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Waye, Lucas, Buiras, Pablo, Arden, Owen, Russo, Alejandro, Chong, Stephen.  2017.  Cryptographically Secure Information Flow Control on Key-Value Stores. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1893–1907.

We present Clio, an information flow control (IFC) system that transparently incorporates cryptography to enforce confidentiality and integrity policies on untrusted storage. Clio insulates developers from explicitly manipulating keys and cryptographic primitives by leveraging the policy language of the IFC system to automatically use the appropriate keys and correct cryptographic operations. We prove that Clio is secure with a novel proof technique that is based on a proof style from cryptography together with standard programming languages results. We present a prototype Clio implementation and a case study that demonstrates Clio's practicality.

Bojanova, I., Black, P. E., Yesha, Y..  2017.  Cryptography classes in bugs framework (BF): Encryption bugs (ENC), verification bugs (VRF), and key management bugs (KMN). 2017 IEEE 28th Annual Software Technology Conference (STC). :1–8.

Accurate, precise, and unambiguous definitions of software weaknesses (bugs) and clear descriptions of software vulnerabilities are vital for building the foundations of cybersecurity. The Bugs Framework (BF) comprises rigorous definitions and (static) attributes of bug classes, along with their related dynamic properties, such as proximate, secondary and tertiary causes, consequences, and sites. This paper presents an overview of previously developed BF classes and the new cryptography related classes: Encryption Bugs (ENC), Verification Bugs (VRF), and Key Management Bugs (KMN). We analyze corresponding vulnerabilities and provide their clear descriptions by applying the BF taxonomy. We also discuss the lessons learned and share our plans for expanding BF.

Bellare, Mihir, Dai, Wei.  2017.  Defending Against Key Exfiltration: Efficiency Improvements for Big-Key Cryptography via Large-Alphabet Subkey Prediction. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :923–940.

Towards advancing the use of big keys as a practical defense against key exfiltration, this paper provides efficiency improvements for cryptographic schemes in the bounded retrieval model (BRM). We identify probe complexity (the number of scheme accesses to the slow storage medium storing the big key) as the dominant cost. Our main technical contribution is what we call the large-alphabet subkey prediction lemma. It gives good bounds on the predictability under leakage of a random sequence of blocks of the big key, as a function of the block size. We use it to significantly reduce the probe complexity required to attain a given level of security. Together with other techniques, this yields security-preserving performance improvements for BRM symmetric encryption schemes and BRM public-key identification schemes.

Tavasoli, M., Alishahi, S., Zabihi, M., Khorashadizadeh, H., Mohajerzadeh, A. H..  2017.  An Efficient NSKDP Authentication Method to Secure Smart Grid. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE). :276–280.

Since the Information Networks are added to the current electricity networks, the security and privacy of individuals is challenged. This combination of technologies creates vulnerabilities in the context of smart grid power which disrupt the consumer energy supply. Methods based on encryption are against the countermeasures attacks that have targeted the integrity and confidentiality factors. Although the cryptography strategies are used in Smart Grid, key management which is different in size from tens to millions of keys (for meters), is considered as the critical processes. The Key mismanagement causes to reveal the secret keys for attacker, a symmetric key distribution method is recently suggested by [7] which is based on a symmetric key distribution, this strategy is very suitable for smart electric meters. The problem with this method is its vulnerability to impersonating respondents attack. The proposed approach to solve this problem is to send the both side identifiers in encrypted form based on hash functions and a random value, the proposed solution is appropriate for devices such as meters that have very little computing power.

Drias, Z., Serhrouchni, A., Vogel, O..  2017.  Identity-based cryptography (IBC) based key management system (KMS) for industrial control systems (ICS). 2017 1st Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet). :1–10.

Often considered as the brain of an industrial process, Industrial control systems are presented as the vital part of today's critical infrastructure due to their crucial role in process control and monitoring. Any failure or error in the system will have a considerable damage. Their openness to the internet world raises the risk related to cyber-attacks. Therefore, it's necessary to consider cyber security challenges while designing an ICS in order to provide security services such as authentication, integrity, access control and secure communication channels. To implement such services, it's necessary to provide an efficient key management system (KMS) as an infrastructure for all cryptographic operations, while preserving the functional characteristics of ICS. In this paper we will analyze existing KMS and their suitability for ICS, then we propose a new KMS based on Identity Based Cryptography (IBC) as a better alternative to traditional KMS. In our proposal, we consider solving two security problems in IBC which brings it up to be more suitable for ICS.

Kabilan, K., Saketh, M., Nagarajan, K. K..  2017.  Implementation of SERPENT cryptographic algorithm for secured data transmission. 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS). :1–6.

In the field of communication, the need for cryptography is growing faster, so it is very difficult to achieve the objectives of cryptography such as confidentiality, data integrity, non-repudiation. To ensure data security, key scheduling and key management are the factors which the algorithm depends. In this paper, the enciphering and deciphering process of the SERPENT algorithm is done using the graphical programming tool. It is an algorithm which uses substitution permutation network procedure which contains round function including key scheduling, s-box and linear mixing stages. It is fast and easy to actualize and it requires little memory.

Qin, Yunchuan, Xiao, Qi.  2017.  Polynomial-based Key Management Scheme for Robotic System. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation. :105–108.

With the robots being applied for more and more fields, security issues attracted more attention. In this paper, we propose that the key center in cloud send a polynomial information to each robot component, the component would put their information into the polynomial to get a group of new keys using in next slot, then check and update its key groups after success in hash. Because of the degree of the polynomial is higher than the number of components, even if an attacker got all the key values of the components, he also cannot restore the polynomial. The information about the keys will be discarded immediately after used, so an attacker cannot obtain the session key used before by the invasion of a component. This article solves the security problems about robotic system caused by cyber-attacks and physical attacks.

Chen, C. W., Chang, S. Y., Hu, Y. C., Chen, Y. W..  2017.  Protecting vehicular networks privacy in the presence of a single adversarial authority. 2017 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1–9.

In vehicular networks, each message is signed by the generating node to ensure accountability for the contents of that message. For privacy reasons, each vehicle uses a collection of certificates, which for accountability reasons are linked at a central authority. One such design is the Security Credential Management System (SCMS) [1], which is the leading credential management system in the US. The SCMS is composed of multiple components, each of which has a different task for key management, which are logically separated. The SCMS is designed to ensure privacy against a single insider compromise, or against outside adversaries. In this paper, we demonstrate that the current SCMS design fails to achieve its design goal, showing that a compromised authority can gain substantial information about certificate linkages. We propose a solution that accommodates threshold-based detection, but uses relabeling and noise to limit the information that can be learned from a single insider adversary. We also analyze our solution using techniques from differential privacy and validate it using traffic-simulator based experiments. Our results show that our proposed solution prevents privacy information leakage against the compromised authority in collusion with outsider attackers.

Mazin, A., Davaslioglu, K., Gitlin, R. D..  2017.  Secure key management for 5G physical layer security. 2017 IEEE 18th Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON). :1–5.

Next generation 5G wireless networks pose several important security challenges. One fundamental challenge is key management between the two communicating parties. The goal is to establish a common secret key through an unsecured wireless medium. In this paper, we introduce a new physical layer paradigm for secure key exchange between the legitimate communication parties in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. The proposed method ensures secrecy via pre-equalization and guarantees reliable communications by the use of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes. One of the main findings of this paper is to demonstrate through simulations that the diversity order of the eavesdropper will be zero unless the main and eavesdropping channels are almost correlated, while the probability of key mismatch between the legitimate transmitter and receiver will be low. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves very low secret key mismatch between the legitimate users, while ensuring very high error probability at the eavesdropper.

Schiefer, G., Gabel, M., Mechler, J., Schoknecht, A., Citak, M..  2017.  Security in a Distributed Key Management Approach. 2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS). :816–821.

Cloud computing offers many advantages as flexibility or resource efficiency and can significantly reduce costs. However, when sensitive data is outsourced to a cloud provider, classified records can leak. To protect data owners and application providers from a privacy breach data must be encrypted before it is uploaded. In this work, we present a distributed key management scheme that handles user-specific keys in a single-tenant scenario. The underlying database is encrypted and the secret key is split into parts and only reconstructed temporarily in memory. Our scheme distributes shares of the key to the different entities. We address bootstrapping, key recovery, the adversary model and the resulting security guarantees.

Cebe, M., Akkaya, K..  2017.  Efficient Management of Certificate Revocation Lists in Smart Grid Advanced Metering Infrastructure. 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS). :313–317.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) forms a communication network for the collection of power data from smart meters in Smart Grid. As the communication within an AMI needs to be secure, key management becomes an issue due to overhead and limited resources. While using public-keys eliminate some of the overhead of key management, there is still challenges regarding certificates that store and certify the public-keys. In particular, distribution and storage of certificate revocation list (CRL) is major a challenge due to cost of distribution and storage in AMI networks which typically consist of wireless multi-hop networks. Motivated by the need of keeping the CRL distribution and storage cost effective and scalable, in this paper, we present a distributed CRL management model utilizing the idea of distributed hash trees (DHTs) from peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. The basic idea is to share the burden of storage of CRLs among all the smart meters by exploiting the meshing capability of the smart meters among each other. Thus, using DHTs not only reduces the space requirements for CRLs but also makes the CRL updates more convenient. We implemented this structure on ns-3 using IEEE 802.11s mesh standard as a model for AMI and demonstrated its superior performance with respect to traditional methods of CRL management through extensive simulations.

Zenger, C. T., Pietersz, M., Rex, A., Brauer, J., Dressler, F. P., Baiker, C., Theis, D., Paar, C..  2017.  Implementing a real-time capable WPLS testbed for independent performance and security analyses. 2017 51st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. :9–13.

As demonstrated recently, Wireless Physical Layer Security (WPLS) has the potential to offer substantial advantages for key management for small resource-constrained and, therefore, low-cost IoT-devices, e.g., the widely applied 8-bit MCU 8051. In this paper, we present a WPLS testbed implementation for independent performance and security evaluations. The testbed is based on off-the-shelf hardware and utilizes the IEEE 802.15.4 communication standard for key extraction and secret key rate estimation in real-time. The testbed can include generically multiple transceivers to simulate legitimate parties or eavesdropper. We believe with the testbed we provide a first step to make experimental-based WPLS research results comparable. As an example, we present evaluation results of several test cases we performed, while for further information we refer to

DiScala, Michael, Abadi, Daniel J..  2016.  Automatic Generation of Normalized Relational Schemas from Nested Key-Value Data. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data. :295–310.

Self-describing key-value data formats such as JSON are becoming increasingly popular as application developers choose to avoid the rigidity imposed by the relational model. Database systems designed for these self-describing formats, such as MongoDB, encourage users to use denormalized, heavily nested data models so that relationships across records and other schema information need not be predefined or standardized. Such data models contribute to long-term development complexity, as their lack of explicit entity and relationship tracking burdens new developers unfamiliar with the dataset. Furthermore, the large amount of data repetition present in such data layouts can introduce update anomalies and poor scan performance, which reduce both the quality and performance of analytics over the data. In this paper we present an algorithm that automatically transforms the denormalized, nested data commonly found in NoSQL systems into traditional relational data that can be stored in a standard RDBMS. This process includes a schema generation algorithm that discovers relationships across the attributes of the denormalized datasets in order to organize those attributes into relational tables. It further includes a matching algorithm that discovers sets of attributes that represent overlapping entities and merges those sets together. These algorithms reduce data repetition, allow the use of data analysis tools targeted at relational data, accelerate scan-intensive algorithms over the data, and help users gain a semantic understanding of complex, nested datasets.

Zenger, Christian T., Zimmer, Jan, Pietersz, Mario, Driessen, Benedikt, Paar, Christof.  2016.  Constructive and Destructive Aspects of Adaptive Wormholes for the 5G Tactile Internet. Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. :109–120.

In this work, we constructively combine adaptive wormholes with channel-reciprocity based key establishment (CRKE), which has been proposed as a lightweight security solution for IoT devices and might be even more important for the 5G Tactile Internet and its embedded low-end devices. We present a new secret key generation protocol where two parties compute shared cryptographic keys under narrow-band multi-path fading models over a delayed digital channel. The proposed approach furthermore enables distance-bounding the key establishment process via the coherence time dependencies of the wireless channel. Our scheme is thoroughly evaluated both theoretically and practically. For the latter, we used a testbed based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and performed extensive experiments in a real-world manufacturing environment. Additionally, we demonstrate adaptive wormhole attacks (AWOAs) and their consequences on several physical-layer security schemes. Furthermore, we proposed a countermeasure that minimizes the risk of AWOAs.

Afanasyev, Alexander, Halderman, J. Alex, Ruoti, Scott, Seamons, Kent, Yu, Yingdi, Zappala, Daniel, Zhang, Lixia.  2016.  Content-based Security for the Web. Proceedings of the 2016 New Security Paradigms Workshop. :49–60.

The World Wide Web has become the most common platform for building applications and delivering content. Yet despite years of research, the web continues to face severe security challenges related to data integrity and confidentiality. Rather than continuing the exploit-and-patch cycle, we propose addressing these challenges at an architectural level, by supplementing the web's existing connection-based and server-based security models with a new approach: content-based security. With this approach, content is directly signed and encrypted at rest, enabling it to be delivered via any path and then validated by the browser. We explore how this new architectural approach can be applied to the web and analyze its security benefits. We then discuss a broad research agenda to realize this vision and the challenges that must be overcome.

Ha, Duy An, Nguyen, Kha Tho, Zao, John K..  2016.  Efficient Authentication of Resource-constrained IoT Devices Based on ECQV Implicit Certificates and Datagram Transport Layer Security Protocol. Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Information and Communication Technology. :173–179.

This paper introduces a design and implementation of a security scheme for the Internet of Things (IoT) based on ECQV Implicit Certificates and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol. In this proposed security scheme, Elliptic curve cryptography based ECQV implicit certificate plays a key role allowing mutual authentication and key establishment between two resource-constrained IoT devices. We present how IoT devices get ECQV implicit certificates and use them for authenticated key exchange in DTLS. An evaluation of execution time of the implementation is also conducted to assess the efficiency of the solution.

Sicari, Sabrina, Rizzardi, Alessandra, Miorandi, Daniele, Coen-Porisini, Alberto.  2016.  Internet of Things: Security in the Keys. Proceedings of the 12th ACM Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks. :129–133.

Security threats may hinder the large scale adoption of the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. Besides efforts have already been made in the direction of data integrity preservation, confidentiality and privacy, several issues are still open. The existing solutions are mainly based on encryption techniques, but no attention is actually paid to key management. A clever key distribution system, along with a key replacement mechanism, are essentials for assuring a secure approach. In this paper, two popular key management systems, conceived for wireless sensor networks, are integrated in a real IoT middleware and compared in order to evaluate their performance in terms of overhead, delay and robustness towards malicious attacks.

Cangialosi, Frank, Chung, Taejoong, Choffnes, David, Levin, Dave, Maggs, Bruce M., Mislove, Alan, Wilson, Christo.  2016.  Measurement and Analysis of Private Key Sharing in the HTTPS Ecosystem. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :628–640.

The semantics of online authentication in the web are rather straightforward: if Alice has a certificate binding Bob's name to a public key, and if a remote entity can prove knowledge of Bob's private key, then (barring key compromise) that remote entity must be Bob. However, in reality, many websites' and the majority of the most popular ones-are hosted at least in part by third parties such as Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) or web hosting providers. Put simply: administrators of websites who deal with (extremely) sensitive user data are giving their private keys to third parties. Importantly, this sharing of keys is undetectable by most users, and widely unknown even among researchers. In this paper, we perform a large-scale measurement study of key sharing in today's web. We analyze the prevalence with which websites trust third-party hosting providers with their secret keys, as well as the impact that this trust has on responsible key management practices, such as revocation. Our results reveal that key sharing is extremely common, with a small handful of hosting providers having keys from the majority of the most popular websites. We also find that hosting providers often manage their customers' keys, and that they tend to react more slowly yet more thoroughly to compromised or potentially compromised keys.

Cangialosi, Frank, Chung, Taejoong, Choffnes, David, Levin, Dave, Maggs, Bruce M., Mislove, Alan, Wilson, Christo.  2016.  Measurement and Analysis of Private Key Sharing in the HTTPS Ecosystem. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :628–640.

The semantics of online authentication in the web are rather straightforward: if Alice has a certificate binding Bob's name to a public key, and if a remote entity can prove knowledge of Bob's private key, then (barring key compromise) that remote entity must be Bob. However, in reality, many websites' and the majority of the most popular ones-are hosted at least in part by third parties such as Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) or web hosting providers. Put simply: administrators of websites who deal with (extremely) sensitive user data are giving their private keys to third parties. Importantly, this sharing of keys is undetectable by most users, and widely unknown even among researchers. In this paper, we perform a large-scale measurement study of key sharing in today's web. We analyze the prevalence with which websites trust third-party hosting providers with their secret keys, as well as the impact that this trust has on responsible key management practices, such as revocation. Our results reveal that key sharing is extremely common, with a small handful of hosting providers having keys from the majority of the most popular websites. We also find that hosting providers often manage their customers' keys, and that they tend to react more slowly yet more thoroughly to compromised or potentially compromised keys.

Thoma, Cory, Lee, Adam J., Labrinidis, Alexandros.  2016.  PolyStream: Cryptographically Enforced Access Controls for Outsourced Data Stream Processing. Proceedings of the 21st ACM on Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies. :227–238.

With data becoming available in larger quantities and at higher rates, new data processing paradigms have been proposed to handle high-volume, fast-moving data. Data Stream Processing is one such paradigm wherein transient data streams flow through sets of continuous queries, only returning results when data is of interest to the querier. To avoid the large costs associated with maintaining the infrastructure required for processing these data streams, many companies will outsource their computation to third-party cloud services. This outsourcing, however, can lead to private data being accessed by parties that a data provider may not trust. The literature offers solutions to this confidentiality and access control problem but they have fallen short of providing a complete solution to these problems, due to either immense overheads or trust requirements placed on these third-party services. To address these issues, we have developed PolyStream, an enhancement to existing data stream management systems that enables data providers to specify attribute-based access control policies that are cryptographically enforced while simultaneously allowing many types of in-network data processing. We detail the access control models and mechanisms used by PolyStream, and describe a novel use of security punctuations that enables flexible, online policy management and key distribution. We detail how queries are submitted and executed using an unmodified Data Stream Management System, and show through an extensive evaluation that PolyStream yields a 550x performance gain versus the state-of-the-art system StreamForce in CODASPY 2014, while providing greater functionality to the querier.

Dang, Hung, Chong, Yun Long, Brun, Francois, Chang, Ee-Chien.  2016.  Practical and Scalable Sharing of Encrypted Data in Cloud Storage with Key Aggregation. Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security. :69–80.

We study a sensor network setting in which samples are encrypted individually using different keys and maintained on a cloud storage. For large systems, e.g. those that generate several millions of samples per day, fine-grained sharing of encrypted samples is challenging. Existing solutions, such as Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) and Key Aggregation Cryptosystem (KAC), can be utilized to address the challenge, but only to a certain extent. They are often computationally expensive and thus unlikely to operate at scale. We propose an algorithmic enhancement and two heuristics to improve KAC's key reconstruction cost, while preserving its provable security. The improvement is particularly significant for range and down-sampling queries – accelerating the reconstruction cost from quadratic to linear running time. Experimental study shows that for queries of size 32k samples, the proposed fast reconstruction techniques speed-up the original KAC by at least 90 times on range and down-sampling queries, and by eight times on general (arbitrary) queries. It also shows that at the expense of splitting the query into 16 sub-queries and correspondingly issuing that number of different aggregated keys, reconstruction time can be reduced by 19 times. As such, the proposed techniques make KAC more applicable in practical scenarios such as sensor networks or the Internet of Things.

Habeeb, Ibtisam Joda, Muhajjar, Ra'ad A..  2016.  Secured Wireless Sensor Network Using Improved Key Management. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing. :302–305.

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of a numerous of small devices called sensor which has a limitation in resources such as low energy, memory, and computation. Sensors deployed in a harsh environment and vulnerable to various security issues and due to the resource restriction in a sensor, key management and provide robust security in this type of networks is a challenge. keys may be used in two ways in cryptography is symmetric or asymmetric, asymmetric is required more communication, memory, and computing when compared with symmetric, so it is not appropriate for WSN. In this paper, key management scheme based on symmetric keys has been proposed where each node uses pseudo-random generator (PRNG)to generate key that is shared with base station based on pre-distributed initial key and CBC - RC5 to reached to confidently, integrity and authentication.

Ho, Grant, Leung, Derek, Mishra, Pratyush, Hosseini, Ashkan, Song, Dawn, Wagner, David.  2016.  Smart Locks: Lessons for Securing Commodity Internet of Things Devices. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :461–472.

We examine the security of home smart locks: cyber-physical devices that replace traditional door locks with deadbolts that can be electronically controlled by mobile devices or the lock manufacturer's remote servers. We present two categories of attacks against smart locks and analyze the security of five commercially-available locks with respect to these attacks. Our security analysis reveals that flaws in the design, implementation, and interaction models of existing locks can be exploited by several classes of adversaries, allowing them to learn private information about users and gain unauthorized home access. To guide future development of smart locks and similar Internet of Things devices, we propose several defenses that mitigate the attacks we present. One of these defenses is a novel approach to securely and usably communicate a user's intended actions to smart locks, which we prototype and evaluate. Ultimately, our work takes a first step towards illuminating security challenges in the system design and novel functionality introduced by emerging IoT systems.

Nisha, Dave, M..  2016.  Storage as a parameter for classifying dynamic key management schemes proposed for WSNs. 2016 International Conference on Computational Techniques in Information and Communication Technologies (ICCTICT). :51–56.

Real world applications of Wireless Sensor Networks such as border control, healthcare monitoring and target tracking require secure communications. Thus, during WSN setup, one of the first requirements is to distribute the keys to the sensor nodes which can be later used for securing the messages exchanged between sensors. The key management schemes in WSN secure the communication between a pair or a group of nodes. However, the storage capacity of the sensor nodes is limited which makes storage requirement as an important parameter for the evaluation of key management schemes. This paper classifies the existing key management schemes proposed for WSNs into three categories: storage inefficient, storage efficient and highly storage efficient key management schemes.

Sayler, Andy, Andrews, Taylor, Monaco, Matt, Grunwald, Dirk.  2016.  Tutamen: A Next-Generation Secret-Storage Platform. Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing. :251–264.

The storage and management of secrets (encryption keys, passwords, etc) are significant open problems in the age of ephemeral, cloud-based computing infrastructure. How do we store and control access to the secrets necessary to configure and operate a range of modern technologies without sacrificing security and privacy requirements or significantly curtailing the desirable capabilities of our systems? To answer this question, we propose Tutamen: a next-generation secret-storage service. Tutamen offers a number of desirable properties not present in existing secret-storage solutions. These include the ability to operate across administrative domain boundaries and atop minimally trusted infrastructure. Tutamen also supports access control based on contextual, multi-factor, and alternate-band authentication parameters. These properties have allowed us to leverage Tutamen to support a variety of use cases not easily realizable using existing systems, including supporting full-disk encryption on headless servers and providing fully-featured client-side encryption for cloud-based file-storage services. In this paper, we present an overview of the secret-storage challenge, Tutamen's design and architecture, the implementation of our Tutamen prototype, and several of the applications we have built atop Tutamen. We conclude that Tutamen effectively eases the secret-storage burden and allows developers and systems administrators to achieve previously unattainable security-oriented goals while still supporting a wide range of feature-oriented requirements.