Server-side web applications are vulnerable to request races. While some previous studies of real-world request races exist, they primarily focus on the root cause of these bugs. To better combat request races in server-side web applications, we need a deep understanding of their characteristics. In this paper, we provide a complementary focus on race effects and fixes with an enlarged set of request races from web applications developed with Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks. We revisit characterization questions used in previous studies on newly included request races, distinguish the external and internal effects of request races, and relate requestrace fixes with concurrency control mechanisms in languages and frameworks for developing server-side web applications. Our study reveals that: (1) request races from ORM-based web applications share the same characteristics as those from raw-SQL web applications; (2) request races violating application semantics without explicit crashes and error messages externally are common, and latent request races, which only corrupt some shared resource internally but require extra requests to expose the misbehavior, are also common; and (3) various fix strategies other than using synchronization mechanisms are used to fix request races. We expect that our results can help developers better understand request races and guide the design and development of tools for combating request races.
ISSN: 2574-3864
Recently, social networks have become more popular owing to the capability of connecting people globally and sharing videos, images and various types of data. A major security issue in social media is the existence of fake accounts. It is a phenomenon that has fake accounts that can be frequently utilized by mischievous users and entities, which falsify, distribute, and duplicate fake news and publicity. As the fake news resulted in serious consequences, numerous research works have focused on the design of automated fake accounts and fake news detection models. In this aspect, this study designs a hyperparameter tuned deep learning based automated fake news detection (HDL-FND) technique. The presented HDL-FND technique accomplishes the effective detection and classification of fake news. Besides, the HDLFND process encompasses a three stage process namely preprocessing, feature extraction, and Bi-Directional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTM) based classification. The correct way of demonstrating the promising performance of the HDL-FND technique, a sequence of replications were performed on the available Kaggle dataset. The investigational outcomes produce improved performance of the HDL-FND technique in excess of the recent approaches in terms of diverse measures.
This paper studies the problem of designing optimal privacy mechanism with less energy cost. The eavesdropper and the defender with limited resources should choose which channel to eavesdrop and defend, respectively. A zero-sum stochastic game framework is used to model the interaction between the two players and the game is solved through the Nash Q-learning approach. A numerical example is given to verify the proposed method.
ISSN: 2688-0938
This work-in-progress paper proposes a design methodology that addresses the complexity and heterogeneity of cyber-physical systems (CPS) while simultaneously proving resilient control logic and security properties. The design methodology involves a formal methods-based approach by translating the complex control logic and security properties of a water flow CPS into timed automata. Timed automata are a formal model that describes system behaviors and properties using mathematics-based logic languages with precision. Due to the semantics that are used in developing the formal models, verification techniques, such as theorem proving and model checking, are used to mathematically prove the specifications and security properties of the CPS. This work-in-progress paper aims to highlight the need for formalizing plant models by creating a timed automata of the physical portions of the water flow CPS. Extending the time automata with control logic, network security, and privacy control processes is investigated. The final model will be formally verified to prove the design specifications of the water flow CPS to ensure efficacy and security.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks aim to make a server unresponsive by flooding the target server with a large volume of packets (Volume based DDoS attacks), by keeping connections open for a long time and exhausting the resources (Low and Slow DDoS attacks) or by targeting protocols (Protocol based attacks). Volume based DDoS attacks that flood the target server with a large number of packets are easier to detect because of the abnormality in packet flow. Low and Slow DDoS attacks, however, make the server unavailable by keeping connections open for a long time, but send traffic similar to genuine traffic, making detection of such attacks difficult. This paper proposes a solution to detect and mitigate one such Low and slow DDoS attack, Slowloris in an SDN (Software Defined Networking) environment. The proposed solution involves communication between the detection and mitigation module and the controller of the Software Defined Network to get data to detect and mitigate low and slow DDoS attack.
In the last decade, numerous Industrial IoT systems have been deployed. Attack vectors and security solutions for these are an active area of research. However, to the best of our knowledge, only very limited insight in the applicability and real-world comparability of attacks exists. To overcome this widespread problem, we have developed and realized an approach to collect attack traces at a larger scale. An easily deployable system integrates well into existing networks and enables the investigation of attacks on unmodified commercial devices.
The use of software to support the information infrastructure that governments, critical infrastructure providers and businesses worldwide rely on for their daily operations and business processes is gradually becoming unavoidable. Commercial off-the shelf software is widely and increasingly used by these organizations to automate processes with information technology. That notwithstanding, cyber-attacks are becoming stealthier and more sophisticated, which has led to a complex and dynamic risk environment for IT-based operations which users are working to better understand and manage. This has made users become increasingly concerned about the integrity, security and reliability of commercial software. To meet up with these concerns and meet customer requirements, vendors have undertaken significant efforts to reduce vulnerabilities, improve resistance to attack and protect the integrity of the products they sell. These efforts are often referred to as “software assurance.” Software assurance is becoming very important for organizations critical to public safety and economic and national security. These users require a high level of confidence that commercial software is as secure as possible, something only achieved when software is created using best practices for secure software development. Therefore, in this paper, we explore the need for information assurance and its importance for both organizations and end users, methodologies and best practices for software security and information assurance, and we also conducted a survey to understand end users’ opinions on the methodologies researched in this paper and their impact.
ISSN: 2154-0373
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging technology, which provides the flexibility in communicating among network. Software Defined Network features separation of the data forwarding plane from the control plane which includes controller, resulting centralized network. Due to centralized control, the network becomes more dynamic, and resources are managed efficiently and cost-effectively. Network Virtualization is transformation of network from hardware-based to software-based. Network Function Virtualization will permit implementation, adaptable provisioning, and even management of functions virtually. The use of virtualization of SDN networks permits network to strengthen the features of SDN and virtualization of NFV and has for that reason has attracted notable research awareness over the last few years. SDN platform introduces network security challenges. The network becomes vulnerable when a large number of requests is encapsulated inside packet\_in messages and passed to controller from switch for instruction, if it is not recognized by existing flow entry rules. which will limit the resources and become a bottleneck for the entire network leading to DDoS attack. It is necessary to have quick provisional methods to prevent the switches from breaking down. To resolve this problem, the researcher develops a mechanism that detects and mitigates flood attacks. This paper provides a comprehensive survey which includes research relating frameworks which are utilized for detecting attack and later mitigation of flood DDoS attack in Software Defined Network (SDN) with the help of NFV.
Video summarization aims to improve the efficiency of large-scale video browsing through producting concise summaries. It has been popular among many scenarios such as video surveillance, video review and data annotation. Traditional video summarization techniques focus on filtration in image features dimension or image semantics dimension. However, such techniques can make a large amount of possible useful information lost, especially for many videos with rich text semantics like interviews, teaching videos, in that only the information relevant to the image dimension will be retained. In order to solve the above problem, this paper considers video summarization as a continuous multi-dimensional decision-making process. Specifically, the summarization model predicts a probability for each frame and its corresponding text, and then we designs reward methods for each of them. Finally, comprehensive summaries in two dimensions, i.e. images and semantics, is generated. This approach is not only unsupervised and does not rely on labels and user interaction, but also decouples the semantic and image summarization models to provide more usable interfaces for subsequent engineering use.
ISSN: 2693-9371