Visible to the public Towards a Data Semantics Management System for Internet Traffic

TitleTowards a Data Semantics Management System for Internet Traffic
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsMokhtar, B., Eltoweissy, M.
Conference NameNew Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2014 6th International Conference on
Date PublishedMarch
KeywordsAlgorithm design and analysis, cloud-like data storage technique, Cognition, data dimensionality reduction, data mining, Data models, data reduction, data semantics management system, DSMS, dynamic ontology, feature extraction, Internet, Internet traffic data semantic learning, latent Dirichlet allocation algorithm, learning (artificial intelligence), learning behavior, locality sensitive hashing algorithm, LSH, networking semantics, ontologies (artificial intelligence), Protocols, Semantics, storage management, telecommunication traffic, traffic data semantics

Although current Internet operations generate voluminous data, they remain largely oblivious of traffic data semantics. This poses many inefficiencies and challenges due to emergent or anomalous behavior impacting the vast array of Internet elements such as services and protocols. In this paper, we propose a Data Semantics Management System (DSMS) for learning Internet traffic data semantics to enable smarter semantics- driven networking operations. We extract networking semantics and build and utilize a dynamic ontology of network concepts to better recognize and act upon emergent or abnormal behavior. Our DSMS utilizes: (1) Latent Dirichlet Allocation algorithm (LDA) for latent features extraction and semantics reasoning; (2) big tables as a cloud-like data storage technique to maintain large-scale data; and (3) Locality Sensitive Hashing algorithm (LSH) for reducing data dimensionality. Our preliminary evaluation using real Internet traffic shows the efficacy of DSMS for learning behavior of normal and abnormal traffic data and for accurately detecting anomalies at low cost.

Citation Key6814054