Visible to the public The design of cybercrime spatial analysis system

TitleThe design of cybercrime spatial analysis system
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsWenqun Xiu, Xiaoming Li
Conference NameInformation Science and Technology (ICIST), 2014 4th IEEE International Conference on
Date PublishedApril
KeywordsAnalytical models, Computer crime, correlative analysis model, Cybercrime, cybercrime monitoring design, cybercrime prevention strategy, Data models, geographic information systems, GIS, GIS data-structure, Internet, Internet searching, IP networks, IP tracking technology, Monitoring, security of data, Spatial analysis, spatial analysis system, Spatial databases

Artificial monitoring is no longer able to match the rapid growth of cybercrime, it is in great need to develop a new spatial analysis technology which allows emergency events to get rapidly and accurately locked in real environment, furthermore, to establish correlative analysis model for cybercrime prevention strategy. On the other hand, Geography information system has been changed virtually in data structure, coordinate system and analysis model due to the "uncertainty and hyper-dimension" characteristics of network object and behavior. In this paper, the spatial rules of typical cybercrime are explored on base of GIS with Internet searching and IP tracking technology: (1) Setup spatial database through IP searching based on criminal evidence. (2)Extend GIS data-structure and spatial models, add network dimension and virtual attribution to realize dynamic connection between cyber and real space. (3)Design cybercrime monitoring and prevention system to discover the cyberspace logics based on spatial analysis.

Citation Key6920348