protocol Implementation to Assess DoS Attacks. 2022 Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Technologies (GCWOT). :1—7.
Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol which provides IP addresses and network configuration parameters to the hosts present in the network. This protocol is deployed in small, medium, and large size organizations which removes the burden from network administrator to manually assign network parameters to every host in the network for establishing communication. Every vendor who plans to incorporate DHCP service in its device follows the working flow defined in Request for Comments (RFC). DHCP Starvation and DHCP Flooding attack are Denial of Service (DoS) attacks to prevents provision of IP addresses by DHCP. Port Security and DHCP snooping are built-in security features which prevents these DoS attacks. However, novel techniques have been devised to bypass these security features which uses ARP and ICMP protocol to perform the attack. The purpose of this research is to analyze implementation of DHCP in multiple devices to verify the involvement of both ARP and ICMP in the address acquisition process of DHCP as per RFC and to validate the results of prior research which assumes ARP or ICMP are used by default in all of devices.
Neuimin, Oleksandr S., Zhuk, Serhii Ya., Tovkach, Igor O., Malenchyk, Taras V..  2022.  Analysis Of The Small UAV Trajectory Detection Algorithm Based On The “l/n-d” Criterion Using Kalman Filtering Due To FMCW Radar Data. 2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET). :741—745.
Promising means of detecting small UAVs are FMCW radar systems. Small UAVs with an RCS value of the order of 10−3••• 10−1m2 are characterized by a low SNR (less than 10 dB). To ensure an acceptable probability of detection in the resolution element (more than 0.9), it becomes necessary to reduce the detection threshold. However, this leads to a significant increase in the probability of false alarms (more than 10−3) and is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of false plots. The work describes an algorithm for trajectory detecting of a small UAV based on a “l/n-d” criterion using Kalman filtering in a spherical coordinate system due to FMCW radar data. Statistical analysis of algorithms based on two types of criteria “3/5-2” and “5/9-2” is performed. It is shown that the algorithms allow to achieve the probability of target trajectory detection greater than 0.9 and low probability of false detection of the target trajectory less than 10−4 with the false alarm probability in the resolution element 10−3••• 10−2•
Thiagarajan, K., Dixit, Chandra Kumar, Panneerselvam, M., Madhuvappan, C.Arunkumar, Gadde, Samata, Shrote, Jyoti N.  2022.  Analysis on the Growth of Artificial Intelligence for Application Security in Internet of Things. 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS). :6—12.
Artificial intelligence is a subfield of computer science that refers to the intelligence displayed by machines or software. The research has influenced the rapid development of smart devices that have a significant impact on our daily lives. Science, engineering, business, and medicine have all improved their prediction powers in order to make our lives easier in our daily tasks. The quality and efficiency of regions that use artificial intelligence has improved, as shown in this study. It successfully handles data organisation and environment difficulties, allowing for the development of a more solid and rigorous model. The pace of life is quickening in the digital age, and the PC Internet falls well short of meeting people’s needs. Users want to be able to get convenient network information services at any time and from any location
Trifonov, Roumen, Manolov, Slavcho, Tsochev, Georgi, Pavlova, Galya, Raynova, Kamelia.  2022.  Analytical Choice of an Effective Cyber Security Structure with Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Control Systems. 2022 10th International Scientific Conference on Computer Science (COMSCI). :1–6.
The new paradigm of industrial development, called Industry 4.0, faces the problems of Cybersecurity, and as it has already manifested itself in Information Systems, focuses on the use of Artificial Intelligence tools. The authors of this article build on their experience with the use of the above mentioned tools to increase the resilience of Information Systems against Cyber threats, approached to the choice of an effective structure of Cyber-protection of Industrial Systems, primarily analyzing the objective differences between them and Information Systems. A number of analyzes show increased resilience of the decentralized architecture in the management of large-scale industrial processes to the centralized management architecture. These considerations provide sufficient grounds for the team of the project to give preference to the decentralized structure with flock behavior for further research and experiments. The challenges are to determine the indicators which serve to assess and compare the impacts on the controlled elements.
Aartsen, Max, Banga, Kanta, Talko, Konrad, Touw, Dustin, Wisman, Bertus, Meïnsma, Daniel, Björkqvist, Mathias.  2022.  Analyzing Interoperability and Security Overhead of ROS2 DDS Middleware. 2022 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). :976–981.
Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2) is the latest release of a framework for enabling robot applications. Data Distribution Service (DDS) middleware is used for communication between nodes in a ROS2 cluster. The DDS middleware provides a distributed discovery system, message definitions and serialization, and security. In ROS2, the DDS middleware is accessed through an abstraction layer, making it easy to switch from one implementation to another. The existing middleware implementations differ in a number of ways, e.g., in how they are supported in ROS2, in their support for the security features, their ease of use, their performance, and their interoperability. In this work, the focus is on the ease of use, interoperability, and security features aspects of ROS2 DDS middleware. We compare the ease of installation and ease of use of three different DDS middleware, and test the interoperability of different middleware combinations in simple deployment scenarios. We highlight the difference that enabling the security option makes to interoperability, and conduct performance experiments that show the effect that turning on security has on the communication performance. Our results provide guidelines for choosing and deploying DDS middleware on a ROS2 cluster.
ISSN: 2473-3504
Sreeja, C.S., Misbahuddin, Mohammed.  2022.  Anticounterfeiting Method for Drugs Using Synthetic DNA Cryptography. 2022 International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies (TQCEBT). :1—5.
Counterfeited products are a significant problem in both developed and developing countries and has become more critical as an aftermath of COVID-19, exclusively for drugs and medical equipment’s. In this paper, an innovative approach is proposed to resist counterfeiting which is based on the principles of Synthetic DNA. The proposed encryption approach has employed the distinctive features of synthetic DNA in amalgamation with DNA encryption to provide information security and functions as an anticounterfeiting method that ensures usability. The scheme’s security analysis and proof of concept are detailed. Scyther is used to carry out the formal analysis of the scheme, and all of the modeled assertions are verified without any attacks.
Zavala, Álvaro, Maye, Leonel.  2022.  Application to manage digital certificates as a Certificate Authority (CA) according to the Digital Signature Law of El Salvador. 2022 IEEE 40th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN). :1–6.
Currently in El Salvador, efforts are being made to implement the digital signature and as part of this technology, a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is required, which must validate Certificate Authorities (CA). For a CA, it is necessary to implement the software that allows it to manage digital certificates and perform security procedures for the execution of cryptographic operations, such as encryption, digital signatures, and non-repudiation of electronic transactions. The present work makes a proposal for a digital certificate management system according to the Digital Signature Law of El Salvador and secure cryptography standards. Additionally, a security discussion is accomplished.
Khokhlov, Igor, Okutan, Ahmet, Bryla, Ryan, Simmons, Steven, Mirakhorli, Mehdi.  2022.  Automated Extraction of Software Names from Vulnerability Reports using LSTM and Expert System. 2022 IEEE 29th Annual Software Technology Conference (STC). :125—134.
Software vulnerabilities are closely monitored by the security community to timely address the security and privacy issues in software systems. Before a vulnerability is published by vulnerability management systems, it needs to be characterized to highlight its unique attributes, including affected software products and versions, to help security professionals prioritize their patches. Associating product names and versions with disclosed vulnerabilities may require a labor-intensive process that may delay their publication and fix, and thereby give attackers more time to exploit them. This work proposes a machine learning method to extract software product names and versions from unstructured CVE descriptions automatically. It uses Word2Vec and Char2Vec models to create context-aware features from CVE descriptions and uses these features to train a Named Entity Recognition (NER) model using bidirectional Long short-term memory (LSTM) networks. Based on the attributes of the product names and versions in previously published CVE descriptions, we created a set of Expert System (ES) rules to refine the predictions of the NER model and improve the performance of the developed method. Experiment results on real-life CVE examples indicate that using the trained NER model and the set of ES rules, software names and versions in unstructured CVE descriptions could be identified with F-Measure values above 0.95.
Bryushinin, Anton O., Dushkin, Alexandr V., Melshiyan, Maxim A..  2022.  Automation of the Information Collection Process by Osint Methods for Penetration Testing During Information Security Audit. 2022 Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :242—246.
The purpose of this article is to consider one of the options for automating the process of collecting information from open sources when conducting penetration testing in an organization's information security audit using the capabilities of the Python programming language. Possible primary vectors for collecting information about the organization, personnel, software, and hardware are shown. The basic principles of operation of the software product are presented in a visual form, which allows automated analysis of information from open sources about the object under study.
Fakhartousi, Amin, Meacham, Sofia, Phalp, Keith.  2022.  Autonomic Dominant Resource Fairness (A-DRF) in Cloud Computing. 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :1626—1631.
In the world of information technology and the Internet, which has become a part of human life today and is constantly expanding, Attention to the users' requirements such as information security, fast processing, dynamic and instant access, and costs savings has become essential. The solution that is proposed for such problems today is a technology that is called cloud computing. Today, cloud computing is considered one of the most essential distributed tools for processing and storing data on the Internet. With the increasing using this tool, the need to schedule tasks to make the best use of resources and respond appropriately to requests has received much attention, and in this regard, many efforts have been made and are being made. To this purpose, various algorithms have been proposed to calculate resource allocation, each of which has tried to solve equitable distribution challenges while using maximum resources. One of these calculation methods is the DRF algorithm. Although it offers a better approach than previous algorithms, it faces challenges, especially with time-consuming resource allocation computing. These challenges make the use of DRF more complex than ever in the low number of requests with high resource capacity as well as the high number of simultaneous requests. This study tried to reduce the computations costs associated with the DRF algorithm for resource allocation by introducing a new approach to using this DRF algorithm to automate calculations by machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms (Autonomic Dominant Resource Fairness or A-DRF).
Wang, Jingyi, Huang, Cheng, Ma, Yiming, Wang, Huiyuan, Peng, Chao, Yu, HouHui.  2022.  BA-CPABE : An auditable Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based Encryption Based on Blockchain. 2022 International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Information Security (ICBCTIS). :193—197.
At present, the ciphertext-policy attribute based encryption (CP-ABE) has been widely used in different fields of data sharing such as cross-border paperless trade, digital government and etc. However, there still exist some challenges including single point of failure, key abuse and key unaccountable issues in CP-ABE. To address these problems. We propose an accountable CP-ABE mechanism based on block chain system. First, we establish two authorization agencies MskCA and AttrVN(Attribute verify Network),where the MskCA can realize master key escrow, and the AttrVN manages and validates users' attributes. In this way, our system can avoid the single point of failure and improve the privacy of user attributes and security of keys. Moreover, in order to realize auditability of CP-ABE key parameter transfer, we introduce the did and record parameter transfer process on the block chain. Finally, we theoretically prove the security of our CP-ABE. Through comprehensive comparison, the superiority of CP-ABE is verified. At the same time, our proposed schemes have some properties such as fast decryption and so on.