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Adversarial AutoEncoder and Generative Adversarial Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning Intrusion Detection System. 2022 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF). :584–589.
2022. As one of the defensive solutions against cyberattacks, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) plays an important role in observing the network state and alerting suspicious actions that can break down the system. There are many attempts of adopting Machine Learning (ML) in IDS to achieve high performance in intrusion detection. However, all of them necessitate a large amount of labeled data. In addition, labeling attack data is a time-consuming and expensive human-labor operation, it makes existing ML methods difficult to deploy in a new system or yields lower results due to a lack of labels on pre-trained data. To address these issues, we propose a semi-supervised IDS model that leverages Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Adversarial AutoEncoder (AAE), called a semi-supervised adversarial autoencoder (SAAE). Our SAAE experimental results on two public datasets for benchmarking ML-based IDS, including NF-CSE-CIC-IDS2018 and NF-UNSW-NB15, demonstrate the effectiveness of AAE and GAN in case of using only a small number of labeled data. In particular, our approach outperforms other ML methods with the highest detection rates in spite of the scarcity of labeled data for model training, even with only 1% labeled data.
ISSN: 2162-786X
Adversarial Networks-Based Speech Enhancement with Deep Regret Loss. 2022 5th International Conference on Networking, Information Systems and Security: Envisage Intelligent Systems in 5g//6G-based Interconnected Digital Worlds (NISS). :1–6.
2022. Speech enhancement is often applied for speech-based systems due to the proneness of speech signals to additive background noise. While speech processing-based methods are traditionally used for speech enhancement, with advancements in deep learning technologies, many efforts have been made to implement them for speech enhancement. Using deep learning, the networks learn mapping functions from noisy data to clean ones and then learn to reconstruct the clean speech signals. As a consequence, deep learning methods can reduce what is so-called musical noise that is often found in traditional speech enhancement methods. Currently, one popular deep learning architecture for speech enhancement is generative adversarial networks (GAN). However, the cross-entropy loss that is employed in GAN often causes the training to be unstable. So, in many implementations of GAN, the cross-entropy loss is replaced with the least-square loss. In this paper, to improve the training stability of GAN using cross-entropy loss, we propose to use deep regret analytic generative adversarial networks (Dragan) for speech enhancements. It is based on applying a gradient penalty on cross-entropy loss. We also employ relativistic rules to stabilize the training of GAN. Then, we applied it to the least square and Dragan losses. Our experiments suggest that the proposed method improve the quality of speech better than the least-square loss on several objective quality metrics.
Analysing the Impact of Cyber-Threat to ICS and SCADA Systems. 2022 International Mobile and Embedded Technology Conference (MECON). :466–470.
2022. The aim of this paper is to examine noteworthy cyberattacks that have taken place against ICS and SCADA systems and to analyse them. This paper also proposes a new classification scheme based on the severity of the attack. Since the information revolution, computers and associated technologies have impacted almost all aspects of daily life, and this is especially true of the industrial sector where one of the leading trends is that of automation. This widespread proliferation of computers and computer networks has also made it easier for malicious actors to gain access to these systems and networks and carry out harmful activities.
Analysis and Research of Generative Adversarial Network in Anomaly Detection. 2022 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Signal Processing (ICSP). :1700–1703.
2022. In recent years, generative adversarial networks (GAN) have become a research hotspot in the field of deep learning. Researchers apply them to the field of anomaly detection and are committed to effectively and accurately identifying abnormal images in practical applications. In anomaly detection, traditional supervised learning algorithms have limitations in training with a large number of known labeled samples. Therefore, the anomaly detection model of unsupervised learning GAN is the research object for discussion and research. Firstly, the basic principles of GAN are introduced. Secondly, several typical GAN-based anomaly detection models are sorted out in detail. Then by comparing the similarities and differences of each derivative model, discuss and summarize their respective advantages, limitations and application scenarios. Finally, the problems and challenges faced by GAN in anomaly detection are discussed, and future research directions are prospected.
Analyzing Initial Design Theory Components for Developing Information Security Laboratories. 2022 6th International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy (CSP). :36–40.
2022. Online information security labs intended for training and facilitating hands-on learning for distance students at master’s level are not easy to develop and administer. This research focuses on analyzing the results of a DSR project for design, development, and implementation of an InfoSec lab. This research work contributes to the existing research by putting forth an initial outline of a generalized model for design theory for InfoSec labs aimed at hands-on education of students in the field of information security. The anatomy of design theory framework is used to analyze the necessary components of the anticipated design theory for InfoSec labs in future.
Authorship Verification via Linear Correlation Methods of n-gram and Syntax Metrics. 2022 Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC). :1–6.
2022. This research evaluates the accuracy of two methods of authorship prediction: syntactical analysis and n-gram, and explores its potential usage. The proposed algorithm measures n-gram, and counts adjectives, adverbs, verbs, nouns, punctuation, and sentence length from the training data, and normalizes each metric. The proposed algorithm compares the metrics of training samples to testing samples and predicts authorship based on the correlation they share for each metric. The severity of correlation between the testing and training data produces significant weight in the decision-making process. For example, if analysis of one metric approximates 100% positive correlation, the weight in the decision is assigned a maximum value for that metric. Conversely, a 100% negative correlation receives the minimum value. This new method of authorship validation holds promise for future innovation in fraud protection, the study of historical documents, and maintaining integrity within academia.
Automation of the Information Collection Process by Osint Methods for Penetration Testing During Information Security Audit. 2022 Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :242—246.
2022. The purpose of this article is to consider one of the options for automating the process of collecting information from open sources when conducting penetration testing in an organization's information security audit using the capabilities of the Python programming language. Possible primary vectors for collecting information about the organization, personnel, software, and hardware are shown. The basic principles of operation of the software product are presented in a visual form, which allows automated analysis of information from open sources about the object under study.
Biometric User Identification by Forearm EMG Analysis. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan. :607–608.
2022. The recent experience in the use of virtual reality (VR) technology has shown that users prefer Electromyography (EMG) sensor-based controllers over hand controllers. The results presented in this paper show the potential of EMG-based controllers, in particular the Myo armband, to identify a computer system user. In the first scenario, we train various classifiers with 25 keyboard typing movements for training and test with 75. The results with a 1-dimensional convolutional neural network indicate that we are able to identify the user with an accuracy of 93% by analyzing only the EMG data from the Myo armband. When we use 75 moves for training, accuracy increases to 96.45% after cross-validation.
ISSN: 2575-8284
CaptchaGG: A linear graphical CAPTCHA recognition model based on CNN and RNN. 2022 9th International Conference on Digital Home (ICDH). :175–180.
2022. This paper presents CaptchaGG, a model for recognizing linear graphical CAPTCHAs. As in the previous society, CAPTCHA is becoming more and more complex, but in some scenarios, complex CAPTCHA is not needed, and usually, linear graphical CAPTCHA can meet the corresponding functional scenarios, such as message boards of websites and registration of accounts with low security. The scheme is based on convolutional neural networks for feature extraction of CAPTCHAs, recurrent neural forests A neural network that is too complex will lead to problems such as difficulty in training and gradient disappearance, and too simple will lead to underfitting of the model. For the single problem of linear graphical CAPTCHA recognition, the model which has a simple architecture, extracting features by convolutional neural network, sequence modeling by recurrent neural network, and finally classification and recognition, can achieve an accuracy of 96% or more recognition at a lower complexity.
CNN based Recognition of Emotion and Speech from Gestures and Facial Expressions. 2022 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology. :1360—1365.
2022. The major mode of communication between hearing-impaired or mute people and others is sign language. Prior, most of the recognition systems for sign language had been set simply to recognize hand signs and convey them as text. However, the proposed model tries to provide speech to the mute. Firstly, hand gestures for sign language recognition and facial emotions are trained using CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and then by training the emotion to speech model. Finally combining hand gestures and facial emotions to realize the emotion and speech.
Comparative Study of Machine Learning Techniques for Intrusion Detection Systems. 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COM-IT-CON). 1:274—283.
2022. Being a part of today’s technical world, we are connected through a vast network. More we are addicted to these modernization techniques we need security. There must be reliability in a network security system so that it is capable of doing perfect monitoring of the whole network of an organization so that any unauthorized users or intruders wouldn’t be able to halt our security breaches. Firewalls are there for securing our internal network from unauthorized outsiders but still some time possibility of attacks is there as according to a survey 60% of attacks were internal to the network. So, the internal system needs the same higher level of security just like external. So, understanding the value of security measures with accuracy, efficiency, and speed we got to focus on implementing and comparing an improved intrusion detection system. A comprehensive literature review has been done and found that some feature selection techniques with standard scaling combined with Machine Learning Techniques can give better results over normal existing ML Techniques. In this survey paper with the help of the Uni-variate Feature selection method, the selection of 14 essential features out of 41 is performed which are used in comparative analysis. We implemented and compared both binary class classification and multi-class classification-based Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) for two Supervised Machine Learning Techniques Support Vector Machine and Classification and Regression Techniques.
Context-aware Collaborative Neuro-Symbolic Inference in IoBTs. MILCOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1053—1058.
2022. IoBTs must feature collaborative, context-aware, multi-modal fusion for real-time, robust decision-making in adversarial environments. The integration of machine learning (ML) models into IoBTs has been successful at solving these problems at a small scale (e.g., AiTR), but state-of-the-art ML models grow exponentially with increasing temporal and spatial scale of modeled phenomena, and can thus become brittle, untrustworthy, and vulnerable when interpreting large-scale tactical edge data. To address this challenge, we need to develop principles and methodologies for uncertainty-quantified neuro-symbolic ML, where learning and inference exploit symbolic knowledge and reasoning, in addition to, multi-modal and multi-vantage sensor data. The approach features integrated neuro-symbolic inference, where symbolic context is used by deep learning, and deep learning models provide atomic concepts for symbolic reasoning. The incorporation of high-level symbolic reasoning improves data efficiency during training and makes inference more robust, interpretable, and resource-efficient. In this paper, we identify the key challenges in developing context-aware collaborative neuro-symbolic inference in IoBTs and review some recent progress in addressing these gaps.
Cross-Layer Aggregation with Transformers for Multi-Label Image Classification. ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :3448—3452.
2022. Multi-label image classification task aims to predict multiple object labels in a given image and faces the challenge of variable-sized objects. Limited by the size of CNN convolution kernels, existing CNN-based methods have difficulty capturing global dependencies and effectively fusing multiple layers features, which is critical for this task. Recently, transformers have utilized multi-head attention to extract feature with long range dependencies. Inspired by this, this paper proposes a Cross-layer Aggregation with Transformers (CAT) framework, which leverages transformers to capture the long range dependencies of CNN-based features with Long Range Dependencies module and aggregate the features layer by layer with Cross-Layer Fusion module. To make the framework efficient, a multi-head pre-max attention is designed to reduce the computation cost when fusing the high-resolution features of lower-layers. On two widely-used benchmarks (i.e., VOC2007 and MS-COCO), CAT provides a stable improvement over the baseline and produces a competitive performance.
Current Trends in Internet of Things Forensics. 2022 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT). :1—5.
2022. Digital forensics is essential when performing in-depth crime investigations and evidence extraction, especially in the field of the Internet of Things, where there is a ton of information every second boosted with latest and smartest technological devices. However, the enormous growth of data and the nature of its complexity could constrain the data examination process since traditional data acquisition techniques are not applicable nowadays. Therefore, if the knowledge gap between digital forensics and the Internet of Things is not bridged, investigators will jeopardize the loss of a possible rich source of evidence that otherwise could act as a lead in solving open cases. The work aims to introduce examples of employing the latest Internet of Things forensics approaches as a panacea in this regard. The paper covers a variety of articles presenting the new Blockchain, fog, and video-based applications that can aid in easing the process of digital forensics investigation with a focus on the Internet of Things. The results of the review indicated that the above current trends are very promising procedures in the field of Internet of Things digital forensics and need to be explored and applied more actively.
Cyber Automated Network Resilience Defensive Approach against Malware Images. 2022 International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT). :237—242.
2022. Cyber threats have been a major issue in the cyber security domain. Every hacker follows a series of cyber-attack stages known as cyber kill chain stages. Each stage has its norms and limitations to be deployed. For a decade, researchers have focused on detecting these attacks. Merely watcher tools are not optimal solutions anymore. Everything is becoming autonomous in the computer science field. This leads to the idea of an Autonomous Cyber Resilience Defense algorithm design in this work. Resilience has two aspects: Response and Recovery. Response requires some actions to be performed to mitigate attacks. Recovery is patching the flawed code or back door vulnerability. Both aspects were performed by human assistance in the cybersecurity defense field. This work aims to develop an algorithm based on Reinforcement Learning (RL) with a Convoluted Neural Network (CNN), far nearer to the human learning process for malware images. RL learns through a reward mechanism against every performed attack. Every action has some kind of output that can be classified into positive or negative rewards. To enhance its thinking process Markov Decision Process (MDP) will be mitigated with this RL approach. RL impact and induction measures for malware images were measured and performed to get optimal results. Based on the Malimg Image malware, dataset successful automation actions are received. The proposed work has shown 98% accuracy in the classification, detection, and autonomous resilience actions deployment.
A Cyber Security Cognizance among College Teachers and Students in Embracing Online Education. 2022 8th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM). :116—119.
2022. Cyber security is everybody's responsibility. It is the capability of the person to protect or secure the use of cyberspace from cyber-attacks. Cyber security awareness is the combination of both knowing and doing to safeguard one's personal information or assets. Online threats continue to rise in the Philippines which is the focus of this study, to identify the level of cyber security awareness among the students and teachers of Occidental Mindoro State College (OMSC) Philippines. Results shows that the level of cyber security awareness in terms of Knowledge, majority of the students and teachers got the passing score and above however there are almost fifty percent got below the passing score. In terms of Practices, both the teachers and the students need to strengthen the awareness of system and browser updates to boost the security level of the devices used. More than half of the IT students are aware of the basic cyber security protocol but there is a big percentage in the Non-IT students which is to be considered. Majority of the teachers are aware of the basic cyber security protocols however the remaining number must be looked into. There is a need to intensity the awareness of the students in the proper etiquette in using the social media. Boost the basic cyber security awareness training to all students and teachers to avoid cybercrime victims.
Cybersecurity Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: A Novel Proactive and Collaborative Learning Paradigm. 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). :1–5.
2022. This Innovative Practice Work-in-Progress paper presents a virtual, proactive, and collaborative learning paradigm that can engage learners with different backgrounds and enable effective retention and transfer of the multidisciplinary AI-cybersecurity knowledge. While progress has been made to better understand the trustworthiness and security of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, little has been done to translate this knowledge to education and training. There is a critical need to foster a qualified cybersecurity workforce that understands the usefulness, limitations, and best practices of AI technologies in the cybersecurity domain. To address this import issue, in our proposed learning paradigm, we leverage multidisciplinary expertise in cybersecurity, AI, and statistics to systematically investigate two cohesive research and education goals. First, we develop an immersive learning environment that motivates the students to explore AI/machine learning (ML) development in the context of real-world cybersecurity scenarios by constructing learning models with tangible objects. Second, we design a proactive education paradigm with the use of hackathon activities based on game-based learning, lifelong learning, and social constructivism. The proposed paradigm will benefit a wide range of learners, especially underrepresented students. It will also help the general public understand the security implications of AI. In this paper, we describe our proposed learning paradigm and present our current progress of this ongoing research work. In the current stage, we focus on the first research and education goal and have been leveraging cost-effective Minecraft platform to develop an immersive learning environment where the learners are able to investigate the insights of the emerging AI/ML concepts by constructing related learning modules via interacting with tangible AI/ML building blocks.
ISSN: 2377-634X
Data Sanitization Approach to Mitigate Clean-Label Attacks Against Malware Detection Systems. MILCOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :993–998.
2022. Machine learning (ML) models are increasingly being used in the development of Malware Detection Systems. Existing research in this area primarily focuses on developing new architectures and feature representation techniques to improve the accuracy of the model. However, recent studies have shown that existing state-of-the art techniques are vulnerable to adversarial machine learning (AML) attacks. Among those, data poisoning attacks have been identified as a top concern for ML practitioners. A recent study on clean-label poisoning attacks in which an adversary intentionally crafts training samples in order for the model to learn a backdoor watermark was shown to degrade the performance of state-of-the-art classifiers. Defenses against such poisoning attacks have been largely under-explored. We investigate a recently proposed clean-label poisoning attack and leverage an ensemble-based Nested Training technique to remove most of the poisoned samples from a poisoned training dataset. Our technique leverages the relatively large sensitivity of poisoned samples to feature noise that disproportionately affects the accuracy of a backdoored model. In particular, we show that for two state-of-the art architectures trained on the EMBER dataset affected by the clean-label attack, the Nested Training approach improves the accuracy of backdoor malware samples from 3.42% to 93.2%. We also show that samples produced by the clean-label attack often successfully evade malware classification even when the classifier is not poisoned during training. However, even in such scenarios, our Nested Training technique can mitigate the effect of such clean-label-based evasion attacks by recovering the model's accuracy of malware detection from 3.57% to 93.2%.
ISSN: 2155-7586
DDoS Attack Detection and Botnet Prevention using Machine Learning. 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). 1:1159–1163.
2022. One of the major threats in the cyber security and networking world is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. With massive development in Science and Technology, the privacy and security of various organizations are concerned. Computer Intrusion and DDoS attacks have always been a significant issue in networked environments. DDoS attacks result in non-availability of services to the end-users. It interrupts regular traffic flow and causes a flood of flooded packets, causing the system to crash. This research presents a Machine Learning-based DDoS attack detection system to overcome this challenge. For the training and testing purpose, we have used the NSL-KDD Dataset. Logistic Regression Classifier, Support Vector Machine, K Nearest Neighbour, and Decision Tree Classifier are examples of machine learning algorithms which we have used to train our model. The accuracy gained are 90.4, 90.36, 89.15 and 82.28 respectively. We have added a feature called BOTNET Prevention, which scans for Phishing URLs and prevents a healthy device from being a part of the botnet.
ISSN: 2575-7288
DDOS Attack Detection in Wireless Network Based On MDR. 2022 3rd Information Technology To Enhance e-learning and Other Application (IT-ELA). :1–5.
2022. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are most efficient way of defending against network-based attacks aimed at system devices, especially wireless devices. These systems are used in almost all large-scale IT infrastructures components, and they effected with different types of network attacks such as DDoS attack. Distributed Denial of-Services (DDoS) attacks the protocols and systems that are intended to provide services (to the public) are inherently vulnerable to attacks like DDoS, which were launched against a number of important Internet sites where security precautions were in place.
Deep Learning Technique Based Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Security Networks. 2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon). :1–7.
2022. As a result of the inherent weaknesses of the wireless medium, ad hoc networks are susceptible to a broad variety of threats and assaults. As a direct consequence of this, intrusion detection, as well as security, privacy, and authentication in ad-hoc networks, have developed into a primary focus of current study. This body of research aims to identify the dangers posed by a variety of assaults that are often seen in wireless ad-hoc networks and provide strategies to counteract those dangers. The Black hole assault, Wormhole attack, Selective Forwarding attack, Sybil attack, and Denial-of-Service attack are the specific topics covered in this thesis. In this paper, we describe a trust-based safe routing protocol with the goal of mitigating the interference of black hole nodes in the course of routing in mobile ad-hoc networks. The overall performance of the network is negatively impacted when there are black hole nodes in the route that routing takes. As a result, we have developed a routing protocol that reduces the likelihood that packets would be lost as a result of black hole nodes. This routing system has been subjected to experimental testing in order to guarantee that the most secure path will be selected for the delivery of packets between a source and a destination. The invasion of wormholes into a wireless network results in the segmentation of the network as well as a disorder in the routing. As a result, we provide an effective approach for locating wormholes by using ordinal multi-dimensional scaling and round trip duration in wireless ad hoc networks with either sparse or dense topologies. Wormholes that are linked by both short route and long path wormhole linkages may be found using the approach that was given. In order to guarantee that this ad hoc network does not include any wormholes that go unnoticed, this method is subjected to experimental testing. In order to fight against selective forwarding attacks in wireless ad-hoc networks, we have developed three different techniques. The first method is an incentive-based algorithm that makes use of a reward-punishment system to drive cooperation among three nodes for the purpose of vi forwarding messages in crowded ad-hoc networks. A unique adversarial model has been developed by our team, and inside it, three distinct types of nodes and the activities they participate in are specified. We have shown that the suggested strategy that is based on incentives prohibits nodes from adopting an individualistic behaviour, which ensures collaboration in the process of packet forwarding. To guarantee that intermediate nodes in resource-constrained ad-hoc networks accurately convey packets, the second approach proposes a game theoretic model that uses non-cooperative game theory. This model is based on the idea that game theory may be used. This game reaches a condition of desired equilibrium, which assures that cooperation in multi-hop communication is physically possible, and it is this state that is discovered. In the third algorithm, we present a detection approach that locates malicious nodes in multihop hierarchical ad-hoc networks by employing binary search and control packets. We have shown that the cluster head is capable of accurately identifying the malicious node by analysing the sequences of packets that are dropped along the path leading from a source node to the cluster head. A lightweight symmetric encryption technique that uses Binary Playfair is presented here as a means of safeguarding the transport of data. We demonstrate via experimentation that the suggested encryption method is efficient with regard to the amount of energy used, the amount of time required for encryption, and the memory overhead. This lightweight encryption technique is used in clustered wireless ad-hoc networks to reduce the likelihood of a sybil attack occurring in such networks
Deep Learning Toward Preventing Web Attacks. 2022 5th International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICCI). :280–285.
2022. Cyberattacks are one of the most pressing issues of our time. The impact of cyberthreats can damage various sectors such as business, health care, and governments, so one of the best solutions to deal with these cyberattacks and reduce cybersecurity threats is using Deep Learning. In this paper, we have created an in-depth study model to detect SQL Injection Attacks and Cross-Site Script attacks. We focused on XSS on the Stored-XSS attack type because SQL and Stored-XSS have similar site management methods. The advantage of combining deep learning with cybersecurity in our system is to detect and prevent short-term attacks without human interaction, so our system can reduce and prevent web attacks. This post-training model achieved a more accurate result more than 99% after maintaining the learning level, and 99% of our test data is determined by this model if this input is normal or dangerous.
Detection and Mitigation of Targeted Data Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning. 2022 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :1—8.
2022. Federated learning (FL) has emerged as a promising paradigm for distributed training of machine learning models. In FL, several participants train a global model collaboratively by only sharing model parameter updates while keeping their training data local. However, FL was recently shown to be vulnerable to data poisoning attacks, in which malicious participants send parameter updates derived from poisoned training data. In this paper, we focus on defending against targeted data poisoning attacks, where the attacker’s goal is to make the model misbehave for a small subset of classes while the rest of the model is relatively unaffected. To defend against such attacks, we first propose a method called MAPPS for separating malicious updates from benign ones. Using MAPPS, we propose three methods for attack detection: MAPPS + X-Means, MAPPS + VAT, and their Ensemble. Then, we propose an attack mitigation approach in which a "clean" model (i.e., a model that is not negatively impacted by an attack) can be trained despite the existence of a poisoning attempt. We empirically evaluate all of our methods using popular image classification datasets. Results show that we can achieve \textgreater 95% true positive rates while incurring only \textless 2% false positive rate. Furthermore, the clean models that are trained using our proposed methods have accuracy comparable to models trained in an attack-free scenario.
Detection of Phishing and User Awareness Training in Information Security: A Systematic Literature Review. 2022 2nd International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM). 2:780–786.
2022. Phishing is a method of online fraud where attackers are targeted to gain access to the computer systems for monetary benefits or personal gains. In this case, the attackers pose themselves as legitimate entities to gain the users' sensitive information. Phishing has been significant concern over the past few years. The firms are recording an increase in phishing attacks primarily aimed at the firm's intellectual property and the employees' sensitive data. As a result, these attacks force firms to spend more on information security, both in technology-centric and human-centric approaches. With the advancements in cyber-security in the last ten years, many techniques evolved to detect phishing-related activities through websites and emails. This study focuses on the latest techniques used for detecting phishing attacks, including the usage of Visual selection features, Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to see the phishing attacks. New strategies for identifying phishing attacks are evolving, but limited standardized knowledge on phishing identification and mitigation is accessible from user awareness training. So, this study also focuses on the role of security-awareness movements to minimize the impact of phishing attacks. There are many approaches to train the user regarding these attacks, such as persona-centred training, anti-phishing techniques, visual discrimination training and the usage of spam filters, robust firewalls and infrastructure, dynamic technical defense mechanisms, use of third-party certified software to mitigate phishing attacks from happening. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to carry out a systematic analysis of literature to assess the state of knowledge in prominent scientific journals on the identification and prevention of phishing. Forty-three journal articles with the perspective of phishing detection and prevention through awareness training were reviewed from 2011 to 2020. This timely systematic review also focuses on the gaps identified in the selected primary studies and future research directions in this area.
Disparity Analysis Between the Assembly and Byte Malware Samples with Deep Autoencoders. 2022 19th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP). :1—4.
2022. Malware attacks in the cyber world continue to increase despite the efforts of Malware analysts to combat this problem. Recently, Malware samples have been presented as binary sequences and assembly codes. However, most researchers focus only on the raw Malware sequence in their proposed solutions, ignoring that the assembly codes may contain important details that enable rapid Malware detection. In this work, we leveraged the capabilities of deep autoencoders to investigate the presence of feature disparities in the assembly and raw binary Malware samples. First, we treated the task as outliers to investigate whether the autoencoder would identify and justify features as samples from the same family. Second, we added noise to all samples and used Deep Autoencoder to reconstruct the original samples by denoising. Experiments with the Microsoft Malware dataset showed that the byte samples' features differed from the assembly code samples.