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Ge, X., Pan, Y., Fan, Y., Fang, C..  2019.  AMDroid: Android Malware Detection Using Function Call Graphs. 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :71—77.

With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, Android has been the most popular mobile operating system. Due to the open nature of Android, c countless malicious applications are hidden in a large number of benign applications, which pose great threats to users. Most previous malware detection approaches mainly rely on features such as permissions, API calls, and opcode sequences. However, these approaches fail to capture structural semantics of applications. In this paper, we propose AMDroid that leverages function call graphs (FCGs) representing the behaviors of applications and applies graph kernels to automatically learn the structural semantics of applications from FCGs. We evaluate AMDroid on the Genome Project, and the experimental results show that AMDroid is effective to detect Android malware with 97.49% detection accuracy.

Pan, Y., He, F., Yu, H..  2018.  An Adaptive Method to Learn Directive Trust Strength for Trust-Aware Recommender Systems. 2018 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design ((CSCWD)). :10–16.

Trust Relationships have shown great potential to improve recommendation quality, especially for cold start and sparse users. Since each user trust their friends in different degrees, there are numbers of works been proposed to take Trust Strength into account for recommender systems. However, these methods ignore the information of trust directions between users. In this paper, we propose a novel method to adaptively learn directive trust strength to improve trust-aware recommender systems. Advancing previous works, we propose to establish direction of trust strength by modeling the implicit relationships between users with roles of trusters and trustees. Specially, under new trust strength with directions, how to compute the directive trust strength is becoming a new challenge. Therefore, we present a novel method to adaptively learn directive trust strengths in a unified framework by enforcing the trust strength into range of [0, 1] through a mapping function. Our experiments on Epinions and Ciao datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can effectively outperform several state-of-art algorithms on both MAE and RMSE metrics.

Dai, Y. S., Xiang, Y. P., Pan, Y..  2014.  Bionic Autonomic Nervous Systems for Self-Defense Against DoS, Spyware, Malware, Virus, and Fishing. ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst.. 9:4:1–4:20.

Computing systems and networks become increasingly large and complex with a variety of compromises and vulnerabilities. The network security and privacy are of great concern today, where self-defense against different kinds of attacks in an autonomous and holistic manner is a challenging topic. To address this problem, we developed an innovative technology called Bionic Autonomic Nervous System (BANS). The BANS is analogous to biological nervous system, which consists of basic modules like cyber axon, cyber neuron, peripheral nerve and central nerve. We also presented an innovative self-defense mechanism which utilizes the Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Entropy Awareness, etc. Equipped with the BANS, computer and network systems can intelligently self-defend against both known and unknown compromises/attacks including denial of services (DoS), spyware, malware, and virus. BANS also enabled multiple computers to collaboratively fight against some distributed intelligent attacks like DDoS. We have implemented the BANS in practice. Some case studies and experimental results exhibited the effectiveness and efficiency of the BANS and the self-defense mechanism.