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Deb Nath, Atul Prasad, Boddupalli, Srivalli, Bhunia, Swarup, Ray, Sandip.  2020.  Resilient System-on-Chip Designs With NoC Fabrics. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 15:2808–2823.
Modern System-on-Chip (SoC) designs integrate a number of third party IPs (3PIPs) that coordinate and communicate through a Network-on-Chip (NoC) fabric to realize system functionality. An important class of SoC security attack involves a rogue IP tampering with the inter-IP communication. These attacks include message snoop, message mutation, message misdirection, IP masquerade, and message flooding. Static IP-level trust verification cannot protect against these SoC-level attacks. In this paper, we analyze the vulnerabilities of system level communication among IPs and develop a novel SoC security architecture that provides system resilience against exploitation by untrusted 3PIPs integrated over an NoC fabric. We show how to address the problem through a collection of fine-grained SoC security policies that enable on-the-fly monitoring and control of appropriate security-relevant events. Our approach, for the first time to our knowledge, provides an architecture-level solution for trusted SoC communication through run-time resilience in the presence of untrusted IPs. We demonstrate viability of our approach on a realistic SoC design through a series of attack models and show that our architecture incurs minimal to modest overhead in area, power, and system latency.
Conference Name: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Salmani, Hassan, Hoque, Tamzidul, Bhunia, Swarup, Yasin, Muhammad, Rajendran, Jeyavijayan JV, Karimi, Naghmeh.  2019.  Special Session: Countering IP Security Threats in Supply Chain. 2019 IEEE 37th VLSI Test Symposium (VTS). :1–9.

The continuing decrease in feature size of integrated circuits, and the increase of the complexity and cost of design and fabrication has led to outsourcing the design and fabrication of integrated circuits to third parties across the globe, and in turn has introduced several security vulnerabilities. The adversaries in the supply chain can pirate integrated circuits, overproduce these circuits, perform reverse engineering, and/or insert hardware Trojans in these circuits. Developing countermeasures against such security threats is highly crucial. Accordingly, this paper first develops a learning-based trust verification framework to detect hardware Trojans. To tackle Trojan insertion, IP piracy and overproduction, logic locking schemes and in particular stripped functionality logic locking is discussed and its resiliency against the state-of-the-art attacks is investigated.

Park, Jungmin, Cho, Seongjoon, Lim, Taejin, Bhunia, Swarup, Tehranipoor, Mark.  2019.  SCR-QRNG: Side-Channel Resistant Design using Quantum Random Number Generator. 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). :1–8.
Random number generators play a pivotal role in generating security primitives, e.g., encryption keys, nonces, initial vectors, and random masking for side-channel countermeasures. A quantum entropy source based on radioactive isotope decay can be exploited to generate random numbers with sufficient entropy. If a deterministic random bit generator (DRBG) is combined for post-processing, throughput of the quantum random number generator (QRNG) can be improved. However, general DRBGs are susceptible to side-channel attacks. In this paper, we propose a framework called SCR-QRNG framework, which offers Side-Channel Resistant primitives using QRNG. The QRNG provides sources of randomness for modulating the clock frequency of a DRBG to obfuscate side-channel leakages, and to generate unbiased random numbers for security primitives. The QRNG has robustness against power side-channel attacks and is in compliance with NIST SP 800-22/90B and BSI AIS 31. We fabricate a quantum entropy chip, and implement a PCB module for a random frequency clock generator and a side-channel resistant QRNG on an FPGA.
Deb Nath, Atul Prasad, Bhunia, Swarup, Ray, Sandip.  2018.  ArtiFact: Architecture and CAD Flow for Efficient Formal Verification of SoC Security Policies. 2018 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI). :411–416.
Verification of security policies represents one of the most critical, complex, and expensive steps of modern SoC design validation. SoC security policies are typically implemented as part of functional design flow, with a diverse set of protection mechanisms sprinkled across various IP blocks. An obvious upshot is that their verification requires comprehension and analysis of the entire system, representing a scalability bottleneck for verification tools. The scale and complexity of industrial SoC is far beyond the analysis capacity of state-of-the-art formal tools; even simulation-based security verification is severely limited in effectiveness because of the need to exercise subtle corner-cases across the entire system. We address this challenge by developing a novel security architecture that accounts for verification needs from the ground up. Our framework, ArtiFact, provides an alternative architecture for security policy implementation that exploits a flexible, centralized, infrastructure IP and enables scalable, streamlined verification of these policies. With our architecture, verification of system-level security policies reduces to analysis of this single IP and its interfaces, enabling off-the-shelf formal tools to successfully verify these policies. We introduce a CAD flow that supports both formal and dynamic (simulation-based) verification, and is built on top of such off-the-shelf tools. Our approach reduces verification time by over 62X and bug detection time by 34X for illustrative policies.
Amir, Sarah, Shakya, Bicky, Forte, Domenic, Tehranipoor, Mark, Bhunia, Swarup.  2017.  Comparative Analysis of Hardware Obfuscation for IP Protection. Proceedings of the on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2017. :363–368.

In the era of globalized Integrated Circuit (IC) design and manufacturing flow, a rising issue to the silicon industry is various attacks on hardware intellectual property (IP). As a measure to ensure security along the supply chain against IP piracy, tampering and reverse engineering, hardware obfuscation is considered a reliable defense mechanism. Sequential and combinational obfuscations are the primary classes of obfuscation, and multiple methods have been proposed in each type in recent years. This paper presents an overview of obfuscation techniques and a qualitative comparison of the two major types.

Basak, Abhishek, Bhunia, Swarup, Ray, Sandip.  2016.  Exploiting Design-for-debug for Flexible SoC Security Architecture. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Design Automation Conference. :167:1–167:6.

Systematic implementation of System-on-Chip (SoC) security policies typically involves smart wrappers extracting local security critical events of interest from Intellectual Property (IP) blocks, together with a control engine that communicates with the wrappers to analyze the events for policy adherence. However, developing customized wrappers at each IP for security requirements may incur significant overhead in area and hardware resources. In this paper, we address this problem by exploiting the extensive design-for-debug (DfD) instrumentation already available on-chip. In addition to reduction in the overall hardware overhead, the approach also adds flexibility to the security architecture itself, e.g., permitting use of on-field DfD instrumentation, survivability and control hooks to patch security policy implementation in response to bugs and attacks found at post-silicon or changing security requirements on-field. We show how to design scalable interface between security and debug architectures that provides the benefits of flexibility to security policy implementation without interfering with existing debug and survivability use cases and at minimal additional cost in energy and design complexity.

Chen, Cheng, Zhang, Fengchao, Barras, Jamie, Althoefer, Kaspar, Bhunia, Swarup, Mandal, Soumyajit.  2016.  Authentication of Medicines Using Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinformatics. 13:417–430.

The production and sale of counterfeit and substandard pharmaceutical products, such as essential medicines, is an important global public health problem. We describe a chemometric passport-based approach to improve the security of the pharmaceutical supply chain. Our method is based on applying nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) spectroscopy to authenticate the contents of medicine packets. NQR is a non-invasive, non-destructive, and quantitative radio frequency (RF) spectroscopic technique. It is sensitive to subtle features of the solid-state chemical environment and thus generates unique chemical fingerprints that are intrinsically difficult to replicate. We describe several advanced NQR techniques, including two-dimensional measurements, polarization enhancement, and spin density imaging, that further improve the security of our authentication approach. We also present experimental results that confirm the specificity and sensitivity of NQR and its ability to detect counterfeit medicines.

Huang, Yuanwen, Bhunia, Swarup, Mishra, Prabhat.  2016.  MERS: Statistical Test Generation for Side-Channel Analysis Based Trojan Detection. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :130–141.

Hardware Trojan detection has emerged as a critical challenge to ensure security and trustworthiness of integrated circuits. A vast majority of research efforts in this area has utilized side-channel analysis for Trojan detection. Functional test generation for logic testing is a promising alternative but it may not be helpful if a Trojan cannot be fully activated or the Trojan effect cannot be propagated to the observable outputs. Side-channel analysis, on the other hand, can achieve significantly higher detection coverage for Trojans of all types/sizes, since it does not require activation/propagation of an unknown Trojan. However, they have often limited effectiveness due to poor detection sensitivity under large process variations and small Trojan footprint in side-channel signature. In this paper, we address this critical problem through a novel side-channel-aware test generation approach, based on a concept of Multiple Excitation of Rare Switching (MERS), that can significantly increase Trojan detection sensitivity. The paper makes several important contributions: i) it presents in detail the statistical test generation method, which can generate high-quality testset for creating high relative activity in arbitrary Trojan instances; ii) it analyzes the effectiveness of generated testset in terms of Trojan coverage; and iii) it describes two judicious reordering methods can further tune the testset and greatly improve the side channel sensitivity. Simulation results demonstrate that the tests generated by MERS can significantly increase the Trojans sensitivity, thereby making Trojan detection effective using side-channel analysis.

Huang, Yuanwen, Bhunia, Swarup, Mishra, Prabhat.  2016.  MERS: Statistical Test Generation for Side-Channel Analysis Based Trojan Detection. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :130–141.

Hardware Trojan detection has emerged as a critical challenge to ensure security and trustworthiness of integrated circuits. A vast majority of research efforts in this area has utilized side-channel analysis for Trojan detection. Functional test generation for logic testing is a promising alternative but it may not be helpful if a Trojan cannot be fully activated or the Trojan effect cannot be propagated to the observable outputs. Side-channel analysis, on the other hand, can achieve significantly higher detection coverage for Trojans of all types/sizes, since it does not require activation/propagation of an unknown Trojan. However, they have often limited effectiveness due to poor detection sensitivity under large process variations and small Trojan footprint in side-channel signature. In this paper, we address this critical problem through a novel side-channel-aware test generation approach, based on a concept of Multiple Excitation of Rare Switching (MERS), that can significantly increase Trojan detection sensitivity. The paper makes several important contributions: i) it presents in detail the statistical test generation method, which can generate high-quality testset for creating high relative activity in arbitrary Trojan instances; ii) it analyzes the effectiveness of generated testset in terms of Trojan coverage; and iii) it describes two judicious reordering methods can further tune the testset and greatly improve the side channel sensitivity. Simulation results demonstrate that the tests generated by MERS can significantly increase the Trojans sensitivity, thereby making Trojan detection effective using side-channel analysis.