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Wang, Binbin, Wu, Yi, Guo, Naiwang, Zhang, Lei, Liu, Chang.  2022.  A cross-layer attack path detection method for smart grid dynamics. 2022 5th International Conference on Advanced Electronic Materials, Computers and Software Engineering (AEMCSE). :142—146.
With the intelligent development of power system, due to the double-layer structure of smart grid and the characteristics of failure propagation across layers, the attack path also changes significantly: from single-layer to multi-layer and from static to dynamic. In response to the shortcomings of the single-layer attack path of traditional attack path identification methods, this paper proposes the idea of cross-layer attack, which integrates the threat propagation mechanism of the information layer and the failure propagation mechanism of the physical layer to establish a forward-backward bi-directional detection model. The model is mainly used to predict possible cross-layer attack paths and evaluate their path generation probabilities to provide theoretical guidance and technical support for defenders. The experimental results show that the method proposed in this paper can well identify the dynamic cross-layer attacks in the smart grid.
Li, Guanyu, Zhang, Menghao, Liu, Chang, Kong, Xiao, Chen, Ang, Gu, Guofei, Duan, Haixin.  2019.  NETHCF: Enabling Line-rate and Adaptive Spoofed IP Traffic Filtering. 2019 IEEE 27th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP). :1–12.
In this paper, we design NETHCF, a line-rate in-network system for filtering spoofed traffic. NETHCF leverages the opportunity provided by programmable switches to design a novel defense against spoofed IP traffic, and it is highly efficient and adaptive. One key challenge stems from the restrictions of the computational model and memory resources of programmable switches. We address this by decomposing the HCF system into two complementary components-one component for the data plane and another for the control plane. We also aggregate the IP-to-Hop-Count (IP2HC) mapping table for efficient memory usage, and design adaptive mechanisms to handle end-to-end routing changes, IP popularity changes, and network activity dynamics. We have built a prototype on a hardware Tofino switch, and our evaluation demonstrates that NETHCF can achieve line-rate and adaptive traffic filtering with low overheads.
Liu, Chang, Li, Bo, Vorobeychik, Yevgeniy, Oprea, Alina.  2017.  Robust Linear Regression Against Training Data Poisoning. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security. :91–102.
The effectiveness of supervised learning techniques has made them ubiquitous in research and practice. In high-dimensional settings, supervised learning commonly relies on dimensionality reduction to improve performance and identify the most important factors in predicting outcomes. However, the economic importance of learning has made it a natural target for adversarial manipulation of training data, which we term poisoning attacks. Prior approaches to dealing with robust supervised learning rely on strong assumptions about the nature of the feature matrix, such as feature independence and sub-Gaussian noise with low variance. We propose an integrated method for robust regression that relaxes these assumptions, assuming only that the feature matrix can be well approximated by a low-rank matrix. Our techniques integrate improved robust low-rank matrix approximation and robust principle component regression, and yield strong performance guarantees. Moreover, we experimentally show that our methods significantly outperform state of the art both in running time and prediction error.
Xu, Xiaojun, Liu, Chang, Feng, Qian, Yin, Heng, Song, Le, Song, Dawn.  2017.  Neural Network-based Graph Embedding for Cross-Platform Binary Code Similarity Detection. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :363–376.

The problem of cross-platform binary code similarity detection aims at detecting whether two binary functions coming from different platforms are similar or not. It has many security applications, including plagiarism detection, malware detection, vulnerability search, etc. Existing approaches rely on approximate graph-matching algorithms, which are inevitably slow and sometimes inaccurate, and hard to adapt to a new task. To address these issues, in this work, we propose a novel neural network-based approach to compute the embedding, i.e., a numeric vector, based on the control flow graph of each binary function, then the similarity detection can be done efficiently by measuring the distance between the embeddings for two functions. We implement a prototype called Gemini. Our extensive evaluation shows that Gemini outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches by large margins with respect to similarity detection accuracy. Further, Gemini can speed up prior art's embedding generation time by 3 to 4 orders of magnitude and reduce the required training time from more than 1 week down to 30 minutes to 10 hours. Our real world case studies demonstrate that Gemini can identify significantly more vulnerable firmware images than the state-of-the-art, i.e., Genius. Our research showcases a successful application of deep learning on computer security problems.

Liu, Chang, Raghuramu, Arun, Chuah, Chen-Nee, Krishnamurthy, Balachander.  2017.  Piggybacking Network Functions on SDN Reactive Routing: A Feasibility Study. Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research. :34–40.

This paper explores the potential of enabling SDN security and monitoring services by piggybacking on SDN reactive routing. As a case study, we implement and evaluate a piggybacking based intrusion prevention system called SDN-Defense. Our study of university WiFi traffic traces reveals that up to 73% of malicious flows can be detected by inspecting just the first three packets of a flow, and 90% of malicious flows from the first four packets. Using such empirical insights, we propose to forward the first K packets of each new flow to an augmented SDN controller for security inspection, where K is a dynamically configurable parameter. We characterize the cost-benefit trade-offs of SDN-Defense using real wireless traces and discuss potential scalability issues. Finally, we discuss other applications which can be enhanced by using our proposed piggybacking approach.