Visible to the public Automated fault diagnosis in Multiple Inductive Loop Detectors

TitleAutomated fault diagnosis in Multiple Inductive Loop Detectors
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKurian, N.A., Thomas, A., George, B.
Conference NameIndia Conference (INDICON), 2014 Annual IEEE
Date PublishedDec
Keywordsautomated fault diagnosis, Circuit faults, Detectors, embedded system, Embedded systems, fault diagnosis, fault location, Frequency response, inductive sensors, Multiple Inductive Loop Detectors, Resonant frequency, series-connected multiple inductive loop detectors, traffic flow detectors, Transfer Function, Vehicles

Multiple Inductive Loop Detectors are advanced Inductive Loop Sensors that can measure traffic flow parameters in even conditions where the traffic is heterogeneous and does not conform to lanes. This sensor consists of many inductive loops in series, with each loop having a parallel capacitor across it. These inductive and capacitive elements of the sensor may undergo open or short circuit faults during operation. Such faults lead to erroneous interpretation of data acquired from the loops. Conventional methods used for fault diagnosis in inductive loop detectors consume time and effort as they require experienced technicians and involve extraction of loops from the saw-cut slots on the road. This also means that the traffic flow parameters cannot be measured until the sensor system becomes functional again. The repair activities would also disturb traffic flow. This paper presents a method for automating fault diagnosis for series-connected Multiple Inductive Loop Detectors, based on an impulse test. The system helps in the diagnosis of open/short faults associated with the inductive and capacitive elements of the sensor structure by displaying the fault status conveniently. Since the fault location as well as the fault type can be precisely identified using this method, the repair actions are also localised. The proposed system thereby results in significant savings in both repair time and repair costs. An embedded system was developed to realize this scheme and the same was tested on a loop prototype.

Citation Key7030431