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Khan, R. A., Khan, S. U..  2018.  A Preliminary Structure of Software Security Assurance Model. 2018 IEEE/ACM 13th International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE). :132-135.
Software security is an important aspect that needs to be considered during the entire software development life cycle (SDLC). Integrating software security at each phase of SDLC has become an urgent need. To address software security, various approaches, techniques, methods, practices, and models have been proposed and developed. However, recent research shows that many software development methodologies do not explicitly include methods for incorporating software security during the development of software as it evolves from requirements engineering to its final disposal. The primary objective of this research is to study the state-of-the-art of security in the context of SDLC by following systematic mapping study (SMS). In the second phase, we will identify, through systematic literature review (SLR) and empirical study in the industry, the software security contributions, security challenges and their practices for global software development (GSD) vendors. The ultimate aim is to develop a Software Security Assurance Model (SSAM) to assist GSD vendor organisations in measuring their readiness towards the development of secure software.
Hu, Xiaohe, Gupta, Arpit, Feamster, Nick, Panda, Aurojit, Shenker, Scott.  2018.  Preserving Privacy at IXPs. Proceedings of the 2Nd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking. :43–49.
Autonomous systems (ASes) on the Internet increasingly rely on Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) for peering. A single IXP may interconnect several 100s or 1000s of participants (ASes) all of which might peer with each other through BGP sessions. IXPs have addressed this scaling challenge through the use of route servers. However, route servers require participants to trust the IXP and reveal their policies, a drastic change from the accepted norm where all policies are kept private. In this paper we look at techniques to build route servers which provide the same functionality as existing route servers without requiring participants to reveal their policies thus preserving the status quo and enabling wider adoption of IXPs. Prior work has looked at secure multiparty computation (SMPC) as a means of implementing such route servers however this affects performance and reduces policy flexibility. In this paper we take a different tack and build on trusted execution environments (TEEs) such as Intel SGX to keep policies private and flexible. We present results from an initial route server implementation that runs under Intel SGX and show that our approach has 20x better performance than SMPC based approaches. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the additional privacy provided by our approach comes at minimal cost and our implementation is at worse 2.1x slower than a current route server implementation (and in some situations up to 2x faster).
de Lima, Davi Ferreira, Bezerra, José Roberto, de Macedo Costa da Silva, Jorge Fredericson.  2018.  Privacy and Integrity Protection of Data in SCADA Systems. Proceedings of the 10th Latin America Networking Conference. :110–114.
The critical infrastructure of a country, due to its relevance and complexity, demands systems to facilitate the user interaction to correctly deal and share the information related to the monitored processes. The systems currently applied to monitor such infrastructures are based on SCADA architecture. The advent of the Internet jointly to the needs of fast information exchange at any place in order to support accurate decision-making processes, demands increasing interconnection among SCADA and management systems. However, such interconnection may expose sensitive data manipulated by such systems to hackers which may cause massive damages, financial loses, threats to human lives among others. Therefore, unprotected data may expose the systems to cyber-criminals by affecting any of the cyber-security principles, Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authenticity. This article presents four study cases using Wireshark to analyze a popular SCADA software to check user authentication process. The result of this research was the reading in plain text of the user authentication data used to access the control and monitoring system. As an immediate and minimal solution, this work presents low cost, easy setup and open source solutions are proposed using VPN and protocol obfuscator to improve security applying cryptography and hide the data passing through Virtual Private Network.
Cormode, Graham, Jha, Somesh, Kulkarni, Tejas, Li, Ninghui, Srivastava, Divesh, Wang, Tianhao.  2018.  Privacy at Scale: Local Differential Privacy in Practice. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data. :1655–1658.
Local differential privacy (LDP), where users randomly perturb their inputs to provide plausible deniability of their data without the need for a trusted party, has been adopted recently by several major technology organizations, including Google, Apple and Microsoft. This tutorial aims to introduce the key technical underpinnings of these deployed systems, to survey current research that addresses related problems within the LDP model, and to identify relevant open problems and research directions for the community.
Lu, Yunmei, Yan, Mingyuan, Han, Meng, Zhang, Qingliang, Zhang, Yanqing.  2018.  Privacy Preserving Multiclass Classification for Horizontally Distributed Data. Proceedings of the 19th Annual SIG Conference on Information Technology Education. :165–165.
With the advent of the era of big data, applying data mining techniques on assembling data from multiple parties (or sources) has become a leading trend. In this work, a Privacy Preserving Multiclass Classification (PPM2C) method is proposed. Experimental results show that PPM2C is workable and stable.
Bai, Kunpeng, Wu, Chuankun, Zhang, Zhenfeng.  2018.  Protect white-box AES to resist table composition attacks. IET Information Security. 12:305–313.
White-box cryptography protects cryptographic software in a white-box attack context (WBAC), where the dynamic execution of the cryptographic software is under full control of an adversary. Protecting AES in the white-box setting attracted many scientists and engineers, and several solutions emerged. However, almost all these solutions have been badly broken by various efficient white-box attacks, which target compositions of key-embedding lookup tables. In 2014, Luo, Lai, and You proposed a new WBAC-oriented AES implementation, and claimed that their implementation is secure against both Billet et al.'s attack and De Mulder et al.'s attack. In this study, based on the existing table-composition-targeting cryptanalysis techniques, the authors show that the secret key of the Luo-Lai-You (LLY) implementation can be recovered with a time complexity of about 244. Furthermore, the authors propose a new white-box AES implementation based on table lookups, which is shown to be resistant against the existing table-composition-targeting white-box attacks. The authors, key-embedding tables are obfuscated with large affine mappings, which cannot be cancelled out by table compositions of the existing cryptanalysis techniques. Although their implementation requires twice as much memory as the LLY WBAES to store the tables, its speed is about 63 times of the latter.
Psallidas, Fotis, Wu, Eugene.  2018.  Provenance for Interactive Visualizations. Proceedings of the Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics. :9:1–9:8.
We highlight the connections between data provenance and interactive visualizations. To do so, we first incrementally add interactions to a visualization and show how these interactions are readily expressible in terms of provenance. We then describe how an interactive visualization system that natively supports provenance can be easily extended with novel interactions.
Wu, Qi.  2018.  A Pseudorandom Bit Generator Based on a Dependent Variable Exclusively Coupled Chaotic System. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing. :11–16.
Coupling is a common approach for constructing new chaotic systems. In this paper, I present a novel way of coupling, which is utilized to construct a new chaotic system. Afterwards, the system is analyzed in detail and a pseudorandom bit generator is proposed based on it. Next, I employ five statistic tests to evaluate the pseudo randomness of generated sequences. Linear complexity and cipher space are analyzed at last. All the results demonstrate that the proposed generator possesses excellent properties.
Liang, Danwei, An, Jian, Cheng, Jindong, Yang, He, Gui, Ruowei.  2018.  The Quality Control in Crowdsensing Based on Twice Consensuses of Blockchain. Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference and 2018 International Symposium on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Wearable Computers. :630–635.
In most crowdsensing systems, the quality of the collected data is varied and difficult to evaluate while the existing crowdsensing quality control methods are mostly based on a central platform, which is not completely trusted in reality and results in fraud and other problems. To solve these questions, a novel crowdsensing quality control model is proposed in this paper. First, the idea of blockchain is introduced into this model. The credit-based verifier selection mechanism and twice consensuses are proposed to realize the non-repudiation and non-tampering of information in crowdsensing. Then, the quality grading evaluation (QGE) is put forward, in which the method of truth discovery and the idea of fuzzy theories are combined to evaluate the quality of sensing data, and the garbled circuit is used to ensure that evaluation criteria can not be leaked. Finally, the Experiments show that our model is feasible in time and effective in quality evaluation.
Pengcheng, Li, Yi, Jinfeng, Zhang, Lijun.  2018.  Query-Efficient Black-Box Attack by Active Learning. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). :1200–1205.
Deep neural network (DNN) as a popular machine learning model is found to be vulnerable to adversarial attack. This attack constructs adversarial examples by adding small perturbations to the raw input, while appearing unmodified to human eyes but will be misclassified by a well-trained classifier. In this paper, we focus on the black-box attack setting where attackers have almost no access to the underlying models. To conduct black-box attack, a popular approach aims to train a substitute model based on the information queried from the target DNN. The substitute model can then be attacked using existing white-box attack approaches, and the generated adversarial examples will be used to attack the target DNN. Despite its encouraging results, this approach suffers from poor query efficiency, i.e., attackers usually needs to query a huge amount of times to collect enough information for training an accurate substitute model. To this end, we first utilize state-of-the-art white-box attack methods to generate samples for querying, and then introduce an active learning strategy to significantly reduce the number of queries needed. Besides, we also propose a diversity criterion to avoid the sampling bias. Our extensive experimental results on MNIST and CIFAR-10 show that the proposed method can reduce more than 90% of queries while preserve attacking success rates and obtain an accurate substitute model which is more than 85% similar with the target oracle.
Lawal, Babatunde Hafis, Nuray, A. T..  2018.  Real-time detection and mitigation of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks in software defined networking (SDN). 2018 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). :1–4.
The emergence of Software Defined Network (SDN) and its promises in networking technology has gotten every stakeholder excited. However, it is believed that every technological development comes with its own challenges of which the most prominent in this case is security. This paper presents a real time detection of the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on the SDN and a control method based on the sFlow mitigation technology. sFlow analyses samples of packets collected from the network traffic and generates handling rules to be sent to the controller in case of an attack detection. The implementation was done by emulating the network in Mininet which runs on a Virtual Machine (VM) and it was shown that the proposed method effectively detects and mitigates DDoS attacks.
Li, Haipeng, Zheng, Cuie, Zhang, Jucheng.  2018.  Redundant Dictionary Construction via Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of the 2Nd International Conference on Vision, Image and Signal Processing. :66:1–66:5.
Sparse representation of signals based on redundant dictionary is widely used in array signal processing. In this paper, a redundant dictionary construction method via genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed for array signal processing. The problem is formulated as a dictionary selection problem where the dictionary entries are produced by discretizing the angle space. We apply the orthogonality of the entries to evaluate the dictionary according to the Restricted Isometry Property (RIP). GA is used to discretize the angle space which can make the dictionary more orthogonal. Simulation results show that the proposed method can obtain a better division of angle, improving the orthogonality of dictionary effectively, and is suitable for arbitrary observation space compared with commonly used equal angle division and equal sine division.
Yuan, Jie, Li, Xiaoyong.  2018.  A Reliable and Lightweight Trust Computing Mechanism for IoT Edge Devices Based on Multi-Source Feedback Information Fusion. IEEE Access. 6:23626–23638.
The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing is currently a new research hotspot. However, the lack of trust between IoT edge devices has hindered the universal acceptance of IoT edge computing as outsourced computing services. In order to increase the adoption of IoT edge computing applications, first, IoT edge computing architecture should establish efficient trust calculation mechanism to alleviate the concerns of numerous users. In this paper, a reliable and lightweight trust mechanism is originally proposed for IoT edge devices based on multi-source feedback information fusion. First, due to the multi-source feedback mechanism is used for global trust calculation, our trust calculation mechanism is more reliable against bad-mouthing attacks caused by malicious feedback providers. Then, we adopt lightweight trust evaluating mechanism for cooperations of IoT edge devices, which is suitable for largescale IoT edge computing because it facilitates low-overhead trust computing algorithms. At the same time, we adopt a feedback information fusion algorithm based on objective information entropy theory, which can overcome the limitations of traditional trust schemes, whereby the trust factors are weighted manually or subjectively. And the experimental results show that the proposed trust calculation scheme significantly outperforms existing approaches in both computational efficiency and reliability.
Martínez-Peñas, Umberto, Kschischang, Frank R..  2018.  Reliable and Secure Multishot Network Coding using Linearized Reed-Solomon Codes. 2018 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton). :702–709.
Multishot network coding is considered in a worst-case adversarial setting in which an omniscient adversary with unbounded computational resources may inject erroneous packets in up to t links, erase up to ρ packets, and wire-tap up to μ links, all throughout ℓ shots of a (random) linearly-coded network. Assuming no knowledge of the underlying linear network code (in particular, the network topology and underlying linear code may change with time), a coding scheme achieving zero-error communication and perfect secrecy is obtained based on linearized Reed-Solomon codes. The scheme achieves the maximum possible secret message size of ℓn'-2t-ρ-μ packets, where n' is the number of outgoing links at the source, for any packet length m ≥ n' (largest possible range), with only the restriction that ℓ\textbackslashtextless;q (size of the base field). By lifting this construction, coding schemes for non-coherent communication are obtained with information rates close to optimal for practical instances. A Welch-Berlekamp sum-rank decoding algorithm for linearized Reed-Solomon codes is provided, having quadratic complexity in the total length n = ℓn', and which can be adapted to handle not only errors, but also erasures, wire-tap observations and non-coherent communication.
Zhou, Ziqiang, Sun, Changhua, Lu, Jiazhong, Lv, Fengmao.  2018.  Research and Implementation of Mobile Application Security Detection Combining Static and Dynamic. 2018 10th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA). :243–247.
With the popularity of the Internet and mobile intelligent terminals, the number of mobile applications is exploding. Mobile intelligent terminals trend to be the mainstream way of people's work and daily life online in place of PC terminals. Mobile application system brings some security problems inevitably while it provides convenience for people, and becomes a main target of hackers. Therefore, it is imminent to strengthen the security detection of mobile applications. This paper divides mobile application security detection into client security detection and server security detection. We propose a combining static and dynamic security detection method to detect client-side. We provide a method to get network information of server by capturing and analyzing mobile application traffic, and propose a fuzzy testing method based on HTTP protocol to detect server-side security vulnerabilities. Finally, on the basis of this, an automated platform for security detection of mobile application system is developed. Experiments show that the platform can detect the vulnerabilities of mobile application client and server effectively, and realize the automation of mobile application security detection. It can also reduce the cost of mobile security detection and enhance the security of mobile applications.
Chen, Shi, Deng, Lipeng, Shen, Ruihua, Ruan, Kebei.  2018.  Research and Implementation of SC Recursive Decoding Algorithm for Polar Codes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 2018. :58:1–58:6.
The polar codes is a new kind of linear block code proposed based on the theory of channel polarization. It was proved to be a kind of channel coding method that can achieve the shannon capacity limits. It requires a lot of computation and storage when SC (Successive Cancellation) decoding algorithm is used to decode long polar codes, it is not conducive to high-speed communication. To solve this problem, we propose SC recursion decoding algorithm. Analysis indicates that the new algorithm is less complex than the SC decoding algorithm. Simulation results show that the BER performance of SC recursive decoding algorithm is similar to that of SC decoding algorithm, but its delay is only one tenth of SC decoding algorithm.
Chen, J., Xu, R., Li, C..  2018.  Research of Security Situational Awareness and Visualization Approach in Cloud Computing. 2018 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :201-205.
Cloud computing is an innovative mechanism to optimize computing and storage resource utilization. Due to its cost-saving, high-efficiency advantage, the technology receives wide adoption from IT industries. However, the frequent emergences of security events become the heaviest obstacle for its advancement. The multi-layer and distributive characteristics of cloud computing make IT admins compulsively collect all necessary situational information at cloud runtime if they want to grasp the panoramic secure state, hereby practice configuration management and emergency response methods when necessary. On the other hand, technologies such as elastic resource pooling, dynamic load balancing and virtual machine real-time migration complicate the difficulty of data gathering, where secure information may come from virtual machine hypervisor, network accounting or host monitor proxies. How to classify, arrange, standardize and visualize these data turns into the most crucial issue for cloud computing security situation awareness and presentation. This dissertation borrows traditional fashion of data visualization to integrate into cloud computing features, proposes a new method for aggregating and displaying secure information which IT admins concern, and expects that by method realization cloud security monitor/management capabilities could be notably enhanced.
Yu, Dunyi.  2018.  Research on Anomaly Intrusion Detection Technology in Wireless Network. 2018 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Intelligent Systems (ICVRIS). :540–543.
In order to improve the security of wireless network, an anomaly intrusion detection algorithm based on adaptive time-frequency feature decomposition is proposed. This paper analyzes the types and detection principles of wireless network intrusion detection, it adopts the information statistical analysis method to detect the network intrusion, constructs the traffic statistical analysis model of the network abnormal intrusion, and establishes the network intrusion signal model by combining the signal fitting method. The correlation matching filter is used to filter the network intrusion signal to improve the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the time-frequency analysis method is used to extract the characteristic quantity of the network abnormal intrusion, and the adaptive correlation spectrum analysis method is used to realize the intrusion detection. The simulation results show that this method has high accuracy and strong anti-interference ability, and it can effectively guarantee the network security.
Liang, Xinyu, Chen, Xiangzhou, Ding, Huixia, Zhang, Geng, Zhen, Ni.  2018.  Research on Multi Point Self Healing Technology of Optical Channel Based on Wide Area Stability Control and Proposal of Reducing Business Risk Optimization Model. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation. :308–312.
In order to reduce the operation risk of the network and improve the self-healing ability of the real-time wide area control system, this paper presents a link break analysis model of power communication network. This model is based on the research and optimization of multi-point fault self-healing technology about the light channel and combined with the recovery method of single point of failure. According to the definition of risk assessment and the automatic rerouting of basic mechanisms which is based on ASON, the corresponding rerouting triggering mechanism and optimization model is proposed. This measure effectively reduced the operational risk of the business, then further strengthened the robustness and stability of the real-time wide area secure control system that finally ensure the stable and reliable operation of the communication network and the power grid system.
Liu, Lan, Lin, Jun, Wang, Qiang, Xu, Xiaoping.  2018.  Research on Network Malicious Code Detection and Provenance Tracking in Future Network. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :264–268.
with the development of SDN, ICN and 5G networks, the research of future network becomes a hot topic. Based on the design idea of SDN network, this paper analyzes the propagation model and detection method of malicious code in future network. We select characteristics of SDN and analyze the features use different feature selection methods and sort the features. After comparison the influence of running time by different classification algorithm of different feature selection, we analyze the choice of reduction dimension m, and find out the different types of malicious code corresponding to the optimal feature subset and matching classification method, designed for malware detection system. We analyze the node migration rate of malware in mobile network and its effect on the outbreak of the time. In this way, it can provide reference for the management strategy of the switch node or the host node by future network controller.
Fang, Aidong, Zhang, Zhiwei.  2018.  Research on Parallel Dynamic Encryption Transmission Algorithm on VoIP. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Information Science and System. :204–206.
Aiming to the current lack of VoIP voice encryption, a dynamic encryption method on grouping voice encryption and parallel encrypted is proposed in this paper. Though dynamic selection of encryption algorithms and dynamic distribution of key to increase the complexity of the encryption, at the same time reduce the time complexity of asymmetric encryption algorithm by using parallel encryption to ensure the real-time of the voice and improve call security.
Sengupta, Anirban, Roy, Dipanjan.  2018.  Reusable intellectual property core protection for both buyer and seller. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). :1—3.
This paper presents a methodology for IP core protection of CE devices from both buyer's and seller's perspective. In the presented methodology, buyer fingerprint is embedded along seller watermark during architectural synthesis phase of IP core design. The buyer fingerprint is inserted during scheduling phase while seller watermark is implanted during register allocation phase of architectural synthesis process. The presented approach provides a robust mechanisms of IP core protection for both buyer and seller at zero area overhead, 1.1 % latency overhead and 0.95 % design cost overhead compared to a similar approach (that provides only protection to IP seller).
Liu, Daiping, Zhang, Mingwei, Wang, Haining.  2018.  A Robust and Efficient Defense Against Use-after-Free Exploits via Concurrent Pointer Sweeping. Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1635-1648.
Applications in C/C++ are notoriously prone to memory corruptions. With significant research efforts devoted to this area of study, the security threats posed by previously popular vulnerabilities, such as stack and heap overflows, are not as serious as before. Instead, we have seen the meteoric rise of attacks exploiting use-after-free (UaF) vulnerabilities in recent years, which root in pointers pointing to freed memory (i.e., dangling pointers). Although various approaches have been proposed to harden software against UaF, none of them can achieve robustness and efficiency at the same time. In this paper, we present a novel defense called pSweeper to robustly protect against UaF exploits with low overhead, and pinpoint the root-causes of UaF vulnerabilities with one safe crash. The success of pSweeper lies in its two unique and innovative design ideas, concurrent pointer sweeping (CPW) and object origin tracking (OOT). CPW exploits the increasingly available multi-cores on modern PCs and outsources the heavyweight security checks and enforcement to dedicated threads that can run on spare cores. Specifically, CPW iteratively sweeps all live pointers in a concurrent thread to find dangling pointers. This design is quite different from previous work that requires to track every pointer propagation to maintain accurate point-to relationship between pointers and objects. OOT can help to pinpoint the root-causes of UaF by informing developers of how a dangling pointer is created, i.e., how the problematic object is allocated and freed. We implement a prototype of pSweeper and validate its efficacy in real scenarios. Our experimental results show that pSweeper is effective in defeating real-world UaF exploits and efficient when deployed in production runs.
Almehmadi, Abdulaziz.  2018.  SCADA Networks Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. :18:1–18:4.
Intentional attacks1 that cause country wide blackouts, gas and water systems malfunction are actions that can be carried out by a nation to impact on another nation in a mean of war. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) networks that allow for communication for the utilities companies were designed with no security in mind causing the systems that a nation relies on to fall vulnerable to exploitation. Since SCADA networks are static in nature with pre-defined signatures of network traffic, we propose to design an anomaly-based intrusion detection system to detect abnormality in SCADA network traffic and protocols. We gather normal SCADA network traffic via tapping on the network for 30 days and then attack the network using Denial of Service (DoS) attack, message spoofing attack and man-in-the middle attack. We then train a classifier with two classes, normal and abnormal and report the classifier accuracy in detecting abnormal SCADA network traffic.
Rady, Mai, Abdelkader, Tamer, Ismail, Rasha.  2018.  SCIQ-CD: A Secure Scheme to Provide Confidentiality and Integrity of Query results for Cloud Databases. 2018 14th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO). :225–230.
Database outsourcing introduces a new paradigm, called Database as a Service (DBaaS). Database Service Providers (DSPs) have the ability to host outsourced databases and provide efficient facilities for their users. However, the data and the execution of database queries are under the control of the DSP, which is not always a trusted authority. Therefore, our problem is to ensure the outsourced database security. To address this problem, we propose a Secure scheme to provide Confidentiality and Integrity of Query results for Cloud Databases (SCIQ-CD). The performance analysis shows that our proposed scheme is secure and efficient for practical deployment.