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Alqarni, Mansour, Azim, Akramul.  2022.  Mining Large Data to Create a Balanced Vulnerability Detection Dataset for Embedded Linux System. 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT). :83–91.
The security of embedded systems is particularly crucial given the prevalence of embedded devices in daily life, business, and national defense. Firmware for embedded systems poses a serious threat to the safety of society, business, and the nation because of its robust concealment, difficulty in detection, and extended maintenance cycle. This technology is now an essential part of the contemporary experience, be it in the smart office, smart restaurant, smart home, or even the smart traffic system. Despite the fact that these systems are often fairly effective, the rapid expansion of embedded systems in smart cities have led to inconsistencies and misalignments between secured and unsecured systems, necessitating the development of secure, hacker-proof embedded systems. To solve this issue, we created a sizable, original, and objective dataset that is based on the latest Linux vulnerabilities for identifying the embedded system vulnerabilities and we modified a cutting-edge machine learning model for the Linux Kernel. The paper provides an updated EVDD and analysis of an extensive dataset for embedded system based vulnerability detection and also an updated state of the art deep learning model for embedded system vulnerability detection. We kept our dataset available for all researchers for future experiments and implementation.
Zhang, Zhun, Hao, Qiang, Xu, Dongdong, Wang, Jiqing, Ma, Jinhui, Zhang, Jinlei, Liu, Jiakang, Wang, Xiang.  2022.  Real-Time Instruction Execution Monitoring with Hardware-Assisted Security Monitoring Unit in RISC-V Embedded Systems. 2022 8th Annual International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers (ICNISC). :192–196.

Embedded systems involve an integration of a large number of intellectual property (IP) blocks to shorten chip's time to market, in which, many IPs are acquired from the untrusted third-party suppliers. However, existing IP trust verification techniques cannot provide an adequate security assurance that no hardware Trojan was implanted inside the untrusted IPs. Hardware Trojans in untrusted IPs may cause processor program execution failures by tampering instruction code and return address. Therefore, this paper presents a secure RISC-V embedded system by integrating a Security Monitoring Unit (SMU), in which, instruction integrity monitoring by the fine-grained program basic blocks and function return address monitoring by the shadow stack are implemented, respectively. The hardware-assisted SMU is tested and validated that while CPU executes a CoreMark program, the SMU does not incur significant performance overhead on providing instruction security monitoring. And the proposed RISC-V embedded system satisfies good balance between performance overhead and resource consumption.

Hao, Qiang, Xu, Dongdong, Zhang, Zhun, Wang, Jiqing, Le, Tong, Wang, Jiawei, Zhang, Jinlei, Liu, Jiakang, Ma, Jinhui, Wang, Xiang.  2022.  A Hardware-Assisted Security Monitoring Method for Jump Instruction and Jump Address in Embedded Systems. 2022 8th Annual International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers (ICNISC). :197–202.
With the development of embedded systems towards networking and intelligence, the security threats they face are becoming more difficult to prevent. Existing protection methods make it difficult to monitor jump instructions and their target addresses for tampering by attackers at the low hardware implementation overhead and performance overhead. In this paper, a hardware-assisted security monitoring module is designed to monitor the integrity of jump instructions and jump addresses when executing programs. The proposed method has been implemented on the Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA platform. Experiments show that this method is able to effectively monitor tampering attacks on jump instructions as well as target addresses while the embedded system is executing programs.
Haque, Siam, Mirzaei, Shahnam.  2022.  System on Chip (SoC) Security Architecture Framework for Isolated Domains Against Threats. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :29–32.
This paper presents a definition of a secure system and design principles, which help govern security policies within an embedded system. By understanding a secure system, a common system on chip (SoC) architecture is evaluated and their vulnerabilities explored. This effort helped define requirements for a framework for a secure and isolated SoC architecture for users to develop in. Throughout this paper, a SoC architecture framework for isolated domains has been proposed and its robustness verified against different attack scenarios. To support different levels of criticality and complexity in developing user applications, three computing domains were proposed: security and safety critical (SSC) domain, high performance (HP) domain, and sandbox domain. These domains allow for complex applications to be realized with varying levels of security. Isolation between different computing domains is established using consumer off the shelf (COTS) techniques and architectural components provided by the Zynq Ultrascale+ (ZU+) multiprocessor SoC (MPSoC). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that implements a secure system design on the ZU+ platform. There have been many other implementations in hardware security to mitigate certain attack scenarios such as side channel attacks, temporal attacks, hardware trojans, etc. However, our work is different than others, as it establishes the framework for isolated computing domains for secure applications and also verifies system security by attacking one domain from the others.
Xi, Feng, Dejian, Li, Hui, Wang, Xiaoke, Tang, Guojin, Liu.  2021.  TrustZone Based Virtual Architecture of Power Intelligent Terminal. 2021 9th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Wireless Optical Communications (ICWOC). :33–36.
Three issues should be addressed in ubiquitous power Internet of things (IoT) terminals, such as lack of terminal standardization, high business coupling and weak local intelligent processing ability. The application of operating system in power IoT terminals provides the possibility to solve the above problems, but needs to address the real-time and security problems. In this paper, TrustZone based virtualization architecture is used to tackle the above real-time and security problems, which adopts the dual system architecture of real-time operating system (FreeRTOS) to run real-time tasks, such as power parameter acquisition and control on the real-time operating system, to solve the real-time problem; And non real-time tasks are run on the general operating system(Linux) to solve the expansibility problem of power terminals with hardware assisted virtualization technology achieving the isolation of resources, ensuring the safety of power related applications. The scheme is verified on the physical platform. The results show that the dual operating system power IoT terminal scheme based on ARM TrustZone meets the security requirements and has better real-time performance, with unifying terminal standards, business decoupling and enhancing local processing capacity.
Shang, Wenli, Zhang, Xiule, Chen, Xin, Liu, Xianda, Chen, Chunyu, Wang, Xiaopeng.  2020.  The Research and Application of Trusted Startup of Embedded TPM. 2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :7669–7676.
In view of the security threats caused by the code execution vulnerability of the industrial control system, design the trusted security architecture of the industrial control system based on the embedded system. From the trusted startup of industrial control equipment, the safety protection for industrial control system is completed. The scheme is based on TPM and Xilinx Zynq-7030 to build an industrial trusted computing environment and complete the trusted startup process. Experiment shows that this method can effectively prevent the destruction of malicious code during the startup process of embedded system and provide technical support for the construction of trusted computing environment of industrial control system.
Morales-Caporal, Roberto, Reyes-Galaviz, Adrián S., Federico Casco-Vásquez, J., Martínez-Hernández, Haydee P..  2020.  Development and Implementation of a Relay Switch Based on WiFi Technology. 2020 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE). :1—6.
This article presents the design and development of a relay switch (RS) to handle electrical loads up to 20A using WiFi technology. The hardware design and the implementation methodology are explained, both for the power supply and for the wireless communication that are embedded in the same small printed circuit board. In the same way, the design of the implemented firmware to operate the developed RS is shown. An ESP-12E module is used to achieve wireless communication of the RS, which can be manipulated through a web page using an MQTT protocol or via and iOS or Arduino app. The developed RS presents at least three differentiators in relation to other similar devices on the market: it can handle a higher electrical load, has a design in accordance with national and international security standards and can use different cybersecurity strategies for wireless communication with the purpose of safe and reliable use. Experimental results using a lamp and a single-phase motor as electrical loads demonstrate an excellent performance and reliability of the developed relay switch.
Kumar Saha, Sujan, Bobda, Christophe.  2020.  FPGA Accelerated Embedded System Security Through Hardware Isolation. 2020 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST). :1–6.
Modern embedded systems include on-chip FPGA along with processors to meet the high computation demand by providing flexibility to users to add custom hardware accelerators. Any confidential or sensitive information may be processed by those custom accelerators or hardware Intellectual Properties (IPs). Existing accelerator usage models in embedded systems do not prevent illegal access to the IPs, which can be a severe security breach. In this paper, we present a hardware-software co-design approach for secured FPGA accelerated embedded system design. Our proposed security framework inherits Mandatory Access Control (MAC) based authentication policies running at software down to hardware accelerators in FPGA. It ensures secured processing of confidential data in the hardware to prevent software originated attacks at hardware IPs and information leaks. We have implemented a prototype of our proposed framework, which shows that it can be easily integrated while designing an embedded system with custom accelerator IPs. The experimental results show that the proposed framework establishes secured hardware execution with a negligible amount of area and performance overhead.
Zimmo, S., Refaey, A., Shami, A..  2020.  Trusted Boot for Embedded Systems Using Hypothesis Testing Benchmark. 2020 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE). :1—2.

Security has become a crucial consideration and is one of the most important design goals for an embedded system. This paper examines the type of boot sequence, and more specifically a trusted boot which utilizes the method of chain of trust. After defining these terms, this paper will examine the limitations of the existing safe boot, and finally propose the method of trusted boot based on hypothesis testing benchmark and the cost it takes to perform this method.

Nikolov, N..  2020.  Research of MQTT, CoAP, HTTP and XMPP IoT Communication protocols for Embedded Systems. 2020 XXIX International Scientific Conference Electronics (ET). :1—4.

This paper describe most popular IoT protocols used for IoT embedded systems and research their advantage and disadvantage. Hardware stage used in this experiment is described in this article - it is used Esp32 and programming language C. It is very important to use corrected IoT protocol that is determines of purpose, hardware and software of system. There are so different IoT protocols, because they are cover vary requirements for vary cases.

Hagan, M., Siddiqui, F., Sezer, S..  2019.  Enhancing Security and Privacy of Next-Generation Edge Computing Technologies. 2019 17th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST). :1–5.
The advent of high performance fog and edge computing and high bandwidth connectivity has brought about changes to Internet-of-Things (IoT) service architectures, allowing for greater quantities of high quality information to be extracted from their environments to be processed. However, recently introduced international regulations, along with heightened awareness among consumers, have strengthened requirements to ensure data security, with significant financial and reputational penalties for organisations who fail to protect customers' data. This paper proposes the leveraging of fog and edge computing to facilitate processing of confidential user data, to reduce the quantity and availability of raw confidential data at various levels of the IoT architecture. This ultimately reduces attack surface area, however it also increases efficiency of the architecture by distributing processing amongst nodes and transmitting only processed data. However, such an approach is vulnerable to device level attacks. To approach this issue, a proposed System Security Manager is used to continuously monitor system resources and ensure confidential data is confined only to parts of the device that require it. In event of an attack, critical data can be isolated and the system informed, to prevent data confidentiality breach.
Kohnhäuser, Florian, Büscher, Niklas, Katzenbeisser, Stefan.  2019.  A Practical Attestation Protocol for Autonomous Embedded Systems. 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :263–278.
With the recent advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), embedded devices increasingly operate collaboratively in autonomous networks. A key technique to guard the secure and safe operation of connected embedded devices is remote attestation. It allows a third party, the verifier, to ensure the integrity of a remote device, the prover. Unfortunately, existing attestation protocols are impractical when applied in autonomous networks of embedded systems due to their limited scalability, performance, robustness, and security guarantees. In this work, we propose PASTA, a novel attestation protocol that is particularly suited for autonomous embedded systems. PASTA is the first that (i) enables many low-end prover devices to attest their integrity towards many potentially untrustworthy low-end verifier devices, (ii) is fully decentralized, thus, able to withstand network disruptions and arbitrary device outages, and (iii) is in addition to software attacks capable of detecting physical attacks in a much more robust way than any existing protocol. We implemented our protocol, conducted measurements, and simulated large networks. The results show that PASTA is practical on low-end embedded devices, scales to large networks with millions of devices, and improves robustness by multiple orders of magnitude compared with the best existing protocols.
Kipchuk, Feodosiy, Sokolov, Volodymyr, Buriachok, Volodymyr, Kuzmenko, Lidia.  2019.  Investigation of Availability of Wireless Access Points based on Embedded Systems. 2019 IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S T). :1–5.
The paper presents the results of load testing of embedded hardware platforms for Internet of Things solutions. Analyzed the available hardware. The operating systems from different manufacturers were consolidated into a single classification, and for the two most popular, load testing was performed by an external and internal wireless network adapter. Developed its own software solution based on the Python programming language. The number of wireless subscribers ranged from 7 to 14. Experimental results will be useful in deploying wireless infrastructure for small commercial and scientific wireless networks.
Keleman, Levon, Matić, Danijel, Popović, Miroslav, Kaštelan, Ivan.  2019.  Secure firmware update in embedded systems. 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin). :16–19.
Great numbers of embedded devices are performing safety critical operations, which means it is very important to keep them operating without interference. Update is the weak point that could be exploited by potential attackers to gain access to the system, sabotage it or to simply steal someone else's intellectual property. This paper presents an implementation of secure update process for embedded systems which prevents man-in-the-middle attacks. By using a combination of hash functions, symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms it demonstrates how to achieve integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of the update package that is sent to the target hardware. It covers implementation starting from key exchange, next explaining update package encryption process and then decryption on the target hardware. It does not go into a detail about specific encryption algorithms that could be used. It presents a generalized model for secure update that could be adjusted to specific needs.
Abbasi, Ali, Wetzels, Jos, Holz, Thorsten, Etalle, Sandro.  2019.  Challenges in Designing Exploit Mitigations for Deeply Embedded Systems. 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :31–46.

Memory corruption vulnerabilities have been around for decades and rank among the most prevalent vulnerabilities in embedded systems. Yet this constrained environment poses unique design and implementation challenges that significantly complicate the adoption of common hardening techniques. Combined with the irregular and involved nature of embedded patch management, this results in prolonged vulnerability exposure windows and vulnerabilities that are relatively easy to exploit. Considering the sensitive and critical nature of many embedded systems, this situation merits significant improvement. In this work, we present the first quantitative study of exploit mitigation adoption in 42 embedded operating systems, showing the embedded world to significantly lag behind the general-purpose world. To improve the security of deeply embedded systems, we subsequently present μArmor, an approach to address some of the key gaps identified in our quantitative analysis. μArmor raises the bar for exploitation of embedded memory corruption vulnerabilities, while being adoptable on the short term without incurring prohibitive extra performance or storage costs.

Chen, JiaYou, Guo, Hong, Hu, Wei.  2019.  Research on Improving Network Security of Embedded System. 2019 6th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud)/ 2019 5th IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Scalable Cloud (EdgeCom). :136–138.
With the continuous development of information technology, our country has achieved great progress and development in Electronic Science and technology. Nowadays mobile embedded systems are gradually coming into people's vision. Mobile embedded system is a brand-new computer technology in the current computer technology. Now it has been widely used in enterprises. Mobile embedded system extends its functions mainly by combining the access capability of the Internet. Nowadays, embedded system network is widely welcomed by people. But for the embedded system network, there are also a variety of network attacks. Therefore, in the research process of this paper, we mainly start with the way of embedded network security and network attack, and then carry out the countermeasures to improve the network security of embedded system, which is to provide a good reference for improving the security and stability of embedded system.
Nikolov, Neven, Nakov, Ognyan.  2019.  Research of Secure Communication of Esp32 IoT Embedded System to.NET Core Cloud Structure Using MQTTS SSL/TLS. 2019 IEEE XXVIII International Scientific Conference Electronics (ET). :1–4.

This paper studies and describes encrypted communication between IoT cloud and IoT embedded systems. It uses encrypted MQTTS protocol with SSL/TLS certificate. A JSON type data format is used between the cloud structure and the IoT device. The embedded system used in this experiment is Esp32 Wrover. The IoT embedded system measures temperature and humidity from a sensor DHT22. The architecture and software implementation of the experimental stage are also presented.

Li, Peisong, Zhang, Ying.  2019.  A Novel Intrusion Detection Method for Internet of Things. 2019 Chinese Control And Decision Conference (CCDC). :4761–4765.

Internet of Things (IoT) era has gradually entered our life, with the rapid development of communication and embedded system, IoT technology has been widely used in many fields. Therefore, to maintain the security of the IoT system is becoming a priority of the successful deployment of IoT networks. This paper presents an intrusion detection model based on improved Deep Belief Network (DBN). Through multiple iterations of the genetic algorithm (GA), the optimal network structure is generated adaptively, so that the intrusion detection model based on DBN achieves a high detection rate. Finally, the KDDCUP data set was used to simulate and evaluate the model. Experimental results show that the improved intrusion detection model can effectively improve the detection rate of intrusion attacks.

Zhang, Chengyu, Yan, Yichen, Zhou, Hanru, Yao, Yinbo, Wu, Ke, Su, Ting, Miao, Weikai, Pu, Geguang.  2018.  Smartunit: Empirical Evaluations for Automated Unit Testing of Embedded Software in Industry. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice. :296-305.

In this paper, we aim at the automated unit coverage-based testing for embedded software. To achieve the goal, by analyzing the industrial requirements and our previous work on automated unit testing tool CAUT, we rebuild a new tool, SmartUnit, to solve the engineering requirements that take place in our partner companies. SmartUnit is a dynamic symbolic execution implementation, which supports statement, branch, boundary value and MC/DC coverage. SmartUnit has been used to test more than one million lines of code in real projects. For confidentiality motives, we select three in-house real projects for the empirical evaluations. We also carry out our evaluations on two open source database projects, SQLite and PostgreSQL, to test the scalability of our tool since the scale of the embedded software project is mostly not large, 5K-50K lines of code on average. From our experimental results, in general, more than 90% of functions in commercial embedded software achieve 100% statement, branch, MC/DC coverage, more than 80% of functions in SQLite achieve 100% MC/DC coverage, and more than 60% of functions in PostgreSQL achieve 100% MC/DC coverage. Moreover, SmartUnit is able to find the runtime exceptions at the unit testing level. We also have reported exceptions like array index out of bounds and divided-by-zero in SQLite. Furthermore, we analyze the reasons of low coverage in automated unit testing in our setting and give a survey on the situation of manual unit testing with respect to automated unit testing in industry.

Höfig, K., Klug, A..  2018.  SEnSE – An Architecture for a Safe and Secure Integration of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems. 2018 26th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM). :1–5.

Embedded systems that communicate with each other over the internet and build up a larger, loosely coupled (hardware) system with an unknown configuration at runtime is often referred to as a cyberphysical system. Many of these systems can become, due to its associated risks during their operation, safety critical. With increased complexity of such systems, the number of configurations can either be infinite or even unknown at design time. Hence, a certification at design time for such systems that documents a safe interaction for all possible configurations of all participants at runtime can become unfeasible. If such systems come together in a new configuration, a mechanism is required that can decide whether or not it is safe for them to interact. Such a mechanism can generally not be part of such systems for the sake of trust. Therefore, we present in the following sections the SEnSE device, short for Secure and Safe Embedded, that tackles these challenges and provides a secure and safe integration of safety-critical embedded systems.

Fayyad, S., Noll, J..  2017.  A Framework for Measurability of Security. 2017 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS). :302–309.

Having an effective security level for Embedded System (ES), helps a reliable and stable operation of this system. In order to identify, if the current security level for a given ES is effective or not, we need a proactive evaluation for this security level. The evaluation of the security level for ESs is not straightforward process, things like the heterogeneity among the components of ES complicate this process. One of the productive approaches, which overcame the complexity of evaluation for Security, Privacy and Dependability (SPD) is the Multi Metrics (MM). As most of SPD evaluation approaches, the MM approach bases on the experts knowledge for the basic evaluation. Regardless of its advantages, experts evaluation has some drawbacks, which foster the need for less experts-dependent evaluation. In this paper, we propose a framework for security measurability as a part of security, privacy and dependability evaluation. The security evaluation based on Multi Metric (MM) approach as being an effective approach for evaluations, thus, we call it MM framework. The art of evaluation investigated within MM framework, based also on systematic storing and retrieving of experts knowledge. Using MM framework, the administrator of the ES could evaluate and enhance the S-level of their system, without being an expert in security.

Pouraghily, A., Wolf, T., Tessier, R..  2017.  Hardware support for embedded operating system security. 2017 IEEE 28th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP). :61–66.

Internet-connected embedded systems have limited capabilities to defend themselves against remote hacking attacks. The potential effects of such attacks, however, can have a significant impact in the context of the Internet of Things, industrial control systems, smart health systems, etc. Embedded systems cannot effectively utilize existing software-based protection mechanisms due to limited processing capabilities and energy resources. We propose a novel hardware-based monitoring technique that can detect if the embedded operating system or any running application deviates from the originally programmed behavior due to an attack. We present an FPGA-based prototype implementation that shows the effectiveness of such a security approach.

Cai, L. Z., Zuhairi, M. F..  2017.  Security challenges for open embedded systems. 2017 International Conference on Engineering Technology and Technopreneurship (ICE2T). :1–6.

Lots of traditional embedded systems can be called closed systems in that they do not connect and communicate with systems or devices outside of the entities they are embedded, and some part of these systems are designed based on proprietary protocols or standards. Open embedded systems connect and communicate with other systems or devices through the Internet or other networks, and are designed based on open protocols and standards. This paper discusses two types of security challenges facing open embedded systems: the security of the devices themselves that host embedded systems, and the security of information collected, processed, communicated, and consumed by embedded systems. We also discuss solution techniques to address these challenges.

Venugopalan, V., Patterson, C. D., Shila, D. M..  2016.  Detecting and thwarting hardware trojan attacks in cyber-physical systems. 2016 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :421–425.

Cyber-physical system integrity requires both hardware and software security. Many of the cyber attacks are successful as they are designed to selectively target a specific hardware or software component in an embedded system and trigger its failure. Existing security measures also use attack vector models and isolate the malicious component as a counter-measure. Isolated security primitives do not provide the overall trust required in an embedded system. Trust enhancements are proposed to a hardware security platform, where the trust specifications are implemented in both software and hardware. This distribution of trust makes it difficult for a hardware-only or software-only attack to cripple the system. The proposed approach is applied to a smart grid application consisting of third-party soft IP cores, where an attack on this module can result in a blackout. System integrity is preserved in the event of an attack and the anomalous behavior of the IP core is recorded by a supervisory module. The IP core also provides a snapshot of its trust metric, which is logged for further diagnostics.

Kurian, N.A., Thomas, A., George, B..  2014.  Automated fault diagnosis in Multiple Inductive Loop Detectors. India Conference (INDICON), 2014 Annual IEEE. :1-5.

Multiple Inductive Loop Detectors are advanced Inductive Loop Sensors that can measure traffic flow parameters in even conditions where the traffic is heterogeneous and does not conform to lanes. This sensor consists of many inductive loops in series, with each loop having a parallel capacitor across it. These inductive and capacitive elements of the sensor may undergo open or short circuit faults during operation. Such faults lead to erroneous interpretation of data acquired from the loops. Conventional methods used for fault diagnosis in inductive loop detectors consume time and effort as they require experienced technicians and involve extraction of loops from the saw-cut slots on the road. This also means that the traffic flow parameters cannot be measured until the sensor system becomes functional again. The repair activities would also disturb traffic flow. This paper presents a method for automating fault diagnosis for series-connected Multiple Inductive Loop Detectors, based on an impulse test. The system helps in the diagnosis of open/short faults associated with the inductive and capacitive elements of the sensor structure by displaying the fault status conveniently. Since the fault location as well as the fault type can be precisely identified using this method, the repair actions are also localised. The proposed system thereby results in significant savings in both repair time and repair costs. An embedded system was developed to realize this scheme and the same was tested on a loop prototype.