Visible to the public Scaling IPv6 address bindings in support of a moving target defense

TitleScaling IPv6 address bindings in support of a moving target defense
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsMorrell, C., Ransbottom, J.S., Marchany, R., Tront, J.G.
Conference NameInternet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 2014 9th International Conference for
Date PublishedDec
Keywordsbound interfaces, client server networks, client server ratio, client-server systems, computer network security, Ethernet interface, Internet, IP networks, IPv6, IPv6 address bindings, IPv6 address space, IPv6 moving target defense, Kernel, Local area networks, malicious actor, moving target defense, MT6D, network security research, networking, peer to peer scenario, Peer-to-peer computing, reconnaissance phase, security, Servers, sockets, Standards, statistical improbability, Time factors, transport protocols, UDP echo server, UDP requests

Moving target defense is an area of network security research in which machines are moved logically around a network in order to avoid detection. This is done by leveraging the immense size of the IPv6 address space and the statistical improbability of two machines selecting the same IPv6 address. This defensive technique forces a malicious actor to focus on the reconnaissance phase of their attack rather than focusing only on finding holes in a machine's static defenses. We have a current implementation of an IPv6 moving target defense entitled MT6D, which works well although is limited to functioning in a peer to peer scenario. As we push our research forward into client server networks, we must discover what the limits are in reference to the client server ratio. In our current implementation of a simple UDP echo server that binds large numbers of IPv6 addresses to the ethernet interface, we discover limits in both the number of addresses that we can successfully bind to an interface and the speed at which UDP requests can be successfully handled across a large number of bound interfaces.

Citation Key7038852