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Balestrieri, E., Vito, L. De, Picariello, F., Rapuano, S., Tudosa, I..  2020.  A Novel CS-based Measurement Method for Impairments Identification in Wireline Channels. 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). :1–6.
The paper proposes a new measurement method for impairments identification in wireline channels (i.e. wire cables) by exploiting a Compressive Sampling (CS)-based technique. The method consists of two-phases: (i) acquisition and reconstruction of the channel impulse response in the nominal working condition and (ii) analysis of the channel state to detect any physical anomaly/discontinuity like deterioration (e.g. aging due to harsh environment) or unauthorized side channel attacks (e.g. taps). The first results demonstrate that the proposed method is capable of estimating the channel impairments with an accuracy that could allow the classification of the main channel impairments. The proposed method could be used to develop low-cost instrumentation for continuous monitoring of the physical layer of data networks and to improve their hardware security.
Basit, Abdul, Zafar, Maham, Javed, Abdul Rehman, Jalil, Zunera.  2020.  A Novel Ensemble Machine Learning Method to Detect Phishing Attack. 2020 IEEE 23rd International Multitopic Conference (INMIC). :1—5.
Currently and particularly with remote working scenarios during COVID-19, phishing attack has become one of the most significant threats faced by internet users, organizations, and service providers. In a phishing attack, the attacker tries to steal client sensitive data (such as login, passwords, and credit card details) using spoofed emails and fake websites. Cybercriminals, hacktivists, and nation-state spy agencies have now got a fertilized ground to deploy their latest innovative phishing attacks. Timely detection of phishing attacks has become most crucial than ever. Machine learning algorithms can be used to accurately detect phishing attacks before a user is harmed. This paper presents a novel ensemble model to detect phishing attacks on the website. We select three machine learning classifiers: Artificial Neural Network (ANN), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and Decision Tree (C4.5) to use in an ensemble method with Random Forest Classifier (RFC). This ensemble method effectively detects website phishing attacks with better accuracy than existing studies. Experimental results demonstrate that the ensemble of KNN and RFC detects phishing attacks with 97.33% accuracy.
Jan, Aiman, Parah, Shabir A., Malik, Bilal A..  2020.  A Novel Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) and Chaotic Encryption Based Image Steganography Technique. 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET). :1—4.
Information sharing through internet has becoming challenge due to high-risk factor of attacks to the information being transferred. In this paper, a novel image-encryption edge based Image steganography technique is proposed. The proposed algorithm uses logistic map for encrypting the information prior to transmission. Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) edge operator is used to find edge areas of the colored-cover-image. Simulation analysis demonstrates that the proposed algorithm has a good amount of payload along with better results of security analysis. The proposed scheme is compared with the existing-methods.
Ellinidou, Soultana, Sharma, Gaurav, Markowitch, Olivier, Gogniat, Guy, Dricot, Jean-Michel.  2020.  A novel Network-on-Chip security algorithm for tolerating Byzantine faults. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT). :1–6.
Since the number of processors and cores on a single chip is increasing, the interconnection among them becomes significant. Network-on-Chip (NoC) has direct access to all resources and information within a System-on-Chip (SoC), rendering it appealing to attackers. Malicious attacks targeting NoC are a major cause of performance depletion and they can cause arbitrary behavior of links or routers, that is, Byzantine faults. Byzantine faults have been thoroughly investigated in the context of Distributed systems however not in Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) systems. Hence, in this paper we propose a novel fault model followed by the design and implementation of lightweight algorithms, based on Software Defined Network-on-Chip (SDNoC) architecture. The proposed algorithms can be used to build highly available NoCs and can tolerate Byzantine faults. Additionally, a set of different scenarios has been simulated and the results demonstrate that by using the proposed algorithms the packet loss decreases between 65% and 76% under Transpose traffic, 67% and 77% under BitReverse and 55% and 66% under Uniform traffic.
Pamukov, Marin, Poulkov, Vladimir, Shterev, Vasil.  2020.  NSNN Algorithm Performance with Different Neural Network Architectures. 2020 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). :280–284.
Internet of Things (IoT) development and the addition of billions of computationally limited devices prohibit the use of classical security measures such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). In this paper, we study the influence of the implementation of different feed-forward type of Neural Networks (NNs) on the detection Rate of the Negative Selection Neural Network (NSNN) algorithm. Feed-forward and cascade forward NN structures with different number of neurons and different number of hidden layers are tested. For training and testing the NSNN algorithm the labeled KDD NSL dataset is applied. The detection rates provided by the algorithm with several NN structures to determine the optimal solution are calculated and compared. The results show how these different feed-forward based NN architectures impact the performance of the NSNN algorithm.
Han, K., Zhang, W., Liu, C..  2020.  Numerical Study of Acoustic Propagation Characteristics in the Multi-scale Seafloor Random Media. 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP). :135–138.
There is some uncertainty as to the applicability or accuracy of current theories for wave propagation in sediments. Numerical modelling of acoustic data has long been recognized to be a powerful method of understanding of complicated wave propagation and interaction. In this paper, we used the coupled two-dimensional PSM-BEM program to simulate the process of acoustic wave propagation in the seafloor with distributed multi-scale random media. The effects of fluid flow between the pores and the grains with multi-scale distribution were considered. The results show that the coupled PSM-BEM program can be directly applied to both high and low frequency seafloor acoustics. A given porous frame with the pore space saturated with fluid can greatly increase the magnitude of acoustic anisotropy. acoustic wave velocity dispersion and attenuation are significant over a frequency range which spans at least two orders of magnitude.
Song, Z., Kar, P..  2020.  Name-Signature Lookup System: A Security Enhancement to Named Data Networking. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1444–1448.
Named Data Networking (NDN) is a content-centric networking, where the publisher of the packet signs and encapsulates the data packet with a name-content-signature encryption to verify the authenticity and integrity of itself. This scheme can solve many of the security issues inherently compared to IP networking. NDN also support mobility since it hides the point-to-point connection details. However, an extreme attack takes place when an NDN consumer newly connects to a network. A Man-in-the-middle (MITM) malicious node can block the consumer and keep intercepting the interest packets sent out so as to fake the corresponding data packets signed with its own private key. Without knowledge and trust to the network, the NDN consumer can by no means perceive the attack and thus exposed to severe security and privacy hazard. In this paper, the Name-Signature Lookup System (NSLS) and corresponding Name-Signature Lookup Protocol (NSLP) is introduced to verify packets with their registered genuine publisher even in an untrusted network with the help of embedded keys inside Network Interface Controller (NIC), by which attacks like MITM is eliminated. A theoretical analysis of comparing NSLS with existing security model is provided. Digest algorithm SHA-256 and signature algorithm RSA are used in the NSLP model without specific preference.
[Anonymous].  2020.  NCSC Unveils New Supply Chain Risk Management Guidance.

Exploitation of supply chains by foreign adversaries is a growing threat to America.

The National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) today released a new tri-fold document, Supply Chain Risk Management: Reducing Threats to Key U.S. Supply Chains, to help private sector and U.S. Government stakeholders mitigate risks to America’s critical supply chains.  As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, NCSC is working to raise awareness of supply chain attacks, including those that are cyber-enabled.

The tri-fold highlights supply chain risks, introduces a process for supply chain risk management, and establishes three focus areas to reduce threats to key U.S. supply chains.  The document also outlines key tools and technologies to protect each stage of the supply chain lifecycle, from design to retirement.

Chen, X., Cao, C., Mai, J..  2020.  Network Anomaly Detection Based on Deep Support Vector Data Description. 2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA). :251–255.
Intrusion detection system based on representation learning is the main research direction in the field of anomaly detection. Malicious traffic detection system can distinguish normal and malicious traffic by learning representations between normal and malicious traffic. However, under the context of big data, there are many types of malicious traffic, and the features are also changing constantly. It is still a urgent problem to design a detection model that can effectively learn and summarize the feature of normal traffic and accurately identify the features of new kinds of malicious this paper, a malicious traffic detection method based on Deep Support Vector Data Description is proposed, which is called Deep - SVDD. We combine convolutional neural network (CNN) with support vector data description, and train the model with normal traffic. The normal traffic features are mapped to high-dimensional space through neural networks, and a compact hypersphere is trained by unsupervised learning, which includes the normal features of the highdimensional space. Malicious traffic fall outside the hypersphere, thus distinguishing between normal and malicious traffic. Experiments show that the model has a high detection rate and a low false alarm rate, and it can effectively identify new malicious traffic.
Liao, D., Huang, S., Tan, Y., Bai, G..  2020.  Network Intrusion Detection Method Based on GAN Model. 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Network Security (CCNS). :153—156.

The existing network intrusion detection methods have less label samples in the training process, and the detection accuracy is not high. In order to solve this problem, this paper designs a network intrusion detection method based on the GAN model by using the adversarial idea contained in the GAN. The model enhances the original training set by continuously generating samples, which expanding the label sample set. In order to realize the multi-classification of samples, this paper transforms the previous binary classification model of the generated adversarial network into a supervised learning multi-classification model. The loss function of training is redefined, so that the corresponding training method and parameter setting are obtained. Under the same experimental conditions, several performance indicators are used to compare the detection ability of the proposed method, the original classification model and other models. The experimental results show that the method proposed in this paper is more stable, robust, accurate detection rate, has good generalization ability, and can effectively realize network intrusion detection.

Sheng, Mingren, Liu, Hongri, Yang, Xu, Wang, Wei, Huang, Junheng, Wang, Bailing.  2020.  Network Security Situation Prediction in Software Defined Networking Data Plane. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computer Applications( AEECA). :475–479.
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) simplifies network management by separating the control plane from the data forwarding plane. However, the plane separation technology introduces many new loopholes in the SDN data plane. In order to facilitate taking proactive measures to reduce the damage degree of network security events, this paper proposes a security situation prediction method based on particle swarm optimization algorithm and long-short-term memory neural network for network security events on the SDN data plane. According to the statistical information of the security incident, the analytic hierarchy process is used to calculate the SDN data plane security situation risk value. Then use the historical data of the security situation risk value to build an artificial neural network prediction model. Finally, a prediction model is used to predict the future security situation risk value. Experiments show that this method has good prediction accuracy and stability.
Hussain, M. S., Khan, K. U. R..  2020.  Network-based Anomaly Intrusion Detection System in MANETS. 2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC). :881—886.

In the communication model of wired and wireless Adhoc networks, the most needed requirement is the integration of security. Mobile Adhoc networks are more aroused with the attacks compared to the wired environment. Subsequently, the characteristics of Mobile Adhoc networks are also influenced by the vulnerability. The pre-existing unfolding solutions are been obtained for infrastructure-less networks. However, these solutions are not always necessarily suitable for wireless networks. Further, the framework of wireless Adhoc networks has uncommon vulnerabilities and due to this behavior it is not protected by the same solutions, therefore the detection mechanism of intrusion is combinedly used to protect the Manets. Several intrusion detection techniques that have been developed for a fixed wired network cannot be applied in this new environment. Furthermore, The issue of intensity in terms of energy is of a major kind due to which the life of the working battery is very limited. The objective this research work is to detect the Anomalous behavior of nodes in Manet's and Experimental analysis is done by making use of Network Simulator-2 to do the comparative analysis for the existing algorithm, we enhanced the previous algorithm in order to improve the Energy efficiency and results shown the improvement of energy of battery life and Throughput is checked with respect to simulation of test case analysis. In this paper, the proposed algorithm is compared with the existing approach.

Venceslai, Valerio, Marchisio, Alberto, Alouani, Ihsen, Martina, Maurizio, Shafique, Muhammad.  2020.  NeuroAttack: Undermining Spiking Neural Networks Security through Externally Triggered Bit-Flips. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–8.

Due to their proven efficiency, machine-learning systems are deployed in a wide range of complex real-life problems. More specifically, Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) emerged as a promising solution to the accuracy, resource-utilization, and energy-efficiency challenges in machine-learning systems. While these systems are going mainstream, they have inherent security and reliability issues. In this paper, we propose NeuroAttack, a cross-layer attack that threatens the SNNs integrity by exploiting low-level reliability issues through a high-level attack. Particularly, we trigger a fault-injection based sneaky hardware backdoor through a carefully crafted adversarial input noise. Our results on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and SNNs show a serious integrity threat to state-of-the art machine-learning techniques.

Naganuma, K., Suzuki, T., Yoshino, M., Takahashi, K., Kaga, Y., Kunihiro, N..  2020.  New Secret Key Management Technology for Blockchains from Biometrics Fuzzy Signature. 2020 15th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS). :54–58.

Blockchain technology is attracting attention as an innovative system for decentralized payments in fields such as financial area. On the other hand, in a decentralized environment, management of a secret key used for user authentication and digital signature becomes a big issue because if a user loses his/her secret key, he/she will also lose assets on the blockchain. This paper describes the secret key management issues in blockchain systems and proposes a solution using a biometrics-based digital signature scheme. In our proposed system, a secret key to be used for digital signature is generated from the user's biometric information each time and immediately deleted from the memory after using it. Therefore, our blockchain system has the advantage that there is no need for storage for storing secret keys throughout the system. As a result, the user does not have a risk of losing the key management devices and can prevent attacks from malware that steals the secret key.

Yang, Jiahui, Yuan, Yao, Wang, Shuaibing, Bao, Lianwei, Wang, Ren.  2020.  No-load Switch-in Transient Process Simulation of 500kV Interface Transformer Used in HVDC Flexible. 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE). :1–4.
Interface transformer used in asynchronous networking was a kind of special transformer which's different from normal power transformer. During no-load switch-in, the magnitude of inrush current will be high, and the waveform distortion also be severity. Maybe the protections will be activated, even worse may lead the lockdown of the DC system. In this paper, field-circuit coupled finite element method was used for the study of transient characteristic of no-load switch-in, remanence simulation methods were presented. Quantitative analysis of the effect of closing making angle and core remanence on inrush current peak value, meanwhile, the distribution of magnetic field inside the tank during the transient process. The result indicated that the closing making angle and core remanence have obvious effect on inrush current peak value. The research results of this paper can be used to guide the formulation of no-load switch-in strategy of interface transformer, which was of great significance to ensure the smooth operation of HVDC Flexible system.
Sun, Jin, Yao, Xiaomin, Wang, Shangping, Wu, Ying.  2020.  Non-Repudiation Storage and Access Control Scheme of Insurance Data Based on Blockchain in IPFS. IEEE Access. 8:155145–155155.
The insurance business plays a quite significant role in people's lives, but in the process of claim settlement, there are still various frauds such that the insurance companies' refusal to compensate or customers' malicious fraud to obtain compensation. Therefore, it is very important to ensure fair and just claims. In this paper, by combining the blockchain technology and the ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption system, we build a scheme for secure storage and update for insurance records under the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) storage environment in the insurance system. In this scheme, we use the fog node to outsource encryption of insurance records to improve the efficiency of the staff; In addition, we store encrypted insurance records on IPFS to ensure the security of the storage platform and avoid the single point failure of the centralized mechanism. In addition, we use the immutability of the blockchain to achieve the non-repudiation of both insurance companies and the client. The security proof shows that the proposed scheme can achieve selective security against selected keyword attacks. Our scheme is efficient and feasible under performance analysis and real data set experiments.
Li, M., Chang, H., Xiang, Y., An, D..  2020.  A Novel Anti-Collusion Audio Fingerprinting Scheme Based on Fourier Coefficients Reversing. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 27:1794—1798.

Most anti-collusion audio fingerprinting schemes are aiming at finding colluders from the illegal redistributed audio copies. However, the loss caused by the redistributed versions is inevitable. In this letter, a novel fingerprinting scheme is proposed to eliminate the motivation of collusion attack. The audio signal is transformed to the frequency domain by the Fourier transform, and the coefficients in frequency domain are reversed in different degrees according to the fingerprint sequence. Different from other fingerprinting schemes, the coefficients of the host media are excessively modified by the proposed method in order to reduce the quality of the colluded version significantly, but the imperceptibility is well preserved. Experiments show that the colluded audio cannot be reused because of the poor quality. In addition, the proposed method can also resist other common attacks. Various kinds of copyright risks and losses caused by the illegal redistribution are effectively avoided, which is significant for protecting the copyright of audio.

Kumar, A..  2020.  A Novel Privacy Preserving HMAC Algorithm Based on Homomorphic Encryption and Auditing for Cloud. 2020 Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :198–202.
Cloud is the perfect way to hold our data every day. Yet the confidentiality of our data is a big concern in the handling of cloud data. Data integrity, authentication and confidentiality are basic security threats in the cloud. Cryptography techniques and Third Party Auditor (TPA) are very useful to impose the integrity and confidentiality of data. In this paper, a system is proposed Enhancing data protection that is housed in cloud computing. The suggested solution uses the RSA algorithm and the AES algorithm to encrypt user data. The hybridization of these two algorithms allows better data protection before it is stored in the cloud. Secure hash algorithm 512 is used to compute the Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC). A stable audit program is also introduced for Third Party Auditor (TPA) use. The suggested algorithm is applied in python programming and tested in a simple sample format. It is checked that the proposed algorithm functions well to guarantee greater data protection.
Bogosyan, Seta, Gokasan, Metin.  2020.  Novel Strategies for Security-hardened BMS for Extremely Fast Charging of BEVs. 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). :1–7.

The increased power capacity and networking requirements in Extremely Fast Charging (XFC) systems for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and the resulting increase in the adversarial attack surface call for security measures to be taken in the involved cyber-physical system (CPS). Within this system, the security of the BEV's battery management system (BMS) is of critical importance as the BMS is the first line of defense between the vehicle and the charge station. This study proposes an optimal control and moving-target defense (MTD) based novel approach for the security of the vehicle BMS) focusing on the charging process, during which a compromised vehicle may contaminate the XFC station and the whole grid. This paper is part of our ongoing research, which is one of the few, if not the first, reported studies in the literature on security-hardened BMS, aiming to increase the security and performance of operations between the charging station, the BMS and the battery system of electric vehicles. The developed MTD based switching strategy makes use of redundancies in the controller and feedback design. The performed simulations demonstrate an increased unpredictability and acceptable charging performance under adversarial attacks.

Yao, Li, Liu, Youjiang.  2020.  A Novel Optimization Scheme for the Beamforming Method Selection in Artificial-Noise-Aid MU-MISOME Broadcast Secure Communication System. 2020 International Symposium on Computer Engineering and Intelligent Communications (ISCEIC). :175–179.
This article investigates the beamforming method selection in artificial-noise-aid (AN-aid) multiuser multiple-input-single-output (MU-MISO) broadcast wiretap systems in slow fading channel environment. We adopt beamforming pre-coding matrix with artificial noise to achieve secure multiuser communication and optimize system performance, and compare the secure transmission performance of two beamforming methods. To overcome the complexity of this model, a novel optimization scheme expressed using semi-closed-form expressions and Monte Carlo method is employed to derive the relationship between transmission parameters and secure transmission performance. This scheme would help us to analyses performance of different beamforming methods.
Saletta, Martina, Ferretti, Claudio.  2020.  A Neural Embedding for Source Code: Security Analysis and CWE Lists. 2020 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :523—530.
In this paper, we design a technique for mapping the source code into a vector space and we show its application in the recognition of security weaknesses. By applying ideas commonly used in Natural Language Processing, we train a model for producing an embedding of programs starting from their Abstract Syntax Trees. We then show how such embedding is able to infer clusters roughly separating different classes of software weaknesses. Even if the training of the embedding is unsupervised and made on a generic Java dataset, we show that the model can be used for supervised learning of specific classes of vulnerabilities, helping to capture some features distinguishing them in code. Finally, we discuss how our model performs over the different types of vulnerabilities categorized by the CWE initiative.
Adhikari, M., Panda, P. K., Chattopadhyay, S., Majumdar, S..  2020.  A Novel Group-Based Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for IoT Enabled LTE/LTE–A Network. 2020 International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET). :168—172.

This paper deals with novel group-based Authentication and Key Agreement protocol for Internet of Things(IoT) enabled LTE/LTE-A network to overcome the problems of computational overhead, complexity and problem of heterogeneous devices, where other existing methods are lagging behind in attaining security requirements and computational overhead. In this work, two Groups are created among Machine Type Communication Devices (MTCDs) on the basis of device type to reduce complexity and problems of heterogeneous devices. This paper fulfills all the security requirements such as preservation, mutual authentication, confidentiality. Bio-metric authentication has been used to enhance security level of the network. The security and performance analysis have been verified through simulation results. Moreover, the performance of the proposed Novel Group-Based Authentication and key Agreement(AKA) Protocol is analyzed with other existing IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A protocol.

Sannidhan, M S, Sudeepa, K B, Martis, Jason E, Bhandary, Abhir.  2020.  A Novel Key Generation Approach Based on Facial Image Features for Stream Cipher System. 2020 Third International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT). :956—962.
Security preservation is considered as one of the major concerns in this digital world, mainly for performing any online transactions. As the time progress, it witnesses an enormous amount of security threats and stealing different kind of digital information over the online network. In this regard, lots of cryptographic algorithms based on secret key generation techniques have been implemented to boost up the security aspect of network systems that preserve the confidentiality of digital information. Despite this, intelligent intruders are still able to crack the key generation technique, thus stealing the data. In this research article, we propose an innovative approach for generating a pseudo-pseudo-random key sequence that serves as a base for the encryption/decryption process. The key generation process is carried out by extracting the essential features from a facial image and based on the extracted features; a pseudo-random key sequence that acts as a primary entity for the efficient encryption/decryption process is generated. Experimental findings related to the pseudo-random key is validated through chi-square, runs up-down and performs a period of subsequence test. Outcomes of these have subsequently passed in achieving an ideal key.
Mengli, Zhou, Fucai, Chen, Wenyan, Liu, Hao, Liang.  2020.  Negative Feedback Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm based on Mimic Defense in Cloud Environment. 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :2265–2270.
The virtualization technology in cloud environment brings some data and privacy security issues to users. Aiming at the problems of virtual machines singleness, homogeneity and static state in cloud environment, a negative feedback dynamic scheduling algorithm is proposed. This algorithm is based on mimic defense and creates multiple virtual machines to complete user request services together through negative feedback control mechanism which can achieve real-time monitor of the running state of virtual machines. When virtual machines state is found to be inconsistent, this algorithm will dynamically change its execution environment, resulting in the attacker's information collection and vulnerability exploitation process being disrupting. Experiments show that the algorithm can better solve security threats caused by the singleness, homogeneity and static state of virtual machines in the cloud, and improve security and reliability of cloud users.
Zhang, Ning, Lv, Zhiqiang, Zhang, Yanlin, Li, Haiyang, Zhang, Yixin, Huang, Weiqing.  2020.  Novel Design of Hardware Trojan: A Generic Approach for Defeating Testability Based Detection. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :162–173.
Hardware design, especially the very large scale integration(VLSI) and systems on chip design(SOC), utilizes many codes from third-party intellectual property (IP) providers and former designers. Hardware Trojans (HTs) are easily inserted in this process. Recently researchers have proposed many HTs detection techniques targeting the design codes. State-of-art detections are based on the testability including Controllability and Observability, which are effective to all HTs from TrustHub, and advanced HTs like DeTrust. Meanwhile, testability based detections have advantages in the timing complexity and can be easily integrated into recently industrial verification. Undoubtedly, the adversaries will upgrade their designs accordingly to evade these detection techniques. Designing a variety of complex trojans is a significant way to perfect the existing detection, therefore, we present a novel design of HTs to defeat the testability based detection methods, namely DeTest. Our approach is simple and straight forward, yet it proves to be effective at adding some logic. Without changing HTs malicious function, DeTest decreases controllability and observability values to about 10% of the original, which invalidates distinguishers like clustering and support vector machines (SVM). As shown in our practical attack results, adversaries can easily use DeTest to upgrade their HTs to evade testability based detections. Combined with advanced HTs design techniques like DeTrust, DeTest can evade previous detecions, like UCI, VeriTrust and FANCI. We further discuss how to extend existing solutions to reduce the threat posed by DeTest.