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Srivastava, V., Pathak, R. K., Kumar, A., Prakash, S..  2020.  Using a Blend of Brassard and Benett 84 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature for Secure Cloud Data Communication. 2020 International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC). :738–743.

The exchange of data has expanded utilizing the web nowadays, but it is not dependable because, during communication on the cloud, any malicious client can alter or steal the information or misuse it. To provide security to the data during transmission is becoming hot research and quite challenging topic. In this work, our proposed algorithm enhances the security of the keys by increasing its complexity, so that it can't be guessed, breached or stolen by the third party and hence by this, the data will be concealed while sending between the users. The proposed algorithm also provides more security and authentication to the users during cloud communication, as compared to the previously existing algorithm.

Chiariotti, Federico, Signori, Alberto, Campagnaro, Filippo, Zorzi, Michele.  2020.  Underwater Jamming Attacks as Incomplete Information Games. IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :1033—1038.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) have several fundamental civilian and military applications, and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks against their communications are a serious threat. In this work, we analyze such an attack using game theory in an asymmetric scenario, in which the node under attack does not know the position of the jammer that blocks its signals. The jammer has a dual objective, namely, disrupting communications and forcing the legitimate transmitter to spend more energy protecting its own transmissions. Our model shows that, if both nodes act rationally, the transmitter is able to quickly reduce its disadvantage, estimating the location of the jammer and responding optimally to the attack.
Javaheripi, Mojan, Chen, Huili, Koushanfar, Farinaz.  2020.  Unified Architectural Support for Secure and Robust Deep Learning. 2020 57th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :1—6.
Recent advances in Deep Learning (DL) have enabled a paradigm shift to include machine intelligence in a wide range of autonomous tasks. As a result, a largely unexplored surface has opened up for attacks jeopardizing the integrity of DL models and hindering the success of autonomous systems. To enable ubiquitous deployment of DL approaches across various intelligent applications, we propose to develop architectural support for hardware implementation of secure and robust DL. Towards this goal, we leverage hardware/software co-design to develop a DL execution engine that supports algorithms specifically designed to defend against various attacks. The proposed framework is enhanced with two real-time defense mechanisms, securing both DL training and execution stages. In particular, we enable model-level Trojan detection to mitigate backdoor attacks and malicious behaviors induced on the DL model during training. We further realize real-time adversarial attack detection to avert malicious behavior during execution. The proposed execution engine is equipped with hardware-level IP protection and usage control mechanism to attest the legitimacy of the DL model mapped to the device. Our design is modular and can be tuned to task-specific demands, e.g., power, throughput, and memory bandwidth, by means of a customized hardware compiler. We further provide an accompanying API to reduce the nonrecurring engineering cost and ensure automated adaptation to various domains and applications.
Malek, Z. S., Trivedi, B., Shah, A..  2020.  User behavior Pattern -Signature based Intrusion Detection. 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4). :549—552.

Technology advancement also increases the risk of a computer's security. As we can have various mechanisms to ensure safety but still there have flaws. The main concerned area is user authentication. For authentication, various biometric applications are used but once authentication is done in the begging there was no guarantee that the computer system is used by the authentic user or not. The intrusion detection system (IDS) is a particular procedure that is used to identify intruders by analyzing user behavior in the system after the user logged in. Host-based IDS monitors user behavior in the computer and identify user suspicious behavior as an intrusion or normal behavior. This paper discusses how an expert system detects intrusions using a set of rules as a pattern recognized engine. We propose a PIDE (Pattern Based Intrusion Detection) model, which is verified previously implemented SBID (Statistical Based Intrusion Detection) model. Experiment results indicate that integration of SBID and PBID approach provides an extensive system to detect intrusion.

Xu, Yueyao.  2020.  Unsupervised Deep Learning for Text Steganalysis. 2020 International Workshop on Electronic Communication and Artificial Intelligence (IWECAI). :112—115.
Text steganography aims to embed hidden messages in text information while the goal of text steganalysis is to identify the existence of hidden information or further uncover the embedded message from the text. Steganalysis has received significant attention recently for the security and privacy purpose. In this paper, we develop unsupervised learning approaches for text steganalysis. In particular, two detection models based on deep learning have been proposed to detect hidden information that may be embedded in text from a global and a local perspective. Extensive studies have been carried out on the Chinese poetry text steganography datasets. It is seen that the proposed models show strong empirical performance in steganographic text detection.
Chu, Wen-Yi, Yu, Ting-Guang, Lin, Yu-Kai, Lee, Shao-Chuan, Hsiao, Hsu-Chun.  2020.  On Using Camera-based Visible Light Communication for Security Protocols. 2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :110–117.
In security protocol design, Visible Light Communication (VLC) has often been abstracted as an ideal channel that is resilient to eavesdropping, manipulation, and jamming. Camera Communication (CamCom), a subcategory of VLC, further strengthens the level of security by providing a visually verifiable association between the transmitter and the extracted information. However, the ideal security guarantees of visible light channels may not hold in practice due to limitations and tradeoffs introduced by hardware, software, configuration, environment, etc. This paper presents our experience and lessons learned from implementing CamCom for security protocols. We highlight CamCom's security-enhancing properties and security applications that it enables. Backed by real implementation and experiments, we also systematize the practical considerations of CamCom-based security protocols.
Lyons, D., Zahra, S..  2020.  Using Taint Analysis and Reinforcement Learning (TARL) to Repair Autonomous Robot Software. 2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :181–184.
It is important to be able to establish formal performance bounds for autonomous systems. However, formal verification techniques require a model of the environment in which the system operates; a challenge for autonomous systems, especially those expected to operate over longer timescales. This paper describes work in progress to automate the monitor and repair of ROS-based autonomous robot software written for an apriori partially known and possibly incorrect environment model. A taint analysis method is used to automatically extract the dataflow sequence from input topic to publish topic, and instrument that code. A unique reinforcement learning approximation of MDP utility is calculated, an empirical and non-invasive characterization of the inherent objectives of the software designers. By comparing design (a-priori) utility with deploy (deployed system) utility, we show, using a small but real ROS example, that it's possible to monitor a performance criterion and relate violations of the criterion to parts of the software. The software is then patched using automated software repair techniques and evaluated against the original off-line utility.
Kolesnikov, A.A., Kuzmenko, A. A..  2020.  Use of ADAR Method and Theory of Optimal Control for Engineering Systems Optimal Control. 2020 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM). :1–5.
This paper compares the known method of Analytical Design of Aggregated Regulators (ADAR) with the method of Analytical Design of Optimal Regulators (ADOR). Both equivalence of these methods and the significant difference in the approaches to the analytical synthesis of control laws are shown. It is shown that the ADAR method has significant advantages associated with a simpler and analytical procedure of design of nonlinear laws for optimal control, clear physical representation of weighting factors of optimality criteria, validity and unambiguity of selecting regulator setting parameters, more simple approach to the analysis of the closed-loop system asymptotic stability. These advantages are illustrated by the examples of synthesis.
Naik, N., Jenkins, P..  2020.  uPort Open-Source Identity Management System: An Assessment of Self-Sovereign Identity and User-Centric Data Platform Built on Blockchain. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE). :1—7.

Managing identity across an ever-growing digital services landscape has become one of the most challenging tasks for security experts. Over the years, several Identity Management (IDM) systems were introduced and adopted to tackle with the growing demand of an identity. In this series, a recently emerging IDM system is Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) which offers greater control and access to users regarding their identity. This distinctive feature of the SSI IDM system represents a major development towards the availability of sovereign identity to users. uPort is an emerging open-source identity management system providing sovereign identity to users, organisations, and other entities. As an emerging identity management system, it requires meticulous analysis of its architecture, working, operational services, efficiency, advantages and limitations. Therefore, this paper contributes towards achieving all of these objectives. Firstly, it presents the architecture and working of the uPort identity management system. Secondly, it develops a Decentralized Application (DApp) to demonstrate and evaluate its operational services and efficiency. Finally, based on the developed DApp and experimental analysis, it presents the advantages and limitations of the uPort identity management system.

Abranches, Marcelo, Keller, Eric.  2020.  A Userspace Transport Stack Doesn't Have to Mean Losing Linux Processing. 2020 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN). :84—90.
While we cannot question the high performance capabilities of the kernel bypass approach in the network functions world, we recognize that the Linux kernel provides a rich ecosystem with an efficient resource management and an effective resource sharing ability that cannot be ignored. In this work we argue that by mixing kernel-bypass and in kernel processing can benefit applications and network function middleboxes. We leverage a high-performance user space TCP stack and recent additions to the Linux kernel to propose a hybrid approach (kernel-user space) to accelerate SDN/NFV deployments leveraging services of the reliable transport layer (i.e., stateful middleboxes, Layer 7 network functions and applications). Our results show that this approach enables highperformance, high CPU efficiency, and enhanced integration with the kernel ecosystem. We build our solution by extending mTCP which is the basis of some state-of-the-art L4-L7 NFV frameworks. By having more efficient CPU usage, NFV applications can have more CPU cycles available to run the network functions and applications logic. We show that for a CPU intense workload, mTCP/AF\_XDP can have up to 64% more throughput than the previous implementation. We also show that by receiving cooperation from the kernel, mTCP/AF\_XDP enables the creation of protection mechanisms for mTCP. We create a simulated DDoS attack and show that mTCP/AF\_XDP can maintain up to 287% more throughput than the unprotected system during the attack.
Drakopoulos, G., Giotopoulos, K., Giannoukou, I., Sioutas, S..  2020.  Unsupervised Discovery Of Semantically Aware Communities With Tensor Kruskal Decomposition: A Case Study In Twitter. 2020 15th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMA. :1–8.
Substantial empirical evidence, including the success of synthetic graph generation models as well as of analytical methodologies, suggests that large, real graphs have a recursive community structure. The latter results, in part at least, in other important properties of these graphs such as low diameter, high clustering coefficient values, heavy degree distribution tail, and clustered graph spectrum. Notice that this structure need not be official or moderated like Facebook groups, but it can also take an ad hoc and unofficial form depending on the functionality of the social network under study as for instance the follow relationship on Twitter or the connections between news aggregators on Reddit. Community discovery is paramount in numerous applications such as political campaigns, digital marketing, crowdfunding, and fact checking. Here a tensor representation for Twitter subgraphs is proposed which takes into consideration both the followfollower relationships but also the coherency in hashtags. Community structure discovery then reduces to the computation of Tucker tensor decomposition, a higher order counterpart of the well-known unsupervised learning method of singular value decomposition (SVD). Tucker decomposition clearly outperforms the SVD in terms of finding a more compact community size distribution in experiments done in Julia on a Twitter subgraph. This can be attributed to the facts that the proposed methodology combines both structural and functional Twitter elements and that hashtags carry an increased semantic weight in comparison to ordinary tweets.
Lei, M., Jin, M., Huang, T., Guo, Z., Wang, Q., Wu, Z., Chen, Z., Chen, X., Zhang, J..  2020.  Ultra-wideband Fingerprinting Positioning Based on Convolutional Neural Network. 2020 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS). :1—5.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) can determine the position of any person or object on earth based on satellite signals. But when inside the building, the GPS cannot receive signals, the indoor positioning system will determine the precise position. How to achieve more precise positioning is the difficulty of an indoor positioning system now. In this paper, we proposed an ultra-wideband fingerprinting positioning method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN), and we collect the dataset in a room to test the model, then compare our method with the existing method. In the experiment, our method can reach an accuracy of 98.36%. Compared with other fingerprint positioning methods our method has a great improvement in robustness. That results show that our method has good practicality while achieves higher accuracy.

Li, Sichun, Jin, Xin, Yao, Sibing, Yang, Shuyu.  2020.  Underwater Small Target Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Network. Global Oceans 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast. :1—7.
With the increasingly extensive use of diver and unmanned underwater vehicle in military, it has posed a serious threat to the security of the national coastal area. In order to prevent the underwater diver's impact on the safety of water area, it is of great significance to identify underwater small targets in time to make early warning for it. In this paper, convolutional neural network is applied to underwater small target recognition. The recognition targets are diver, whale and dolphin. Due to the time-frequency spectrum can reflect the essential features of underwater target, convolutional neural network can learn a variety of features of the acoustic signal through the image processed by the time-frequency spectrum, time-frequency image is input to convolutional neural network to recognize the underwater small targets. According to the study of learning rate and pooling mode, the network parameters and structure suitable for underwater small target recognition in this paper are selected. The results of data processing show that the method can identify underwater small targets accurately.
Signori, Alberto, Campagnaro, Filippo, Wachlin, Kim-Fabian, Nissen, Ivor, Zorzi, Michele.  2020.  On the Use of Conversation Detection to Improve the Security of Underwater Acoustic Networks. Global Oceans 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast. :1—8.
Security is one of the key aspects of underwater acoustic networks, due to the critical importance of the scenarios in which these networks can be employed. For example, attacks performed to military underwater networks or to assets deployed for tsunami prevention can lead to disastrous consequences. Nevertheless, countermeasures to possible network attacks have not been widely investigated so far. One way to identify possible attackers is by using reputation, where a node gains trust each time it exhibits a good behavior, and loses trust each time it behaves in a suspicious way. The first step for analyzing if a node is behaving in a good way is to inspect the network traffic, by detecting all conversations. This paper proposes both centralized and decentralized algorithms for performing this operation, either from the network or from the node perspective. While the former can be applied only in post processing, the latter can also be used in real time by each node, and so can be used for creating the trust value. To evaluate the algorithms, we used real experimental data acquired during the EDA RACUN project (Robust Underwater Communication in Underwater Networks).
Gursoy, M. Emre, Rajasekar, Vivekanand, Liu, Ling.  2020.  Utility-Optimized Synthesis of Differentially Private Location Traces. 2020 Second IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems and Applications (TPS-ISA). :30—39.
Differentially private location trace synthesis (DPLTS) has recently emerged as a solution to protect mobile users' privacy while enabling the analysis and sharing of their location traces. A key challenge in DPLTS is to best preserve the utility in location trace datasets, which is non-trivial considering the high dimensionality, complexity and heterogeneity of datasets, as well as the diverse types and notions of utility. In this paper, we present OptaTrace: a utility-optimized and targeted approach to DPLTS. Given a real trace dataset D, the differential privacy parameter ε controlling the strength of privacy protection, and the utility/error metric Err of interest; OptaTrace uses Bayesian optimization to optimize DPLTS such that the output error (measured in terms of given metric Err) is minimized while ε-differential privacy is satisfied. In addition, OptaTrace introduces a utility module that contains several built-in error metrics for utility benchmarking and for choosing Err, as well as a front-end web interface for accessible and interactive DPLTS service. Experiments show that OptaTrace's optimized output can yield substantial utility improvement and error reduction compared to previous work.
Ben-Yaakov, Y., Meyer, J., Wang, X., An, B..  2020.  User detection of threats with different security measures. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS). :1—6.

Cyber attacks and the associated costs made cybersecurity a vital part of any system. User behavior and decisions are still a major part in the coping with these risks. We developed a model of optimal investment and human decisions with security measures, given that the effectiveness of each measure depends partly on the performance of the others. In an online experiment, participants classified events as malicious or non-malicious, based on the value of an observed variable. Prior to making the decisions, they had invested in three security measures - a firewall, an IDS or insurance. In three experimental conditions, maximal investment in only one of the measures was optimal, while in a fourth condition, participants should not have invested in any of the measures. A previous paper presents the analysis of the investment decisions. This paper reports users' classifications of events when interacting with these systems. The use of security mechanisms helped participants gain higher scores. Participants benefited in particular from purchasing IDS and/or Cyber Insurance. Participants also showed higher sensitivity and compliance with the alerting system when they could benefit from investing in the IDS. Participants, however, did not adjust their behavior optimally to the security settings they had chosen. The results demonstrate the complex nature of risk-related behaviors and the need to consider human abilities and biases when designing cyber security systems.

Tian, Mengfan, Qi, Junpeng, Ma, Rui.  2019.  UHF RFID Information Security Transmission Technology and Application Based on Domestic Cryptographic Algorithm. 2019 6th International Conference on Behavioral, Economic and Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC). :1–4.
With the continuous development of the Internet of Things, intelligent manufacturing has gradually entered the application stage, which urgently needs to solve the problem of information transmission security. In order to realize data security with transmission encryption, the UHF RFID tag based on domestic cryptographic algorithm SM7 is proposed. By writing the anti-counterfeiting authentication identification code when the tag leaves the factory, verifying the identification code when the tag is issued, and using the authentication code of the tag to participate in the sectoral key dispersion, the purpose of data security protection is achieved. Through this scheme, the security of tag information and transmission is guaranteed, and a new idea is provided for the follow-up large-scale extension of intelligent manufacturing.
Ekşim, A., Demirci, T..  2019.  Ultimate Secrecy in Wireless Communications. 2019 11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO). :682–686.
In this work, communication secrecy in the physical layer for various radio frequencies is examined. Frequencies with the highest level of secrecy in 1-1000 GHz range and their level of communication secrecy are derived. The concept of ultimate secrecy in wireless communications is proposed. Attenuation lines and ranges of both detection and ultimate secrecy are calculated for transmitter powers from 1 W to 1000 W. From results, frequencies with the highest potential to apply bandwidth saving method known as frequency reuse are devised. Commonly used secrecy benchmarks for the given conditions are calculated. Frequencies with the highest attenuation are devised and their ranges of both detection and ultimate secrecy are calculated.
Chechik, Marsha.  2019.  Uncertain Requirements, Assurance and Machine Learning. 2019 IEEE 27th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE). :2–3.
From financial services platforms to social networks to vehicle control, software has come to mediate many activities of daily life. Governing bodies and standards organizations have responded to this trend by creating regulations and standards to address issues such as safety, security and privacy. In this environment, the compliance of software development to standards and regulations has emerged as a key requirement. Compliance claims and arguments are often captured in assurance cases, with linked evidence of compliance. Evidence can come from testcases, verification proofs, human judgement, or a combination of these. That is, we try to build (safety-critical) systems carefully according to well justified methods and articulate these justifications in an assurance case that is ultimately judged by a human. Yet software is deeply rooted in uncertainty making pragmatic assurance more inductive than deductive: most of complex open-world functionality is either not completely specifiable (due to uncertainty) or it is not cost-effective to do so, and deductive verification cannot happen without specification. Inductive assurance, achieved by sampling or testing, is easier but generalization from finite set of examples cannot be formally justified. And of course the recent popularity of constructing software via machine learning only worsens the problem - rather than being specified by predefined requirements, machine-learned components learn existing patterns from the available training data, and make predictions for unseen data when deployed. On the surface, this ability is extremely useful for hard-to specify concepts, e.g., the definition of a pedestrian in a pedestrian detection component of a vehicle. On the other, safety assessment and assurance of such components becomes very challenging. In this talk, I focus on two specific approaches to arguing about safety and security of software under uncertainty. The first one is a framework for managing uncertainty in assurance cases (for "conventional" and "machine-learned" systems) by systematically identifying, assessing and addressing it. The second is recent work on supporting development of requirements for machine-learned components in safety-critical domains.
Su, Liya, Yao, Yepeng, Lu, Zhigang, Liu, Baoxu.  2019.  Understanding the Influence of Graph Kernels on Deep Learning Architecture: A Case Study of Flow-Based Network Attack Detection. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :312–318.
Flow-based network attack detection technology is able to identify many threats in network traffic. Existing techniques have several drawbacks: i) rule-based approaches are vulnerable because it needs all the signatures defined for the possible attacks, ii) anomaly-based approaches are not efficient because it is easy to find ways to launch attacks that bypass detection, and iii) both rule-based and anomaly-based approaches heavily rely on domain knowledge of networked system and cyber security. The major challenge to existing methods is to understand novel attack scenarios and design a model to detect novel and more serious attacks. In this paper, we investigate network attacks and unveil the key activities and the relationships between these activities. For that reason, we propose methods to understand the network security practices using theoretic concepts such as graph kernels. In addition, we integrate graph kernels over deep learning architecture to exploit the relationship expressiveness among network flows and combine ability of deep neural networks (DNNs) with deep architectures to learn hidden representations, based on the communication representation graph of each network flow in a specific time interval, then the flow-based network attack detection can be done effectively by measuring the similarity between the graphs to two flows. The proposed study provides the effectiveness to obtain insights about network attacks and detect network attacks. Using two real-world datasets which contain several new types of network attacks, we achieve significant improvements in accuracies over existing network attack detection tasks.
Yang, Zihan, Mi, Zeyu, Xia, Yubin.  2019.  Undertow: An Intra-Kernel Isolation Mechanism for Hardware-Assisted Virtual Machines. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE). :257—2575.
The prevalence of Cloud Computing has appealed many users to put their business into low-cost and flexible cloud servers instead of bare-metal machines. Most virtual machines in the cloud run commodity operating system(e.g., linux), and the complexity of such operating systems makes them more bug-prone and easier to be compromised. To mitigate the security threats, previous works attempt to mediate and filter system calls, transform all unpopular paths into popular paths, or implement a nested kernel along with the untrusted outter kernel to enforce certain security policies. However, such solutions only enforce read-only protection or assume that popular paths in the kernel to contain almost no bug, which is not always the case in the real world. To overcome their shortcomings and combine their advantages as much as possible, we propose a hardware-assisted isolation mechanism that isolates untrusted part of the kernel. To achieve isolation, we prepare multiple restricted Extended Page Table (EPT) during boot time, each of which has certain critical data unmapped from it so that the code executing in the isolated environment could not access sensitive data. We leverage the VMFUNC instruction already available in recent Intel processors to directly switch to another pre-defined EPT inside guest virtual machine without trapping into the underlying hypervisor, which is faster than the traditional trap-and-emulate procedure. The semantic gap is minimized and real-time check is achieved by allowing EPT violations to be converted to Virtualization Exception (VE), which could be handled inside guest kernel in non-root mode. Our preliminary evaluation shows that with hardware virtualization feature, we are able to run the untrusted code in an isolated environment with negligible overhead.
Anyfantis, D. I., Sarigiannidou, E., Rapenne, L., Stamatelatos, A., Ntemogiannis, D., Kapaklis, V., Poulopoulos, P..  2019.  Unexpected Development of Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in Ni/NiO Multilayers After Mild Thermal Annealing. IEEE Magnetics Letters. 10:1–5.
We report on the significant enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of Ni/NiO multilayers after mild annealing up to 90 min at 250 °C. Transmission electron microscopy shows that after annealing, a partial crystallization of the initially amorphous NiO layers occurs. This turns out to be the source of the anisotropy enhancement. Magnetic measurements reveal that even multilayers with Ni layers as thick as 7 nm, which in the as-deposited state showed inplane anisotropy with square hysteresis loops, show reduced in-plane remanence after thermal treatment. Hysteresis loops recorded with the field in the normal-to-film-plane direction provide evidence for perpendicular magnetic anisotropy with up and down magnetic domains at remanence. A plot of effective uniaxial magnetic anisotropy constant times individual Ni layer thickness as a function of individual Ni layer thickness shows a large change in the slope of the data attributed to a drastic change of volume anisotropy. Surface anisotropy showed a small decrease because of some layer roughening introduced by annealing.
Hovhannes, H. Hakobyan, Arman, V. Vardumyan, Harutyun, T. Kostanyan.  2019.  Unit Regression Test Selection According To Different Hashing Algorithms. 2019 IEEE East-West Design Test Symposium (EWDTS). :1–4.
An approach for effective regression test selection is proposed, which minimizes the resource usage and amount of time required for complete testing of new features. Provided are the details of the analysis of hashing algorithms used during implementation in-depth review of the software, together with the results achieved during the testing process.
Sani, Abubakar Sadiq, Yuan, Dong, Bao, Wei, Dong, Zhao Yang, Vucetic, Branka, Bertino, Elisa.  2019.  Universally Composable Key Bootstrapping and Secure Communication Protocols for the Energy Internet. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 14:2113–2127.
The Energy Internet is an advanced smart grid solution to increase energy efficiency by jointly operating multiple energy resources via the Internet. However, such an increasing integration of energy resources requires secure and efficient communication in the Energy Internet. To address such a requirement, we propose a new secure key bootstrapping protocol to support the integration and operation of energy resources. By using a universal composability model that provides a strong security notion for designing and analyzing cryptographic protocols, we define an ideal functionality that supports several cryptographic primitives used in this paper. Furthermore, we provide an ideal functionality for key bootstrapping and secure communication, which allows exchanged session keys to be used for secure communication in an ideal manner. We propose the first secure key bootstrapping protocol that enables a user to verify the identities of other users before key bootstrapping. We also present a secure communication protocol for unicast and multicast communications. The ideal functionalities help in the design and analysis of the proposed protocols. We perform some experiments to validate the performance of our protocols, and the results show that our protocols are superior to the existing related protocols and are suitable for the Energy Internet. As a proof of concept, we apply our functionalities to a practical key bootstrapping protocol, namely generic bootstrapping architecture.
Hogan, Kyle, Maleki, Hoda, Rahaeimehr, Reza, Canetti, Ran, van Dijk, Marten, Hennessey, Jason, Varia, Mayank, Zhang, Haibin.  2019.  On the Universally Composable Security of OpenStack. 2019 IEEE Cybersecurity Development (SecDev). :20–33.
We initiate an effort to provide a rigorous, holistic and modular security analysis of OpenStack. OpenStack is the prevalent open-source, non-proprietary package for managing cloud services and data centers. It is highly complex and consists of multiple inter-related components which are developed by separate, loosely coordinated groups. All of these properties make the security analysis of OpenStack both a worthy mission and a challenging one. We base our modeling and security analysis in the universally composable (UC) security framework. This allows specifying and proving security in a modular way – a crucial feature when analyzing systems of such magnitude. Our analysis has the following key features: 1) It is user-centric: It stresses the security guarantees given to users of the system in terms of privacy, correctness, and timeliness of the services. 2) It considers the security of OpenStack even when some of the components are compromised. This departs from the traditional design approach of OpenStack, which assumes that all services are fully trusted. 3) It is modular: It formulates security properties for individual components and uses them to prove security properties of the overall system. Specifically, this work concentrates on the high-level structure of OpenStack, leaving the further formalization and more detailed analysis of specific OpenStack services to future work. Specifically, we formulate ideal functionalities that correspond to some of the core OpenStack modules, and then proves security of the overall OpenStack protocol given the ideal components. As demonstrated within, the main challenge in the high-level design is to provide adequately fine-grained scoping of permissions to access dynamically changing system resources. We demonstrate security issues with current mechanisms in case of failure of some components, propose alternative mechanisms, and rigorously prove adequacy of then new mechanisms within our modeling.