Visible to the public Efficient and Concurrent Reliable Realization of the Secure Cryptographic SHA-3 Algorithm

TitleEfficient and Concurrent Reliable Realization of the Secure Cryptographic SHA-3 Algorithm
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBayat-sarmadi, S., Mozaffari-Kermani, M., Reyhani-Masoleh, A.
JournalComputer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on
Date PublishedJuly
Keywordsacceptable complexity, Algorithm design and analysis, application specific integrated circuits, Application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), ASIC analysis, Circuit faults, computational complexity, concurrency control, cryptography, error coverage, error detection, Hardware, hardware overhead reduction, hashing, high performance, high-performance concurrent error detection scheme, injection-based fault simulations, integrity checking, Keccak, low-complexity recomputing, parallel processing, performance overheads, pseudorandom number generation, reliability, robust hardware implementations, rotated operand-based scheme, secure hash algorithm, secure hash algorithm (SHA)-3, security, SHA-3 algorithm, step-forward toward, Transient analysis

The secure hash algorithm (SHA)-3 has been selected in 2012 and will be used to provide security to any application which requires hashing, pseudo-random number generation, and integrity checking. This algorithm has been selected based on various benchmarks such as security, performance, and complexity. In this paper, in order to provide reliable architectures for this algorithm, an efficient concurrent error detection scheme for the selected SHA-3 algorithm, i.e., Keccak, is proposed. To the best of our knowledge, effective countermeasures for potential reliability issues in the hardware implementations of this algorithm have not been presented to date. In proposing the error detection approach, our aim is to have acceptable complexity and performance overheads while maintaining high error coverage. In this regard, we present a low-complexity recomputing with rotated operands-based scheme which is a step-forward toward reducing the hardware overhead of the proposed error detection approach. Moreover, we perform injection-based fault simulations and show that the error coverage of close to 100% is derived. Furthermore, we have designed the proposed scheme and through ASIC analysis, it is shown that acceptable complexity and performance overheads are reached. By utilizing the proposed high-performance concurrent error detection scheme, more reliable and robust hardware implementations for the newly-standardized SHA-3 are realized.

Citation Key6835288