Swarm intelligence, a nature-inspired concept that includes multiplicity, stochasticity, randomness, and messiness is emergent in most real-life problem-solving. The concept of swarming can be integrated with herding predators in an ecological system. This paper presents the development of stabilizing velocity-based controllers for a Lagrangian swarm of \$nın \textbackslashtextbackslashmathbbN\$ individuals, which are supposed to capture a moving target (intruder). The controllers are developed from a Lyapunov function, total potentials, designed via Lyapunov-based control scheme (LbCS) falling under the classical approach of artificial potential fields method. The interplay of the three central pillars of LbCS, which are safety, shortness, and smoothest course for motion planning, results in cost and time effectiveness and efficiency of velocity controllers. Computer simulations illustrate the effectiveness of control laws.
Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications are becoming commonplace with more devices, but always at risk of network security. It is therefore crucial for an IoT network design to identify attackers accurately, quickly and promptly. Many solutions have been proposed, mainly concerning secure IoT architectures and classification algorithms, but none of them have paid enough attention to reducing the complexity. Our proposal in this paper is an edge-cloud architecture that fulfills the detection task right at the edge layer, near the source of the attacks for quick response, versatility, as well as reducing the cloud's workload. We also propose a multi-attack detection mechanism called LCHA (Low-Complexity detection solution with High Accuracy) , which has low complexity for deployment at the edge zone while still maintaining high accuracy. The performance of our proposed mechanism is compared with that of other machine learning and deep learning methods using the most updated BoT-IoT data set. The results show that LCHA outperforms other algorithms such as NN, CNN, RNN, KNN, SVM, KNN, RF and Decision Tree in terms of accuracy and NN in terms of complexity.