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A Framework for Automated API Fuzzing at Enterprise Scale. 2022 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). :377–388.
2022. Web-based Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are often described using SOAP, OpenAPI, and GraphQL specifications. These specifications provide a consistent way to define web services and enable automated fuzz testing. As such, many fuzzers take advantage of these specifications. However, in an enterprise setting, the tools are usually installed and scaled by individual teams, leading to duplication of efforts. There is a need for an enterprise-wide fuzz testing solution to provide shared, cost efficient, off-nominal testing at scale where fuzzers can be plugged-in as needed. Internet cloud-based fuzz testing-as-a-service solutions mitigate scalability concerns but are not always feasible as they require artifacts to be uploaded to external infrastructure. Typically, corporate policies prevent sharing artifacts with third parties due to cost, intellectual property, and security concerns. We utilize API specifications and combine them with cluster computing elasticity to build an automated, scalable framework that can fuzz multiple apps at once and retain the trust boundary of the enterprise.
ISSN: 2159-4848
A Functional FMECA Approach for the Assessment of Critical Infrastructure Resilience. 2022 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS). :672—681.
2022. The damage or destruction of Critical Infrastructures (CIs) affect societies’ sustainable functioning. Therefore, it is crucial to have effective methods to assess the risk and resilience of CIs. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) are two approaches to risk assessment and criticality analysis. However, these approaches are complex to apply to intricate CIs and associated Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). We provide a top-down strategy, starting from a high abstraction level of the system and progressing to cover the functional elements of the infrastructures. This approach develops from FMECA but estimates risks and focuses on assessing resilience. We applied the proposed technique to a real-world CI, predicting how possible improvement scenarios may influence the overall system resilience. The results show the effectiveness of our approach in benchmarking the CI resilience, providing a cost-effective way to evaluate plausible alternatives concerning the improvement of preventive measures.
Fuzzy based Trusted Communication in Vehicular Ad hoc Network. 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT). :1—4.
2022. Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging technology that is used to provide communication between vehicle users. VANET provides communication between one vehicle node to another vehicle node, vehicle to the roadside unit, vehicle to pedestrian, and even vehicle to rail users. Communication between nodes should be very secure and confidential, Since VANET communicates through wireless mode, a malicious node may enter inside the communication zone to hack, inject false messages, and interrupt the communication. A strong protocol is necessary to detect malicious nodes and authenticate the VANET user to protect them from malicious attacks. In this paper, a fuzzy-based trust authentication scheme is used to detect malicious nodes with the Mamdani fuzzy Inference system. The parameter estimation, rules have been framed using MATLAB Mamdani Fuzzy Inference system to select a genuine node for data transmission.
Fuzzy Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Authentication in Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 9:9987—9998.
2022. The security and privacy of the network in Internet of Things (IoT) systems are becoming more critical as we are more dependent on smart systems. Considering that packets are exchanged between the end user and the sensing devices, it is then important to ensure the security, privacy, and integrity of the transmitted data by designing a secure and a lightweight authentication protocol for IoT systems. In this article, in order to improve the authentication and the encryption in IoT systems, we present a novel method of authentication and encryption based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) using random numbers generated by fuzzy logic. We evaluate our novel key generation method by using standard randomness tests, such as: frequency test, frequency test with mono block, run test, discrete Fourier transform (DFT) test, and advanced DFT test. Our results show superior performance compared to existing ECC based on shift registers. In addition, we apply some attack algorithms, such as Pollard’s \textbackslashrho and Baby-step Giant-step, to evaluate the vulnerability of the proposed scheme.
A Hardware-Assisted Security Monitoring Method for Jump Instruction and Jump Address in Embedded Systems. 2022 8th Annual International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers (ICNISC). :197–202.
2022. With the development of embedded systems towards networking and intelligence, the security threats they face are becoming more difficult to prevent. Existing protection methods make it difficult to monitor jump instructions and their target addresses for tampering by attackers at the low hardware implementation overhead and performance overhead. In this paper, a hardware-assisted security monitoring module is designed to monitor the integrity of jump instructions and jump addresses when executing programs. The proposed method has been implemented on the Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA platform. Experiments show that this method is able to effectively monitor tampering attacks on jump instructions as well as target addresses while the embedded system is executing programs.
Hardware-Based Randomized Encoding for Sensor Authentication in Power Grid SCADA Systems. 2022 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC). :1–6.
2022. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are utilized extensively in critical power grid infrastructures. Modern SCADA systems have been proven to be susceptible to cyber-security attacks and require improved security primitives in order to prevent unwanted influence from an adversarial party. One section of weakness in the SCADA system is the integrity of field level sensors providing essential data for control decisions at a master station. In this paper we propose a lightweight hardware scheme providing inferred authentication for SCADA sensors by combining an analog to digital converter and a permutation generator as a single integrated circuit. Through this method we encode critical sensor data at the time of sensing, so that unencoded data is never stored in memory, increasing the difficulty of software attacks. We show through experimentation how our design stops both software and hardware false data injection attacks occurring at the field level of SCADA systems.
HyBP: Hybrid Isolation-Randomization Secure Branch Predictor. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA). :346—359.
2022. Recently exposed vulnerabilities reveal the necessity to improve the security of branch predictors. Branch predictors record history about the execution of different processes, and such information from different processes are stored in the same structure and thus accessible to each other. This leaves the attackers with the opportunities for malicious training and malicious perception. Physical or logical isolation mechanisms such as using dedicated tables and flushing during context-switch can provide security but incur non-trivial costs in space and/or execution time. Randomization mechanisms incurs the performance cost in a different way: those with higher securities add latency to the critical path of the pipeline, while the simpler alternatives leave vulnerabilities to more sophisticated attacks.This paper proposes HyBP, a practical hybrid protection and effective mechanism for building secure branch predictors. The design applies the physical isolation and randomization in the right component to achieve the best of both worlds. We propose to protect the smaller tables with physically isolation based on (thread, privilege) combination; and protect the large tables with randomization. Surprisingly, the physical isolation also significantly enhances the security of the last-level tables by naturally filtering out accesses, reducing the information flow to these bigger tables. As a result, key changes can happen less frequently and be performed conveniently at context switches. Moreover, we propose a latency hiding design for a strong cipher by precomputing the "code book" with a validated, cryptographically strong cipher. Overall, our design incurs a performance penalty of 0.5% compared to 5.1% of physical isolation under the default context switching interval in Linux.
Implementation of an Intelligent Caravan Monitoring System Using the Controller Area Network. 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). :1–6.
2022. Nowadays, safety systems are an important feature for modern vehicles. Many accidents would have been occurred without them. In comparison with older vehicles, modern vehicles have a much better crumple zone, more airbags, a better braking system, as well as a much better and safer driving behaviour. Although, the vehicles safety systems are working well in these days, there is still space for improvement and for adding new security features. This paper describes the implementation of an Intelligent Caravan Monitoring System (ICMS) using the Controller Area Network (CAN), for the communication between the vehicle’s electronic system and the trailer’s electronic system. Furthermore, a comparison between the communication technology of this paper and a previous published paper will be made. The new system is faster, more flexible and more energy efficient.
Implementation of Chaotic Encryption Architecture on FPGA for On-Chip Secure Communication. 2022 IEEE Green Energy and Smart System Systems (IGESSC). :1–6.
2022. Chaos is an interesting phenomenon for nonlinear systems that emerges due to its complex and unpredictable behavior. With the escalated use of low-powered edge-compute devices, data security at the edge develops the need for security in communication. The characteristic that Chaos synchronizes over time for two different chaotic systems with their own unique initial conditions, is the base for chaos implementation in communication. This paper proposes an encryption architecture suitable for communication of on-chip sensors to provide a POC (proof of concept) with security encrypted on the same chip using different chaotic equations. In communication, encryption is achieved with the help of microcontrollers or software implementations that use more power and have complex hardware implementation. The small IoT devices are expected to be operated on low power and constrained with size. At the same time, these devices are highly vulnerable to security threats, which elevates the need to have low power/size hardware-based security. Since the discovery of chaotic equations, they have been used in various encryption applications. The goal of this research is to take the chaotic implementation to the CMOS level with the sensors on the same chip. The hardware co-simulation is demonstrated on an FPGA board for Chua encryption/decryption architecture. The hardware utilization for Lorenz, SprottD, and Chua on FPGA is achieved with Xilinx System Generation (XSG) toolbox which reveals that Lorenz’s utilization is 9% lesser than Chua’s.
ISSN: 2640-0138
Implementation of Efficient Hybrid Encryption Technique. 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT). :1–4.
2022. Security troubles of restricted sources communications are vital. Existing safety answers aren't sufficient for restricted sources gadgets in phrases of Power Area and Ef-ficiency‘. Elliptic curves cryptosystem (ECC) is area efficent for restricted sources gadgets extra than different uneven cryp-to systems because it gives a better safety degree with equal key sizes compared to different present techniques. In this paper, we studied a lightweight hybrid encryption technique that makes use of set of rules primarily based totally on AES for the Plain text encription and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) protocol for Key encryption. The simplicity of AES implementation makes it light weight and the complexity of ECDH make it secure. The design is simulated using Spyder Tool, Modelsim and Implemented using Xilinx Vivado the effects display that the proposed lightweight Model offers a customary security degree with decreased computing capacity. we proposed a key authentication system for enhanced security along with an Idea to implement the project with multimedia input on FPGA
An Improvement on “CryptCloud$^\textrm+\$$: Secure and Expressive Data Access Control for Cloud Storage”. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. :1–2.
2022. Recently, Ning et al. proposed the “CryptCloud$^\textrm+\$$: Secure and Expressive Data Access Control for Cloud Storage” in IEEE Transaction on Services Computing. This work provided two versatile ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) schemes to achieve flexible access control on encrypted data, namely ATER-CP-ABE and ATIR-CP-ABE, both of which have attractive advantages, such as white-box malicious user traceability, semi-honest authority accountability, public auditing and user revocation. However, we find a bug of access control in both schemes, i.e., a non-revoked user with attribute set \$S\$ can decrypt the ciphertext \$ct\$ encrypted under any access policy \$(A,\textbackslashrho )\$, regardless of whether \$S\$ satisfies \$(A,\textbackslashrho )\$ or not. This paper carefully analyzes the bug, and makes an improvement on Ning's pioneering work, so as to fix it.
Conference Name: IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
An intelligent traffic monitoring approach based on Hadoop ecosystem. 2022 5th International Conference on Networking, Information Systems and Security: Envisage Intelligent Systems in 5g//6G-based Interconnected Digital Worlds (NISS). :1–6.
2022. Nowadays, smart cities (SCs) use technologies and different types of data collected to improve the lifestyles of their citizens. Indeed, connected smart vehicles are technologies used for an SC’s intelligent traffic monitoring systems (ITMSs). However, most proposed monitoring approaches do not consider realtime monitoring. This paper presents real-time data processing for an intelligent traffic monitoring dashboard using the Hadoop ecosystem dashboard components. Many data are available due to our proposed monitoring approach, such as the total number of vehicles on different routes and data on trucks within a radius (10KM) of a specific point given. Based on our generated data, we can make real-time decisions to improve circulation and optimize traffic flow.
INTERACTION: A Generative XAI Framework for Natural Language Inference Explanations. 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1—8.
2022. XAI with natural language processing aims to produce human-readable explanations as evidence for AI decision-making, which addresses explainability and transparency. However, from an HCI perspective, the current approaches only focus on delivering a single explanation, which fails to account for the diversity of human thoughts and experiences in language. This paper thus addresses this gap, by proposing a generative XAI framework, INTERACTION (explain aNd predicT thEn queRy with contextuAl CondiTional varIational autO-eNcoder). Our novel framework presents explanation in two steps: (step one) Explanation and Label Prediction; and (step two) Diverse Evidence Generation. We conduct intensive experiments with the Transformer architecture on a benchmark dataset, e-SNLI [1]. Our method achieves competitive or better performance against state-of-the-art baseline models on explanation generation (up to 4.7% gain in BLEU) and prediction (up to 4.4% gain in accuracy) in step one; it can also generate multiple diverse explanations in step two.
Investigation on effect of excess buy orders using agent-based model. 2022 9th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC). :1–5.
2022. In financial markets such as stock markets, securities are traded at a price where supply equals demand. Behind the impediments to the short-selling of stock, most participants in the stock market are buyers, so trades are more probable at higher prices than in situations without such restrictions. However, the order imbalance that occurs when buy orders exceed sell orders can change due to many factors. Hence, it is insufficient to discuss the effects of order imbalance caused by impediments to short-selling on the stock price only through empirical studies. Our study used an artificial market to investigate the effects on traded price and quantity of limit orders. The simulation results revealed that the order imbalance when buy orders exceed sell orders increases the traded price and results in fewer quantities of limit sell orders than limit buy orders. In particular, when the sell/buy ratio of the order imbalance model is less than or equal to 0.9, the limit sell/buy ratio becomes lower than that. Lastly, we investigated the mechanisms of the effects on traded price and quantity of limit orders.
Local Constraint-Based Ordered Statistics Decoding for Short Block Codes. 2022 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW). :107–112.
2022. In this paper, we propose a new ordered statistics decoding (OSD) for linear block codes, which is referred to as local constraint-based OSD (LC-OSD). Distinguished from the conventional OSD, which chooses the most reliable basis (MRB) for re-encoding, the LC-OSD chooses an extended MRB on which local constraints are naturally imposed. A list of candidate codewords is then generated by performing a serial list Viterbi algorithm (SLVA) over the trellis specified with the local constraints. To terminate early the SLVA for complexity reduction, we present a simple criterion which monitors the ratio of the bound on the likelihood of the unexplored candidate codewords to the sum of the hard-decision vector’s likelihood and the up-to-date optimal candidate’s likelihood. Simulation results show that the LC-OSD can have a much less number of test patterns than that of the conventional OSD but cause negligible performance loss. Comparisons with other complexity-reduced OSDs are also conducted, showing the advantages of the LC-OSD in terms of complexity.
Magnetic evidence for lightning strikes on mountains in Lesotho as an important denudation agent. 2022 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP). :500–503.
2022. Contrary to previous opinion, ‘frost shattering’ is not the only major contributor to rock weathering at mid latitudes and high elevations, more specifically along edges of bedrock escarpments. Lightning is also a significant contributor to land surface denudation. We can show this as lightning strikes on outcrops can dramatically alter the magnetic signature of rocks and is one of the main sources of noise in paleomagnetic studies. Igneous rocks in the highlands of Lesotho, southern Africa (\textgreater 3000 m elevation) provide an ideal study location, as flow lavas remain as prominent ridges that are relatively resistant to weathering. It is well known that lightning strikes can cause large remanent magnetization in rocks with little resultant variation in susceptibility. At two adjoining peaks in the Lesotho highlands, mapped freshly fractured rock correlates with areas of high magnetic intensity (remanent component), but little variation in susceptibility (related to the induced field), and is therefore a clear indicator of lightning damage. The majority of these mapped strike sites occur at the edges of topographic highs. Variations in magnetic intensity are correlated with the much lower resolution national lightning strikes dataset. These data confirm that high elevation edges of peak scarps are the focus of previous lightning strikes. This method of magnetic surveying compared with lightning strike data is a new method of confirming the locations of lightning strikes, and reduces the need for intensive paleomagnetic studies of the area to confirm remanence.
mdx: A Cloud Platform for Supporting Data Science and Cross-Disciplinary Research Collaborations. 2022 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :1–7.
2022. The growing amount of data and advances in data science have created a need for a new kind of cloud platform that provides users with flexibility, strong security, and the ability to couple with supercomputers and edge devices through high-performance networks. We have built such a nation-wide cloud platform, called "mdx" to meet this need. The mdx platform's virtualization service, jointly operated by 9 national universities and 2 national research institutes in Japan, launched in 2021, and more features are in development. Currently mdx is used by researchers in a wide variety of domains, including materials informatics, geo-spatial information science, life science, astronomical science, economics, social science, and computer science. This paper provides an overview of the mdx platform, details the motivation for its development, reports its current status, and outlines its future plans.
Message Source Identification in Controller Area Network by Utilizing Diagnostic Communications and an Intrusion Detection System. 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall). :1–6.
2022. International regulations specified in WP.29 and international standards specified in ISO/SAE 21434 require security operations such as cyberattack detection and incident responses to protect vehicles from cyberattacks. To meet these requirements, many vehicle manufacturers are planning to install Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) in the Controller Area Network (CAN), which is a primary component of in-vehicle networks, in the coming years. Besides, many vehicle manufacturers and information security companies are developing technologies to identify attack paths related to IDS alerts to respond to cyberattacks appropriately and quickly. To develop the IDSs and the technologies to identify attack paths, it is essential to grasp normal communications performed on in-vehicle networks. Thus, our study aims to develop a technology that can easily grasp normal communications performed on in-vehicle networks. In this paper, we propose the first message source identification method that easily identifies CAN-IDs used by each Electronic Control Unit (ECU) connected to the CAN for message transmissions. We realize the proposed method by utilizing diagnostic communications and an IDS installed in the CAN (CAN-IDS). We evaluate the proposed method using an ECU installed in an actual vehicle and four kinds of simulated CAN-IDSs based on typical existing intrusion detection methods for the CAN. The evaluation results show that the proposed method can identify the CAN-ID used by the ECU for CAN message transmissions if a suitable simulated CAN-IDS for the proposed method is connected to the vehicle.
ISSN: 2577-2465
Metamaterial-Enabled 2D Directional Modulation Array Transmitter for Physical Layer Security in Wireless Communication Links. 2022 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - IMS 2022. :595–598.
2022. A new type of time modulated metamaterial (MTM) antenna array transmitter capable of realizing 2D directional modulation (DM) for physical layer (PHY) security is presented in this work. The proposed 2D DM MTM antenna array is formed by a time modulated corporate feed network loaded with composite right/left-handed (CRLH) leaky wave antennas (LWAs). By properly designing the on-off states of the switch for each antenna feeding branch as well as harnessing the frequency scanning characteristics of CRLH L WAs, 2D DM can be realized to form a PHY secured transmission link in the 2D space. Experimental results demonstrate the bit-error-rate (BER) is low only at a specific 2D angle for the orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) wireless data links.
ISSN: 2576-7216
MicroBlind: Flexible and Secure File System Middleware for Application Sandboxes. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E). :221–232.
2022. Virtual machine (VM) based application sandboxes leverage strong isolation guarantees of virtualization techniques to address several security issues through effective containment of malware. Specifically, in end-user physical hosts, potentially vulnerable applications can be isolated from each other (and the host) using VM based sandboxes. However, sharing data across applications executing within different sandboxes is a non-trivial requirement for end-user systems because at the end of the day, all applications are used by the end-user owning the device. Existing file sharing techniques compromise the security or efficiency, especially considering lack of technical expertise of many end-users in the contemporary times. In this paper, we propose MicroBlind, a security hardened file sharing framework for virtualized sandboxes to support efficient data sharing across different application sandboxes. MicroBlind enables a simple file sharing management API for end users where the end user can orchestrate file sharing across different VM sandboxes in a secure manner. To demonstrate the efficacy of MicroBlind, we perform comprehensive empirical analysis against existing data sharing techniques (augmented for the sandboxing setup) and show that MicroBlind provides improved security and efficiency.
A mobile crowdsensing app for improved maritime security and awareness. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops). :103–105.
2022. The marine and maritime domain is well represented in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) envisaged by the United Nations, which aim at conserving and using the oceans, seas and their resources for sustainable development. At the same time, there is a need for improved safety in navigation, especially in coastal areas. Up to date, there exist operational services based on advanced technologies, including remote sensing and in situ monitoring networks which provide aid to the navigation and control over the environment for its preservation. Yet, the possibilities offered by crowdsensing have not yet been fully explored. This paper addresses this issue by presenting an app based on a crowdsensing approach for improved safety and awareness at sea. The app can be integrated into more comprehensive systems and frameworks for environmental monitoring as envisaged in our future work.
More Efficient Data Security by DEVELOINV AES Hybrid Algorithm. 2022 International Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Conference for Sustainability (IIHC). :1550–1554.
2022. The development of cloud apps enables people to exchange resources, goods, and expertise online with other clients. The material is more vulnerable to numerous security dangers from outsiders due to the fact that millions of users exchange data through the same system. How to maintain the security of this data is now the main concern. The current data protection system functions best when it places a greater priority on safeguarding data maintained in online storage than it does on cybersecurity during transportation. The data becomes open to intrusion attacks while being transferred. Additionally, the present craze states that an outside auditor may view data as it is being transmitted. Additionally, by allowing the hacker to assume a third-person identity while obtaining the information, this makes the data more susceptible to exploitation. The proposed system focuses on using encryption to safeguard information flow since cybersecurity is seen as a major issue. The approach also takes into account the fourth auditing issue, which is that under the recommended manner, the inspector is not allowed to see the user information. Tests have shown that the recommended technique improves security overall by making it harder for hackers to decode the supplied data.
MuSigRDT: MultiSig Contract based Reliable Data Transmission in Social Internet of Vehicle. GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :1763–1768.
2022. Social Internet of Vehicle (SIoV) has emerged as one of the most promising applications for vehicle communication, which provides safe and comfortable driving experience. It reduces traffic jams and accidents, thereby saving public resources. However, the wrongly communicated messages would cause serious issues, including life threats. So it is essential to ensure the reliability of the message before acting on considering that. Existing works use cryptographic primitives like threshold authentication and ring signatures, which incurs huge computation and communication overheads, and the ring signature size grew linearly with the threshold value. Our objective is to keep the signature size constant regardless of the threshold value. This work proposes MuSigRDT, a multisignature contract based data transmission protocol using Schnorr digital signature. MuSigRDT provides incentives, to encourage the vehicles to share correct information in real-time and participate honestly in SIoV. MuSigRDT is shown to be secure under Universal Composability (UC) framework. The MuSigRDT contract is deployed on Ethereum's Rinkeby testnet.
Nano-Artifact Metrics Chip Mounting Technology for Edge AI Device Security. 2022 17th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT). :1—4.
2022. In this study, the effect of surface treatment on the boding strength between Quad flat package (QFP) and quartz was investigated for establishing a QFP/quartz glass bonding technique. This bonding technique is necessary to prevent bond failure at the nano-artifact metrics (NAM) chip and adhesive interface against physical attacks such as counterfeiting and tampering of edge AI devices that use NAM chips. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between surface roughness and tensile strength by applying surface treatments such as vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and Ar/O2 plasma. All QFP/quartz glass with surface treatments such as VUV and Ar/O2 plasma showed increased bond strength. Surface treatment and bonding technology for QFP and quartz glass were established to realize NAM chip mounting.
The Nature of Trust in Communication Robots: Through Comparison with Trusts in Other People and AI systems. 2022 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). :900–903.
2022. In this study, the nature of human trust in communication robots was experimentally investigated comparing with trusts in other people and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The results of the experiment showed that trust in robots is basically similar to that in AI systems in a calculation task where a single solution can be obtained and is partly similar to that in other people in an emotion recognition task where multiple interpretations can be acceptable. This study will contribute to designing a smooth interaction between people and communication robots.