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Silva, Douglas Simões, Graczyk, Rafal, Decouchant, Jérémie, Völp, Marcus, Esteves-Verissimo, Paulo.  2021.  Threat Adaptive Byzantine Fault Tolerant State-Machine Replication. 2021 40th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS). :78–87.
Critical infrastructures have to withstand advanced and persistent threats, which can be addressed using Byzantine fault tolerant state-machine replication (BFT-SMR). In practice, unattended cyberdefense systems rely on threat level detectors that synchronously inform them of changing threat levels. However, to have a BFT-SMR protocol operate unattended, the state-of-the-art is still to configure them to withstand the highest possible number of faulty replicas \$f\$ they might encounter, which limits their performance, or to make the strong assumption that a trusted external reconfiguration service is available, which introduces a single point of failure. In this work, we present ThreatAdaptive the first BFT-SMR protocol that is automatically strengthened or optimized by its replicas in reaction to threat level changes. We first determine under which conditions replicas can safely reconfigure a BFT-SMR system, i.e., adapt the number of replicas \$n\$ and the fault threshold \$f\$ so as to outpace an adversary. Since replicas typically communicate with each other using an asynchronous network they cannot rely on consensus to decide how the system should be reconfigured. ThreatAdaptive avoids this pitfall by proactively preparing the reconfiguration that may be triggered by an increasing threat when it optimizes its performance. Our evaluation shows that ThreatAdaptive can meet the latency and throughput of BFT baselines configured statically for a particular level of threat, and adapt 30% faster than previous methods, which make stronger assumptions to provide safety.
Lambert, Christoph, Völp, Marcus, Decouchant, Jérémie, Esteves-Verissimo, Paulo.  2018.  Towards Real-Time-Aware Intrusion Tolerance. 2018 IEEE 37th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS). :269–270.
Technologies such as Industry 4.0 or assisted/autonomous driving are relying on highly customized cyber-physical realtime systems. Those systems are designed to match functional safety regulations and requirements such as EN ISO 13849, EN IEC 62061 or ISO 26262. However, as systems - especially vehicles - are becoming more connected and autonomous, they become more likely to suffer from new attack vectors. New features may meet the corresponding safety requirements but they do not consider adversaries intruding through security holes with the purpose of bringing vehicles into unsafe states. As research goal, we want to bridge the gap between security and safety in cyber-physical real-time systems by investigating real-time-aware intrusion-tolerant architectures for automotive use-cases.
Völp, Marcus, Lackorzynski, Adam, Decouchant, Jérémie, Rahli, Vincent, Rocha, Francisco, Esteves-Verissimo, Paulo.  2016.  Avoiding Leakage and Synchronization Attacks Through Enclave-Side Preemption Control. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on System Software for Trusted Execution. :6:1–6:6.

Intel SGX is the latest processor architecture promising secure code execution despite large, complex and hence potentially vulnerable legacy operating systems (OSs). However, two recent works identified vulnerabilities that allow an untrusted management OS to extract secret information from Intel SGX's enclaves, and to violate their integrity by exploiting concurrency bugs. In this work, we re-investigate delayed preemption (DP) in the context of Intel SGX. DP is a mechanism originally proposed for L4-family microkernels as disable-interrupt replacement. Recapitulating earlier results on language-based information-flow security, we illustrate the construction of leakage-free code for enclaves. However, as long as adversaries have fine-grained control over preemption timing, these solutions are impractical from a performance/complexity perspective. To overcome this, we resort to delayed preemption, and sketch a software implementation for hypervisors providing enclaves as well as a hardware extension for systems like SGX. Finally, we illustrate how static analyses for SGX may be extended to check confidentiality of preemption-delaying programs.