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X. Tan, Z. Sun, P. Wang.  2015.  On localization for magnetic induction-based wireless sensor networks in pipeline environments. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :2780-2785.
Rontidis, G., Panaousis, E., Laszka, A., Dagiuklas, T., Malacaria, P., Alpcan, T..  2015.  A game-theoretic approach for minimizing security risks in the Internet-of-Things. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW). :2639–2644.

In the Internet-of-Things (IoT), users might share part of their data with different IoT prosumers, which offer applications or services. Within this open environment, the existence of an adversary introduces security risks. These can be related, for instance, to the theft of user data, and they vary depending on the security controls that each IoT prosumer has put in place. To minimize such risks, users might seek an “optimal” set of prosumers. However, assuming the adversary has the same information as the users about the existing security measures, he can then devise which prosumers will be preferable (e.g., with the highest security levels) and attack them more intensively. This paper proposes a decision-support approach that minimizes security risks in the above scenario. We propose a non-cooperative, two-player game entitled Prosumers Selection Game (PSG). The Nash Equilibria of PSG determine subsets of prosumers that optimize users' payoffs. We refer to any game solution as the Nash Prosumers Selection (NPS), which is a vector of probabilities over subsets of prosumers. We show that when using NPS, a user faces the least expected damages. Additionally, we show that according to NPS every prosumer, even the least secure one, is selected with some non-zero probability. We have also performed simulations to compare NPS against two different heuristic selection algorithms. The former is proven to be approximately 38% more effective in terms of security-risk mitigation.

S. Lohit, K. Kulkarni, P. Turaga, J. Wang, A. C. Sankaranarayanan.  2015.  "Reconstruction-free inference on compressive measurements". 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). :16-24.

Spatial-multiplexing cameras have emerged as a promising alternative to classical imaging devices, often enabling acquisition of `more for less'. One popular architecture for spatial multiplexing is the single-pixel camera (SPC), which acquires coded measurements of the scene with pseudo-random spatial masks. Significant theoretical developments over the past few years provide a means for reconstruction of the original imagery from coded measurements at sub-Nyquist sampling rates. Yet, accurate reconstruction generally requires high measurement rates and high signal-to-noise ratios. In this paper, we enquire if one can perform high-level visual inference problems (e.g. face recognition or action recognition) from compressive cameras without the need for image reconstruction. This is an interesting question since in many practical scenarios, our goals extend beyond image reconstruction. However, most inference tasks often require non-linear features and it is not clear how to extract such features directly from compressed measurements. In this paper, we show that one can extract nontrivial correlational features directly without reconstruction of the imagery. As a specific example, we consider the problem of face recognition beyond the visible spectrum e.g in the short-wave infra-red region (SWIR) - where pixels are expensive. We base our framework on smashed filters which suggests that inner-products between high-dimensional signals can be computed in the compressive domain to a high degree of accuracy. We collect a new face image dataset of 30 subjects, obtained using an SPC. Using face recognition as an example, we show that one can indeed perform reconstruction-free inference with a very small loss of accuracy at very high compression ratios of 100 and more.

Hong Wen, Jie Tang, Jinsong Wu, Huanhuan Song, Tingyong Wu, Bin Wu, Pin-Han Ho, Shi-Chao Lv, Li-Min Sun.  2015.  A Cross-Layer Secure Communication Model Based on Discrete Fractional Fourier Fransform (DFRFT). Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE Transactions on. 3:119-126.

Discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT) is a generalization of discrete Fourier transform. There are a number of DFRFT proposals, which are useful for various signal processing applications. This paper investigates practical solutions toward the construction of unconditionally secure communication systems based on DFRFT via cross-layer approach. By introducing a distort signal parameter, the sender randomly flip-flops between the distort signal parameter and the general signal parameter to confuse the attacker. The advantages of the legitimate partners are guaranteed. We extend the advantages between legitimate partners via developing novel security codes on top of the proposed cross-layer DFRFT security communication model, aiming to achieve an error-free legitimate channel while preventing the eavesdropper from any useful information. Thus, a cross-layer strong mobile communication secure model is built.

Mukherjee, M., Edwards, J., Kwon, H., Porta, T. F. L..  2015.  Quality of information-aware real-time traffic flow analysis and reporting. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops (PerCom Workshops). :69–74.

In this paper we present a framework for Quality of Information (QoI)-aware networking. QoI quantifies how useful a piece of information is for a given query or application. Herein, we present a general QoI model, as well as a specific example instantiation that carries throughout the rest of the paper. In this model, we focus on the tradeoffs between precision and accuracy. As a motivating example, we look at traffic video analysis. We present simple algorithms for deriving various traffic metrics from video, such as vehicle count and average speed. We implement these algorithms both on a desktop workstation and less-capable mobile device. We then show how QoI-awareness enables end devices to make intelligent decisions about how to process queries and form responses, such that huge bandwidth savings are realized.

J. Ponniah, Y. C. Hu, P. R. Kumar.  2015.  "A clean slate design for secure wireless ad-hoc networks #x2014; Part 2: Open unsynchronized networks". 2015 13th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt). :183-190.

We build upon the clean-slate, holistic approach to the design of secure protocols for wireless ad-hoc networks proposed in part one. We consider the case when the nodes are not synchronized, but instead have local clocks that are relatively affine. In addition, the network is open in that nodes can enter at arbitrary times. To account for this new behavior, we make substantial revisions to the protocol in part one. We define a game between protocols for open, unsynchronized nodes and the strategies of adversarial nodes. We show that the same guarantees in part one also apply in this game: the protocol not only achieves the max-min utility, but the min-max utility as well. That is, there is a saddle point in the game, and furthermore, the adversarial nodes are effectively limited to either jamming or conforming with the protocol.

Chriskos, P., Zoidi, O., Tefas, A., Pitas, I..  2015.  De-identifying facial images using projections on hyperspheres. 2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG). 04:1–6.

A major issue that arises from mass visual media distribution in modern video sharing, social media and cloud services, is the issue of privacy. Malicious users can use these services to track the actions of certain individuals and/or groups thus violating their privacy. As a result the need to hinder automatic facial image identification in images and videos arises. In this paper we propose a method for de-identifying facial images. Contrary to most de-identification methods, this method manipulates facial images so that humans can still recognize the individual or individuals in an image or video frame, but at the same time common automatic identification algorithms fail to do so. This is achieved by projecting the facial images on a hypersphere. From the conducted experiments it can be verified that this method is effective in reducing the classification accuracy under 10%. Furthermore, in the resulting images the subject can be identified by human viewers.

J. Choi, C. Choi, H. M. Lynn, P. Kim.  2015.  "Ontology Based APT Attack Behavior Analysis in Cloud Computing". 2015 10th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA). :375-379.

Recently personal information due to the APT attack, the economic damage and leakage of confidential information is a serious social problem, a great deal of research has been done to solve this problem. APT attacks are threatening traditional hacking techniques as well as to increase the success rate of attacks using sophisticated attack techniques such attacks Zero-Day vulnerability in order to avoid detection techniques and state-of-the-art security because it uses a combination of intelligence. In this paper, the malicious code is designed to detect APT attack based on APT attack behavior ontology that occur during the operation on the target system, it uses intelligent APT attack than to define inference rules can be inferred about malicious attack behavior to propose a method that can be detected.

Kesiman, M. W. A., Prum, S., Sunarya, I. M. G., Burie, J. C., Ogier, J. M..  2015.  An analysis of ground truth binarized image variability of palm leaf manuscripts. 2015 International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA). :229–233.

As a very valuable cultural heritage, palm leaf manuscripts offer a new challenge in document analysis system due to the specific characteristics on physical support of the manuscript. With the aim of finding an optimal binarization method for palm leaf manuscript images, creating a new ground truth binarized image is a necessary step in document analysis of palm leaf manuscript. But, regarding to the human intervention in ground truthing process, an important remark about the subjectivity effect on the construction of ground truth binarized image has been analysed and reported. In this paper, we present an experiment in a real condition to analyse the existance of human subjectivity on the construction of ground truth binarized image of palm leaf manuscript images and to measure quantitatively the ground truth variability with several binarization evaluation metrics.

Kempke, Benjamin, Pannuto, Pat, Campbell, Bradford, Adkins, Joshua, Dutta, Prabal.  2015.  PolyPoint: High-Precision Indoor Localization with UWB. Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems.
Laurynas Riliskis, James Hong, Philip Levis.  2015.  Ravel: Programming IoT Applications as Distributed Models, Views, and Controllers. {Proceedings of the he 2015 International Workshop on Internet of Things towards Applications (IoT-App'15)}.
I. F. Akyildiz, P. Wang, Z. Sun.  2015.  Realizing underwater communication through magnetic induction. IEEE Communications Magazine. 53:42-48.
Venkitasubramaniam, P., Yao, J., Pradhan, P..  2015.  Information-Theoretic Security in Stochastic Control Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE. 103:1914–1931.
Infrastructural systems such as the electricity grid, healthcare, and transportation networks today rely increasingly on the joint functioning of networked information systems and physical components, in short, on cyber-physical architectures. Despite tremendous advances in cryptography, physical-layer security and authentication, information attacks, both passive such as eavesdropping, and active such as unauthorized data injection, continue to thwart the reliable functioning of networked systems. In systems with joint cyber-physical functionality, the ability of an adversary to monitor transmitted information or introduce false information can lead to sensitive user data being leaked or result in critical damages to the underlying physical system. This paper investigates two broad challenges in information security in cyber-physical systems (CPSs): preventing retrieval of internal physical system information through monitored external cyber flows, and limiting the modification of physical system functioning through compromised cyber flows. A rigorous analytical framework grounded on information-theoretic security is developed to study these challenges in a general stochastic control system abstraction-a theoretical building block for CPSs-with the objectives of quantifying the fundamental tradeoffs between information security and physical system performance, and through the process, designing provably secure controller policies. Recent results are presented that establish the theoretical basis for the framework, in addition to practical applications in timing analysis of anonymous systems, and demand response systems in a smart electricity grid.
Ali, R., McAlaney, J., Faily, S., Phalp, K., Katos, V..  2015.  Mitigating Circumstances in Cybercrime: A Position Paper. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing. :1972–1976.

This paper argues the need for considering mitigating circumstances in cybercrime. Mitigating circumstances are conditions which moderate the culpability of an offender of a committed offence. Our argument is based on several observations. The cyberspace introduces a new family of communication and interaction styles and designs which could facilitate, make available, deceive, and in some cases persuade, a user to commit an offence. User's lack of awareness could be a valid mitigation when using software features introduced without a proper management of change and enough precautionary mechanisms, e.g. warning messages. The cyber behaviour of users may not be necessarily a reflection of their real character and intention. Their irrational and unconscious actions may result from their immersed and prolonged presence in a particular cyber context. Hence, the consideration of the cyberspace design, the "cyber psychological" status of an offender and their inter-relation could form a new family of mitigating circumstances inherent and unique to cybercrime. This paper elaborates on this initial argument from different perspectives including software engineering, cyber psychology, digital forensics, social responsibility and law.

X. Feng, Z. Zheng, P. Hu, D. Cansever, P. Mohapatra.  2015.  "Stealthy attacks meets insider threats: A three-player game model". MILCOM 2015 - 2015 IEEE Military Communications Conference. :25-30.

Advanced persistent threat (APT) is becoming a major threat to cyber security. As APT attacks are often launched by well funded entities that are persistent and stealthy in achieving their goals, they are highly challenging to combat in a cost-effective way. The situation becomes even worse when a sophisticated attacker is further assisted by an insider with privileged access to the inside information. Although stealthy attacks and insider threats have been considered separately in previous works, the coupling of the two is not well understood. As both types of threats are incentive driven, game theory provides a proper tool to understand the fundamental tradeoffs involved. In this paper, we propose the first three-player attacker-defender-insider game to model the strategic interactions among the three parties. Our game extends the two-player FlipIt game model for stealthy takeover by introducing an insider that can trade information to the attacker for a profit. We characterize the subgame perfect equilibria of the game with the defender as the leader and the attacker and the insider as the followers, under two different information trading processes. We make various observations and discuss approaches for achieving more efficient defense in the face of both APT and insider threats.

R. Lee, L. Mullen, P. Pal, D. Illig.  2015.  "Time of flight measurements for optically illuminated underwater targets using Compressive Sampling and Sparse reconstruction". OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington. :1-6.

Compressive Sampling and Sparse reconstruction theory is applied to a linearly frequency modulated continuous wave hybrid lidar/radar system. The goal is to show that high resolution time of flight measurements to underwater targets can be obtained utilizing far fewer samples than dictated by Nyquist sampling theorems. Traditional mixing/down-conversion and matched filter signal processing methods are reviewed and compared to the Compressive Sampling and Sparse Reconstruction methods. Simulated evidence is provided to show the possible sampling rate reductions, and experiments are used to observe the effects that turbid underwater environments have on recovery. Results show that by using compressive sensing theory and sparse reconstruction, it is possible to achieve significant sample rate reduction while maintaining centimeter range resolution.

M, Supriya, Sangeeta, K., Patra, G. K..  2015.  Comparison of AHP based and Fuzzy based mechanisms for ranking Cloud Computing services. 2015 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its Applications (IC3INA). :175–180.

Cloud Computing has emerged as a paradigm to deliver on demand resources to facilitate the customers with access to their infrastructure and applications as per their requirements on a subscription basis. An exponential increase in the number of cloud services in the past few years provides more options for customers to choose from. To assist customers in selecting a most trustworthy cloud provider, a unified trust evaluation framework is needed. Trust helps in the estimation of competency of a resource provider in completing a task thus enabling users to select the best resources in the heterogeneous cloud infrastructure. Trust estimates obtained using the AHP process exhibit a deviation for parameters that are not in direct proportion to the contributing attributes. Such deviation can be removed using the Fuzzy AHP model. In this paper, a Fuzzy AHP based hierarchical trust model has been proposed to rate the service providers and their various plans for infrastructure as a service.

Amit Levy, Michael P Andersen, Bradford Campbell, David Culler, Prabal Dutta, Branden Ghena, Philip Levis, Pat Pannuto.  2015.  Ownership is Theft: Experiences Building an Embedded OS in Rust. {Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS 2015)}.
B. Biggio, g. fumera, P. Russu, L. Didaci, F. Roli.  2015.  Adversarial Biometric Recognition : A review on biometric system security from the adversarial machine-learning perspective. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. 32:31-41.

In this article, we review previous work on biometric security under a recent framework proposed in the field of adversarial machine learning. This allows us to highlight novel insights on the security of biometric systems when operating in the presence of intelligent and adaptive attackers that manipulate data to compromise normal system operation. We show how this framework enables the categorization of known and novel vulnerabilities of biometric recognition systems, along with the corresponding attacks, countermeasures, and defense mechanisms. We report two application examples, respectively showing how to fabricate a more effective face spoofing attack, and how to counter an attack that exploits an unknown vulnerability of an adaptive face-recognition system to compromise its face templates.

R. Mishra, A. Mishra, P. Bhanodiya.  2015.  "An edge based image steganography with compression and encryption". 2015 International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control (IC4). :1-4.

Security of secret data has been a major issue of concern from ancient time. Steganography and cryptography are the two techniques which are used to reduce the security threat. Cryptography is an art of converting secret message in other than human readable form. Steganography is an art of hiding the existence of secret message. These techniques are required to protect the data theft over rapidly growing network. To achieve this there is a need of such a system which is very less susceptible to human visual system. In this paper a new technique is going to be introducing for data transmission over an unsecure channel. In this paper secret data is compressed first using LZW algorithm before embedding it behind any cover media. Data is compressed to reduce its size. After compression data encryption is performed to increase the security. Encryption is performed with the help of a key which make it difficult to get the secret message even if the existence of the secret message is reveled. Now the edge of secret message is detected by using canny edge detector and then embedded secret data is stored there with the help of a hash function. Proposed technique is implemented in MATLAB and key strength of this project is its huge data hiding capacity and least distortion in Stego image. This technique is applied over various images and the results show least distortion in altered image.

B. Gu, Y. Fang, P. Jia, L. Liu, L. Zhang, M. Wang.  2015.  "A New Static Detection Method of Malicious Document Based on Wavelet Package Analysis". 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP). :333-336.

More and more advanced persistent threat attacks has happened since 2009. This kind of attacks usually use more than one zero-day exploit to achieve its goal. Most of the times, the target computer will execute malicious program after the user open an infected compound document. The original detection method becomes inefficient as the attackers using a zero-day exploit to structure these compound documents. Inspired by the detection method based on structural entropy, we apply wavelet analysis to malicious document detection system. In our research, we use wavelet analysis to extract features from the raw data. These features will be used todetect whether the compound document was embed malicious code.

Endicott-Popovsky, Barbara E., Popovsky, Viatcheslav M..  2014.  Application of Pedagogical Fundamentals for the Holistic Development of Cybersecurity Professionals. ACM Inroads. 5:57–68.

Nowhere is the problem of lack of human capital more keenly felt than in the field of cybersecurity where the numbers and quality of well-trained graduates are woefully lacking [10]. In 2005, the National Academy of Sciences indicted the US education system as the culprit contributing to deficiencies in our technical workforce, sounding the alarm that we are at risk of losing our competitive edge [14]. While the government has made cybersecurity education a national priority, seeking to stimulate university and community college production of information assurance (IA) expertise, they still have thousands of IA jobs going unfilled. The big question for the last decade [17] has been 'where will we find the talent we need?' In this article, we describe one university's approach to begin addressing this problem and discuss an innovative curricular model that holistically develops future cybersecurity professionals.


Pierluigi Nuzzo, Antonio Iannopollo, Stavros Tripakis, Alberto L. Sangiovanni{-}Vincentelli.  2014.  Are interface theories equivalent to contract theories? Twelfth {ACM/IEEE} International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign, {MEMOCODE} 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 19-21, 2014. :104–113.
Dai, Y. S., Xiang, Y. P., Pan, Y..  2014.  Bionic Autonomic Nervous Systems for Self-Defense Against DoS, Spyware, Malware, Virus, and Fishing. ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst.. 9:4:1–4:20.

Computing systems and networks become increasingly large and complex with a variety of compromises and vulnerabilities. The network security and privacy are of great concern today, where self-defense against different kinds of attacks in an autonomous and holistic manner is a challenging topic. To address this problem, we developed an innovative technology called Bionic Autonomic Nervous System (BANS). The BANS is analogous to biological nervous system, which consists of basic modules like cyber axon, cyber neuron, peripheral nerve and central nerve. We also presented an innovative self-defense mechanism which utilizes the Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Entropy Awareness, etc. Equipped with the BANS, computer and network systems can intelligently self-defend against both known and unknown compromises/attacks including denial of services (DoS), spyware, malware, and virus. BANS also enabled multiple computers to collaboratively fight against some distributed intelligent attacks like DDoS. We have implemented the BANS in practice. Some case studies and experimental results exhibited the effectiveness and efficiency of the BANS and the self-defense mechanism.