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Mercadier, Darius, Dagand, Pierre-Évariste.  2019.  Usuba: High-Throughput and Constant-Time Ciphers, by Construction. Proceedings of the 40th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. :157–173.
Cryptographic primitives are subject to diverging imperatives. Functional correctness and auditability pushes for the use of a high-level programming language. Performance and the threat of timing attacks push for using no more abstract than an assembler to exploit (or avoid!) the micro-architectural features of a given machine. We believe that a suitable programming language can reconcile both views and actually improve on the state of the art of both. Usuba is an opinionated dataflow programming language in which block ciphers become so simple as to be ``obviously correct'' and whose types document and enforce valid parallelization strategies at the granularity of individual bits. Its optimizing compiler, Usubac, produces high-throughput, constant-time implementations performing on par with hand-tuned reference implementations. The cornerstone of our approach is a systematization and generalization of bitslicing, an implementation trick frequently used by cryptographers.
Yang, Shouguo, Shi, Zhiqiang, Zhang, Guodong, Li, Mingxuan, Ma, Yuan, Sun, Limin.  2019.  Understand Code Style: Efficient CNN-Based Compiler Optimization Recognition System. ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.
Compiler optimization level recognition can be applied to vulnerability discovery and binary analysis. Due to the exists of many different compilation optimization options, the difference in the contents of the binary file is very complicated. There are thousands of compiler optimization algorithms and multiple different processor architectures, so it is very difficult to manually analyze binary files and recognize its compiler optimization level with rules. This paper first proposes a CNN-based compiler optimization level recognition model: BinEye. The system extracts semantic and structural differences and automatically recognize the compiler optimization levels. The model is designed to be very suitable for binary file processing and is easy to understand. We built a dataset containing 80028 binary files for the model training and testing. Our proposed model achieves an accuracy of over 97%. At the same time, BinEye is a fully CNN-based system and it has a faster forward calculation speed, at least 8 times faster than the normal RNN-based model. Through our analysis of the model output, we successfully found the difference in assembly codes caused by the different compiler optimization level. This means that the model we proposed is interpretable. Based on our model, we propose a method to analyze the code differences caused by different compiler optimization levels, which has great guiding significance for analyzing closed source compilers and binary security analysis.
Hou, Ye, Such, Jose, Rashid, Awais.  2019.  Understanding Security Requirements for Industrial Control System Supply Chains. 2019 IEEE/ACM 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS). :50–53.

We address the need for security requirements to take into account risks arising from complex supply chains underpinning cyber-physical infrastructures such as industrial control systems (ICS). We present SEISMiC (SEcurity Industrial control SysteM supply Chains), a framework that takes into account the whole spectrum of security risks - from technical aspects through to human and organizational issues - across an ICS supply chain. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SEISMiC through a supply chain risk assessment of Natanz, Iran's nuclear facility that was the subject of the Stuxnet attack.

Li, Huhua, Zhan, Dongyang, Liu, Tianrui, Ye, Lin.  2019.  Using Deep-Learning-Based Memory Analysis for Malware Detection in Cloud. 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems Workshops (MASSW). :1–6.
Malware is one of the biggest threats in cloud computing. Malware running inside virtual machines or containers could steal critical information or continue to attack other cloud nodes. To detect malware in cloud, especially zero-day malware, signature-and machine-learning-based approaches are proposed to analyze the execution binary. However, malicious binary files may not permanently be stored in the file system of virtual machine or container, periodically scanner may not find the target files. Dynamic analysis approach usually introduce run-time overhead to virtual machines, which is not widely used in cloud. To solve these problems, we propose a memory analysis approach to detect malware, employing the deep learning technology. The system analyzes the memory image periodically during malware execution, which will not introduce run-time overhead. We first extract the memory snapshot from running virtual machines or containers. Then, the snapshot is converted to a grayscale image. Finally, we employ CNN to detect malware. In the learning phase, malicious and benign software are trained. In the testing phase, we test our system with real-world malwares.
Jarecki, Stanislaw, Krawczyk, Hugo, Resch, Jason.  2019.  Updatable Oblivious Key Management for Storage Systems. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :379–393.

We introduce Oblivious Key Management Systems (KMS) as a much more secure alternative to traditional wrapping-based KMS that form the backbone of key management in large-scale data storage deployments. The new system, that builds on Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (OPRF), hides keys and object identifiers from the KMS, offers unconditional security for key transport, provides key verifiability, reduces storage, and more. Further, we show how to provide all these features in a distributed threshold implementation that enhances protection against server compromise. We extend this system with updatable encryption capability that supports key updates (known as key rotation) so that upon the periodic change of OPRF keys by the KMS server, a very efficient update procedure allows a client of the KMS service to non-interactively update all its encrypted data to be decryptable only by the new key. This enhances security with forward and post-compromise security, namely, security against future and past compromises, respectively, of the client's OPRF keys held by the KMS. Additionally, and in contrast to traditional KMS, our solution supports public key encryption and dispenses with any interaction with the KMS for data encryption (only decryption by the client requires such communication). Our solutions build on recent work on updatable encryption but with significant enhancements applicable to the remote KMS setting. In addition to the critical security improvements, our designs are highly efficient and ready for use in practice. We report on experimental implementation and performance.

Luo, Xupeng, Yan, Qiao, Wang, Mingde, Huang, Wenyao.  2019.  Using MTD and SDN-based Honeypots to Defend DDoS Attacks in IoT. 2019 Computing, Communications and IoT Applications (ComComAp). :392–395.
With the rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT), distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks become the important security threat of the IoT. Characteristics of IoT, such as large quantities and simple function, which have easily caused the IoT devices or servers to be attacked and be turned into botnets for launching DDoS attacks. In this paper, we use software-defined networking (SDN) to develop moving target defense (MTD) architecture that increases uncertainty because of ever changing attack surface. In addition, we deploy SDN-based honeypots to mimic IoT devices, luring attackers and malwares. Finally, experimental results show that combination of MTD and SDN-based honeypots can effectively hide network asset from scanner and defend against DDoS attacks in IoT.
Wang, W., Xuan, S., Yang, W., Chen, Y..  2019.  User Credibility Assessment Based on Trust Propagation in Microblog. 2019 Computing, Communications and IoT Applications (ComComAp). :270—275.

Nowadays, Microblog has become an important online social networking platform, and a large number of users share information through Microblog. Many malicious users have released various false news driven by various interests, which seriously affects the availability of Microblog platform. Therefore, the evaluation of Microblog user credibility has become an important research issue. This paper proposes a microblog user credibility evaluation algorithm based on trust propagation. In view of the high consumption and low precision caused by malicious users' attacking algorithms and manual selection of seed sets by establishing false social relationships, this paper proposes two optimization strategies: pruning algorithm based on social activity and similarity and based on The seed node selection algorithm of clustering. The pruning algorithm can trim off the attack edges established by malicious users and normal users. The seed node selection algorithm can efficiently select the highly available seed node set, and finally use the user social relationship graph to perform the two-way propagation trust scoring, so that the low trusted user has a lower trusted score and thus identifies the malicious user. The related experiments verify the effectiveness of the trustworthiness-based user credibility evaluation algorithm in the evaluation of Microblog user credibility.

Xie, J., Zhang, M., Ma, Y..  2019.  Using Format Migration and Preservation Metadata to Support Digital Preservation of Scientific Data. 2019 IEEE 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS). :1—6.

With the development of e-Science and data intensive scientific discovery, it needs to ensure scientific data available for the long-term, with the goal that the valuable scientific data should be discovered and re-used for downstream investigations, either alone, or in combination with newly generated data. As such, the preservation of scientific data enables that not only might experiment be reproducible and verifiable, but also new questions can be raised by other scientists to promote research and innovation. In this paper, we focus on the two main problems of digital preservation that are format migration and preservation metadata. Format migration includes both format verification and object transformation. The system architecture of format migration and preservation metadata is presented, mapping rules of object transformation are analyzed, data fixity and integrity and authenticity, digital signature and so on are discussed and an example is shown in detail.

Demir, Mehmet özgÜn, Alp Topal, Ozan, Dartmann, Guido, Schmeink, Anke, Ascheid, Gerd, Kurt, GüneŞ, Pusane, Ali Emre.  2019.  Using Perfect Codes in Relay Aided Networks: A Security Analysis. 2019 International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). :1—6.

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are state-of-the-art communication environments that offer various applications with distinct requirements. However, security in CPS is a nonnegotiable concept, since without a proper security mechanism the applications of CPS may risk human lives, the privacy of individuals, and system operations. In this paper, we focus on PHY-layer security approaches in CPS to prevent passive eavesdropping attacks, and we propose an integration of physical layer operations to enhance security. Thanks to the McEliece cryptosystem, error injection is firstly applied to information bits, which are encoded with the forward error correction (FEC) schemes. Golay and Hamming codes are selected as FEC schemes to satisfy power and computational efficiency. Then obtained codewords are transmitted across reliable intermediate relays to the legitimate receiver. As a performance metric, the decoding frame error rate of the eavesdropper is analytically obtained for the fragmentary existence of significant noise between relays and Eve. The simulation results validate the analytical calculations, and the obtained results show that the number of low-quality channels and the selected FEC scheme affects the performance of the proposed model.

McNeely-White, David G., Ortega, Francisco R., Beveridge, J. Ross, Draper, Bruce A., Bangar, Rahul, Patil, Dhruva, Pustejovsky, James, Krishnaswamy, Nikhil, Rim, Kyeongmin, Ruiz, Jaime et al..  2019.  User-Aware Shared Perception for Embodied Agents. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Humanized Computing and Communication (HCC). :46—51.

We present Diana, an embodied agent who is aware of her own virtual space and the physical space around her. Using video and depth sensors, Diana attends to the user's gestures, body language, gaze and (soon) facial expressions as well as their words. Diana also gestures and emotes in addition to speaking, and exists in a 3D virtual world that the user can see. This produces symmetric and shared perception, in the sense that Diana can see the user, the user can see Diana, and both can see the virtual world. The result is an embodied agent that begins to develop the conceit that the user is interacting with a peer rather than a program.

Hansch, Gerhard, Schneider, Peter, Fischer, Kai, Böttinger, Konstantin.  2019.  A Unified Architecture for Industrial IoT Security Requirements in Open Platform Communications. 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). :325—332.

We present a unified communication architecture for security requirements in the industrial internet of things. Formulating security requirements in the language of OPC UA provides a unified method to communicate and compare security requirements within a heavily heterogeneous landscape of machines in the field. Our machine-readable data model provides a fully automatable approach for security requirement communication within the rapidly evolving fourth industrial revolution, which is characterized by high-grade interconnection of industrial infrastructures and self-configuring production systems. Capturing security requirements in an OPC UA compliant and unified data model for industrial control systems enables strong use cases within modern production plants and future supply chains. We implement our data model as well as an OPC UA server that operates on this model to show the feasibility of our approach. Further, we deploy and evaluate our framework within a reference project realized by 14 industrial partners and 7 research facilities within Germany.

Avellaneda, Florent, Alikacem, El-Hackemi, Jaafar, Femi.  2019.  Using Attack Pattern for Cyber Attack Attribution. 2019 International Conference on Cybersecurity (ICoCSec). :1—6.

A cyber attack is a malicious and deliberate attempt by an individual or organization to breach the integrity, confidentiality, and/or availability of data or services of an information system of another individual or organization. Being able to attribute a cyber attack is a crucial question for security but this question is also known to be a difficult problem. The main reason why there is currently no solution that automatically identifies the initiator of an attack is that attackers usually use proxies, i.e. an intermediate node that relays a host over the network. In this paper, we propose to formalize the problem of identifying the initiator of a cyber attack. We show that if the attack scenario used by the attacker is known, then we are able to resolve the cyber attribution problem. Indeed, we propose a model to formalize these attack scenarios, that we call attack patterns, and give an efficient algorithm to search for attack pattern on a communication history. Finally, we experimentally show the relevance of our approach.

Cesar, Pablo, Zwitser, Robert, Webb, Andrew, Ashby, Liam, Ali, Abdallah.  2019.  Uncovering Perceived Identification Accuracy of In-Vehicle Biometric Sensing | Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications: Adjunct Proceedings. AutomotiveUI '19: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications: Adjunct Proceedings.

Biometric techniques can help make vehicles safer to drive, authenticate users, and provide personalized in-car experiences. However, it is unclear to what extent users are willing to trade their personal biometric data for such benefits. In this early work, we conducted an open card sorting study (N=11) to better understand how well users perceive their physical, behavioral and physiological features can personally identify them. Findings showed that on average participants clustered features into six groups, and helped us revise ambiguous cards and better understand users' clustering. These findings provide the basis for a follow up online closed card sorting study to more fully understand perceived identification accuracy of (in-vehicle) biometric sensing. By uncovering this at a larger scale, we can then further study the privacy and user experience trade-off in (automated) vehicles.

Caballero-Gil, Pino, Caballero-Gil, Cándido, Molina-Gil, Jezabel.  2018.  Ubiquitous System to Monitor Transport and Logistics. Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, & Ubiquitous Networks. :71–75.
In the management of transport and logistics, which includes the delivery, movement and collection of goods through roads, ports and airports, participate, in general, many different actors. The most critical aspects of supply chain systems include time, space and interdependencies. Besides, there are several security challenges that can be caused both by unintentional and intentional errors. With all this in mind, this work proposes the combination of technologies such as RFID, GPS, WiFi Direct and LTE/3G to automate product authentication and merchandise tracking, reducing the negative effects caused either by mismanagement or attacks against the process of the supply chain. In this way, this work proposes a ubiquitous management scheme for the monitoring through the cloud of freight and logistics systems, including demand management, customization and automatic replenishment of out-of-stock goods. The proposal implies an improvement in the efficiency of the systems, which can be quantified in a reduction of time and cost in the inventory and distribution processes, and in a greater facility for the detection of counterfeit versions of branded articles. In addition, it can be used to create safer and more efficient schemes that help companies and organizations to improve the quality of the service and the traceability of the transported goods.
Alamri, N., Chow, C. E., Aljaedi, A., Elgzil, A..  2018.  UFAP: Ultra-fast handoff authentication protocol for wireless mesh networks. 2018 Wireless Days (WD). :1–8.
Wireless mesh networking (WMN) is a new technology aimed to introduce the benefits of using multi-hop and multi-path to the wireless world. However, the absence of a fast and reliable handoff protocol is a major drawback especially in a technology designed to feature high mobility and scalability. We propose a fast and efficient handoff authentication protocol for wireless mesh networks. It is a token-based authentication protocol using pre-distributed parameters. We provide a performance comparison among our protocol, UFAP, and other protocols including EAP-TLS and EAP-PEAP tested in an actual setup. Performance analysis will prove that our proposed handoff authentication protocol is 250 times faster than EAP-PEAP and 500 times faster than EAP-TLS. The significant improvement in performance allows UFAP to provide seamless handoff and continuous operation even for real-time applications which can only tolerate short delays under 50 ms.
Dao, Ha, Mazel, Johan, Fukuda, Kensuke.  2018.  Understanding Abusive Web Resources: Characteristics and Counter-measures of Malicious Web Resources and Cryptocurrency Mining. Proceedings of the Asian Internet Engineering Conference. :54–61.
Web security is a big concern in the current Internet; users may visit websites that automatically download malicious codes for leaking user's privacy information, or even mildly their web browser may help for someone's cryptomining. In this paper, we analyze abusive web resources (i.e. malicious resources and cryptomining) crawled from the Alexa Top 150,000 sites. We highlight the abusive web resources on Alexa ranking, TLD usage, website geolocation, and domain lifetime. Our results show that abusive resources are spread in the Alexa ranking, websites particularly generic Top Level Domain (TLD) and their recently registered domains. In addition, websites with malicious resources are mainly located in China while cryptomining is located in USA. We further evaluate possible counter-measures against abusive web resources. We observe that ad or privacy block lists are ineffective to block against malicious resources while coin-blocking lists are powerful enough to mitigate in-browser cryptomining. Our observations shed light on a little studied, yet important, aspect of abusive resources, and can help increase user awareness about the malicious resources and drive-by mining on web browsers.
Schroeder, Jill M., Manz, David O., Amaya, Jodi P., McMakin, Andrea H., Bays, Ryan M..  2018.  Understanding Past, Current and Future Communication and Situational Awareness Technologies for First Responders. Proceedings of the Fifth Cybersecurity Symposium. :2:1-2:14.
This study builds a foundation for improving research for first responder communication and situational awareness technology in the future. In an online survey, we elicited the opinions of 250 U.S. first responders about effectiveness, security, and reliability of past, current, and future Internet of Things technology. The most desired features respondents identified were connectivity, reliability, interoperability, and affordability. The top barriers to technology adoption and use included restricted budgets/costs, interoperability, insufficient training resources, and insufficient interagency collaboration and communication. First responders in all job types indicated that technology has made first responder equipment more useful, and technology that supports situational awareness is particularly valued. As such, future Internet of Things capabilities, such as tapping into smart device data in residences and piggybacking onto alternative communication channels, could be valuable for future first responders. Potential areas for future investigation are suggested for technology development and research.
van der Veen, Rosa, Hakkerainen, Viola, Peeters, Jeroen, Trotto, Ambra.  2018.  Understanding Transformations Through Design: Can Resilience Thinking Help? Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. :694–702.
The interaction design community increasingly addresses how digital technologies may contribute to societal transformations. This paper aims at understanding transformation ignited by a particular constructive design research project. This transformation will be discussed and analysed using resilience thinking, an established approach within sustainability science. By creating a common language between these two disciplines, we start to identify what kind of transformation took place, what factors played a role in the transformation, and which transformative qualities played a role in creating these factors. Our intention is to set out how the notion of resilience might provide a new perspective to understand how constructive design research may produce results that have a sustainable social impact. The findings point towards ways in which these two different perspectives on transformation the analytical perspective of resilience thinking and the generative perspective of constructive design research - may become complementary in both igniting and understanding transformations.
Mtsweni, Jabu, Gcaza, Noluxolo, Thaba, Mphahlele.  2018.  A Unified Cybersecurity Framework for Complex Environments. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists. :1–9.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) present a number of vulnerabilities, threats and risks that could lead to devastating cyber-attacks resulting into huge financial losses, legal implications, and reputational damage for large and small organizations. As such, in this digital transformation and 4th industrial revolution era, nations and organizations have accepted that cybersecurity must be part of their strategic objectives and priorities. However, cybersecurity in itself is a multifaceted problem to address and the voluntary "one-size-fits-all" cybersecurity approaches have proven not effective in dealing with cyber incidents, especially in complex operational environments (e.g. large technology-centric organizations) that are multi-disciplinary, multi-departmental, multi-role, multinational, and operating across different locations. Addressing modern cybersecurity challenges requires more than a technical solution. A contextual and systematic approach that considers the complexities of these large digital environments in order to achieve resilient, sustainable, cost-effective and proactive cybersecurity is desirable. This paper aims to highlight through a single case study approach the multifaceted nature and complexity of the cybersecurity environment, pertinently in multi-disciplinary organizations. Essentially, this paper contributes a unified cybersecurity framework underpinned by an integrated capability management (ICM) approach that addresses the multifaceted nature of cybersecurity as well as the challenges and requirements eminent in complex environments, such as national government, municipalities or large corporations. The unified framework incorporates realistic and practical guidelines to bridge the gap between cybersecurity capability requirements, governance instruments and cybersecurity capability specification, implementation, employment and sustainment drawing from well-tested military capability development approaches.
Šišejković, Dominik, Leupers, Rainer, Ascheid, Gerd, Metzner, Simon.  2018.  A Unifying Logic Encryption Security Metric. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation. :179–186.
The globalization of the IC supply chain has brought forth the era of fabless companies. Due to security issues during design and fabrication processes, various security concerns have risen, ranging from IP piracy and reverse engineering to hardware Trojans. Logic encryption has emerged as a mitigation against these threats. However, no generic metrics for quantifying the security of logic encryption algorithms has been reported so far, making it impossible to formally compare different approaches. In this paper, we propose a unifying metric, capturing the key security aspects of logic encryption algorithms. The metric is evaluated on state-of-the-art algorithms and benchmarks.
Wang, Kai, Zhao, Yude, liu, Shugang, Tong, Xiangrong.  2018.  On the urgency of implementing Interest NACK into CCN: from the perspective of countering advanced interest flooding attacks. IET Networks. 7:136–140.
Content centric networking (CCN) where content/named data as the first entity has become one of the most promising architectures for the future Internet. To achieve better security, the Interest NACK mechanism is introduced into CCN; however, it has not attracted enough attention and most of the CCN architectures do not embed Interest NACK until now. This study focuses on analysing the urgency of implementing Interest NACK into CCN, by designing a novel network threat named advanced interest flooding attack (AIFA) to attack CCN, which can not only exhaust the pending interest table (PIT) resource of each involved router just as normal interest flooding attack (IFA), but also keep each PIT entry unexpired until it finishes, making it harder to detect and more harmful when compared with the normal IFA. Specifically, the damage of AIFA on CCN architecture with and without Interest NACK is evaluated and analysed, compared with normal IFA, and then the urgency of implementing Interest NACK is highlighted.
Alruwaythi, M., Kambampaty, K., Nygard, K..  2018.  User Behavior Trust Modeling in Cloud Security. 2018 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). :1336–1339.
Evaluating user behavior in cloud computing infrastructure is important for both Cloud Users and Cloud Service Providers. The service providers must ensure the safety of users who access the cloud. User behavior can be modeled and employed to help assess trust and play a role in ensuring authenticity and safety of the user. In this paper, we propose a User Behavior Trust Model based on Fuzzy Logic (UBTMFL). In this model, we develop user history patterns and compare them current user behavior. The outcome of the comparison is sent to a trust computation center to calculate a user trust value. This model considers three types of trust: direct, history and comprehensive. Simulation results are included.
Tiennoy, Sasirom, Saivichit, Chaiyachet.  2018.  Using a Distributed Roadside Unit for the Data Dissemination Protocol in VANET With the Named Data Architecture. IEEE Access. 6:32612–32623.
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) has recently become one of the highly active research areas for wireless networking. Since VANET is a multi-hop wireless network with very high mobility and intermittent connection lifetime, it is important to effectively handle the data dissemination issue in this rapidly changing environment. However, the existing TCP/IP implementation may not fit into such a highly dynamic environment because the nodes in the network must often perform rerouting due to their inconsistency of connectivity. In addition, the drivers in the vehicles may want to acquire some data, but they do not know the address/location of such data storage. Hence, the named data networking (NDN) approach may be more desirable here. The NDN architecture is proposed for the future Internet, which focuses on the delivering mechanism based on the message contents instead of relying on the host addresses of the data. In this paper, a new protocol named roadside unit (RSU) assisted of named data network (RA-NDN) is presented. The RSU can operate as a standalone node [standalone RSU (SA-RSU)]. One benefit of deploying SA-RSUs is the improved network connectivity. This study uses the NS3 and SUMO software packages for the network simulator and traffic simulator software, respectively, to verify the performance of the RA-NDN protocol. To reduce the latency under various vehicular densities, vehicular transmission ranges, and number of requesters, the proposed approach is compared with vehicular NDN via a real-world data set in the urban area of Sathorn road in Bangkok, Thailand. The simulation results show that the RA-NDN protocol improves the performance of ad hoc communications with the increase in data received ratio and throughput and the decrease in total dissemination time and traffic load.
Lawson, M., Lofstead, J..  2018.  Using a Robust Metadata Management System to Accelerate Scientific Discovery at Extreme Scales. 2018 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (PDSW-DISCS). :13–23.
Our previous work, which can be referred to as EMPRESS 1.0, showed that rich metadata management provides a relatively low-overhead approach to facilitating insight from scale-up scientific applications. However, this system did not provide the functionality needed for a viable production system or address whether such a system could scale. Therefore, we have extended our previous work to create EMPRESS 2.0, which incorporates the features required for a useful production system. Through a discussion of EMPRESS 2.0, this paper explores how to incorporate rich query functionality, fault tolerance, and atomic operations into a scalable, storage system independent metadata management system that is easy to use. This paper demonstrates that such a system offers significant performance advantages over HDF5, providing metadata querying that is 150X to 650X faster, and can greatly accelerate post-processing. Finally, since the current implementation of EMPRESS 2.0 relies on an RDBMS, this paper demonstrates that an RDBMS is a viable technology for managing data-oriented metadata.
Sairam, Ashok Singh, Verma, Sagar Kumar.  2018.  Using Bounded Binary Particle Swarm Optimization to Analyze Network Attack Graphs. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking. :41:1-41:9.
Binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) is a technique widely used to solve combinatorial problems. In this paper, we propose a variant of BPSO to find most likely attack paths in an attack graph. The aim is to find an attack path with the highest attack probability and least path length. In such combinatorial optimization problem, the set of feasible solutions is usually discrete and an exhaustive search may lead to unnecessary examination of those segments of the search space, which are assured to not include a solution. The paper introduces the concept of bounding the solution space of BPSO. The minimum and maximum value of each objective called bound of the solution is computed. The search space of BPSO is restricted within these solution bounds and hence we name our approach as bounded binary particle swarm optimization (BBPSO). By bounding the solution space, those particles of BPSO which are guaranteed to be infeasible are not considered for feasibility check. Experimental results show that the proposed approach provide a 50 percent performance improvement as compared to the conventional BPSO.