Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are a new breed of internet based smart threats, which can go undetected with the existing state of-the-art internet traffic monitoring and protection systems. With the evolution of internet and cloud computing, a new generation of smart APT attacks has also evolved and signature based threat detection systems are proving to be futile and insufficient. One of the essential strategies in detecting APTs is to continuously monitor and analyze various features of a TCP/IP connection, such as the number of transferred packets, the total count of the bytes exchanged, the duration of the TCP/IP connections, and details of the number of packet flows. The current threat detection approaches make extensive use of machine learning algorithms that utilize statistical and behavioral knowledge of the traffic. However, the performance of these algorithms is far from satisfactory in terms of reducing false negatives and false positives simultaneously. Mostly, current algorithms focus on reducing false positives, only. This paper presents a fractal based anomaly classification mechanism, with the goal of reducing both false positives and false negatives, simultaneously. A comparison of the proposed fractal based method with a traditional Euclidean based machine learning algorithm (k-NN) shows that the proposed method significantly outperforms the traditional approach by reducing false positive and false negative rates, simultaneously, while improving the overall classification rates.
The combination of (1) hard to eradicate low-level vulnerabilities, (2) a large trusted computing base written in a memory-unsafe language and (3) a desperate need to provide strong software security guarantees, led to the development of protected-module architectures. Such architectures provide strong isolation of protected modules: Security of code and data depends only on a module's own implementation. In this paper we discuss how such protected modules should be written. From an academic perspective it is clear that the future lies with memory-safe languages. Unfortunately, from a business and management perspective, that is a risky path and will remain so in the near future. The use of well-known but memory-unsafe languages such as C and C++ seem inevitable. We argue that the academic world should take another look at the automatic hardening of software written in such languages to mitigate low-level security vulnerabilities. This is a well-studied topic for full applications, but protected-module architectures introduce a new, and much more challenging environment. Porting existing security measures to a protected-module setting without a thorough security analysis may even harm security of the protected modules they try to protect.
Smart Transportation applications by nature are examples of Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANETs) applications where mobile vehicles, roadside units and transportation infrastructure interplay with one another to provide value added services. While there are abundant researches that focused on the communication aspect of such Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, there are few research bodies that target the development of VANET applications. Among the popular VANET applications, a dominant direction is to leverage Cloud infrastructure to execute and deliver applications and services. Recent studies showed that Cloud Computing is not sufficient for many VANET applications due to the mobility of vehicles and the latency sensitive requirements they impose. To this end, Fog Computing has been proposed to leverage computation infrastructure that is closer to the network edge to compliment Cloud Computing in providing latency-sensitive applications and services. However, applications development in Fog environment is much more challenging than in the Cloud due to the distributed nature of Fog systems. In this paper, we investigate how Smart Transportation applications are developed following Fog Computing approach, their challenges and possible mitigation from the state of the arts.
Social Networking is fundamentally shifting the way we communicate, sharing idea and form opinions. All people try to use social media for there need, people from every age group are involved in social media site or e-commerce site. Nowadays almost every illegal activity is happened using the social network and instant messages. It means that present system is not capable to found all suspicious words. In this paper, we provided a brief description of problem and review on the different framework developed so far. Propose a better system which can be indentify criminal activity through social networking more efficiently. Use Ontology Based Information Extraction (OBIE) technique to identify domain of word and Association Rule mining to generate rules. Heuristic method checks in user database for malicious users according to predefine elements and Naïve Bayes method is use to identify the context behind the message or post. The experimental result is used for further action on victim by cyber crime department.
This paper proposes the Digital Public Service Innovation Framework that extends the "standard" provision of digital public services according to the emerging, enhanced, transactional and connected stages underpinning the United Nations Global e-Government Survey, with seven example "innovations" in digital public service delivery – transparent, participatory, anticipatory, personalized, co-created, context-aware and context-smart. Unlike the "standard" provisions, innovations in digital public service delivery are open-ended – new forms may continuously emerge in response to new policy demands and technological progress, and are non-linear – one innovation may or may not depend on others. The framework builds on the foundations of public sector innovation and Digital Government Evolution model. In line with the latter, the paper equips each innovation with sharp logical characterization, body of research literature and real-life cases from around the world to simultaneously serve the illustration and validation goals. The paper also identifies some policy implications of the framework, covering a broad range of issues from infrastructure, capacity, eco-system and partnerships, to inclusion, value, channels, security, privacy and authentication.
We propose a distributed and adaptive trust evaluation algorithm (DATEA) to calculate the trust between nodes. First, calculate the communication trust by using the number of data packets between nodes, and predict the trust based on the trend of this value, calculate the comprehensive trust by combining the history trust with the predict value; calculate the energy trust based on the residual energy of nodes; calculate the direct trust by using the communication trust and energy trust. Second, calculate the recommendation trust based on the recommendation reliability and the recommendation familiarity; put forward the adaptively weighting method, and calculate the integrate direct trust by combining the direct trust with recommendation trust. Third, according to the integrate direct trust, considering the factor of trust propagation distance, the indirect trust between nodes is calculated. Simulation experiments show that the proposed algorithm can effectively avoid the attacks of malicious nodes, besides, the calculated direct trust and indirect trust about normal nodes are more conformable to the actual situation.
In this paper, the design of an event-driven middleware for general purpose services in smart grid (SG) is presented. The main purpose is to provide a peer-to-peer distributed software infrastructure to allow the access of new multiple and authorized actors to SGs information in order to provide new services. To achieve this, the proposed middleware has been designed to be: 1) event-based; 2) reliable; 3) secure from malicious information and communication technology attacks; and 4) to enable hardware independent interoperability between heterogeneous technologies. To demonstrate practical deployment, a numerical case study applied to the whole U.K. distribution network is presented, and the capabilities of the proposed infrastructure are discussed.
Drones have quickly become ubiquitous for both recreational and serious use. As is frequently the case with new technology in general, their rapid adoption already far exceeds our legal, policy, and social ability to cope with such issues as privacy and interference with well-established commercial and military air space. While the FAA has issued rulings, they will almost certainly be challenged in court as disputes arise, for example, when property owners shoot drones down. It is clear that drones will provide a critical role in smart cities and be connected to, if not directly a part of the IoT (Internet of Things). Drones will provide an essential role in providing network relay connectivity and situational awareness, particularly in disaster assessment and recovery scenarios. As is typical for new network technologies, the deployment of the drone hardware far exceeds our research in protocols – extending our previous understanding of MANETs (mobile ad hoc networks) and DTNs (disruption tolerant networks) – and more importantly, management, control, resilience, security, and privacy concerns. This keynote address will discuss these challenges and consider future research directions.
Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) is an IP mobility protocol. In a PMIPv6 domain, local mobility anchor is involved in control as well as data communication. To ease the load on a mobility anchor and avoid single point of failure, the PMIPv6 standard provides the opportunity of having multiple mobility anchors. In this paper, we propose a Software Defined Networking (SDN) based solution to provide load balancing among mobility anchors, in a SDN based PMIPv6 domain. In the proposed solution, a mobility controller performs acts as a central control entity, and performs load monitoring on the mobility anchors. On detecting the load crossing over a threshold for a certain mobility anchor, the controller moves some traffic from highly loaded mobility anchor to relatively less loaded mobility anchor. Analytical model and primitive performance evaluation of the proposed solution is presented in this paper, which demonstrates 5% and 40% improvement in uplink and downlink traffic disruption periods, respectively
While the rapid progress in smart city technologies are changing cities and the lifestyle of the people, there are increasingly enormous challenges in terms of the safety and security of smart cities. The potential vulnerabilities of e-government products and imminent attacks on smart city infrastructure and services will have catastrophic consequences on the governments and can cause substantial economic and noneconomic losses, even chaos, to the cities and their residents. This paper aims to explore alternative economic solutions ranging from incentive mechanisms to market-based solutions to motivate smart city product vendors, governments, and vulnerability researchers and finders to improve the cybersecurity of smart cities.
The notion of edge computing introduces new computing functions away from centralized locations and closer to the network edge and thus facilitating new applications and services. This enhanced computing paradigm is provides new opportunities to applications developers, not available otherwise. In this talk, I will discuss why placing computation functions at the extreme edge of our network infrastructure, i.e., in wireless Access Points and home set-top boxes, is particularly beneficial for a large class of emerging applications. I will discuss a specific approach, called ParaDrop, to implement such edge computing functionalities, and use examples from different domains – smarter homes, sustainability, and intelligent transportation – to illustrate the new opportunities around this concept.
Resource discovery in unstructured peer-to-peer networks causes a search query to be flooded throughout the network via random nodes, leading to security and privacy issues. The owner of the search query does not have control over the transmission of its query through the network. Although algorithms have been proposed for policy-compliant query or data routing in a network, these algorithms mainly deal with authentic route computation and do not provide mechanisms to actually verify the network paths taken by the query. In this work, we propose an approach to deal with the problem of verifying network paths taken by a search query during resource discovery, and detection of malicious forwarding of search query. Our approach aims at being secure and yet very scalable, even in the presence of huge number of nodes in the network.
One of the most challenging issues facing academic conferences and educational institutions today is plagiarism detection. Typically, these entities wish to ensure that the work products submitted to them have not been plagiarized from another source (e.g., authors submitting identical papers to multiple journals). Assembling large centralized databases of documents dramatically improves the effectiveness of plagiarism detection techniques, but introduces a number of privacy and legal issues: all document contents must be completely revealed to the database operator, making it an attractive target for abuse or attack. Moreover, this content aggregation involves the disclosure of potentially sensitive private content, and in some cases this disclosure may be prohibited by law. In this work, we introduce Elxa, the first scalable centralized plagiarism detection system that protects the privacy of the submissions. Elxa incorporates techniques from the current state of the art in plagiarism detection, as evaluated by the information retrieval community. Our system is designed to be operated on existing cloud computing infrastructure, and to provide incentives for the untrusted database operator to maintain the availability of the network. Elxa can be used to detect plagiarism in student work, duplicate paper submissions (and their associated peer reviews), similarities between confidential reports (e.g., malware summaries), or any approximate text reuse within a network of private documents. We implement a prototype using the Hadoop MapReduce framework, and demonstrate that it is feasible to achieve competitive detection effectiveness in the private setting.
The rapid progress of multi-/many-core architectures has caused data-intensive parallel applications not yet be fully suited for getting the maximum performance. The advent of parallel programming frameworks offering structured patterns has alleviated developers' burden adapting such applications to parallel platforms. For example, the use of synchronization mechanisms in multithreaded applications is essential on shared-cache multi-core architectures. However, ensuring an appropriate use of their interfaces can be challenging, since different memory models plus instruction reordering at compiler/processor levels may influence the occurrence of data races. The benefits of race detectors are formidable in this sense, nevertheless if lock-free data structures with no high-level atomics are used, they may emit false positives. In this paper, we extend the ThreadSanitizer race detection tool in order to support semantics of the general Single-Producer/Single-Consumer (SPSC) lock-free parallel queue and to detect benign data races where it was correctly used. To perform our analysis, we leverage the FastFlow SPSC bounded lock-free queue implementation to test our extensions over a set of μ-benchmarks and real applications on a dual-socket Intel Xeon CPU E5-2695 platform. We demonstrate that this approach can reduce, on average, 30% the number of data race warning messages.
The Wikidata platform is a crowdsourced, structured knowledgebase aiming to provide integrated, free and language-agnostic facts which are–-amongst others–-used by Wikipedias. Users who actively enter, review and revise data on Wikidata are assisted by a property suggesting system which provides users with properties that might also be applicable to a given item. We argue that evaluating and subsequently improving this recommendation mechanism and hence, assisting users, can directly contribute to an even more integrated, consistent and extensive knowledge base serving a huge variety of applications. However, the quality and usefulness of such recommendations has not been evaluated yet. In this work, we provide the first evaluation of different approaches aiming to provide users with property recommendations in the process of curating information on Wikidata. We compare the approach currently facilitated on Wikidata with two state-of-the-art recommendation approaches stemming from the field of RDF recommender systems and collaborative information systems. Further, we also evaluate hybrid recommender systems combining these approaches. Our evaluations show that the current recommendation algorithm works well in regards to recall and precision, reaching a recall@7 of 79.71% and a precision@7 of 27.97%. We also find that generally, incorporating contextual as well as classifying information into the computation of property recommendations can further improve its performance significantly.
In the cloud storage, users lose direct control over their data. How to surely delete data in the cloud becomes a crucial problem for a secure cloud storage system. The existing way to this problem is to encrypt the data before outsourcing and destroy the encryption key when deleting. However, this solution may cause heavy computation overhead for the user-side and the encrypted data remains intact in the cloud after the deletion operation. To solve this challenge problem, we propose a novel method to surely delete data in the cloud storage by overwriting. Different from existing works, our scheme is efficient in the user-side and is able to wipe out the deleted data from the drives of the cloud servers.
While in business and private settings the disruptive impact of advanced information communication technology (ICT) have already been felt, the legal sector is now starting to face great disruptions due to such ICTs. Bits and pieces of innovations in the legal sector have been emerging for some time, affecting the performance of core functions and the legitimacy of public institutions. In this paper, we present our framework for enabling the smart government vision, particularly for the case of criminal justice systems, by unifying different isolated ICT-based solutions. Our framework, coined as Legal Logistics, supports the well-functioning of a legal system in order to streamline the innovations in these legal systems. The framework targets the exploitation of all relevant data generated by the ICT-based solutions. As will be illustrated for the Dutch criminal justice system, the framework may be used to integrate different ICT-based innovations and to gain insights about the well-functioning of the system. Furthermore, Legal Logistics can be regarded as a roadmap towards a smart and open justice.
All modern web browsers –- Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari –- have a core rendering engine written in C++. This language choice was made because it affords the systems programmer complete control of the underlying hardware features and memory in use, and it provides a transparent compilation model. Unfortunately, this language is complex (especially to new contributors!), challenging to write correct parallel code in, and highly susceptible to memory safety issues that potentially lead to security holes. Servo is a project started at Mozilla Research to build a new web browser engine that preserves the capabilities of these other browser engines but also both takes advantage of the recent trends in parallel hardware and is more memory-safe. We use a new language, Rust, that provides us a similar level of control of the underlying system to C++ but which statically prevents many memory safety issues and provides direct support for parallelism and concurrency. In this paper, we show how a language with an advanced type system can address many of the most common security issues and software engineering challenges in other browser engines, while still producing code that has the same performance and memory profile. This language is also quite accessible to new open source contributors and employees, even those without a background in C++ or systems programming. We also outline several pitfalls encountered along the way and describe some potential areas for future improvement.
A two-factor authenticated key-agreement scheme for session initiation protocol emerged as a best remedy to overcome the ascribed limitations of the password-based authentication scheme. Recently, Lu et al. proposed an anonymous two-factor authenticated key-agreement scheme for SIP using elliptic curve cryptography. They claimed that their scheme is secure against attacks and achieves user anonymity. Conversely, this paper's keen analysis points out several severe security weaknesses of the Lu et al.'s scheme. In addition, this paper puts forward an enhanced anonymous two-factor mutual authenticated key-agreement scheme for session initiation protocol using elliptic curve cryptography. The security analysis and performance analysis sections demonstrates that the proposed scheme is more robust and efficient than Lu et al.'s scheme.
There has been growing interest in using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in the fields of image forensics and steganalysis, and some promising results have been reported recently. These works mainly focus on the architectural design of CNNs, usually, a single CNN model is trained and then tested in experiments. It is known that, neural networks, including CNNs, are suitable to form ensembles. From this perspective, in this paper, we employ CNNs as base learners and test several different ensemble strategies. In our study, at first, a recently proposed CNN architecture is adopted to build a group of CNNs, each of them is trained on a random subsample of the training dataset. The output probabilities, or some intermediate feature representations, of each CNN, are then extracted from the original data and pooled together to form new features ready for the second level of classification. To make best use of the trained CNN models, we manage to partially recover the lost information due to spatial subsampling in the pooling layers when forming feature vectors. Performance of the ensemble methods are evaluated on BOSSbase by detecting S-UNIWARD at 0.4 bpp embedding rate. Results have indicated that both the recovery of the lost information, and learning from intermediate representation in CNNs instead of output probabilities, have led to performance improvement.
WebRTC is one of the latest additions to the ever growing repository of Web browser technologies, which push the envelope of native Web application capabilities. WebRTC allows real-time peer-to-peer audio and video chat, that runs purely in the browser. Unlike existing video chat solutions, such as Skype, that operate in a closed identity ecosystem, WebRTC was designed to be highly flexible, especially in the domains of signaling and identity federation. This flexibility, however, opens avenues for identity fraud. In this paper, we explore the technical underpinnings of WebRTC's identity management architecture. Based on this analysis, we identify three novel attacks against endpoint authenticity. To answer the identified threats, we propose and discuss defensive strategies, including security improvements for the WebRTC specifications and mitigation techniques for the identity and service providers.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is slowly, but steadily, changing the way we interact with our surrounding. Smart cities, smart environments, smart buildings are just a few macroscopic examples of how smart ecosystems are increasingly involved in our daily life, each one offering a different set of information. This information's decentralization and scattering can be exploited, optimizing mobile nodes on-demand information retrieval process. We propose an approach focused on defining competence domains in smart systems where the responsibility of providing a specific information to a mobile node is defined by spatial constraints. By exploiting the interplay and duality of Cloud Computing and Fog Computing we introduce an approach to exploit data spatial allocation in smart systems to optimize mobile nodes information retrieval.
This paper reviews the challenges faced when securing data on mobile devices. After a discussion of the state-of-the-art of secure storage for iOS and Android, the paper introduces an attack which demonstrates how Full Disk Encryption (FDE) on Android can be ineffective in practice.
This paper reviews the challenges faced when securing data on mobile devices. After a discussion of the state-of-the-art of secure storage for iOS and Android, the paper introduces an attack which demonstrates how Full Disk Encryption (FDE) on Android can be ineffective in practice.
The speech emotion recognition accuracy of prosody feature and voice quality feature declines with the decrease of SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) of speech signals. In this paper, we propose novel sub-band spectral centroid weighted wavelet packet cepstral coefficients (W-WPCC) for robust speech emotion recognition. The W-WPCC feature is computed by combining the sub-band energies with sub-band spectral centroids via a weighting scheme to generate noise-robust acoustic features. And Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) are artificial neural networks having more than one hidden layer, which are first pre-trained layer by layer and then fine-tuned using back propagation algorithm. The well-trained deep neural networks are capable of modeling complex and non-linear features of input training data and can better predict the probability distribution over classification labels. We extracted prosody feature, voice quality features and wavelet packet cepstral coefficients (WPCC) from the speech signals to combine with W-WPCC and fused them by Deep Belief Networks (DBNs). Experimental results on Berlin emotional speech database show that the proposed fused feature with W-WPCC is more suitable in speech emotion recognition under noisy conditions than other acoustics features and proposed DBNs feature learning structure combined with W-WPCC improve emotion recognition performance over the conventional emotion recognition method.