We have developed the Cross Domain Desktop Compositor, a hardware-based multi-level secure user interface, suitable for deployment in high-assurance environments. Through composition of digital display data from multiple physically-isolated single-level secure domains, and judicious switching of keyboard and mouse input, we provide an integrated multi-domain desktop solution. The system developed enforces a strict information flow policy and requires no trusted software. To fulfil high-assurance requirements and achieve a low cost of accreditation, the architecture favours simplicity, using mainly commercial-off-the-shelf components complemented by small trustworthy hardware elements. The resulting user interface is intuitive and responsive and we show how it can be further leveraged to create integrated multi-level applications and support managed information flows for secure cross domain solutions. This is a new approach to the construction of multi-level secure user interfaces and multi-level applications which minimises the required trusted computing base, whilst maintaining much of the desired functionality.
Multimedia transmission in wireless multimedia sensor networks is often energy constraints. In practice the bit rate resulting from all the multimedia digitization formats are substantially larger than the bit rates of transmission channels that are available with the networks associated with these applications. For the purpose of efficient of storage and transmission of the content, the popular compression technique MPEG4/H.264 has been made used. To achieve better coding efficiency video streaming protocols MPEG4/H.264 uses several techniques which is increasing the complexity involved in computation at the encoder prominently for wireless sensor network devices having lesser power abilities. In this paper we propose energy consumption reduction framework for transmission in wireless networks so that well-balanced quality of service (QoS) in multimedia network can be maintained. The experiment result demonstrate that the effectiveness of the proposed approach in energy efficiency in wireless sensor network where the energy is the critical parameter.
As the frequency, severity, and sophistication of cyber attacks increase, along with our dependence on reliable computing infrastructure, the role of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) gaining importance. One of the challenges in deploying an IDS stems from selecting a combination of detectors that are relevant and accurate for the environment where security is being considered. In this work, we propose a new measurement approach to address two key obstacles: the base-rate fallacy, and the unit of analysis problem. Our key contribution is to utilize the notion of a `signal', an indicator of an event that is observable to an IDS, as the measurement target, and apply the multiple instance paradigm (from machine learning) to enable cross-comparable measures regardless of the unit of analysis. To support our approach, we present a detailed case study and provide empirical examples of the effectiveness of both the model and measure by demonstrating the automated construction, optimization, and correlation of signals from different domains of observation (e.g. network based, host based, application based) and using different IDS techniques (signature based, anomaly based).
We propose a new security paradigm that makes cross-layer personalization a premier component in the design of security solutions for computer infrastructure and situational awareness. This paradigm is based on the observation that computer systems have a personalized usage profile that depends on the user and his activities. Further, it spans the various layers of abstraction that make up a computer system, as if the user embedded his own DNA into the computer system. To realize such a paradigm, we discuss the design of a comprehensive and cross-layer profiling approach, which can be adopted to boost the effectiveness of various security solutions, e.g., malware detection, insider attacker prevention and continuous authentication. The current state-of-the-art in computer infrastructure defense solutions focuses on one layer of operation with deployments coming in a "one size fits all" format, without taking into account the unique way people use their computers. The key novelty of our proposal is the cross-layer personalization, where we derive the distinguishable behaviors from the intelligence of three layers of abstraction. First, we combine intelligence from: a) the user layer, (e.g., mouse click patterns); b) the operating system layer; c) the network layer. Second, we develop cross-layer personalized profiles for system usage. We will limit our scope to companies and organizations, where computers are used in a more routine and one-on-one style, before we expand our research to personally owned computers. Our preliminary results show that just the time accesses in user web logs are already sufficient to distinguish users from each other,with users of the same demographics showing similarities in their profiles. Our goal is to challenge today's paradigm for anomaly detection that seems to follow a monoculture and treat each layer in isolation. We also discuss deployment, performance overhead, and privacy issues raised by our paradigm.
We live in the era of mobile computing. Mobile devices have more sensors and more capabilities than desktop computers. For any computing device that contains sensitive information and accesses the Internet, security is a major concern for both enterprises and end-users. Of the mobile devices commonly in The emphasis of this research focuses on to the ways in which the popular iOS and Android platforms handle permissions in an attempt to discern if there are any identifiable trends on either platform w.r.t. applications being over- or underprivileged.
One of the main concerns for smartphone users is the quality of apps they download. Before installing any app from the market, users first check its rating and reviews. However, these ratings are not computed by experts and most times are not associated with malicious behavior. In this work, we present an IDS/rating system based on a game theoretic model with crowdsourcing. Our results show that, with minor control over the error in categorizing users and the fraction of experts in the crowd, our system provides proper ratings while flagging all malicious apps.
A private information retrieval (abbreviated as PIR) protocol deals with the schemes that allow a user to retrieve privately an element of a non-replicated database. The security of PIR protocol is that the user wants to retrieve information in a database without the database knowing which information has being retrieved. This is widely applied in medical files, video or songs databases or even stock exchanges share prices. At ISIT 2008, Carlos Aguilar Melchor and Philippe Gaborit presented a lattice-based PIR protocol, whose security based on problems close to coding theory problems known to be NP-complete. In this paper, we present a practical attack on this PIR protocol when the number of elements in the database is not big. More specifically, we can firstly uncover the hidden linear relationship between the public matrices and noisy matrices, and then propose an efficient dimension-reduced attack to locate the index of the element which the user retrieved.
As people use and interact with more and more wearables and IoT-enabled devices, their private information is being exposed without any privacy protections. However, the limited capabilities of IoT devices makes implementing robust privacy protections challenging. In response, we present CryptoCoP, an energy-efficient, content agnostic privacy and encryption protocol for IoT devices. Eavesdroppers cannot snoop on data protected by CryptoCoP or track users via their IoT devices. We evaluate CryptoCoP and show that the performance and energy overheads are viable in a wide variety of situations, and can be modified to trade off forward secrecy and energy consumption against required key storage on the device.
Since many cryptographic schemes are about performing computation on data, it is important to consider a computation model which captures the prominent features of modern system architecture. Parallel random access machine (PRAM) is such an abstraction which not only models multiprocessor platforms, but also new frameworks supporting massive parallel computation such as MapReduce. In this work, we explore the feasibility of designing cryptographic solutions for the PRAM model of computation to achieve security while leveraging the power of parallelism and random data access. We demonstrate asymptotically optimal solutions for a wide-range of cryptographic tasks based on indistinguishability obfuscation. In particular, we construct the first publicly verifiable delegation scheme with privacy in the persistent database setting, which allows a client to privately delegate both computation and data to a server with optimal efficiency. Specifically, the server can perform PRAM computation on private data with parallel efficiency preserved (up to poly-logarithmic overhead). Our results also cover succinct randomized encoding, searchable encryption, functional encryption, secure multiparty computation, and indistinguishability obfuscation for PRAM. We obtain our results in a modular way through a notion of computational-trace indistinguishability obfuscation (CiO), which may be of independent interests.
Ransomware is a growing threat that encrypts auser's files and holds the decryption key until a ransom ispaid by the victim. This type of malware is responsible fortens of millions of dollars in extortion annually. Worse still, developing new variants is trivial, facilitating the evasion of manyantivirus and intrusion detection systems. In this work, we presentCryptoDrop, an early-warning detection system that alerts a userduring suspicious file activity. Using a set of behavior indicators, CryptoDrop can halt a process that appears to be tampering witha large amount of the user's data. Furthermore, by combininga set of indicators common to ransomware, the system can beparameterized for rapid detection with low false positives. Ourexperimental analysis of CryptoDrop stops ransomware fromexecuting with a median loss of only 10 files (out of nearly5,100 available files). Our results show that careful analysis ofransomware behavior can produce an effective detection systemthat significantly mitigates the amount of victim data loss.
Internet of Things (IoT) have been connecting the physical world seamlessly and provides tremendous opportunities to a wide range of applications. However, potential risks exist when IoT system collects local sensor data and uploads to the Cloud. The private data leakage can be severe with curious database administrator or malicious hackers who compromise the Cloud. In this demo, we solve this problem of guaranteeing the user data privacy and security using compressive sensing based cryptographic method. We present CScrypt, a compressive-sensing-based encryption engine for the Cloud-enabled IoT systems to secure the interaction between the IoT devices and the Cloud. Our system exploits the fact that each individual's biometric data can be trained to a unique dictionary which can be used as an encryption key meanwhile to compress the original data. We will demonstrate a functioning prototype of our system using live data stream when attending the conference.
One of the adverse effects of shrinking transistor sizes is that processors have become increasingly prone to hardware faults. At the same time, the number of cores per die rises. Consequently, core failures can no longer be ruled out, and future operating systems for many-core machines will have to incorporate fault tolerance mechanisms. We present CSR, a strategy for recovery from unexpected permanent processor faults in commodity operating systems. Our approach overcomes surprise removal of faulty cores, and also tolerates cascading core failures. When a core fails in user mode, CSR terminates the process executing on that core and migrates the remaining processes in its run-queue to other cores. We further show how hardware transactional memory may be used to overcome failures in critical kernel code. Our solution is scalable, incurs low overhead, and is designed to integrate into modern operating systems. We have implemented it in the Linux kernel, using Haswell's Transactional Synchronization Extension, and tested it on a real system.
Future wars will be cyber wars and the attacks will be a sturdy amalgamation of cryptography along with malware to distort information systems and its security. The explosive Internet growth facilitates cyber-attacks. Web threats include risks, that of loss of confidential data and erosion of consumer confidence in e-commerce. The emergence of cyber hack jacking threat in the new form in cyberspace is known as ransomware or crypto virus. The locker bot waits for specific triggering events, to become active. It blocks the task manager, command prompt and other cardinal executable files, a thread checks for their existence every few milliseconds, killing them if present. Imposing serious threats to the digital generation, ransomware pawns the Internet users by hijacking their system and encrypting entire system utility files and folders, and then demanding ransom in exchange for the decryption key it provides for release of the encrypted resources to its original form. We present in this research, the anatomical study of a ransomware family that recently picked up quite a rage and is called CTB locker, and go on to the hard money it makes per user, and its source C&C server, which lies with the Internet's greatest incognito mode-The Dark Net. Cryptolocker Ransomware or the CTB Locker makes a Bitcoin wallet per victim and payment mode is in the form of digital bitcoins which utilizes the anonymity network or Tor gateway. CTB Locker is the deadliest malware the world ever encountered.
My work that is being recognized by the 2015 ACM A. M. Turing Award is in cybersecurity, while my primary interest for the last thirty-five years is concerned with reducing the risk that nuclear deterrence will fail and destroy civilization. This Turing Lecture draws connections between those seemingly disparate areas as well as Alan Turing's elegant proof that the computable real numbers, while denumerable, are not effectively denumerable.
This paper describes a data driven approach to studying the science of cyber security (SoS). It argues that science is driven by data. It then describes issues and approaches towards the following three aspects: (i) Data Driven Science for Attack Detection and Mitigation, (ii) Foundations for Data Trustworthiness and Policy-based Sharing, and (iii) A Risk-based Approach to Security Metrics. We believe that the three aspects addressed in this paper will form the basis for studying the Science of Cyber Security.
Large scale datacenters are becoming the compute and data platform of large enterprises, but their scale makes them difficult to secure applications running within. We motivate this setting using a real world complex scenario, and propose a data-driven approach to taming this complexity. We discuss several machine learning problems that arise, in particular focusing on inducing so-called whitelist communication policies, from observing masses of communications among networked computing nodes. Briefly, a whitelist policy specifies which machine, or groups of machines, can talk to which. We present some of the challenges and opportunities, such as noisy and incomplete data, non-stationarity, lack of supervision, challenges of evaluation, and describe some of the approaches we have found promising.
We develop and evaluate a data hiding method that enables smartphones to encrypt and embed sensitive information into carrier streams of sensor data. Our evaluation considers multiple handsets and a variety of data types, and we demonstrate that our method has a computational cost that allows real-time data hiding on smartphones with negligible distortion of the carrier stream. These characteristics make it suitable for smartphone applications involving privacy-sensitive data such as medical monitoring systems and digital forensics tools.
Cyber infrastructures are highly vulnerable to intrusions and other threats. The main challenges in cloud computing are failure of data centres and recovery of lost data and providing a data security system. This paper has proposed a Virtualization and Data Recovery to create a virtual environment and recover the lost data from data servers and agents for providing data security in a cloud environment. A Cloud Manager is used to manage the virtualization and to handle the fault. Erasure code algorithm is used to recover the data which initially separates the data into n parts and then encrypts and stores in data servers. The semi trusted third party and the malware changes made in data stored in data centres can be identified by Artificial Intelligent methods using agents. Java Agent Development Framework (JADE) is a tool to develop agents and facilitates the communication between agents and allows the computing services in the system. The framework designed and implemented in the programming language JAVA as gateway or firewall to recover the data loss.
The usual approach to security for cloud-hosted applications is strong separation. However, it is often the case that the same data is used by different applications, particularly given the increase in data-driven (`big data' and IoT) applications. We argue that access control for the cloud should no longer be application-specific but should be data-centric, associated with the data that can flow between applications. Indeed, the data may originate outside cloud services from diverse sources such as medical monitoring, environmental sensing etc. Information Flow Control (IFC) potentially offers data-centric, system-wide data access control. It has been shown that IFC can be provided at operating system level as part of a PaaS offering, with an acceptable overhead. In this paper we consider how IFC can be integrated with application-specific access control, transparently from application developers, while building from simple IFC primitives, access control policies that align with the data management obligations of cloud providers and tenants.
Darknets, membership-concealing peer-to-peer networks, suffer from high message delivery delays due to insufficient routing strategies. They form topologies restricted to a subgraph of the social network of their users by limiting connections to peers with a mutual trust relationship in real life. Whereas centralized, highly successful social networking services entail a privacy loss of their users, Darknets at higher performance represent an optimal private and censorship-resistant communication substrate for social applications. Decentralized routing so far has been analyzed under the assumption that the network resembles a perfect lattice structure. Freenet, currently the only widely used Darknet, attempts to approximate this structure by embedding the social graph into a metric space. Considering the resulting distortion, the common greedy routing algorithm is adapted to account for local optima. Yet the impact of the adaptation has not been adequately analyzed. We thus suggest a model integrating inaccuracies in the embedding. In the context of this model, we show that the Freenet routing algorithm cannot achieve polylog performance. Consequently, we design NextBestOnce, a provable poylog algorithm based only on information about neighbors. Furthermore, we show that the routing length of NextBestOnce is further decreased by more than a constant factor if neighbor-of-neighbor information is included in the decision process.
Common among the wide variety of ubiquitous networked devices in modern use is wireless 802.11 connectivity. The MAC addresses of these devices are visible to a passive adversary, thereby presenting security and privacy threats - even when link or application-layer encryption is employed. While it is well-known that the most significant three bytes of a MAC address, the OUI, coarsely identify a device's manufacturer, we seek to better understand the ways in which the remaining low-order bytes are allocated in practice. From a collection of more than two billion 802.11 frames observed in the wild, we extract device and model information details for over 285K devices, as leaked by various management frames and discovery protocols. From this rich dataset, we characterize overall device populations and densities, vendor address allocation policies and utilization, OUI sharing among manufacturers, discover unique models occurring in multiple OUIs, and map contiguous address blocks to specific devices. Our mapping thus permits fine-grained device type and model predictions for unknown devices solely on the basis of their MAC address. We validate our inferences on both ground-truth data and a third-party dataset, where we obtain high accuracy. Our results empirically demonstrate the extant structure of the low-order MAC bytes due to manufacturer's sequential allocation policies, and the security and privacy concerns therein.
The security of critical infrastructures such as oil and gas cyber-physical systems is a significant concern in today's world where malicious activities are frequent like never before. On one side we have cyber criminals who compromise cyber infrastructure to control physical processes; we also have physical criminals who attack the physical infrastructure motivated to destroy the target or to steal oil from pipelines. Unfortunately, due to limited resources and physical dispersion, it is impossible for the system administrator to protect each target all the time. In this research paper, we tackle the problem of cyber and physical attacks on oil pipeline infrastructure by proposing a Stackelberg Security Game of three players: system administrator as a leader, cyber and physical attackers as followers. The novelty of this paper is that we have formulated a real world problem of oil stealing using a game theoretic approach. The game has two different types of targets attacked by two distinct types of adversaries with different motives and who can coordinate to maximize their rewards. The solution to this game assists the system administrator of the oil pipeline cyber-physical system to allocate the cyber security controls for the cyber targets and to assign patrol teams to the pipeline regions efficiently. This paper provides a theoretical framework for formulating and solving the above problem.
Malware is an ever-increasing threat to personal, corporate, and government computing systems alike. Particularly in the corporate and government sectors, the attribution of malware—including the identification of the authorship of malware as well as potentially the malefactor responsible for an attack—is of growing interest. Such malware attribution is often enabled by the fact that malware authors build on the work of others through the use of generators, libraries, and borrowed code. Determining malware phylogeny—the evolutionary history of and the derivative relations between malware—is consequently an endeavor of increasing importance, with a growing focus on the dynamic analysis of malware which involves executing a malware sample and determining the actions it takes after some period of operation. In most cases, such dynamic analysis occurs in a virtual machine, or "sandbox," in order to confine the malware to an environment in which it can do no harm to real systems. In sandbox-driven dynamic analysis of malware, a virtual machine is typically run starting from some known, malware-free baseline state. The malware is injected into the virtual machine, and the machine is allowed to run for some period of time during which the malware presumably activates. The machine is then suspended, and the current machine memory is dumped to disk. The process may then be repeated for other malware samples, each time starting from the baseline state. Stored in raw form on the disk, the dumped memory file is the same size as the virtual-machine memory, for virtual machines running modern operating systems, such memory would likely be no less than 512 MB but could be up to several GBs. If the corresponding memory dumps are to be retained for repeated analysis—as is likely to be required in order to determine a phylogeny for a large database of malware samples—lossless compression of the memory dumps is necessarily to prevent explosive disk usage. For example, the VirusShare project maintains a database of over 19 million malware samples, running these in a virtual machine with 512 MB of memory would require of 9 petabytes (PB) of storage to retain the memory dumps. In this paper, we develop a scheme for the lossless compression of memory dumps resulting from the repeated execution of malware samples in a virtual-machine sandbox. Rather than compress each memory dump individually, we capitalize on the fact that memory dumps stem from a known baseline virtual-machine state and code with respect to this baseline memory. Additionally, to further improve compression efficiency, we exploit the fact that a significant portion of the difference between the baseline memory and that of the currently running machine is the result of the loading of known executable programs and shared libraries. Consequently, we propose delta coding to compress the current virtual-machine memory dump by coding its differences with respect to a predicted memory image, with the latter formed by duplicating the loading of the executables and libraries into the baseline memory, resulting in a significant improvement in compression performance over straightforward delta coding alone. In experimental results for a body of malware samples, the proposed approach outperformed the widely used xdelta3 delta coder by approximately 20% and the popular generic gzip coder by 79%.
In order to integrate equipment from different vendors, wireless sensor networks need to become more standardized. Using IP as the basis of low power radio networks, together with application layer standards designed for this purpose is one way forward. This research focuses on implementing and deploying a system using Contiki, 6LoWPAN over an 868 MHz radio network, together with CoAP as a standard application layer protocol. A system was deployed in the Cairngorm mountains in Scotland as an environmental sensor network, measuring streams, temperature profiles in peat and periglacial features. It was found that RPL provided an effective routing algorithm, and that the use of UDP packets with CoAP proved to be an energy efficient application layer. This combination of technologies can be very effective in large area sensor networks.
Modern OS kernels including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS all have adopted kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), which shifts the base address of kernel code and data into different locations in different runs. Consequently, when performing introspection or forensic analysis of kernel memory, we cannot use any pre-determined addresses to interpret the kernel events. Instead, we must derandomize the address space layout and use the new addresses. However, few efforts have been made to derandomize the kernel address space and yet there are many questions left such as which approach is more efficient and robust. Therefore, we present the first systematic study of how to derandomize a kernel when given a memory snapshot of a running kernel instance. Unlike the derandomization approaches used in traditional memory exploits in which only remote access is available, with introspection and forensics applications, we can use all the information available in kernel memory to generate signatures and derandomize the ASLR. In other words, there exists a large volume of solutions for this problem. As such, in this paper we examine a number of typical approaches to generate strong signatures from both kernel code and data based on the insight of how kernel code and data is updated, and compare them from efficiency (in terms of simplicity, speed etc.) and robustness (e.g., whether the approach is hard to be evaded or forged) perspective. In particular, we have designed four approaches including brute-force code scanning, patched code signature generation, unpatched code signature generation, and read-only pointer based approach, according to the intrinsic behavior of kernel code and data with respect to kernel ASLR. We have gained encouraging results for each of these approaches and the corresponding experimental results are reported in this paper.