Visible to the public Role-Dependent Privacy Preservation for Secure V2G Networks in the Smart Grid

TitleRole-Dependent Privacy Preservation for Secure V2G Networks in the Smart Grid
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsHong Liu, Huansheng Ning, Yan Zhang, Qingxu Xiong, Yang, L.T.
JournalInformation Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on
Date PublishedFeb
Keywordsauthentication, authentication mechanisms, battery powered vehicles, battery vehicles, cryptographic protocols, cyber security vulnerability, Electricity, energy demand, energy storage, energy supply, interlinked subprotocols, power engineering computing, privacy, Protocols, role-dependent privacy preservation scheme, ROPS, secure V2G networks, security, security analysis, Smart grid, Smart grids, smart power grids, Vehicle-to-grid (V2G), vehicle-to-grid networks

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G), involving both charging and discharging of battery vehicles (BVs), enhances the smart grid substantially to alleviate peaks in power consumption. In a V2G scenario, the communications between BVs and power grid may confront severe cyber security vulnerabilities. Traditionally, authentication mechanisms are solely designed for the BVs when they charge electricity as energy customers. In this paper, we first show that, when a BV interacts with the power grid, it may act in one of three roles: 1) energy demand (i.e., a customer); 2) energy storage; and 3) energy supply (i.e., a generator). In each role, we further demonstrate that the BV has dissimilar security and privacy concerns. Hence, the traditional approach that only considers BVs as energy customers is not universally applicable for the interactions in the smart grid. To address this new security challenge, we propose a role-dependent privacy preservation scheme (ROPS) to achieve secure interactions between a BV and power grid. In the ROPS, a set of interlinked subprotocols is proposed to incorporate different privacy considerations when a BV acts as a customer, storage, or a generator. We also outline both centralized and distributed discharging operations when a BV feeds energy back into the grid. Finally, security analysis is performed to indicate that the proposed ROPS owns required security and privacy properties and can be a highly potential security solution for V2G networks in the smart grid. The identified security challenge as well as the proposed ROPS scheme indicates that role-awareness is crucial for secure V2G networks.

Citation Key6684311