Visible to the public VirtueMAN: A software-defined network architecture for WiFi-based metropolitan applications

TitleVirtueMAN: A software-defined network architecture for WiFi-based metropolitan applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsSyrivelis, D., Paschos, G.S., Tassiulas, L.
Conference NameComputer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2014 IEEE 19th International Workshop on
Date PublishedDec
Keywordsauthentication, authorisation, configurable user access control, distributed network-wide controller, Heart beat, IEEE 802.11 Standards, Internet, intranetwork distributed cross-layer traffic control protocol, IP-independent forwarding scheme, Mobile communication, Protocols, QoS, quality of service, SDN-based network architecture, security, software defined networking, software-defined network architecture, telecommunication traffic, VirtueMAN, WiFi-based metropolitan application, wireless access point, wireless LAN

Metropolitan scale WiFi deployments face several challenges including controllability and management, which prohibit the provision of Seamless Access, Quality of Service (QoS) and Security to mobile users. Thus, they remain largely an untapped networking resource. In this work, a SDN-based network architecture is proposed; it is comprised of a distributed network-wide controller and a novel datapath for wireless access points. Virtualization of network functions is employed for configurable user access control as well as for supporting an IP-independent forwarding scheme. The proposed architecture is a flat network across the deployment area, providing seamless connectivity and reachability without the need of intermediary servers over the Internet, enabling thus a wide variety of localized applications, like for instance video surveillance. Also, the provided interface allows for transparent implementation of intra-network distributed cross-layer traffic control protocols that can optimize the multihop performance of the wireless network.

Citation Key7033213