Code clone detection is an important problem for software maintenance and evolution. Many approaches consider either structure or identifiers, but none of the existing detection techniques model both sources of information. These techniques also depend on generic, handcrafted features to represent code fragments. We introduce learning-based detection techniques where everything for representing terms and fragments in source code is mined from the repository. Our code analysis supports a framework, which relies on deep learning, for automatically linking patterns mined at the lexical level with patterns mined at the syntactic level. We evaluated our novel learning-based approach for code clone detection with respect to feasibility from the point of view of software maintainers. We sampled and manually evaluated 398 file- and 480 method-level pairs across eight real-world Java systems; 93% of the file- and method-level samples were evaluated to be true positives. Among the true positives, we found pairs mapping to all four clone types. We compared our approach to a traditional structure-oriented technique and found that our learning-based approach detected clones that were either undetected or suboptimally reported by the prominent tool Deckard. Our results affirm that our learning-based approach is suitable for clone detection and a tenable technique for researchers.
Many solutions for composability and compositionality rely on specifying the interface for a component using bandwidth. Some previous works specify period (P) and budget (Q) as an interface for a component. Q/P provides us with a bandwidth (the share of a processor that this component may request); P specifies the time-granularity of the allocation of this processing capacity. Other works add another parameter deadline which can help to provide tighter bounds on how this processing capacity is distributed. Yet other works use the parameters α and Δ where α is the bandwidth and Δ specifies how smoothly this bandwidth is distributed. It is known [4] that such bandwidth-like interfaces carry a cost: there are tasksets that could be guaranteed to be schedulable if tasks were scheduled directly on the processor, but with bandwidth-like interfaces, it is impossible to guarantee the taskset to be schedulable. And it is also known that this penalty can be infinite, i.e., the use of bandwidth-like interfaces may require the use of a processor that has a speed that is k times faster, and one can show this for any k. This brings the question: "What is the average-case performance penalty of bandwidth-like interfaces?" This paper addresses this question. We answer the question by randomly generating tasksets and then for each of these tasksets, compute a lower bound on how much faster a processor needs to be when a bandwidth-like scheme is used. We do not consider any specific bandwidth-like scheme; instead, we derive an expression that states a lower bound on how much faster a processor needs to be when a bandwidth-like scheme is used. For the distributions considered in this paper, we find that (i) the experimental results depend on the experimental setup, (ii) this lower bound on the penalty was never larger than 4.0, (iii) for one experimental setup, for each taskset, it was greater than 2.4, (iv) the histogram of this penalty appears to be unimodal, and (v) for implicit-deadline sporadic tasks, this lower bound on the penalty was exactly 1.
Given a stream of heterogeneous graphs containing different types of nodes and edges, how can we spot anomalous ones in real-time while consuming bounded memory? This problem is motivated by and generalizes from its application in security to host-level advanced persistent threat (APT) detection. We propose StreamSpot, a clustering based anomaly detection approach that addresses challenges in two key fronts: (1) heterogeneity, and (2) streaming nature. We introduce a new similarity function for heterogeneous graphs that compares two graphs based on their relative frequency of local substructures, represented as short strings. This function lends itself to a vector representation of a graph, which is (a) fast to compute, and (b) amenable to a sketched version with bounded size that preserves similarity. StreamSpot exhibits desirable properties that a streaming application requires: it is (i) fully-streaming; processing the stream one edge at a time as it arrives, (ii) memory-efficient; requiring constant space for the sketches and the clustering, (iii) fast; taking constant time to update the graph sketches and the cluster summaries that can process over 100,000 edges per second, and (iv) online; scoring and flagging anomalies in real time. Experiments on datasets containing simulated system-call flow graphs from normal browser activity and various attack scenarios (ground truth) show that StreamSpot is high-performance; achieving above 95% detection accuracy with small delay, as well as competitive time and memory usage.
In the field of image processing, it is more complex and challenging task to detect the Human motion in the video and recognize their actions from the video sequences. A novel approach is presented in this paper to detect the human motion and recognize their actions. By tracking the selected object over consecutive frames of a video or image sequences, the different Human actions are recognized. Initially, the background motion is subtracted from the input video stream and its binary images are constructed. Using spatiotemporal interest points, the object which needs to be monitored is selected by enclosing the required pixels within the bounding rectangle. The selected foreground pixels within the bounding rectangle are then tracked using edge tracking algorithm. The features are extracted and using these features human motion are detected. Finally, the different human actions are recognized using K-Nearest Neighbor classifier. The applications which uses this methodology where monitoring the human actions is required such as shop surveillance, city surveillance, airports surveillance and other important places where security is the prime factor. The results obtained are quite significant and are analyzed on the datasets like KTH and Weizmann dataset, which contains actions like bending, running, walking, skipping, and hand-waving.
Modern world has witnessed a dramatic increase in our ability to collect, transmit and distribute real-time monitoring and surveillance data from large-scale information systems and cyber-physical systems. Detecting system anomalies thus attracts significant amount of interest in many fields such as security, fault management, and industrial optimization. Recently, invariant network has shown to be a powerful way in characterizing complex system behaviours. In the invariant network, a node represents a system component and an edge indicates a stable, significant interaction between two components. Structures and evolutions of the invariance network, in particular the vanishing correlations, can shed important light on locating causal anomalies and performing diagnosis. However, existing approaches to detect causal anomalies with the invariant network often use the percentage of vanishing correlations to rank possible casual components, which have several limitations: 1) fault propagation in the network is ignored; 2) the root casual anomalies may not always be the nodes with a high-percentage of vanishing correlations; 3) temporal patterns of vanishing correlations are not exploited for robust detection. To address these limitations, in this paper we propose a network diffusion based framework to identify significant causal anomalies and rank them. Our approach can effectively model fault propagation over the entire invariant network, and can perform joint inference on both the structural, and the time-evolving broken invariance patterns. As a result, it can locate high-confidence anomalies that are truly responsible for the vanishing correlations, and can compensate for unstructured measurement noise in the system. Extensive experiments on synthetic datasets, bank information system datasets, and coal plant cyber-physical system datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Compositional theories and technologies facilitate the decomposition of a complex system into components, as well as their integration via interfaces. Component interfaces hide the internal details of the components, thereby reducing integration complexity. A system is said to be composable if the properties established and validated for components in isolation hold once the components are integrated to form the system. This brings us the question: "Is compositionality related to composability?" This paper answers this question in the affirmative; it considers a previously known interface for compositionality and shows that it can be used for composability. It also presents a run-time policing mechanism for this interface.
Smart grid is an evolving new power system framework with ICT driven power equipment massively layered structure. The new generation sensors, smart meters and electronic devices are integral components of smart grid. However, the upcoming deployment of smart devices at different layers followed by their integration with communication networks may introduce cyber threats. The interdependencies of various subsystems functioning in the smart grid, if affected by cyber-attack, may be vulnerable and greatly reduce efficiency and reliability due to any one of the device not responding in real time frame. The cyber security vulnerabilities become even more evident due to the existing superannuated cyber infrastructure. This paper presents a critical review on expected cyber security threats in complex environment and addresses the grave concern of a secure cyber infrastructure and related developments. An extensive review on the cyber security objectives and requirements along with the risk evaluation process has been undertaken. The paper analyses confidentiality and privacy issues of entire components of smart power system. A critical evaluation on upcoming challenges with innovative research concerns is highlighted to achieve a roadmap of an immune smart grid infrastructure. This will further facilitate R&d; associated developments.
The Internet of Things(IoT) has become a popular technology, and various middleware has been proposed and developed for IoT systems. However, there have been few studies on the data management of IoT systems. In this paper, we consider graph database models for the data management of IoT systems because these models can specify relationships in a straightforward manner among entities such as devices, users, and information that constructs IoT systems. However, applying a graph database to the data management of IoT systems raises issues regarding distribution and security. For the former issue, we propose graph database operations integrated with REST APIs. For the latter, we extend a graph edge property by adding access protocol permissions and checking permissions using the APIs with authentication. We present the requirements for a use case scenario in addition to the features of a distributed graph database for IoT data management to solve the aforementioned issues, and implement a prototype of the graph database.
Intrusion detection has been an active field of research for more than 35 years. Numerous systems had been built based on the two fundamental detection principles, knowledge-based and behavior-based detection. Anyway, having a look at day-to-day news about data breaches and successful attacks, detection effectiveness is still limited. Even more, heavy-weight intrusion detection systems cannot be installed in every endangered environment. For example, Industrial Control Systems are typically utilized for decades, charging off huge investments of companies. Thus, some of these systems have been in operation for years, but were designed afore without security in mind. Even worse, as systems often have connections to other networks and even the Internet nowadays, an adequate protection is mandatory, but integrating intrusion detection can be extremely difficult - or even impossible to date. We propose a new lightweight current-based IDS which is using a difficult to manipulate measurement base and verifiable ground truth. Focus of our system is providing intrusion detection for ICS and SCADA on a low-priced base, easy to integrate. Dr. WATTson, a prototype implemented based on our concept provides high detection and low false alarm rates.
Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems are very much delicate to attacks or physical attacks. This paper aims to correctly implementing the fault injection attack against Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. More specifically, the proposed algorithm concerns to fault attack which is implemented to sufficiently alter signature against vigilant periodic sequence algorithm that supports the efficient speed up and security perspectives with most prominent and well known scalar multiplication algorithm for ECDSA. The purpose is to properly injecting attack whether any probable countermeasure threatening the pseudo code is determined by the attack model according to the predefined methodologies. We show the results of our experiment with bits acquire from the targeted implementation to determine the reliability of our attack.
Privacy and security have been discussed in many occasions and in most cases, the importance that these two aspects play on the information system domain are mentioned often. Many times, research is carried out on the individual information security or privacy measures where it is commonly regarded with the focus on the particular measure or both privacy and security are regarded as a whole subject. However, there have been no attempts at establishing a proper method in categorizing any form of objects of protection. Through the review done on this paper, we would like to investigate the relationship between privacy and security and form a break down the aspects of privacy and security in order to provide better understanding through determining if a measure or methodology is security, privacy oriented or both. We would recommend that in further research, a further refined formulation should be formed in order to carry out this determination process. As a result, we propose a Privacy-Security Tree (PST) in this paper that distinguishes the privacy from security measures.
With increasing popularity of cloud computing, the data owners are motivated to outsource their sensitive data to cloud servers for flexibility and reduced cost in data management. However, privacy is a big concern for outsourcing data to the cloud. The data owners typically encrypt documents before outsourcing for privacy-preserving. As the volume of data is increasing at a dramatic rate, it is essential to develop an efficient and reliable ciphertext search techniques, so that data owners can easily access and update cloud data. In this paper, we propose a privacy preserving multi-keyword ranked search scheme over encrypted data in cloud along with data integrity using a new authenticated data structure MIR-tree. The MIR-tree based index with including the combination of widely used vector space model and TF×IDF model in the index construction and query generation. We use inverted file index for storing word-digest, which provides efficient and fast relevance between the query and cloud data. Design an authentication set(AS) for authenticating the queries, for verifying top-k search results. Because of tree based index, our scheme achieves optimal search efficiency and reduces communication overhead for verifying the search results. The analysis shows security and efficiency of our scheme.
In the original algorithm for grey correlation analysis, the detected edge is comparatively rough and the thresholds need determining in advance. Thus, an adaptive edge detection method based on grey correlation analysis is proposed, in which the basic principle of the original algorithm for grey correlation analysis is used to get adaptively automatic threshold according to the mean value of the 3×3 area pixels around the detecting pixel and the property of people's vision. Because the false edge that the proposed algorithm detected is relatively large, the proposed algorithm is enhanced by dealing with the eight neighboring pixels around the edge pixel, which is merged to get the final edge map. The experimental results show that the algorithm can get more complete edge map with better continuity by comparing with the traditional edge detection algorithms.
In this paper, we propose a new color image encryption and compression algorithm based on the DNA complementary rule and the Chinese remainder theorem, which combines the DNA complementary rule with quantum chaotic map. We use quantum chaotic map and DNA complementary rule to shuffle the color image and obtain the shuffled image, then Chinese remainder theorem from number theory is utilized to diffuse and compress the shuffled image simultaneously. The security analysis and experiment results show that the proposed encryption algorithm has large key space and good encryption result, it also can resist against common attacks.
In recent years, more and more multimedia data are generated and transmitted in various fields. So, many encryption methods for multimedia content have been put forward to satisfy various applications. However, there are still some open issues. Each encryption method has its advantages and drawbacks. Our main goal is expected to provide a solution for multimedia encryption which satisfies the target application constraints and performs metrics of the encryption algorithm. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the most popular algorithm used in symmetric key cryptography. Furthermore, chaotic encryption is a new research direction of cryptography which is characterized by high initial-value sensitivity and good randomness. In this paper we propose a hybrid video cryptosystem which combines two encryption techniques. The proposed cryptosystem realizes the video encryption through the chaos and AES in CTR mode. Experimental results and security analysis demonstrate that this cryptosystem is highly efficient and a robust system for video encryption.
The network intrusion detection problem domain is described with mathematical knowledge in this paper, and a novel IDS detection model based on immune mechanism is designed. We study the key modules of IDS system, detector tolerance module and the algorithms of IDS detection intensively. Then, the continuous bit matching algorithm for computing affinity is improved by further analysis. At the same time, we adopt controllable variation and random variation, as well as dynamic demotion to improve the dynamic clonal selection algorithm. Finally the experimental simulations verify that the novel artificial immune algorithm has better detection rate and lower noise factor.
We propose a multi-level CSI quantization and key reconciliation scheme for physical layer security. The noisy wireless channel estimates obtained by the users first run through a transformation, prior to the quantization step. This enables the definition of guard bands around the quantization boundaries, tailored for a specific efficiency and not compromising the uniformity required at the output of the quantizer. Our construction results in an better key disagreement and initial key generation rate trade-off when compared to other level-crossing quantization methods.
The manufacturing process of electrical machines influences the geometric dimensions and material properties, e.g. the yoke thickness. These influences occur by statistical variation as manufacturing tolerances. The effect of these tolerances and their potential impact on the mechanical torque output is not fully studied up to now. This paper conducts a sensitivity analysis for geometric and material parameters. For the general approach these parameters are varied uniformly in a range of 10 %. Two dimensional finite element analysis is used to simulate the influences at three characteristic operating points. The studied object is an internal permanent magnet machine in the 100 kW range used for hybrid drive applications. The results show a significant dependency on the rotational speed. The general validity is studied by using boundary condition variations and two further machine designs. This procedure offers the comparison of matching qualitative results for small quantitative deviations. For detecting the impact of the manufacturing process realistic tolerance ranges are used. This investigation identifies the airgap and magnet remanence induction as the main parameters for potential torque fluctuation.
Embedded Systems (ES) are an integral part of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), the Internet of Things (IoT), and consumer devices like smartphones. ES often have limited resources, and - if used in CPS and IoT - have to satisfy real time requirements. Therefore, ES rarely employ the security measures established for computer systems and networks. Due to the growth of both CPS and IoT it is important to identify ongoing attacks on ES without interfering with realtime constraints. Furthermore, security solutions that can be retrofit to legacy systems are desirable, especially when ES are used in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) that often maintain the same hardware for decades. To tackle this problem, several researchers have proposed using side-channels (i.e., physical emanations accompanying cyber processes) to detect such attacks. While prior work focuses on the anomaly detection approach, this might not always be sufficient, especially in complex ES whose behavior depends on the input data. In this paper, we determine whether one of the most common attacks - a buffer overflow attack - generates distinct side-channel signatures if executed on a vulnerable ES. We only consider the power consumption side-channel. We collect and analyze power traces from normal program operation and four cases of buffer overflow attack categories: (i) crash program execution, (ii) injection of executable code, (iii) return to existing function, and (iv) Return Oriented Programming (ROP) with gadgets. Our analysis shows that for some of these cases a power signature-based detection of a buffer overflow attack is possible.
Several technologies, such as WiFi, Ethernet and power-line communications (PLC), can be used to build residential and enterprise networks. These technologies often co-exist; most networks use WiFi, and buildings are readily equipped with electrical wires that can offer a capacity up to 1 Gbps with PLC. Yet, current networks do not exploit this rich diversity and often operate far below the available capacity. We design, implement, and evaluate EMPoWER, a system that exploits simultaneously several potentially-interfering mediums. It operates at layer 2.5, between the MAC and IP layers, and combines routing (to find multiple concurrent routes) and congestion control (to efficiently balance traffic across the routes). To optimize resource utilization and robustness, both components exploit the heterogeneous nature of the network. They are fair and efficient, and they operate only within the local area network, without affecting remote Internet hosts. We demonstrate the performance gains of EMPoWER, by simulations and experiments on a 22-node testbed. We show that PLC/WiFi, benefiting from the diversity offered by wireless and electrical mediums, provides significant throughput gains (up to 10x) and improves coverage, compared to multi-channel WiFi.
Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption (DSSE) allows a client to perform keyword searches over encrypted files via an encrypted data structure. Despite its merits, DSSE leaks search and update patterns when the client accesses the encrypted data structure. These leakages may create severe privacy problems as already shown, for example, in recent statistical attacks on DSSE. While Oblivious Random Access Memory (ORAM) can hide such access patterns, it incurs significant communication overhead and, therefore, it is not yet fully practical for cloud computing systems. Hence, there is a critical need to develop private access schemes over the encrypted data structure that can seal the leakages of DSSE while achieving practical search/update operations. In this paper, we propose a new oblivious access scheme over the encrypted data structure for searchable encryption purposes, that we call textlessutextgreaterDtextless/utextgreateristributed textlessutextgreaterOtextless/utextgreaterblivious textlessutextgreaterDtextless/utextgreaterata structure textlessutextgreaterDSSEtextless/utextgreater (DOD-DSSE). The main idea is to create a distributed encrypted incidence matrix on two non-colluding servers such that no arbitrary queries on these servers can be linked to each other. This strategy prevents not only recent statistical attacks on the encrypted data structure but also other potential threats exploiting query linkability. Our security analysis proves that DOD-DSSE ensures the unlink-ability of queries and, therefore, offers much higher security than traditional DSSE. At the same time, our performance evaluation demonstrates that DOD-DSSE is two orders of magnitude faster than ORAM-based techniques (e.g., Path ORAM), since it only incurs a small-constant number of communication overhead. That is, we deployed DOD-DSSE on geographically distributed Amazon EC2 servers, and showed that, a search/update operation on a very large dataset only takes around one second with DOD-DSSE, while it takes 3 to 13 minutes with Path ORAM-based methods.
This paper presents a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) testbed recently built at the University of New Orleans. The testbed consists of models of three industrial physical processes: a gas pipeline, a power transmission and distribution system, and a wastewater treatment plant–these systems are fully-functional and implemented at small-scale. It utilizes real-world industrial equipment such as transformers, programmable logic controllers (PLC), aerators, etc., bringing it closer to modeling real-world SCADA systems. Sensors, actuators, and PLCs are deployed at each physical process system for local control and monitoring, and the PLCs are also connected to a computer running human-machine interface (HMI) software for monitoring the status of the physical processes. The testbed is a useful resource for cybersecurity research, forensic research, and education on different aspects of SCADA systems such as PLC programming, protocol analysis, and demonstration of cyber attacks.
Embedded devices with constrained computational resources, such as wireless sensor network nodes, electronic tag readers, roadside units in vehicular networks, and smart watches and wristbands, are widely used in the Internet of Things. Many of such devices are deployed in untrustable environments, and others may be easy to lose, leading to possible capture by adversaries. Accordingly, in the context of security research, these devices are running in the white-box attack context, where the adversary may have total visibility of the implementation of the built-in cryptosystem with full control over its execution. It is undoubtedly a significant challenge to deal with attacks from a powerful adversary in white-box attack contexts. Existing encryption algorithms for white-box attack contexts typically require large memory use, varying from one to dozens of megabytes, and thus are not suitable for resource-constrained devices. As a countermeasure in such circumstances, we propose an ultra-lightweight encryption scheme for protecting the confidentiality of data in white-box attack contexts. The encryption is executed with secret components specialized for resource-constrained devices against white-box attacks, and the encryption algorithm requires a relatively small amount of static data, ranging from 48 to 92 KB. The security and efficiency of the proposed scheme have been theoretically analyzed with positive results, and experimental evaluations have indicated that the scheme satisfies the resource constraints in terms of limited memory use and low computational cost.
In last twenty years, use of internet applications, web hacking activities have exaggerated speedily. Organizations facing very significant challenges in securing their web applications from rising cyber threats, as compromise with the protection issues don't seem to be reasonable. Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) techniques help them to go looking out security loopholes. These security loopholes could also be utilized by attackers to launch attacks on technical assets. Thus it is necessary ascertain these vulnerabilities and install security patches. VAPT helps organization to determine whether their security arrangements are working properly. This paper aims to elucidate overview and various techniques used in vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT). Also focuses on making cyber security awareness and its importance at various level of an organization for adoption of required up to date security measures by the organization to stay protected from various cyber-attacks.