Exploitation of supply chains by foreign adversaries is a growing threat to America.
The National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) today released a new tri-fold document, Supply Chain Risk Management: Reducing Threats to Key U.S. Supply Chains, to help private sector and U.S. Government stakeholders mitigate risks to America’s critical supply chains. As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, NCSC is working to raise awareness of supply chain attacks, including those that are cyber-enabled.
The tri-fold highlights supply chain risks, introduces a process for supply chain risk management, and establishes three focus areas to reduce threats to key U.S. supply chains. The document also outlines key tools and technologies to protect each stage of the supply chain lifecycle, from design to retirement.
The existing network intrusion detection methods have less label samples in the training process, and the detection accuracy is not high. In order to solve this problem, this paper designs a network intrusion detection method based on the GAN model by using the adversarial idea contained in the GAN. The model enhances the original training set by continuously generating samples, which expanding the label sample set. In order to realize the multi-classification of samples, this paper transforms the previous binary classification model of the generated adversarial network into a supervised learning multi-classification model. The loss function of training is redefined, so that the corresponding training method and parameter setting are obtained. Under the same experimental conditions, several performance indicators are used to compare the detection ability of the proposed method, the original classification model and other models. The experimental results show that the method proposed in this paper is more stable, robust, accurate detection rate, has good generalization ability, and can effectively realize network intrusion detection.
In the communication model of wired and wireless Adhoc networks, the most needed requirement is the integration of security. Mobile Adhoc networks are more aroused with the attacks compared to the wired environment. Subsequently, the characteristics of Mobile Adhoc networks are also influenced by the vulnerability. The pre-existing unfolding solutions are been obtained for infrastructure-less networks. However, these solutions are not always necessarily suitable for wireless networks. Further, the framework of wireless Adhoc networks has uncommon vulnerabilities and due to this behavior it is not protected by the same solutions, therefore the detection mechanism of intrusion is combinedly used to protect the Manets. Several intrusion detection techniques that have been developed for a fixed wired network cannot be applied in this new environment. Furthermore, The issue of intensity in terms of energy is of a major kind due to which the life of the working battery is very limited. The objective this research work is to detect the Anomalous behavior of nodes in Manet's and Experimental analysis is done by making use of Network Simulator-2 to do the comparative analysis for the existing algorithm, we enhanced the previous algorithm in order to improve the Energy efficiency and results shown the improvement of energy of battery life and Throughput is checked with respect to simulation of test case analysis. In this paper, the proposed algorithm is compared with the existing approach.
Due to their proven efficiency, machine-learning systems are deployed in a wide range of complex real-life problems. More specifically, Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) emerged as a promising solution to the accuracy, resource-utilization, and energy-efficiency challenges in machine-learning systems. While these systems are going mainstream, they have inherent security and reliability issues. In this paper, we propose NeuroAttack, a cross-layer attack that threatens the SNNs integrity by exploiting low-level reliability issues through a high-level attack. Particularly, we trigger a fault-injection based sneaky hardware backdoor through a carefully crafted adversarial input noise. Our results on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and SNNs show a serious integrity threat to state-of-the art machine-learning techniques.
Blockchain technology is attracting attention as an innovative system for decentralized payments in fields such as financial area. On the other hand, in a decentralized environment, management of a secret key used for user authentication and digital signature becomes a big issue because if a user loses his/her secret key, he/she will also lose assets on the blockchain. This paper describes the secret key management issues in blockchain systems and proposes a solution using a biometrics-based digital signature scheme. In our proposed system, a secret key to be used for digital signature is generated from the user's biometric information each time and immediately deleted from the memory after using it. Therefore, our blockchain system has the advantage that there is no need for storage for storing secret keys throughout the system. As a result, the user does not have a risk of losing the key management devices and can prevent attacks from malware that steals the secret key.
Most anti-collusion audio fingerprinting schemes are aiming at finding colluders from the illegal redistributed audio copies. However, the loss caused by the redistributed versions is inevitable. In this letter, a novel fingerprinting scheme is proposed to eliminate the motivation of collusion attack. The audio signal is transformed to the frequency domain by the Fourier transform, and the coefficients in frequency domain are reversed in different degrees according to the fingerprint sequence. Different from other fingerprinting schemes, the coefficients of the host media are excessively modified by the proposed method in order to reduce the quality of the colluded version significantly, but the imperceptibility is well preserved. Experiments show that the colluded audio cannot be reused because of the poor quality. In addition, the proposed method can also resist other common attacks. Various kinds of copyright risks and losses caused by the illegal redistribution are effectively avoided, which is significant for protecting the copyright of audio.
The increased power capacity and networking requirements in Extremely Fast Charging (XFC) systems for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and the resulting increase in the adversarial attack surface call for security measures to be taken in the involved cyber-physical system (CPS). Within this system, the security of the BEV's battery management system (BMS) is of critical importance as the BMS is the first line of defense between the vehicle and the charge station. This study proposes an optimal control and moving-target defense (MTD) based novel approach for the security of the vehicle BMS) focusing on the charging process, during which a compromised vehicle may contaminate the XFC station and the whole grid. This paper is part of our ongoing research, which is one of the few, if not the first, reported studies in the literature on security-hardened BMS, aiming to increase the security and performance of operations between the charging station, the BMS and the battery system of electric vehicles. The developed MTD based switching strategy makes use of redundancies in the controller and feedback design. The performed simulations demonstrate an increased unpredictability and acceptable charging performance under adversarial attacks.
This paper deals with novel group-based Authentication and Key Agreement protocol for Internet of Things(IoT) enabled LTE/LTE-A network to overcome the problems of computational overhead, complexity and problem of heterogeneous devices, where other existing methods are lagging behind in attaining security requirements and computational overhead. In this work, two Groups are created among Machine Type Communication Devices (MTCDs) on the basis of device type to reduce complexity and problems of heterogeneous devices. This paper fulfills all the security requirements such as preservation, mutual authentication, confidentiality. Bio-metric authentication has been used to enhance security level of the network. The security and performance analysis have been verified through simulation results. Moreover, the performance of the proposed Novel Group-Based Authentication and key Agreement(AKA) Protocol is analyzed with other existing IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A protocol.