The capability to reliably and accurately identify the attacker has long been believed as one of the most effective deterrents to an attack. Ideally, the attribution of cyber attack should be automated from the attack target all the way toward the attack source on the Internet in real-time. Real-time, network-wide attack attribution, however, is every challenging, and many people have doubted whether it is feasible to have practical attack attribution on the Internet. In this paper, we look into the problem, challenges of real-time attack attribution on the Internet, and analyze what it takes to have the real-time attack attribution on the Internet. We show that it is indeed feasible and practical to attribute certain cyber attacks on the Internet in real-time. We build such a real-time attack attribution system upon the malware immunization and packet flow watermarking techniques we have developed. We demonstrate the unprecedented real-time attack attribution capability via live experiments on the Internet and Tor nodes all over the world.
The speech emotion recognition accuracy of prosody feature and voice quality feature declines with the decrease of SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) of speech signals. In this paper, we propose novel sub-band spectral centroid weighted wavelet packet cepstral coefficients (W-WPCC) for robust speech emotion recognition. The W-WPCC feature is computed by combining the sub-band energies with sub-band spectral centroids via a weighting scheme to generate noise-robust acoustic features. And Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) are artificial neural networks having more than one hidden layer, which are first pre-trained layer by layer and then fine-tuned using back propagation algorithm. The well-trained deep neural networks are capable of modeling complex and non-linear features of input training data and can better predict the probability distribution over classification labels. We extracted prosody feature, voice quality features and wavelet packet cepstral coefficients (WPCC) from the speech signals to combine with W-WPCC and fused them by Deep Belief Networks (DBNs). Experimental results on Berlin emotional speech database show that the proposed fused feature with W-WPCC is more suitable in speech emotion recognition under noisy conditions than other acoustics features and proposed DBNs feature learning structure combined with W-WPCC improve emotion recognition performance over the conventional emotion recognition method.
Mobile code distribution relies on digital signatures to guarantee code authenticity. Unfortunately, standard signature schemes are not well suited for use in conjunction with program transformation techniques, such as aspect-oriented programming. With these techniques, code development is performed in sequence by multiple teams of programmers. This is fundamentally different from traditional single-developer/ single-user models, where users can verify end-to-end (i.e., developer-to-user) authenticity of the code using digital signatures. To address this limitation, we introduce FLEX, a flexible code authentication framework for mobile applications. FLEX allows semi-trusted intermediaries to modify mobile code without invalidating the developer's signature, as long as the modification complies with a "contract" issued by the developer. We introduce formal definitions for secure code modification, and show that our instantiation of FLEX is secure under these definitions. Although FLEX can be instantiated using any language, we design AMJ–a novel programming language that supports code annotations–and implement a FLEX prototype based on our new language.
Public-key cryptography schemes are widely used due to their high level of security. As a very efficient one among public-key cryptosystems, elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) has been studied for years. Researchers used to improve the efficiency of ECC through point multiplication, which is the most important and complex operation of ECC. In our research, we use special families of curves and prime fields which have special properties. After that, we introduce the instruction set architecture (ISA) extension method to accelerate this algorithm (192-bit private key) and build an ECC\_ASIP model with six new ECC custom instructions. Finally, the ECC\_ASIP model is implemented in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) platform. The persuasive experiments have been conducted to evaluate the performance of our new model in the aspects of the performance, the code storage space and hardware resources. Experimental results show that our processor improves 69.6% in the execution efficiency and requires only 6.2% more hardware resources.
We address the known problem of detecting a previous compression in JPEG images, focusing on the challenging case of high and very high quality factors (textgreater= 90) as well as repeated compression with identical or nearly identical quality factors. We first revisit the approaches based on Benford–Fourier analysis in the DCT domain and block convergence analysis in the spatial domain. Both were originally conceived for specific scenarios. Leveraging decision tree theory, we design a combined approach complementing the discriminatory capabilities. We obtain a set of novel detectors targeted to high quality grayscale JPEG images.
Mobile devices store a diverse set of private user data and have gradually become a hub to control users' other personal Internet-of-Things devices. Access control on mobile devices is therefore highly important. The widely accepted solution is to protect access by asking for a password. However, password authentication is tedious, e.g., a user needs to input a password every time she wants to use the device. Moreover, existing biometrics such as face, fingerprint, and touch behaviors are vulnerable to forgery attacks. We propose a new touch-based biometric authentication system that is passive and secure against forgery attacks. In our touch-based authentication, a user's touch behaviors are a function of some random "secret". The user can subconsciously know the secret while touching the device's screen. However, an attacker cannot know the secret at the time of attack, which makes it challenging to perform forgery attacks even if the attacker has already obtained the user's touch behaviors. We evaluate our touch-based authentication system by collecting data from 25 subjects. Results are promising: the random secrets do not influence user experience and, for targeted forgery attacks, our system achieves 0.18 smaller Equal Error Rates (EERs) than previous touch-based authentication.
Robustness analyses play a major role in the synthesis and analysis of controllers. For control systems, robustness is a measure of the maximum tolerable model inaccuracies or perturbations that do not destabilize the system. Analyzing the robustness of a closed-loop system can be performed with multiple approaches: gain and phase margin computation for single-input single-output (SISO) linear systems, mu analysis, IQC computations, etc. However, none of these techniques consider the actual code in their analyses. The approach presented here relies on an invariant computation on the discrete system dynamics. Using semi-definite programming (SDP) solvers, a Lyapunov-based function is synthesized that captures the vector margins of the closed-loop linear system considered. This numerical invariant expressed over the state variables of the system is compatible with code analysis and enables its validation on the code artifact. This automatic analysis extends verification techniques focused on controller implementation, addressing validation of robustness at model and code level. It has been implemented in a tool analyzing discrete SISO systems and generating over-approximations of phase and gain margins. The analysis will be integrated in our toolchain for Simulink and Lustre models autocoding and formal analysis.
A new paradigm in wireless network access is presented and analyzed. In this concept, certain classes of wireless terminals can be turned temporarily into an access point (AP) anytime while connected to the Internet. This creates a dynamic network architecture (DNA) since the number and location of these APs vary in time. In this paper, we present a framework to optimize different aspects of this architecture. First, the dynamic AP association problem is addressed with the aim to optimize the network by choosing the most convenient APs to provide the quality-of-service (QoS) levels demanded by the users with the minimum cost. Then, an economic model is developed to compensate the users for serving as APs and, thus, augmenting the network resources. The users' security investment is also taken into account in the AP selection. A preclustering process of the DNA is proposed to keep the optimization process feasible in a high dense network. To dynamically reconfigure the optimum topology and adjust it to the traffic variations, a new specific encoding of genetic algorithm (GA) is presented. Numerical results show that GA can provide the optimum topology up to two orders of magnitude faster than exhaustive search for network clusters, and the improvement significantly increases with the cluster size.
We propose a modular framework which deploys state-of-the art techniques in dynamic pattern matching as well as machine learning algorithms for Big Data predictive and be-havioural analytics to detect threats and attacks in Managed File Transfer and collaboration platforms. We leverage the use of the kill chain model by looking for indicators of compromise either for long-term attacks as Advanced Persistent Threats, zero-day attacks or DDoS attacks. The proposed engine can act complimentary to existing security services as SIEMs, IDS, IPS and firewalls.
As the use of social media technologies proliferates in organizations, it is important to understand the nefarious behaviors, such as cyberbullying, that may accompany such technology use and how to discourage these behaviors. We draw from neutralization theory and the criminological theory of general deterrence to develop and empirically test a research model to explain why cyberbullying may occur and how the behavior may be discouraged. We created a research model of three second-order formative constructs to examine their predictive influence on intentions to cyberbully. We used PLS- SEM to analyze the responses of 174 Facebook users in two different cyberbullying scenarios. Our model suggests that neutralization techniques enable cyberbullying behavior and while sanction certainty is an important deterrent, sanction severity appears ineffective. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our model and results.
Lattice-based cryptography offers some of the most attractive primitives believed to be resistant to quantum computers. Following increasing interest from both companies and government agencies in building quantum computers, a number of works have proposed instantiations of practical post-quantum key exchange protocols based on hard problems in ideal lattices, mainly based on the Ring Learning With Errors (R-LWE) problem. While ideal lattices facilitate major efficiency and storage benefits over their non-ideal counterparts, the additional ring structure that enables these advantages also raises concerns about the assumed difficulty of the underlying problems. Thus, a question of significant interest to cryptographers, and especially to those currently placing bets on primitives that will withstand quantum adversaries, is how much of an advantage the additional ring structure actually gives in practice. Despite conventional wisdom that generic lattices might be too slow and unwieldy, we demonstrate that LWE-based key exchange is quite practical: our constant time implementation requires around 1.3ms computation time for each party; compared to the recent NewHope R-LWE scheme, communication sizes increase by a factor of 4.7x, but remain under 12 KiB in each direction. Our protocol is competitive when used for serving web pages over TLS; when partnered with ECDSA signatures, latencies increase by less than a factor of 1.6x, and (even under heavy load) server throughput only decreases by factors of 1.5x and 1.2x when serving typical 1 KiB and 100 KiB pages, respectively. To achieve these practical results, our protocol takes advantage of several innovations. These include techniques to optimize communication bandwidth, dynamic generation of public parameters (which also offers additional security against backdoors), carefully chosen error distributions, and tight security parameters.
We consider the problem of translating a deterministic \textbackslashemph\simulation model\ (like Matlab-Simunk, Modelica or Ptolemy models) into a \textbackslashemphěrification model\ expressed by a network of hybrid automata. The goal is to verify safety using reachability analysis on the verification model. Simulation models typically use transitions with urgent semantics, which must be taken as soon as possible. Urgent transitions also make it possible to decompose systems that would otherwise need to be modeled with a monolithic hybrid automaton. In this paper, we include urgent transitions in our verification models and propose a suitable adaptation of our reachability algorithm. However, the simulation model, due to its imperfections, may be unsafe even though the corresponding hybrid automata are safe. Conversely, set-based reachability may not be able to show safety of an ideal formal model, since complex dynamics necessarily entail overapproximations. Taken as a whole, the formal modeling and verification process can both falsely claim safety and fail to show safety of the concrete system. We address this inconsistency by relaxing the model as follows. The standard semantics of hybrid automata is a mathematical idealization, where reactions are considered to be instantaneous and physical measurements infinitely precise. We propose semantics that relax these assumptions, where guard conditions are sampled in discrete time and admit measurement errors. The relaxed semantics can be translated to an equivalent relaxed model in standard semantics. The relaxed model is realistic in the sense that it can be implemented on hardware fast and precise enough, and in a way that safety is preserved. Finally, we show that overapproximative reachability analysis can show safety of relaxed models, which is not the case in general.
In this era of information explosion, conflicts are often encountered when information is provided by multiple sources. Traditional truth discovery task aims to identify the truth the most trustworthy information, from conflicting sources in different scenarios. In this kind of tasks, truth is regarded as a fixed value or a set of fixed values. However, in a number of real-world cases, objective truth existence cannot be ensured and we can only identify single or multiple reliable facts from opinions. Different from traditional truth discovery task, we address this uncertainty and introduce the concept of trustworthy opinion of an entity, treat it as a random variable, and use its distribution to describe consistency or controversy, which is particularly difficult for data which can be numerically measured, i.e. quantitative information. In this study, we focus on the quantitative opinion, propose an uncertainty-aware approach called Kernel Density Estimation from Multiple Sources (KDEm) to estimate its probability distribution, and summarize trustworthy information based on this distribution. Experiments indicate that KDEm not only has outstanding performance on the classical numeric truth discovery task, but also shows good performance on multi-modality detection and anomaly detection in the uncertain-opinion setting.
With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data, high fidelity localization and tracking systems that employ cameras, RFIDs, and attached sensors intrude on personal privacy. However, the benefit of localization information sharing enables trend forecasting and automation. To address this challenge, we introduce Wobly, an attribute based signature (ABS) that measures gait. Wobly passively receives Wi-Fi beacons and produces human signatures based on the Doppler Effect and multipath signals without attached devices and out of direct line-of-sight. Because signatures are specific to antenna placement and room configuration and do not require sensor attachments, the identities of the individuals can remain anonymous. However, the gait based signatures are still unique, and thus Wobly is able to track individuals in a building or home. Wobly uses the physical layer channel and the unique human gait as a means of encoding a person's identity. We implemented Wobly on a National Instruments Radio Frequency (RF) test bed. Using a simple naive Bayes classifier, the correct identification rate was 87% with line-of-sight (LoS) and 77% with non-line-of-sight (NLoS).
Decoy routing is a promising new approach for censorship circumvention that relies on traffic re-direction by volunteer autonomous systems. Decoy routing is subject to a fundamental censorship attack, called routing around decoy (RAD), in which the censors re-route their clients' Internet traffic in order to evade decoy routing autonomous systems. Recently, there has been a heated debate in the community on the real-world feasibility of decoy routing in the presence of the RAD attack. Unfortunately, previous studies rely their analysis on heuristic-based mechanisms for decoy placement strategies as well as ad hoc strategies for the implementation of the RAD attack by the censors. In this paper, we perform the first systematic analysis of decoy routing in the presence of the RAD attack. We use game theory to model the interactions between decoy router deployers and the censors in various settings. Our game-theoretic analysis finds the optimal decoy placement strategies–-as opposed to heuristic-based placements–-in the presence of RAD censors who take their optimal censorship actions–-as opposed to some ad hoc implementation of RAD. That is, we investigate the best decoy placement given the best RAD censorship. We consider two business models for the real-world deployment of decoy routers: a central deployment that resembles that of Tor and a distributed deployment where autonomous systems individually decide on decoy deployment based on their economic interests. Through extensive simulation of Internet routes, we derive the optimal strategies in the two models for various censoring countries and under different assumptions about the budget and preferences of the censors and decoy deployers. We believe that our study is a significant step forward in understanding the practicality of the decoy routing circumvention approach.
Cyber-Physical Embedded Systems (CPESs) are distributed embedded systems integrated with various actuators and sensors. When it comes to the issue of CPES security, the most significant problem is the security of Embedded Sensor Networks (ESNs). With the continuous growth of ESNs, the security of transferring data from sensors to their destinations has become an important research area. Due to the limitations in power, storage, and processing capabilities, existing security mechanisms for wired or wireless networks cannot apply directly to ESNs. Meanwhile, ESNs are likely to be attacked by different kinds of attacks in industrial scenarios. Therefore, there is a need to develop new techniques or modify the current security mechanisms to overcome these problems. In this article, we focus on Intrusion Detection (ID) techniques and propose a new attack-defense game model to detect malicious nodes using a repeated game approach. As a direct consequence of the game model, attackers and defenders make different strategies to achieve optimal payoffs. Importantly, error detection and missing detection are taken into consideration in Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), where a game tree model is introduced to solve this problem. In addition, we analyze and prove the existence of pure Nash equilibrium and mixed Nash equilibrium. Simulations show that the proposed model can both reduce energy consumption by up to 50% compared with the existing All Monitor (AM) model and improve the detection rate by up to 10% to 15% compared with the existing Cluster Head (CH) monitor model.
The latest advances in head-mounted displays (HMDs) for augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) have produced commercialized devices that are gradually accepted by the public. These HMDs are generally equipped with head tracking, which provides an excellent input to explore immersive visualization and interaction techniques for various AR/MR applications. This paper explores the head tracking function on the latest Microsoft HoloLens – where gaze is defined as the ray starting at the head location and points forward. We present a gaze-directed visualization approach to study ensembles of 2D oil spill simulations in mixed reality. Our approach allows users to place an ensemble as an image stack in a real environment and explore the ensemble with gaze tracking. The prototype system demonstrates the challenges and promising effects of gaze-based interaction in the state-of-the-art mixed reality.
When people utilize social applications and services, their privacy suffers a potential serious threat. In this article, we present a novel, robust, and effective de-anonymization attack to mobility trace data and social data. First, we design a Unified Similarity (US) measurement, which takes account of local and global structural characteristics of data, information obtained from auxiliary data, and knowledge inherited from ongoing de-anonymization results. By analyzing the measurement on real datasets, we find that some data can potentially be de-anonymized accurately and the other can be de-anonymized in a coarse granularity. Utilizing this property, we present a US-based De-Anonymization (DA) framework, which iteratively de-anonymizes data with accuracy guarantee. Then, to de-anonymize large-scale data without knowledge of the overlap size between the anonymized data and the auxiliary data, we generalize DA to an Adaptive De-Anonymization (ADA) framework. By smartly working on two core matching subgraphs, ADA achieves high de-anonymization accuracy and reduces computational overhead. Finally, we examine the presented de-anonymization attack on three well-known mobility traces: St Andrews, Infocom06, and Smallblue, and three social datasets: ArnetMiner, Google+, and Facebook. The experimental results demonstrate that the presented de-anonymization framework is very effective and robust to noise. The source code and employed datasets are now publicly available at SecGraph [2015].
The main goal of this work is to create a model of trust which can be considered as a reference for developing applications oriented on collaborative annotation. Such a model includes design parameters inferred from online communities operated on collaborative content. This study aims to create a static model, but it could be dynamic or more than one model depending on the context of an application. An analysis on Genius as a peer production community was done to understand user behaviors. This study characterizes user interactions based on the differentiation between Lightweight Peer Production (LWPP) and Heavyweight Peer Production (HWPP). It was found that more LWPP- interactions take place in the lower levels of this system. As the level in the role system increases, there will be more HWPP-interactions. This can be explained as LWPP-interacions are straightforward, while HWPP-interations demand more agility by the user. These provide more opportunities and therefore attract other users for further interactions.
Recently, various protocols have been proposed for securely outsourcing database storage to a third party server, ranging from systems with "full-fledged" security based on strong cryptographic primitives such as fully homomorphic encryption or oblivious RAM, to more practical implementations based on searchable symmetric encryption or even on deterministic and order-preserving encryption. On the flip side, various attacks have emerged that show that for some of these protocols confidentiality of the data can be compromised, usually given certain auxiliary information. We take a step back and identify a need for a formal understanding of the inherent efficiency/privacy trade-off in outsourced database systems, independent of the details of the system. We propose abstract models that capture secure outsourced storage systems in sufficient generality, and identify two basic sources of leakage, namely access pattern and ommunication volume. We use our models to distinguish certain classes of outsourced database systems that have been proposed, and deduce that all of them exhibit at least one of these leakage sources. We then develop generic reconstruction attacks on any system supporting range queries where either access pattern or communication volume is leaked. These attacks are in a rather weak passive adversarial model, where the untrusted server knows only the underlying query distribution. In particular, to perform our attack the server need not have any prior knowledge about the data, and need not know any of the issued queries nor their results. Yet, the server can reconstruct the secret attribute of every record in the database after about \$Ntextasciicircum4\$ queries, where N is the domain size. We provide a matching lower bound showing that our attacks are essentially optimal. Our reconstruction attacks using communication volume apply even to systems based on homomorphic encryption or oblivious RAM in the natural way. Finally, we provide experimental results demonstrating the efficacy of our attacks on real datasets with a variety of different features. On all these datasets, after the required number of queries our attacks successfully recovered the secret attributes of every record in at most a few seconds.
There is an increasing trend for data owners to store their data in a third-party cloud server and buy the service from the cloud server to provide information to other users. To ensure confidentiality, the data is usually encrypted. Therefore, an encrypted data searching scheme with privacy preserving is of paramount importance. Predicate encryption (PE) is one of the attractive solutions due to its attribute-hiding merit. However, as cloud is not always trusted, verifying the searched results is also crucial. Firstly, a generic construction of Publicly Verifiable Predicate Encryption (PVPE) scheme is proposed to provide verification for PE. We reduce the security of PVPE to the security of PE. However, from practical point of view, to decrease the communication overhead and computation overhead, an improved PVPE is proposed with the trade-off of a small probability of error.
Together with its great advantages, cloud storage brought many interesting security issues to our attention. Since 2007, with the first efficient storage integrity protocols Proofs of Retrievability (PoR) of Juels and Kaliski, and Provable Data Possession (PDP) of Ateniese et al., many researchers worked on such protocols.
The difference among PDP and PoR models were greatly debated. The first DPDP scheme was shown by Erway et al. in 2009, while the first DPoR scheme was created by Cash et al. in 2013. We show how to obtain DPoR from DPDP, PDP, and erasure codes, making us realize that even though we did not know it, we could have had a DPoR solution in 2009.
We propose a general framework for constructing DPoR schemes that encapsulates known DPoR schemes as its special cases. We show practical and interesting optimizations enabling better performance than Chandran et al. and Shi et al. constructions. For the first time, we show how to obtain constant audit bandwidth for DPoR, independent of the data size, and how the client can greatly speed up updates with O(λ√n) local storage (where n is the number of blocks, and λ is the security parameter), which corresponds to ~ 3MB for 10GB outsourced data, and can easily be obtained in today's smart phones, let alone computers.
In this paper, we propose a new approach to diagnosing problems in complex distributed systems. Our approach is based on the insight that many of the trickiest problems are anomalies. For instance, in a network, problems often affect only a small fraction of the traffic (e.g., perhaps a certain subnet), or they only manifest infrequently. Thus, it is quite common for the operator to have “examples” of both working and non-working traffic readily available – perhaps a packet that was misrouted, and a similar packet that was routed correctly. In this case, the cause of the problem is likely to be wherever the two packets were treated differently by the network. We present the design of a debugger that can leverage this information using a novel concept that we call differential provenance. Differential provenance tracks the causal connections between network states and state changes, just like classical provenance, but it can additionally perform root-cause analysis by reasoning about the differences between two provenance trees. We have built a diagnostic tool that is based on differential provenance, and we have used our tool to debug a number of complex, realistic problems in two scenarios: software-defined networks and MapReduce jobs. Our results show that differential provenance can be maintained at relatively low cost, and that it can deliver very precise diagnostic information; in many cases, it can even identify the precise root cause of the problem.
The Google Identity Platform is a system that allows a user to sign in to applications and other services by using a Google account. Google Sign-In is one such method for providing one’s identity to the Google Identity Platform. Google Sign-In is available for Android applications and iOS applications, as well as for websites and other devices. Users of Google Sign-In find that it integrates well with the Android platform, but iOS users (iPhone, iPad, etc.) do not have the same experience. The user experience when logging in to a Google account on an iOS application can not only be more tedious than the Android experience, but it also conditions users to engage in behaviors that put the information in their Google accounts at risk.
This paper introduces a novel graph-analytic approach for detecting anomalies in network flow data called GraphPrints. Building on foundational network-mining techniques, our method represents time slices of traffic as a graph, then counts graphlets–-small induced subgraphs that describe local topology. By performing outlier detection on the sequence of graphlet counts, anomalous intervals of traffic are identified, and furthermore, individual IPs experiencing abnormal behavior are singled-out. Initial testing of GraphPrints is performed on real network data with an implanted anomaly. Evaluation shows false positive rates bounded by 2.84% at the time-interval level, and 0.05% at the IP-level with 100% true positive rates at both.