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Lei, M., Jin, M., Huang, T., Guo, Z., Wang, Q., Wu, Z., Chen, Z., Chen, X., Zhang, J..  2020.  Ultra-wideband Fingerprinting Positioning Based on Convolutional Neural Network. 2020 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS). :1—5.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) can determine the position of any person or object on earth based on satellite signals. But when inside the building, the GPS cannot receive signals, the indoor positioning system will determine the precise position. How to achieve more precise positioning is the difficulty of an indoor positioning system now. In this paper, we proposed an ultra-wideband fingerprinting positioning method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN), and we collect the dataset in a room to test the model, then compare our method with the existing method. In the experiment, our method can reach an accuracy of 98.36%. Compared with other fingerprint positioning methods our method has a great improvement in robustness. That results show that our method has good practicality while achieves higher accuracy.

Han, H., Wang, Q., Chen, C..  2019.  Policy Text Analysis Based on Text Mining and Fuzzy Cognitive Map. 2019 15th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). :142—146.
With the introduction of computer methods, the amount of material and processing accuracy of policy text analysis have been greatly improved. In this paper, Text mining(TM) and latent semantic analysis(LSA) were used to collect policy documents and extract policy elements from them. Fuzzy association rule mining(FARM) technique and partial association test (PA) were used to discover the causal relationships and impact degrees between elements, and a fuzzy cognitive map (FCM) was developed to deduct the evolution of elements through a soft computing method. This non-interventionist approach avoids the validity defects caused by the subjective bias of researchers and provides policy makers with more objective policy suggestions from a neutral perspective. To illustrate the accuracy of this method, this study experimented by taking the state-owned capital layout adjustment related policies as an example, and proved that this method can effectively analyze policy text.
Wang, Q., Zhao, W., Yang, J., Wu, J., Hu, W., Xing, Q..  2019.  DeepTrust: A Deep User Model of Homophily Effect for Trust Prediction. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). :618—627.

Trust prediction in online social networks is crucial for information dissemination, product promotion, and decision making. Existing work on trust prediction mainly utilizes the network structure or the low-rank approximation of a trust network. These approaches can suffer from the problem of data sparsity and prediction accuracy. Inspired by the homophily theory, which shows a pervasive feature of social and economic networks that trust relations tend to be developed among similar people, we propose a novel deep user model for trust prediction based on user similarity measurement. It is a comprehensive data sparsity insensitive model that combines a user review behavior and the item characteristics that this user is interested in. With this user model, we firstly generate a user's latent features mined from user review behavior and the item properties that the user cares. Then we develop a pair-wise deep neural network to further learn and represent these user features. Finally, we measure the trust relations between a pair of people by calculating the user feature vector cosine similarity. Extensive experiments are conducted on two real-world datasets, which demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed approach over the representative baseline works.

Xu, H., Hu, L., Liu, P., Xiao, Y., Wang, W., Dayal, J., Wang, Q., Tang, Y..  2018.  Oases: An Online Scalable Spam Detection System for Social Networks. 2018 IEEE 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). :98–105.
Web-based social networks enable new community-based opportunities for participants to engage, share their thoughts, and interact with each other. Theses related activities such as searching and advertising are threatened by spammers, content polluters, and malware disseminators. We propose a scalable spam detection system, termed Oases, for uncovering social spam in social networks using an online and scalable approach. The novelty of our design lies in two key components: (1) a decentralized DHT-based tree overlay deployment for harvesting and uncovering deceptive spam from social communities; and (2) a progressive aggregation tree for aggregating the properties of these spam posts for creating new spam classifiers to actively filter out new spam. We design and implement the prototype of Oases and discuss the design considerations of the proposed approach. Our large-scale experiments using real-world Twitter data demonstrate scalability, attractive load-balancing, and graceful efficiency in online spam detection for social networks.
Wang, M., Zhu, W., Yan, S., Wang, Q..  2018.  SoundAuth: Secure Zero-Effort Two-Factor Authentication Based on Audio Signals. 2018 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1-9.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) popularly works by verifying something the user knows (a password) and something she possesses (a token, popularly instantiated with a smart phone). Conventional 2FA systems require extra interaction like typing a verification code, which is not very user-friendly. For improved user experience, recent work aims at zero-effort 2FA, in which a smart phone placed close to a computer (where the user enters her username/password into a browser to log into a server) automatically assists with the authentication. To prove her possession of the smart phone, the user needs to prove the phone is on the login spot, which reduces zero-effort 2FA to co-presence detection. In this paper, we propose SoundAuth, a secure zero-effort 2FA mechanism based on (two kinds of) ambient audio signals. SoundAuth looks for signs of proximity by having the browser and the smart phone compare both their surrounding sounds and certain unpredictable near-ultrasounds; if significant distinguishability is found, SoundAuth rejects the login request. For the ambient signals comparison, we regard it as a classification problem and employ a machine learning technique to analyze the audio signals. Experiments with real login attempts show that SoundAuth not only is comparable to existent schemes concerning utility, but also outperforms them in terms of resilience to attacks. SoundAuth can be easily deployed as it is readily supported by most smart phones and major browsers.

Yu, L., Wang, Q., Barrineau, G., Oakley, J., Brooks, R. R., Wang, K. C..  2017.  TARN: A SDN-based traffic analysis resistant network architecture. 2017 12th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software (MALWARE). :91–98.
Destination IP prefix-based routing protocols are core to Internet routing today. Internet autonomous systems (AS) possess fixed IP prefixes, while packets carry the intended destination AS's prefix in their headers, in clear text. As a result, network communications can be easily identified using IP addresses and become targets of a wide variety of attacks, such as DNS/IP filtering, distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, etc. In this work, we explore an alternative network architecture that fundamentally removes such vulnerabilities by disassociating the relationship between IP prefixes and destination networks, and by allowing any end-to-end communication session to have dynamic, short-lived, and pseudo-random IP addresses drawn from a range of IP prefixes rather than one. The concept is seemingly impossible to realize in todays Internet. We demonstrate how this is doable today with three different strategies using software defined networking (SDN), and how this can be done at scale to transform the Internet addressing and routing paradigms with the novel concept of a distributed software defined Internet exchange (SDX). The solution works with both IPv4 and IPv6, whereas the latter provides higher degrees of IP addressing freedom. Prototypes based on Open vSwitches (OVS) have been implemented for experimentation across the PEERING BGP testbed. The SDX solution not only provides a technically sustainable pathway towards large-scale traffic analysis resistant network (TARN) support, it also unveils a new business model for customer-driven, customizable and trustable end-to-end network services.
Wang, Q., Dai, H. N..  2017.  On modeling of eavesdropping behavior in underwater acoustic sensor networks. 2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM). :1–3.

In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework to investigate the eavesdropping behavior in underwater acoustic sensor networks. In particular, we quantify the eavesdropping activities by the eavesdropping probability. Our derived results show that the eavesdropping probability heavily depends on acoustic signal frequency, underwater acoustic channel characteristics (such as spreading factor and wind speed) and different hydrophones (such as isotropic hydrophones and array hydrophones). Simulation results have further validate the effectiveness and the accuracy of our proposed model.

Wang, Q., Geiger, R. L..  2017.  Visible but Transparent Hardware Trojans in Clock Generation Circuits. 2017 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON). :354–357.

Hardware Trojans that can be easily embedded in synchronous clock generation circuits typical of what are used in large digital systems are discussed. These Trojans are both visible and transparent. Since they are visible, they will penetrate split-lot manufacturing security methods and their transparency will render existing detection methods ineffective.