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Machine Learning and Data Mining in Cybersecurty. 2021 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). :952–956.
2021. A wireless technology Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) that connects a group of mobile devices such as phones, laptops, and tablets suffers from critical security problems, so the traditional defense mechanism Intrusion Detection System (IDS) techniques are not sufficient to safeguard and protect MANET from malicious actions performed by intruders. Due to the MANET dynamic decentralized structure, distributed architecture, and rapid growing of MANET over years, vulnerable MANET does not need to change its infrastructure rather than using intelligent and advance methods to secure them and prevent intrusions. This paper focuses essentially on machine learning methodologies and algorithms to solve the shortage of the first line defense IDS to overcome the security issues MANET experience. Threads such as black hole, routing loops, network partition, selfishness, sleep deprivation, and denial of service (DoS), may be easily classified and recognized using machine learning methodologies and algorithms. Also, machine learning methodologies and algorithms help find ways to reduce and solve mischievous and harmful attacks against intimidation and prying. The paper describes few machine learning algorithms in detail such as Neural Networks, Support vector machine (SVM) algorithm and K-nearest neighbors, and how these methodologies help MANET to resolve their security problems.
Machine learning for anonymous traffic detection and classification. 2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science Engineering (Confluence). :942—947.
2021. Anonymity is one of the biggest concerns in web security and traffic management. Though web users are concerned about privacy and security various methods are being adopted in making the web more vulnerable. Browsing the web anonymously not only threatens the integrity but also questions the motive of such activity. It is important to classify the network traffic and prevent source and destination from hiding with each other unless it is for benign activity. The paper proposes various methods to classify the dark web at different levels or hierarchies. Various preprocessing techniques are proposed for feature selection and dimensionality reduction. Anon17 dataset is used for training and testing the model. Three levels of classification are proposed in the paper based on the network, traffic type, and application.
Machine Learning-based Vulnerability Study of Interpose PUFs as Security Primitives for IoT Networks. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS). :1–7.
2021. Security is of importance for communication networks, and many network nodes, like sensors and IoT devices, are resource-constrained. Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) leverage physical variations of the integrated circuits to produce responses unique to individual circuits and have the potential for delivering security for low-cost networks. But before a PUF can be adopted for security applications, all security vulnerabilities must be discovered. Recently, a new PUF known as Interpose PUF (IPUF) was proposed, which was tested to be secure against reliability-based modeling attacks and machine learning attacks when the attacked IPUF is of small size. A recent study showed IPUFs succumbed to a divide-and-conquer attack, and the attack method requires the position of the interpose bit known to the attacker, a condition that can be easily obfuscated by using a random interpose position. Thus, large IPUFs may still remain secure against all known modeling attacks if the interpose position is unknown to attackers. In this paper, we present a new modeling attack method of IPUFs using multilayer neural networks, and the attack method requires no knowledge of the interpose position. Our attack was tested on simulated IPUFs and silicon IPUFs implemented on FPGAs, and the results showed that many IPUFs which were resilient against existing attacks cannot withstand our new attack method, revealing a new vulnerability of IPUFs by re-defining the boundary between secure and insecure regions in the IPUF parameter space.
Methodology for Quantifying the Materiality of Audit Evidence Using Expert Assessments and Their Ranking. 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :2390—2393.
2021. An Information security audit is a process of obtaining objective audit evidence and evaluating it objectively for compliance with audit criteria. Given resource constraints, it's advisable to focus on obtaining evidence that has a significant impact on its effectiveness when developing an audit program to organize the audit. The person managing the audit program faces an urgent task developing an audit program, taking into account the information content of extracted evidence and resource constraints. In practice, evidence cannot be evaluated correctly directly in numerical scales, so they are forced to use less informative scales. The purpose of scientific research is to develop a methodology for assessing the materiality of audit evidence using expert assessments, their statistical processing, and transition to quantitative scales. As a result, the person managing the audit program gets a tool for developing an effective audit program.
Modelling Cyber-Risk in an Economic Perspective. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :372–377.
2021. In this paper, we present a theoretical approach concerning the econometric modelling for the estimation of cyber-security risk, with the use of time-series analysis methods and alternatively with Machine Learning (ML) based, deep learning methodology. Also we present work performed in the framework of SAINT H2020 Project [1], concerning innovative data mining techniques, based on automated web scrapping, for the retrieving of the relevant time-series data. We conclude with a review of emerging challenges in cyber-risk assessment brought by the rapid development of adversarial AI.
MT-MTD: Muti-Training based Moving Target Defense Trojaning Attack in Edged-AI network. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1—6.
2021. The evolution of deep learning has promoted the popularization of smart devices. However, due to the insufficient development of computing hardware, the ability to conduct local training on smart devices is greatly restricted, and it is usually necessary to deploy ready-made models. This opacity makes smart devices vulnerable to deep learning backdoor attacks. Some existing countermeasures against backdoor attacks are based on the attacker’s ignorance of defense. Once the attacker knows the defense mechanism, he can easily overturn it. In this paper, we propose a Trojaning attack defense framework based on moving target defense(MTD) strategy. According to the analysis of attack-defense game types and confrontation process, the moving target defense model based on signaling game was constructed. The simulation results show that in most cases, our technology can greatly increase the attack cost of the attacker, thereby ensuring the availability of Deep Neural Networks(DNN) and protecting it from Trojaning attacks.
Multi-Factor based Face Validation Attendance System with Contactless Design in Training Event. 2021 18th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). :637—640.
2021. Various methods for face validation-based authentication systems have been applied in a number of access control applications. However, using only one biometric factor such as facial data may limit accuracy and use, and is not practical in a real environment. This paper presents the implementation of a face time attendance system with an additional factor, a QR code to improve accuracy. This two- factor authentication system was developed in the form of a kiosk with a contactless process, which emerged due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The experiment was conducted at a well- known training event in Thailand. The proposed two-factor system was evaluated in terms of accuracy and satisfaction. Additionally, it was compared to a traditional single-factor system using only face recognition. The results confirm that the proposed two-factor scheme is more effective and did not incorrectly identify any users.
Named Entity Recognition in Cyber Threat Intelligence Using Transformer-based Models. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :348—353.
2021. The continuous increase in sophistication of threat actors over the years has made the use of actionable threat intelligence a critical part of the defence against them. Such Cyber Threat Intelligence is published daily on several online sources, including vulnerability databases, CERT feeds, and social media, as well as on forums and web pages from the Surface and the Dark Web. Named Entity Recognition (NER) techniques can be used to extract the aforementioned information in an actionable form from such sources. In this paper we investigate how the latest advances in the NER domain, and in particular transformer-based models, can facilitate this process. To this end, the dataset for NER in Threat Intelligence (DNRTI) containing more than 300 pieces of threat intelligence reports from open source threat intelligence websites is used. Our experimental results demonstrate that transformer-based techniques are very effective in extracting cybersecurity-related named entities, by considerably outperforming the previous state- of-the-art approaches tested with DNRTI.
A Network Asset Detection Scheme Based on Website Icon Intelligent Identification. 2021 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications Technology and Computer Science (ACCTCS). :255–257.
2021. With the rapid development of the Internet and communication technologies, efficient management of cyberspace, safe monitoring and protection of various network assets can effectively improve the overall level of network security protection. Accurate, effective and comprehensive network asset detection is the prerequisite for effective network asset management, and it is also the basis for security monitoring and analysis. This paper proposed an artificial intelligence algorithm based scheme which accurately identify the website icon and help to determine the ownership of network assets. Through experiments based on data set collected from real network, the result demonstrate that the proposed scheme has higher accuracy and lower false alarm rate, and can effectively reduce the training cost.
Network Intrusion Detection Based on BiSRU and CNN. 2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS). :145–147.
2021. In recent years, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence algorithms, their applications in network intrusion detection have become more and more widespread. However, as the network speed continues to increase, network traffic increases dramatically, and the drawbacks of traditional machine learning methods such as high false alarm rate and long training time are gradually revealed. CNN(Convolutional Neural Networks) can only extract spatial features of data, which is obviously insufficient for network intrusion detection. In this paper, we propose an intrusion detection model that combines CNN and BiSRU (Bi-directional Simple Recurrent Unit) to achieve the goal of intrusion detection by processing network traffic logs. First, we extract the spatial features of the original data using CNN, after that we use them as input, further extract the temporal features using BiSRU, and finally output the classification results by softmax to achieve the purpose of intrusion detection.
Neural Audio Fingerprint for High-Specific Audio Retrieval Based on Contrastive Learning. ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :3025–3029.
2021. Most of existing audio fingerprinting systems have limitations to be used for high-specific audio retrieval at scale. In this work, we generate a low-dimensional representation from a short unit segment of audio, and couple this fingerprint with a fast maximum inner-product search. To this end, we present a contrastive learning framework that derives from the segment-level search objective. Each update in training uses a batch consisting of a set of pseudo labels, randomly selected original samples, and their augmented replicas. These replicas can simulate the degrading effects on original audio signals by applying small time offsets and various types of distortions, such as background noise and room/microphone impulse responses. In the segment-level search task, where the conventional audio fingerprinting systems used to fail, our system using 10x smaller storage has shown promising results. Our code and dataset are available at
A New Facial Image Deviation Estimation and Image Selection Algorithm (Fide-Isa) for Facial Image Recognition Systems: The Mathematical Models. 2021 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering and Applied Science (ICMEAS). :1—7.
2021. Deep learning models have been successful and shown to perform better in terms of accuracy and efficiency for facial recognition applications. However, they require huge amount of data samples that were well annotated to be successful. Their data requirements have led to some complications which include increased processing demands of the systems where such systems were to be deployed. Reducing the training sample sizes of deep learning models is still an open problem. This paper proposes the reduction of the number of samples required by the convolutional neutral network used in training a facial recognition system using a new Facial Image Deviation Estimation and Image Selection Algorithm (FIDE-ISA). The algorithm was used to select appropriate facial image training samples incrementally based on their facial deviation. This will reduce the need for huge dataset in training deep learning models. Preliminary results indicated a 100% accuracy for models trained with 54 images (at least 3 images per individual) and above.
New Intrusion Detection System to Protect MANET Networks Employing Machine Learning Techniques. 2021 International Conference of Modern Trends in Information and Communication Technology Industry (MTICTI). :1–6.
2021. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the technologies available to protect mobile ad hoc networks. The system monitors the network and detects intrusion from malicious nodes, aiming at passive (eavesdropping) or positive attack to disrupt the network. This paper proposes a new Intrusion detection system using three Machine Learning (ML) techniques. The ML techniques were Random Forest (RF), support vector machines (SVM), and Naïve Bayes(NB) were used to classify nodes in MANET. The data set was generated by the simulator network simulator-2 (NS-2). The routing protocol was used is Dynamic Source Routing (DSR). The type of IDS used is a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). The dataset was pre-processed, then split into two subsets, 67% for training and 33% for testing employing Python Version 3.8.8. Obtaining good results for RF, SVM and NB when applied randomly selected features in the trial and error method from the dataset to improve the performance of the IDS and reduce time spent for training and testing. The system showed promising results, especially with RF, where the accuracy rate reached 100%.
A Novel Modeling-Attack Resilient Arbiter-PUF Design. 2021 34th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2021 20th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID). :123–128.
2021. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have been considered as promising lightweight primitives for random number generation and device authentication. Thanks to the imperfections occurring during the fabrication process of integrated circuits, each PUF generates a unique signature which can be used for chip identification. Although supposed to be unclonable, PUFs have been shown to be vulnerable to modeling attacks where a set of collected challenge response pairs are used for training a machine learning model to predict the PUF response to unseen challenges. Challenge obfuscation has been proposed to tackle the modeling attacks in recent years. However, knowing the obfuscation algorithm can help the adversary to model the PUF. This paper proposes a modeling-resilient arbiter-PUF architecture that benefits from the randomness provided by PUFs in concealing the obfuscation scheme. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed structure in countering PUF modeling attacks.
A Novel Real-Time False Data Detection Strategy for Smart Grid. 2021 IEEE 9th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC). :1—6.
2021. State estimation algorithm ensures an effective realtime monitoring of the modern smart grid leading to an accurate determination of the current operating states. Recently, a new genre of data integrity attacks namely false data injection attack (FDIA) has shown its deleterious effects by bypassing the traditional bad data detection technique. Modern grid operators must detect the presence of such attacks in the raw field measurements to guarantee a safe and reliable operation of the grid. State forecasting based FDIA identification schemes have recently shown its efficacy by determining the deviation of the estimated states due to an attack. This work emphasizes on a scalable deep learning state forecasting model which can accurately determine the presence of FDIA in real-time. An optimal set of hyper-parameters of the proposed architecture leads to an effective forecasting of the operating states with minimal error. A diligent comparison between other state of the art forecasting strategies have promoted the effectiveness of the proposed neural network. A comprehensive analysis on the IEEE 14 bus test bench effectively promotes the proposed real-time attack identification strategy.
Open Source and Commercial Capture The Flag Cyber Security Learning Platforms - A Case Study. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :198—205.
2021. The use of gamified learning platforms as a method of introducing cyber security education, training and awareness has risen greatly. With this rise, the availability of platforms to create, host or otherwise provide the challenges that make up the foundation of this education has also increased. In order to identify the best of these platforms, we need a method to compare their feature sets. In this paper, we compare related work on identifying the best platforms for a gamified cyber security learning platform as well as contemporary literature that describes the most needed feature sets for an ideal platform. We then use this to develop a metric for comparing these platforms, before then applying this metric to popular current platforms.
Performance of Deep Learning for Multiple Antennas Physical Layer Network Coding. 2021 15th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT). :179–183.
2021. In this paper, we propose a deep learning based detection for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) physical-layer network coding (DeepPNC) over two way relay channels (TWRC). In MIMO-PNC, the relay node receives the signals superimposed from the two end nodes. The relay node aims to obtain the network-coded (NC) form of the two end nodes' signals. By training suitable deep neural networks (DNNs) with a limited set of training samples. DeepPNC can extract the NC symbols from the superimposed signals received while the output of each layer in DNNs converges. Compared with the traditional detection algorithms, DeepPNC has higher mapping accuracy and does not require channel information. The simulation results show that the DNNs based DeepPNC can achieve significant gain over the DeepNC scheme and the other traditional schemes, especially when the channel matrix changes unexpectedly.
Poisoning Attacks and Data Sanitization Mitigations for Machine Learning Models in Network Intrusion Detection Systems. MILCOM 2021 - 2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :874—879.
2021. Among many application domains of machine learning in real-world settings, cyber security can benefit from more automated techniques to combat sophisticated adversaries. Modern network intrusion detection systems leverage machine learning models on network logs to proactively detect cyber attacks. However, the risk of adversarial attacks against machine learning used in these cyber settings is not fully explored. In this paper, we investigate poisoning attacks at training time against machine learning models in constrained cyber environments such as network intrusion detection; we also explore mitigations of such attacks based on training data sanitization. We consider the setting of poisoning availability attacks, in which an attacker can insert a set of poisoned samples at training time with the goal of degrading the accuracy of the deployed model. We design a white-box, realizable poisoning attack that reduced the original model accuracy from 95% to less than 50 % by generating mislabeled samples in close vicinity of a selected subset of training points. We also propose a novel Nested Training method as a defense against these attacks. Our defense includes a diversified ensemble of classifiers, each trained on a different subset of the training set. We use the disagreement of the classifiers' predictions as a data sanitization method, and show that an ensemble of 10 SVM classifiers is resilient to a large fraction of poisoning samples, up to 30% of the training data.
Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Learning with Automatic Transformation Search. 2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :114–123.
2021. Collaborative learning has gained great popularity due to its benefit of data privacy protection: participants can jointly train a Deep Learning model without sharing their training sets. However, recent works discovered that an adversary can fully recover the sensitive training samples from the shared gradients. Such reconstruction attacks pose severe threats to collaborative learning. Hence, effective mitigation solutions are urgently desired.In this paper, we propose to leverage data augmentation to defeat reconstruction attacks: by preprocessing sensitive images with carefully-selected transformation policies, it becomes infeasible for the adversary to extract any useful information from the corresponding gradients. We design a novel search method to automatically discover qualified policies. We adopt two new metrics to quantify the impacts of transformations on data privacy and model usability, which can significantly accelerate the search speed. Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that the policies discovered by our method can defeat existing reconstruction attacks in collaborative learning, with high efficiency and negligible impact on the model performance.
Quality analysis of mobile applications with special focus on security aspects. 2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). :1087–1089.
2021. Smart phones and mobile apps have become an essential part of our daily lives. It is necessary to ensure the quality of these apps. Two important aspects of code quality are maintainability and security. The goals of my PhD project are (1) to study code smells, security issues and their evolution in iOS apps and frameworks, (2) to enhance training and teaching using visualisation support, and (3) to support developers in automatically detecting dependencies to vulnerable library elements in their apps. For each of the three tools, dedicated tool support will be provided, i.e., GraphifyEvolution, VisualiseEvolution, and DependencyEvolution respectively. The tool GraphifyEvolution exists and has been applied to analyse code smells in iOS apps written in Swift. The tool has a modular architecture and can be extended to add support for additional languages and external analysis tools. In the remaining two years of my PhD studies, I will complete the other two tools and apply them in case studies with developers in industry as well as in university teaching.
Rapid Ransomware Detection through Side Channel Exploitation. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :47–54.
2021. A new method for the detection of ransomware in an infected host is described and evaluated. The method utilizes data streams from on-board sensors to fingerprint the initiation of a ransomware infection. These sensor streams, which are common in modern computing systems, are used as a side channel for understanding the state of the system. It is shown that ransomware detection can be achieved in a rapid manner and that the use of slight, yet distinguishable changes in the physical state of a system as derived from a machine learning predictive model is an effective technique. A feature vector, consisting of various sensor outputs, is coupled with a detection criteria to predict the binary state of ransomware present versus normal operation. An advantage of this approach is that previously unknown or zero-day version s of ransomware are vulnerable to this detection method since no apriori knowledge of the malware characteristics are required. Experiments are carried out with a variety of different system loads and with different encryption methods used during a ransomware attack. Two test systems were utilized with one having a relatively low amount of available sensor data and the other having a relatively high amount of available sensor data. The average time for attack detection in the "sensor-rich" system was 7.79 seconds with an average Matthews correlation coefficient of 0.8905 for binary system state predictions regardless of encryption method and system load. The model flagged all attacks tested.
Research on Data Classification of Intelligent Connected Vehicles Based on Scenarios. 2021 International Conference on E-Commerce and E-Management (ICECEM). :153–158.
2021. The intelligent connected vehicle industry has entered a period of opportunity, industry data is accumulating rapidly, and the formulation of industry standards to regulate big data management and application is imminent. As the basis of data security, data classification has received unprecedented attention. By combing through the research and development status of data classification in various industries, this article combines industry characteristics and re-examines the framework of industry data classification from the aspects of information security and data assetization, and tries to find the balance point between data security and data value. The intelligent networked automobile industry provides support for big data applications, this article combines the characteristics of the connected vehicle industry, re-examines the data characteristics of the intelligent connected vehicle industry from the 2 aspects as information security and data assetization, and eventually proposes a scene-based hierarchical framework. The framework includes the complete classification process, model, and quantifiable parameters, which provides a solution and theoretical endorsement for the construction of a big data automatic classification system for the intelligent connected vehicle industry and safe data open applications.
Respipe: Resilient Model-Distributed DNN Training at Edge Networks. ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :3660–3664.
2021. The traditional approach to distributed deep neural network (DNN) training is data-distributed learning, which partitions and distributes data to workers. This approach, although has good convergence properties, has high communication cost, which puts a strain especially on edge systems and increases delay. An emerging approach is model-distributed learning, where a training model is distributed across workers. Model-distributed learning is a promising approach to reduce communication and storage costs, which is crucial for edge systems. In this paper, we design ResPipe, a novel resilient model-distributed DNN training mechanism against delayed/failed workers. We analyze the communication cost of ResPipe and demonstrate the trade-off between resiliency and communication cost. We implement ResPipe in a real testbed consisting of Android-based smartphones, and show that it improves the convergence rate and accuracy of training for convolutional neural networks (CNNs).
Scalable Learning Environments for Teaching Cybersecurity Hands-on. 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). :1—9.
2021. This Innovative Practice full paper describes a technical innovation for scalable teaching of cybersecurity hands-on classes using interactive learning environments. Hands-on experience significantly improves the practical skills of learners. However, the preparation and delivery of hands-on classes usually do not scale. Teaching even small groups of students requires a substantial effort to prepare the class environment and practical assignments. Further issues are associated with teaching large classes, providing feedback, and analyzing learning gains. We present our research effort and practical experience in designing and using learning environments that scale up hands-on cybersecurity classes. The environments support virtual networks with full-fledged operating systems and devices that emulate realworld systems. The classes are organized as simultaneous training sessions with cybersecurity assignments and learners' assessment. For big classes, with the goal of developing learners' skills and providing formative assessment, we run the environment locally, either in a computer lab or at learners' own desktops or laptops. For classes that exercise the developed skills and feature summative assessment, we use an on-premises cloud environment. Our approach is unique in supporting both types of deployment. The environment is described as code using open and standard formats, defining individual hosts and their networking, configuration of the hosts, and tasks that the students have to solve. The environment can be repeatedly created for different classes on a massive scale or for each student on-demand. Moreover, the approach enables learning analytics and educational data mining of learners' interactions with the environment. These analyses inform the instructor about the student's progress during the class and enable the learner to reflect on a finished training. Thanks to this, we can improve the student class experience and motivation for further learning. Using the presented environments KYPO Cyber Range Platform and Cyber Sandbox Creator, we delivered the classes on-site or remotely for various target groups of learners (K-12, university students, and professional learners). The learners value the realistic nature of the environments that enable exercising theoretical concepts and tools. The instructors value time-efficiency when preparing and deploying the hands-on activities. Engineering and computing educators can freely use our software, which we have released under an open-source license. We also provide detailed documentation and exemplary hands-on training to help other educators adopt our teaching innovations and enable sharing of reusable components within the community.
Scenario-Based Customer Service VR Training System Using Second Language. 2021 Nicograph International (NicoInt). :94–97.
2021. Since a training system using VR can reproduce an actual training environment, training systems have been studied in commercial fields such as medical care and construction. This immersive experience in a virtual space can have a great effect on learning a second language. In this paper, we propose an immersive learning system that learns phrases used in the customer service industry in the customer service experience. We asked the subjects to experience the system, measured the effects of learning, and evaluated the system. Evaluating the learning effect of phrases used in customer service English on 8 students, all student achieved good learning results. Besides, to evaluate the usability of the system, the VR system was evaluated by performing SSQ to measure VR sickness shows this system doesn't cause virtual sickness, SUS to measure usability shows this system evaluation is higher than average system, and IPQ to measure presence in an immersive space shows this system gives average virtual reality experience.